(D&D 3.0e - Eng) - (FR) Fedi e Pantheon

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FAITHS anb PANTHEONS Eric L. Boyd and Erik Mona Exic L, Bord Erik Mona Designens Anprtiowae Designens Richarp Bake, Letra Boy, Eric Happock, GwenpoLy P.M. KEsrReL, Joura Manos Dyveroy Sean K REYNOLDS Gwenpovy F-M. KestRet, JENNIFER CLARKE WILKES, PENNY WILLIAMS RICHARD BaKeR Cneanive Diiveron ANTHONY VALTERRA Business Masagu Vice-Paesioesr RPG RED——IBILL SLAVICSEK Vier" Pavatnexr Pussinnixg Mary KIRCHOFF Drojer Masagen Mantiy DugaM Cras DrLonc Pnooucrion Maxagen br Stnrot, Loe Resource om Us. CANADA, ASA, PAGIIG, LATIN AMERICA "ise ofthe Cons. ne "PO. ox 707 Farin WA 96057-0707 FAITHS ano PANTHEONS ‘ROBERT RAPER Rowerr CAMPBELL Grapnie Designee Gretta Flince DEE BARNETT Brom Coven Aw GLEN ANUS Iyrenion Anrises CARLO ARELLANO PUDDNEEAD Brom ‘Corey Macourrx DENNIS CALERO_ SteriaNie PulrMun Law MicHarL DusiscH | WaYse REYNOLDS Wayne ENGLAND Mike Sass Manx Evans Marx SMYLIE Scorr FiscHFR ARNIE SWEKEL Lars Gaant-West Brn TEMPLESMITH MicuaFL W. KaLura Kev WALKER Vince Lock. Marr WiLson Topp Lockwoop Renick Woops Raves Mimura Sam Woop Dennis Kauri Canrognapiten ANGrLIKA LoKorz, Sonya PERCrVAL ypesereens EC em Chole, Ady Cli, Dae Dera Ton Evan La wey, (ey cart Ch Gila Ahr Fray Mc a Qunti Haigs Sos epi kat Janos, Kee ay, Joma Soyes i Revie Move, ive Mather, Jos Ongar. Te “I” Ovi atl Pgd acery RS ‘ok tte, Mie Se, Caste Sopa Sa Jama ray We Seat or tr nde Defer of te Ra by Re Rd sd Jue Wy ole Maris apc f Par Sat Maya Done Nel, ad age! Legh McCoy, ase of te Wie ty Ded Ecler stake Sher rr en Fes Wyat Sing ad See Dds Jl ave Totod Bd Noe RC a hp Wine can Demgds by Rh ken ip Wilassxnd 7s Wat or Cons” um prod cots a Open Gene Cate Nation i ek ay pli an or nth wet permis. To te rth the Ops Gaming Leo th 20 Sem Lan enw vat mnt 3. Baye on the orginal Dwain & Daacons rules created by E. Gary Gygax and Daye Aroesoa and the new Dunicenss & Daauoss game designed by Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Wiliams, Richard Behe, and Peter Adkson. EUROPEAN HEADQUARTERS : Wards of ta Const, Bg Pe. 200" 2000 Becher devenenth pot ae seig C2OS80AS-OOT-EN SSEFEs .r7 30987654321 Fit Printing: May 2002 ‘Sunagoun x once O49, RAN FORGCTTEL REAL We a os he ad ct ig at me hoe i ite chat Hen say ass he: Th Sao 2 rawr ono Wa fe Coa WM Wat crt, Sac wan a ee Sica heres tvs Oe Wn He Cat Gee! whe Reyes bcs tenet San ar Ceate ge Heese beg Deu nny ba any Po aed wad Meas be Goan res a pera devas The ral past atom at ne Un Sua Area Ay repo unahorsos se rao ari crm cin ches wou he eres mer fomanotct Warde Cone The el wave aot say ha ‘lek our webs at ww. wiards comiorgottanreaime contents Totrodvetion =... + ‘esive und Tesmigrane Deitcs 0.4 Panehcons 4 Deal Digs ssc es se hae Faiths 5 Understanding the Deity Statics. Ranks of Divine Power. 5 Divine Characterinti 6 Reading the Deity Patries........ 10 Deity Statistics Block 10 Descriptive Text 10 Game Seats Blk... 10 (Other Divine Powers 1 (Chapter 1: Major Deities of Paerin....12 ‘Anuth- a Bene Ses arastt ‘Cheastea a ¢s:d ony ootgpBiees 2 Gyrie ---- 1040 Sami Sl Ait eal eraee«.. eek Gond 6 Tiupace Special Abily 2 Seeking Special Ability u Helm Le ‘rai Spi bi: 2-98 Dimatse. 2 tO Kelenvor. oe Kossuth x Lathander 2 Lolth «. 4 Malae 8 Mask Metta Moser Osha fline Shar ees ‘Shaundabal.. Silvanus Trspact Special ability 0... 64 nergy Aura Special Ability... 65 Sane : 6 Tals 6 Tempus. a Deiros and Vsitos CTempas's Horses) a Torm . ‘Stecngth Special Ability. Gold Dragon (Tors Mow yenins scabies yr Uniberice Uthgar Sky Pony (Utigars Mount)... 87 Woukeen.....+++ oot Impact Special Ability ® eae ‘Taste oF Contents (Chapter 2: Other Deities of Faeran. Finder Wyvernspur Garages... Gargeoths Geumter, . Ginagson Windstrom Hour... Techs. Jeet Lira Lovietar. Lurue Maul Notanion Rel Knight Sevras Shares Shillia Samorphe Talona Tamae Ubae Catia Valhor ‘Velsaroon. i Drow Panthens. soo. Ghaurada iaranstlee Selvetae, Viseraun.... Dwarven Prnthion. Abbathor Bereanar Teeter Clangedin Sverixard Deep Doser seve. Dupmaren Brightinanthe Damathoin Gorm Gulthya. Hicla Brightase Ladugusr : Marthammor Duis Moradin Shaner ‘Thard Hare Verges, Pantheos “Aerie Fan Anghucrad.. (Corellon Larethian. Deep Sashes. Beevan Mesrs Fenmarel Mestarine Hanah Galan. Labelas Enorsth “llifane Balla. Sehanine Mooniion 90 at 103 tot lor 105 106 tor 08 108 109 no uo i m2 i 1a us ns us us 16 ar n7 us us ny 120 120 m nan im ans 13 1B Laas 1 +126 7 ww 138, v8 eect) 19 ‘Shovarash 130 Solouos Thelamiir am Gnome Panthson « 1 Baervan Wildwanderer,... =... 182 Baravar Cloakshaiow.......,-133 Gallarduras Smoothhands. 2.133 landal Secokin, ase Garda Feomband 0. 2.0 13S Gael Gaeryeld as ‘Segoin Earthealler 136 Urilen ol Hiafing Pantheon... 337 Brandobaris. 338 Gyrrollaee..... 2139 Sheela Peyroyl a9 Crogalan 140 Yoda... add -Muthorsns Panton 11 Anhurss es o0se so Geb ad Hathor ane Horus Re .- a 14 us 16 1s 7 we Panton oad agin ieresesessevecees ss 148 Gross a8 Tneval ‘ 2 Lathie a0 Sharpens oo... 150 are, in (Ghapeee & Places of Worship... 142 The Abley of the Sword mn (Garemanise sss. eet) Services. 153 Bierarey. 13 alight Special Abitiy «15% Command Special Ablity 155 Initiation ast Allies and Enemic. as Map Key 3 156 ‘Bretking In 162 ‘Adupting the Temple, 162 Getting the Flyers Involved .. 162 “The Darthous of Sacro... 163 Ceremoniss feniae see Serviees 16+ Hierarchy. ie nitions -secsseseseeeress 36? Alles and Pnemic, 167 Map Key (Mezsheth Inle)..:.-167 Map Key (Daron of Saerloon Breaking In Adapting the Tempe. 1B Getting the Players Lavolved ‘The Wyvernstones of Hullack (Ceremonies Services Higeareby.so.cescssee Sweeping Specs Abiity Tritton es Allis and resnies Map Key Breaking In. Adapting the Tempe Garting the Payers Involved. (Chapter + Champioas of Pith Prestige Claes “Arachne ‘The Test of Lotth Hairy Spider ‘in Catia Template Auspicinn- : Deomguie Drssdmaster -- Diwcomerbecpr. Elemental Arco Mephit Underlings Forest Master Golieye. Hareatder Horna Harbinger Nighteoak Ocular Adept Siverstar Stormont Seifleader ... Sond Dancer Techsmith Saample Condes Wavesctvant Wearer of Purple. Windwaker... ‘Teruplate; Chowen of Bane, Aopendix eat Descriptions Divine Might « Divine Veageance. empower Turning schew Moccia en Turing. = Jack of All Tee Lycinerope Spel! Quicke Turi Reach Spell Sacred Spell Supesior Expertise Silene Divine Abilities Repose Domain. Sarlife Undeath te Death Mogster Deities “The Faerinian Pantheon ae “Tanz oF Contant ea Warships Fens Levels Beyond 20¢5 Deities a4 Syergy Hans Dees and Speen Behind The Curtain Deis and Divine Spall Divine Encounters and Experience Points Behind the Curtain: Same Deis, Dilferent World soe v ss ‘The Bad of Creation Comptes Nature Deity Uist Tail of Tempus Weeping: Winged Mask Mailed Gane of Acncat Creare from ‘Meter of Faerie lune Sacks, Temple Gro of the Darkbome Jathian Dagger Boremi’s Quagheare Volusaa and he ‘Adbral Calyx Chan of she Boonen Tore of Animal Specs The Tost of Lolth airy Spe 2o-Cara Temgiate Sample Gondimen », ‘Ales Realy Reve Regarcwcnes a1 s4 90 a3 out css 19 2162 r1s4 169 370 a3 ur 180 12 148 184 208 tar Now Weapon and Armor Special Abilities Screaming « Impact Secking Everight. Energy Aura Surengt Daylight: (Corumand. ‘Seping. New Magic Items Winged Mask Mailed Gauntlets of Aencar Jathima Dagger Horcn’s Quaghesrt “Tore of Animal Spec New Templates TinCan (Chossa of Hane New Spells Swrelife soba Undeath to Death 2 cope venerate 8 myriad ro te end and sat of Fas. Some dis prefer ‘tablished churches filled with large followings of ‘Eeyore’ worshipers, hile others ace propitiasd oaly out of fear of fare wotshiged in sccet fellowship by snall cults. Daitis are not immortal, and many have died or ecu eebore. Others have merely heer Forgeten, left ea lumber on other planes, All dies i Torl are subject to Aa the Overgod. Ao has almost no dict interaction with Tor! and Would he largely Forgotcn by ‘mortals not for his role in the Tue of Troubles. Alesdy, cults Founded in Acs name only a decade ago di out an Ad's mame dis- appsars from writen records, suggesting thatthe Overgod has no ‘Wish to be known by the mortals of Teril- Ao cares not what the esis do, a long as thoy uphold their invita! porsfolins. OF ours, this stricture ensures ends conflice Betws the followers of deities with opposing poration The Qvergos alo ensures that, ‘vith che exception of demigedy 0 t¥0 deities ofthe same pantheon an truly claim eh same portfoli. Finally, oaly Ao can recognize the axension of ¢ mortal to divine satus ar germit a deity wor shiped en other worlds robe worshiped in Tor ative and Immigrant be inumigrant (oF intcloper) dees. The dtietion i Largely meat ingles, outside of obscure theological debates, for there is abiolute Iy mo difference from the perspective of the mortal races of Tort ‘Native deities ae those who atose ding or after the Founding oF this word and are only worshiped here Immigrant deities are those “ho, nere worshiped on other woes and on other planes before thor followers entered Torl vie portals and ther micans. Once 3 sity ic acecpted nto the panthcons af Tori there is no difference the two groups since each immigrant deity has a local ,imlupendeat of ether world based aspects be oF she might For example although Labelas Enoceth and Clangedin Si ‘batted cach other during the Time af Troubles on the ile oth any emi emigre hl ds ot ened to cother wer Likowise, Lalth in some othe world difers from Litt in Prerdn, fin some other world adventurers sought out ‘Lolth inet sie and slew her, her loalsapect would be unaffestl Be thar ast may, moctnative dete are venerated prigerily by aces that arose From the primordial chaos dragons uma Hae fal, 453% you, Iestiah, doppelganger, and eke various fey aces sh a sprites Likewise, primarily immigrant races, such ab the elves who acived in Fuori couatles milleania ago, venerate immigrant deities they broughe with thes, in this ase the Sede ine. This diincrion also verves to explain why there are 20 many Jnoman dies compare e9 some of the ahr erihurma eaess The ‘humans founded aunscrousculzutes across Faerin venereting local native deities and eantinye to weeship these deitis long after the ‘orginal cultures have vanished or blended ino others pantheons ‘As allude to previously, all deitics of Toil ate grouped into pa theons All pantheens af ether racaly based or cultrally based, ‘often with strong geographic connections. deity who is nor = meciber of « penthson vererted bya particular race or clture lina certain geographic rogion can stil have worshipers aman that race or culture or m that region. However, the nome of sich Wor shipers rarely expands beyond the cult stage before member of the pantheon chit claims primaey over that race, eultur, or rexion iminate the treat to their demesne. As cultures blend together, whether through conquest or ara, she panthoons gradually meege a wel, Pantheon blending of this sort inevitably leads to clashes berween deities of greater than ermigad states for Ao dietates that one deity or the other ‘ign supeeiie over any particular portfolio For example, Tempus ‘vas the deity of war in the Talfieie pantheon (a culture contempo rary to Netherf), while Garagos vas the deity af war in the Nethersse pantheon. After these two cultures bended, Tempus and Garage for Spromcy, In eis ie, Temp preva, and pa = ~~ Inreobverion a ae (Garages was reduced to deuniga statu In many other cates, one of the clashing deities dis, as was the ease when Talooa deleated che incerloper deity Kipuryten Sueh eosftice often rmunifest as caches Tetwsen sal faith pitting churchled aries against oe anther in hats in which ee lif oF onc’ sty 6 rruly a stake Humans one of the pregsitor races have Founded umncrous, unrelated cultures across Faerin, As chose cultures fave inter: ‘mingle, the various human pentheons uve bee wracke by eon fee fh wostzen Faerin, scholars have identifi no fee than Fear human proto-panthsons the Nethcree penton (hase i wha i now Ansutoch), the Talfric pantheon (based i what i now the srstern Heardans along the banks of the River Reaching), the ‘haamdathan patheon (based ia what is now the Vilhon. Reach and ‘he Dragon Cons), and the Coramshit pantheon (based in wPat ‘ow Gaimishan Over the past Few millennia these Four proco-pan theons, plus athers unidentified, have merged into a single pantheon Town as the Paerinian pantheon. The recent collate of the ‘ntheric panto isanother example of such mingling. Two of the Untheric deiies~ Assuran (now hnewn ds Hoar) and Tiamat—have Joined the Faerinian ganthvon and the rest of the Qatheric eis ‘ave did, either before or during the Time of Troubles Although only one isin any ray unified in purpose, evo pantheons now battle to cetend ther phere of influence inta Unther the Pacenisn pan ‘hon sed the far salle, but nore aegunized, Mulhorandi pa ‘hoo, Theologians predict it may be ons matter of deeads before all human culture of the contisent veneraus only deities of the Faerinian panthson, a fats the Malborandi ard their eis view ith greet alarm Pantheon mining between racially oriented panthcons gems © occur fap moré slowly thas Among seis venerated by the same species Thos, while humans live ale by tile with the various othce humanoid eaces cach group largely confines isl eo worship of is conn deities: However, the cabuiladition of human deities such 28 Good to the gnome penton and Tymora to the baling postheon suggests that continued intermingling between the res may even tually lead toa joining oftheir pantheons 25 el pead peities Ficioint ag dita ven evap ag oe a ein ae eek eeen ae ee alan eel a oe Barnyed ears hae aoa wanehe Bae eee Be ee eer tara ea ee ee renee te ee eee oF em pele preamp lee ted als sleek aoe one ee er ar ‘saiths See eelemn s ile saelarene ennai or nthe inv carcho tfc iy Ti dio, While sl, sf peramome portance, While the dees dat hs li oF ei il ae apply them diely ity ‘rth vin sneray toast inte Sad the var ath or ha inractfn the mora world the word ofa ‘hors mci cera toil caters how wo co tingle Fath or two tal Fain iterace Can lac grees at txcuring betwee dn ngs yond the Se of most morals OF fours oksptions toh oneal ule sh when he dings Sf ral ter oF moral scat the inert f= diy and gor Sly prompt the apearanee of divine maifeation of ky, Eallad an anit Sach vente fre indetandoten doo occur tnd ie cave iavlred hare vi fo the nel of the move Towel high pric in Fas Tl flame of sei deity are consered members of the {sth so known the church avoid withthe dy. Within ‘ach faith Foner of «Sei may be romped int lo Fal tre cach hing fering its ton slo age ete Some fet pariclcly those of the ful dies are sed bared religious practic Orher faith, particulary tho of he chao (kis ety unlcly stow te carios repons of Paes, Exceptions tis, Cate gwen va secs of mf dhy ae ofien partic. Inn ee, asthe Flowers of Heim hare karo a oth ss ee snp proting the "rovrctci of tei vc Lik tempt fo fein in degen ct ef cai ites an proveke qt srs 4 Grae lve dare giell teeore Within aft ke ma be wre erarchy of primacy, a was the cur inel ecaly i th charch of Gg Gates ty eo the church of Bane ar thre maybe no central unfing athe, fnh he hoteho! Terps Il ene However, epi cx, soit inaleaya gon for citar to be a mi of ae that Gees noc acknowledge th primacy of the Gitar ender ofthe ith “The only rule governing wach wets that they suse nor ay Iyod the porto and core Bela of he ty without raking eng Foran hy the ity and his divine servitor Sco sme ditey—soch sth Godin aunbers ofthe eu 6 Tater that romral sel Maglaten, lsiapping and ones stayed $0 Far from de cove bel of tc deity cot they no longer Bae ive backing, ler and che divine gtr of uch es lu a aces 9 divine spel an dvnely granted ales ut they fone i the eps of Pt prefer dey or ledge ems 2 8 meager Ay understandin understanding the Deity Statistics Divine sah & Wwhac sets deities apare from mortal, Een eis ‘witha divine rank of O are far superior to mortals in their ower ‘nd ahi. Despite this eremondaus gulf berween the mortal #02 the diving, deities ate defined in the same terms as mortals They Innve Hit Dice, character level, acl ability scores, bot these ae al far higher than most mortals will ever achieve ranks of pivine power or pn purpony cach iy a ine rank, which ml “a character's level. A deity's divine’ cask determines héw much” pire secs ha id tara gtd aes eB othe Here ia ik sumnny of divin ranks ack 0 Gnsces fis ral espn eit panies cox boro din Grentres that ve amoral a dy parents Intropverton —— ato fall nto this catagory. Thow entities coat grane wells but are immorta) and wually havs'one oF more ability seorss that are far shoce the norm for their species They may have some worshiers. Opainary mortals do wot have a divine rank of 0. They ack divine raph altogether, Rank 1-F; These entities calle demigols, are the weakest of the genuine dit. A demigo! can grant spells and perfocm 2 few deeds thar arg beyond mortal expats sach os hetring = geushopper From 2 mile ay. ‘A demigod hes anywhere Feem a Fer husdec to x few thousand devote mortal worshipers and may receive veneration or respect From many more. A demigod control's snall godly realm (osually ‘nan Outer Plane) and bie minor control over @ portfolio that includes one or mere aspects of mortal existence. A demigod might be very accomplished in single hill or u group of related sks, night gain eomsbae advantages in special excomstances, oF might be able to bring shout minor changes in realy itself related to the “vi’s portfolio. For example, 2 demige of chives might be able to change ito item so that i sno longer recognizable Rank 6-10; Called lesser deities those otitis grant spellsund can perform more poverfal deeds thar demigods cen, uch a5 soning ‘ertgin phenomena From ten mies sy. Lester deities have anywhere from a few thowsnd to ten of thou sands of worshipers and consol larger golly realms thin demigeds They also have Lavoe seis whete thei portfolios ae concerned. ‘Bank 11-14: These ents ae calle intermediate deities They have hundreds of thoosars of mortal wocshipers and control lrgcr ‘goly alms than devsigads or lesser dite ‘Hank 16-20: Caled greater deitis, these entitis may have mil lions of mortal worshipers, and chey command respect even smong other deities. The most gowerful of greater deities rule over other ‘kits just as mortal sovereigns rule over eommancrs. Tank 214: Thess entities ate Beyond the ken of mortals and care nothing for worshipers They do et grant sells, do ot anewer ‘prayers and do not respond to quetes Ie they are koow at al its {0 handful of scholars on the Material Plane. They are called overisties Ip some pantheistic system, the consent of an overdeity is required far an entity eo bovame a diy Divine characteristics Hat ere cetera 20 ao Sie Fe Dee) Unie exer eile Ghey tee vo ere eon es ety depo Dee papal anne tics vary from dety eo deity sod ate noel in their individual descriptions ‘A deity’s outsider typ, along with cs las or clases, determines its weapon proficencks, Feats and sills ‘Deities haye vom oral he Following addtional qualities depend ing on ther vine x09, "it Points: Deities rsceive maximum hitpoints for cach Hit Dic Speed: Deities ean move much mace quicly than mortals. A eis ase ld ape depemds on it form (pst or qundruped) and its sine Some detisare exceptions, with spe faster or slr than thesnorm. “Armor Clas: A tangible field of divine energy encompass and saffuss a dts boy, granting it «bons to Armor Cis equal to is divine rank This bonus stacks with all other Armor Cass boris fs and is offective against couch attacks and incorporel tout “Most deities all those with 20 outer Hit Dice) have a natural srmoe bonus equal o ther divine rank +23. All deities also have ¢ ‘flection bones 0 their AC equal to theie Charisma bonus (if any) Deities who aren't autsiders have their norm sttral srmae boos ‘their divine cask, ‘Many deities Have other Armor Class Bonuses noted in-theie individual descriptions Aveacks A dity's Hit Dice and type and character lovel dete ‘mine ie baw stack boos. te addition to the Figures for weapon fttacks, his scion of the statistics Block alsa ince melee touch stack sind ranged touch attack borimes, co be used wha the ity ‘asta spell or uses spel ike ability that requites «touch attach to fect its target. dit got its divine rank a a bons onl attack rolls. Deities of rank 1 of higher do nae automaticaly fail on x att. tral tack rll of 1 ‘Alnays Maximize Roll: Grestr deities ask 16-20) autonat- cally get the best rele posable on any check saving throm, attack roll, or damage roll Calculate succes, failure, or other effects sscordingly: For insanes, when a greater deity makes an attack rll, sssums you rolled a 20 anid ealeulate sucesso faire From there ‘You should roll the d2Ovansiny’ an use thet roll to check foe = threat of critical Bt This qoalty means that greater deities never nesd the Maximize Spell Feat, because thee spells hye masiaus effect area Saving Throws: A deity’ ovtsder Hit Dice and character stern its base saving throw bores A dsity gets its divine renk 284 bonus on all srving thaws Deities of rank 1 o higher €0 not ee ere Or ete ocak vs wince | poe from in the same menace as des. Ce cet eee me ec some ‘pings 00 Touit se them a a: mean is bay very sac eee, lh Vor tendency to isi the Face of opposition or when the fiend ges by gb and stops granting © pls, Sil some fends establish a permancn foaphold on Teil in this manner—Garganth isa former archicvl that has become 8 dkity and the minotaur deity Raphomet is 2 demoa. Two other known demons worshiped in Faerun ate Orcus (cespansible for ‘much ofthe erouble in Damarg years ago) and Pazrse. _ Terscme ways, ‘vorshipng « fendi similar to how soms souls epg wes ‘the baateru in the afteeife.A-moetal makes a pact worshiping eiends vith a demon or devi, promising warship and secrifiss in exchange for spells The agreement usually entails condemning | ‘the worships sul to the Alyse the Nine Hells undcr the cone wot of the fiend in quent, The pact gectlly spots that i | the morel fils eo proptiace the fend wich froquene sacrifices it ‘may slay’ im and take he oul back to its ter planar home. ‘While this soms lke a bargain stacked in the Favor of the out™ sider, the fiend wally makes fen demands of the mortal ochet a See doesn" have to weety about ra eto on tai, ome imprest ranted spells, Tformatoa on domain, favore weapons and poctilios for FHaphomet, Orcus ani Fanrnel can be Found in the Monster Deities tule in the appendix ofthis took. IntRopucrion ee antomsiclly fil on « natural saving throw roll of Resetances All deities have at leat the following resitances ‘Ghecke A deity gets its divine rank 282 borus op all kill checks, Individual deities may. have atonal resistaness shiley checks caster level check, and turning checks, Energy Resnance A deity bs fre resistance of 20+ is divine rank, ‘Lewer deities (rank 6-10) may take 10 of any cheek, provided Spell Resistance: A deity hus spell rsstance of 32 + its divine they need to make a check at al. nok Tntermedinte and greater deities (ank 21-20) always get 2 resale Salient Divine Abilities Every deity of rank 2 or higher has at of 2000n any check, provided they neod co make a check a all less onc additional power, called a salient divine ability, per divine Immunities Detiss have the following immunities Indivilual rank Ge Saliont Divine Abilities in the appendix), ities may have mote immunities. Unless ethorwise indicated, Domain Powers A deity of rank Jor higher caa ase any domain ‘hese immunities do not apply ifthe attacker is ity of equal or power itean granta numberof times per day equal tits divine rank higher rank GF the pomer normally can be used mace often than that, the deity Tranomecation: A deity is immune to polymerphing, petrifica- gets the greater number of wes IF a domain power is bad on 2 tion, or any other actack that alters its form. Any shapealtering clerics level a deity with no cleric levels hasan effective ceric level powers the dity might have work normally on itself. of 20th +the diy’ divine rank for this purpos Energy Drain, Ability Drain, Abily Damage: A deity is noe Spel-Like Abilities A deity can use any domain sel i an grant sulject 0 cnergy desin, ability deta, o ability damage sa spell ability at will. The detys effective caster level for ‘Mind. Aifecting Effects W deity‘ onmane £0 mialsfFoting wach silities 10 + the deity divine rank. The saving theow DC fects (Charms, sompulions, phantasy pater and morale effets for such ability is 10 the spell level «sie dity’s Charisma bons Energy Imnuniey: Deities of rank} or higher are immune to (any) the dety’s divine rank. lectricity, cold, and acid, even if the attacker ia deity of higher Immortality: All deities even those of rank 0) are naturally Aivin rank. Some ditiss have additonal energy immuriti immorcal and cannot die from natural causes Deities do not ag, Deities of rank 2 of higher are immune to disease and poison, and they do noe neu to eat, slp, ar breathe, The only way for a stunning, sleep, palpi, dach effects, and disintegration Aety to die is through specs cieumseances, usally by being slain Deities of tak Sor higher are immune to effects that impriton in magia or physical combat ‘oc banish ther, wales the attacker isa deity of equal or higher rank, Deities of rank 1 or higher are net sbject to death from massive Sich effects include Bawishmers binding, imensiowal anchor, dir damage oe Injury a Death iy Chapter 8 ofthe Players Harb smissal, imprissument, repulsion, soul Bnd, emporal sas, rep the Sense: Ditias frank L'or higher have incredibly sensitive per toad, a turning and eebuking. ception. Sach 4 deity's senses (eluding derkvicion and lowlighe Damage Redaction: A dity has damage ruction cqual to 35 + vision ifthe deity his them) extend ot toa radivs of one mile pe its divine ran. Foe example, a demigod with a divine rank of 3 divine rank In effec, a deity of rank 10 cam Se, ear, rauch, and Js daage rection 38/44 stuell ata distance of ten miles just as well as a bumar. can per- also has damage reduction from another soures such ceive things thar are close enough to touch. Perception is limited ss barbarian clas levels this damage reduction does not stack with“ to the sens a deity poses Far instance, a deity cannot oe in the dhmage reduction granted by divine ranks Instead, the deity gets the dack unless ic has darkvision. Nor can it set through solid the benefit of che tose damage reduction in a given siuation. objets without ming ifs remote sensing ability a some sore of x For example, a deity with damage reduction 38/+4 i also a ray vision power. 2opilevel barbarian with damage redction 4/~ If che deity is ‘Remote Sensing As «standard action, a dity of rank 1 or higher attacked with a weapon of +3 enhancement of les the deity anes ca perceive everything within a radius of one mile per rank around its damage reduction 38/+4 Ifthe same deity s attacked with any of is worshipers, oly sis, of other objects or locales sacred to respon of 14 or better, the deity wes damage reduction 4)-, cho deity. This supernatural effect ean alo be centered on any place Seeause che Barbarian's damage reduction isnot negated by a +4 of where someane speaks the deiy’s maths oF title For up to 1 hour eter weepon. Whenever a deity has a sccond hind of damage alter the none is spoken, and at any faention when an event rated Jae apply to-an attach, that damage reduction i tothe deit's portfolio oeurs (ee the deity desertion For dct). ven in parentheses after che damage redaction entry in the The remote seasing powcr can ero planes and penetrate any bar shy’ stasis block ‘er except a Divine Shield (a salient divine ability) or an area oti- eee Fans Levels Beyond zoth — | Most deities are 20 HID outsiders with 30 to 50 character “Beyond character level 20th, deities artack and saving throw | pe Talal hare els beyond an ff “Renuses incre at new rates. Deities gait « 41 bonus on ittack pes we covers in more etal nthe "rolls at 2st level and evry od numbered oval eereatse, mes > ing thats deity with $0,cass levels (ontop ofthe bse 20 outsider ce he ‘6th confer confer some, but not all, of the © Hit Dice) lus’ an attack bonus of +40. No deity cam have more levels, Deitics yan alt the class featurcs for than four attacks derived strictly from its base atzack bones, 0.3 all their levels oh 2 the Fighter's bons Fees, che monks" dey with an attack tons sh 40 gets alton asa 3, | tuarmsd damage, the range’ favored enemy, the 530, ani +28. tek uh ore warts pecogHibly Te dry tg De gl 1 boas on ving tzope es 2nd eed ‘ins the normal Hit Die for thar class, plus additonal skill every cven-numberad lvel thereafter A dsty vith 20 ouwider fois wf the deity fal x eve! hu elas sory. The He Die end 42 cls eves has sing on toes Fort ly een et ee en ag at ary thse lve. € ‘ —— InrRopuerion ae ‘cewite blocked by deity of equal or higher rank Remote sensing i ot facie! by aizdiecton of nondetction o sae spells, and it does ot create 2 magical sensor that other creatures can detect (as the serying spel does). “A dcty ean extend its sensoe to okm oF more emote lotion at ‘nce ependng on divine rank) andi sense whats going nearby: ‘ice deity chookes a emae location to sens, fe sutomticlly seceives sensory infaespation from that locaton until it chooses 2 ‘ew lecation to see, oF until can't sense the location (For ex pi, after 1 hour bas elapacd since somcone spoke the deity’ name} ‘Block Seasing As « atandsed action, + deity of rank 1 or higher can block the sensing ability of other’ deities ofits rank or lower. ‘Thi poner extends foe a radius of re mile per rank of the deity, of svithis the same divans around a temple or othe loeale sare t0 the deity, or ee same distance around portfoliorelated event. The Aeiry can Block two remot: locations a onee, plus the area within ‘one mile of itself. The blockage lasts 1 hour per divine rank. ‘Portfolie: Every deity of rack or higher bas at leat limited Inowlege and control over seme sspect of mortal evistence. A deity’s coancetion fo ts peetfalio gives it a numberof powers ‘Porfela Sense: Demigods ha a limited ability to sense events involving eheie portfolios They. automatically Sense any event thie mvelves ons thousand of more people. The ability ie limited to the prevent: ‘Lasser deities auromatically sense any event that involves their porefolios and affects ive hundved or mare people Tnternediae diticsactomatiealy scnae any event that ivatves their partfaliog repardiew of the umber of people involved In audiition, heir sonsss extend one tenday into the past for every divine rank they ave. ‘Greater deities automatically sense any event that involves their portfolios, regardless of the numberof people invalved. Tn adation, their senses exten! one tenday into the past 2nd ane tenday ito the furare For every divine rank they have When a deity senses an event, i merely knows that the event ‘cecurring si where iin The deity receives no semsey infersation about the event. For camp, a demigod of he sx senses all ial ‘waves that threaten multiple villiges or smaller Larger towns. The Geigy knows where the waves ar but not whgt ehsy Took Tks oF ‘which diecton there eraeling ‘Once a deity notices an event, ean use it emote sing power ro perceive the event. Aimatic Aetisns: Deitos done nied to make stil chechs'as ‘often as mortals da When performing en ection within its porcfo- lig a deity can perform. any action asa free action, as log as the ‘check DC iseqdal to or less than a certain number (giver in the "it’s deserigtion. The number of suck Fre actions a deity can per- Feem cach round is deterasined by the detys divine rank. Greate Magic lems: A dcity of rank 1 or higher can: cceate rmagic items felated to its gorfolio without aay regi item ere ation feat, provided that che deity posesies all other prerequbies Foe the ise. The mazimnam item vale a dsity ean create is 3 fone: tion of ts divine rank. The items cost and ereation time cea ‘nchanged, bot the deity i free to undertake any activity when not Istoring on the item (see Creating Magic tems in the Dangeon Masters Guide) For example a demigod of fire cou ereate x wand of burning has withoue the Craft Waid Feat, provided that the demigod ows the baring bands spel TF deity has the items crsation Fae pertaining to the item it wishes to create, the cost (in gold amd XP) and creation times are halved Divine Are: The mere presence of adeity of rank 1 of higher can deeply affect mortals and. beings of lower divine ray ho ‘might find the experience cther uplifting or unsettling, depending ‘the dity's mood and the eter being’ relationship tothe dey. Alllvine aura effects are mindaffectng, extaerdinarysbiltes “Moers and other deities of lower ak ean ret che ara’ fects with success Will saves; che DC is 10 + the dity’s rank + the ‘iy's Charisma modifier Deities are immune to the auras of deities ‘of equal or lover rank. Any being wo makes 2 sucessful saying ‘bron against a dcey’s aura power becomes immune to that dity's aura power for one day. Divine aura is 2 emanation that extends arapnd the deity in & radi whose sie a Function of divine rank, The deity choeres the size of the radius and can change it 38. free-etion. IF the deity chooses 2 radios of fect, its aura power effectively becomes nos fanetionaL Whea two or more dete? auras cover the same acca, only the aura eh belongs tothe deity wich the highest rank func ‘ons IF divine ranks are qual the auras coexist ‘The deity can make its ows worshipers, beings of is alignment, ‘€ both types of indivaluals immune fo the effect aya free acton. The immunity lst one day or untl the deity dans it. Once affected by sn aura power, creatures remain affect as Yong a5 they remain within the auras fads, "The deity car chon from the following effects cach round as 2 free ation, ‘Dace. Affected beings jst sare atthe deity in Fascination. They can defend themselves formally bat can take 10 actions right Affect beings become shaken and suffer a ~? merale pesalty on attack rll, ves and checks The meres glance or ges tre from the deity makes them frightened, and they Flee as quick lyas che ea although ehey ean choos: the path of thir ight Reiice: The deity’ ais rcsive a r+ morale bonus on attack rolls, ave and checks, while the deity’s foes recive a 4 morale penalty oa attack rolls saves, and checks Grant Spells A deity grants spells and domain powers to mortat divine speleasers who pray to it. Most deities can grant spells from the cleric spell Ist the ranger spll lst and from three or more domains Deities with levele in the droid clas can grant spells fom the druid spel list, and deities with paladin levels can grant spells From the paladin sell Kut A deity ca wiehhod sella From ay par ticular mortal a6 2 free action; once spell has been granted, i remains in the mortals mind until expended ‘Spontaneous Casting: A deity of rank 1 or higher who has levels ine divine splinting elas can spontanceusly cast any op it an srant. This power works lke 4 clerics ality to spontancous)y east ‘ore spells ee the lee section in Chapter 3 of the Player's Hand Ps ae nam Sineremteea men Beaaa Dent ranks sity has in a hil sds sym _ peities And. sl det yoetare sor ergy Bonuses ee ry hn Fom the ill amy wrench 2 Re example, « SEity wth 25 cans Handle Animal wold sive ar “iy bontn op Ride check and diy with 47 rasa Hal ‘oimal wou esses +fhergy Bouin on Ride ech. « : ae Irropueriox —— Dt) except that it applin to any spall the deity ean gant CConmastesse A Sy of eat Lr Uifer caiateraind, eal and read) language, icing nonvetal anguages “Toe deity can speak dcty to any tings within one tile of Bs per aivee rn Stes Copamealeted AL ella bona ey ria 2 te higher eat seid communkation toa remote lation The deity Bee be cnet rd ecilecrs st to Sepooe yeh cor tlle per vank svay (rom «ste deiatd tothe ey Goch ua temple, sri, sare grove or within one ile per rank say fiom a saue or oer Menes ofthe dy. ihe creators being contacted can ratte a epee menage thet ony it can hear. Alternativ, the des yee ca ser fo pas oes the cic te cunt & Lica er ne te des oalng Qt or an eect or lols dedeeed vo another dey oF geal or higher rank char the iy who ke speabing) Tn the ter {ls anyone within ersc of the oid an ea Sleds can cot « tuanifoaton op orn aed of alin gsc oemoce. The cyace sank ae Uk canst arc vith the deity, bot i ually i some ville phenomcnon Det aebetce Tit & change Che weal crs atbeing. RP suinals Ady cotmmuatccon power ca com planes and penetrate ay tern. Once communist is uated he deity ean continue ca fait ab fee ao ul dees to en the commotion. DE Get ip ng bal ts sae tone omens eh Bic sie can fetes tote Ge tne (oe Hemote Seg stone) fishy Natl Hae ity of onk 1 oe hbee Isa locaton tat Sete rertplace persnal raiders sacs chamber, od eae rc raven Frcs dey war bs cee postal ‘hin ie gly real BaP tise ase wets Cotta orm in enventnen wid sate, coaruing the fetpeatre nad einer cleats of th I aes a araty aad chee eT vat? hn contra is Tontion of the deity ask ad wheter the real Is ac Or acne sae tr pln (Lh Merial Mane Within tis are eb ity canst any tempera thai ormal fer ne wes th resin borate ort Manor Plane enp feng Yo -207 to 120'F) andl the arcs with enh and ted ote dey ae fit Sounds can be no lane tha one bn ‘hel humarn cel mak, the deity could crate the sounds of an inde cho, bee jungle full of ravous bird or sma scandy at oe intelligible speech of farmful sud, This conte ret sean ilar to th glut reed pelo caple of prod: Hip uch Uroe etna of one. The Sey lity to cate tees, of rah 6 or higher can create the sud of ligt peck ‘A deniga or eer deity can xe bing ad ale the land Bike der sees of iebgh te ore’ bcr croagh aha of thogh i divine powers aay orn 6 Weise se Sly Md enol ote wh fonmee bt slnocontrls eis fo the Aatrol Pane (omuming the onolgy were the deity ceies has an Astral Plane), Matip level, ities can facely pay for erating mage tens “Deities and spelicasti ng er ulsting 4 reals astral links renders teleportation and smilie fects eles sithin-the realm. The dity can designate certain locales within the realm where astral links remain intact. Likewise, the deity cin block o@f the realm from planar poctals or designate locations where portals are pole. A deity of rank 11 higher can also apply the enianced masic for ipod! magi trait within his realm to up to Four groups of sgells ells belongag to the same schoo! or the samme demain or Inving the same descriptor) The eokanced mayic trait enables 2 smetatmagic feat co be applied wa group of spells without reciting, ‘higher level spell slots Many deities apply the enhanced magi trait to ther Jomain spell mahing them maximized (as the Mavimine Spell feat) within the boundaries of their realm. To east 2 spel alfeccd by the impaled magic ta, the easter nase succeed 38 a Spellrat check (DC 1 ~ spell evel Ifthe click Fs, the spel ‘wast. The impada magic tais doesn’ fect the detys spells and spell like abilities Tn ition, a dity of rank 11 or highér ean rset bulifings 25 desired and alter tren within ten mile to besonve any trea ype oud on the Material Plane. Those buildings and alterations are manifestations of the deitys control over the ral. "A greater deity (rank 16 of higher) also can perform any one of the following e:= + Chuinge oF apply gr say trait within the realm. ‘Change ar apply an elemental or energy trai within the realm, ‘Change or apply a tine trait within the realm ‘Apply ehe limited magic tae to a particular school, domain, or spell descriptor within the area, preventing suc spels and spell abilities from functioning, The gresterdeit’s ov pels and pelt abl ae not limited by ease rsetrctions, ace deity sets the conditions in its realm, they are peemanent though ehe diy can change them. As a standard action, the deity fan specify a new cnvironme otal condition. The ehange gradually fas effect over the nest 10 mines Changing astral Links, plovar traits, or terain requires more effort, andthe deity must bor fora year and a day to change them, Doring this time, che deity muse spend 8 hours day on the project Daring the rerstining 16 hours of each day, the deity ca pet?orm any aetion it desites, yong a it remains within the realm, The astral links, planar tats and terrain remain unchanged until the labor is complete, ‘Travel: A deity of rank 3 or highte eam use rleore thane error asa spllik ability at wil asthe spell cast by a 20th level charac ter, excupt that the deity can transport only elf and up to 100 pour of objects per divine rank. A deity of rank 6 or higher aso can use plane sift a ypelike ality at wil tthe npll cast by a ‘ort level'character,exaepe that the deity can only transport isl and up to 100 pounds of objects 1 the deity has a Familia, personal mount, er personal intelligent \seapon, ths creature can accompany the deity im any mse of travel if the deity touches it. The creature's weight counts aginst. the it's weight i ‘Famille A seity of rank 1or higher with levels as sorster er “What happens when deity cast miacl? Rather than ing anotiee deity to perform sone task the deity simply from tom vise power Te ap the esperenes en cat ch tay slog eles eee ae i Isrropuetion Wizard has the sili 2 rea any creature ofa given Kind! as ari ia, long as that ereatare& within a distance of one mile pr divine sank ofthe deity. For example, Bane isa Webtevel wizard of divine sank 17 Ravens ae his spf kin of Fenn, resin that Bane an ose any raven within seventeen mils of hs loation 2 a familia. “Thar anna ginval the charactors chae a Fale oF 1 10ehevel ‘waar has: Ths special familac ability only applies to one creature ea time, but 2 deiey can switch between one ersature and antes instantaneously, as long a the secon creature i withid ange ‘This socal Famili ability doce noe replace the dety’s ality to ‘havea normal familie, which coulf be aay hind of eligible erature. For example, Bane could have a toad s 3 normal familiar in al ‘on to his special raven familiae. The tond gains the abilities of 9 ‘normal Familie of « Lieve! wizaed as long es he tad ie within fe mile of Bans’ location. (For details of special abiliti that familias receive and impart 10 their masters see Chapter 3 of the Player's Handbrck readin the Derry entries Te ety ds # el me po petty stattstics Block Theft to of ext sates hase information stout te diy Hem The ft ls rests ine by hh the day gee hy Mowe Ober cates o ls teil othe ety Gray) art Sire stostniy lor in ane Spm A shore desripcon of ebay oc wnhly symbol acid ty the sity ces This symbol often wad on arson exer, ‘ee diet the dey Home lane: The portion of the cottor were the deity chiefly rosie Agate sys liptmee: Dir fw se sue aig Tera dts dr te Chaptce 0 ee Por anaes Pecfoli The ssets of moral cxence wih which se diy sno often avoid Porto elements ae Tied oughly in thet ler of importance t the dey "Worshigers Those who worship oe ve neat the diy, ough in Gps tae neat nad eporiaes tole ty, Gre ligaments What slignaents the dey cei can bave ‘As noted inthe Players andor cleri sypelly bas the ae dMigament as Ms ely Some clei ligaments ae one wep aay {rom their ropectivedeits For exemple, ose rics of EG. trac (wha i chaotic god) are chaotic god, be some are checic fait cosy feat Ace way aha penal to Guiy boot eres 10 To aligaments ae within os step of each other if they appear adjacent to each other horizontally or vertially on the following (ri, Aligaments that are adjacent to each other on a disganal aro ‘ot within one step. Lanfal good Chaotic good Lawful neveral Chaotic neural Lanfulevil —Neutalevil Chaotic ev Some deities do not seep cleric of alignments that are vithin foe step of their ows, See the indivilual deity deseriptions for thea Domains: Clerics of the deity can ehooie from Among the slowmais listed Mere A deity can ove say dacaie pel sean gran o+ ‘spell ability, wale at wil. tao ean use any dowsain power ican grant at least ones per day per divine rank. Turning ar rebuke ing undead isnot a granted power, but a cleric class ability. deity an torn or rchokecndead only i ths levele inthe els clas or some spcial power over undead, Favoced Weapon: Wht weapon te deity favors The dks cles: ics generally prefer vo use such weapons ad certain spl that cer iss cast, such as spiritual weapon, may have effects that resemble this weapon. Descriptive Text Immediately following the deity statistics Mock is information shout hat the deity Joos like and other general facts In addition, thse ees subtopics are covered i the dserptive text History/Relationshipe: Information on how the deity eame into beings or ow ie sequined is peesee stats, as well as which dis it onsters lles oF een Dogma: The asic tenets ofthe deiy’s ved or teachings Clergy and Temples: Detail of how the diy’ clerics set and the types of temples or shrines dedicated to the deity. This subrpie is Covered For the deities in Chapter 1 but not those in Chapter 2 game statistics Block ‘The deity’s D&D gam attics ae presented nen. (Game tite ae provided fo the detcs in Chapsce 1 but not thos: in Chapter 2) ‘They we the -ame Format use to preset satis For any othe D&D game ereature, All applicable maliiers have boon ade co theo including sity score modifiers, bonuses from divine rank, bonuses From magica! equipment, synergy lonases, and bones om Fexts cor silent divine abilities, ‘The paragraphs at che ond of the game statistics block prove adtiiael information shes the dity Divine Imanunives Any immusitcs eh deity has by wien of ive san, saliene divine bilities and porcelia es and Divine spells ity's domains are closely linked go the deity's portfolio and poet aed faces in iy lage hn ge Sonal power. This is why deities can make such free use of their lass to domain powers and why they can use their domain spells as ce a ‘ Inrropuertos Salient Divine Abilities A list of the deitys sien divine abil ties Cnique salient divine abies related £08 deiy's porcflio are Asribed in he dicy entry. Dama Powers Th domain powers the deity ewe Ta vom cases 1 ity has access toa domain power that is irrelevant. These powers re tot sienna Fc example the Magic domain power enables cer {cs tome itso tha proce arcane spell this power i mally ele ‘ane when x dey hat sac eve wt ually pot mentioned SpellLike Abilities: The deity’sapllike abilities and the saving throw DC for those cilities If particular pel ike ability super beds less powerful on, only the beter one is given. For example, deities with the Travel demain can we both telepar the Fah ew) ‘ten appears ana shite bearded tran wearing labora, anigy lothing and wielding the power, gmo-topped Old Sta pce Among che most blesed of Aauth’s reretrial servants are the ‘Favored thaght toes cade of lan human wirardsrewrracted by the Lard of Spells himself hit which are in face magia! conaeracts of his sabeonsious min. The Favere Further the development and chaaneling of the Weave through written formulas, a proces ‘Auuthass view as che apogee of human sentific achievement. Por sessing uncanny abilities such as telekinesis and light, thes paragons ‘oF magical power deliver imporeane messiges tothe lock ard herald new developments in the magieal sciences. Azuth has struggled es perately snes the ime of Trenble 0 reconcile the old Mysta wih ‘the new and with the esting erence im ve Weave that ashes ‘Tocil Though the deity does oe know it the Favored mental maa ifeseations of hie atraggleare tnring his cftarch apart and may cat the Lord of Spells and his worship, significantly Despite the ecclesiastical tormol withia, many outsiders view Anuth’s rcligion at traition-bound, To thom, it adapts tothe tines at a ghicial pace, concerning itelf overmuch with abstract arcane Alebates wile rerwaining bad to che problems chat beet che land SS Since 2o many of Azuth’sfellowers take « neutral stance on ‘matters of marality, ee church after comes under critic by the moc proactiv: cults af Myst Clerics of Aruth pray for their spells a dosh. Wheney- ex a mage ascends to the rank of Magiter, Azutis church celebrates holiday, His ceties recognize fy other holidays of ots, though liturgical yeadings at rceltimes play sn important role in honoring the Lord of Spells Texts componod by Famous wired make up the bulk of the charch’s canon, Clerics of Ruth eam ‘monly multiclass as arcane devotes: or wins History(Relationthipe As amore, Azuth coveted power, rexarching the arcane lore ofa dozen fallen empires ‘in a effort to farther his magical study. is deication even lly Ted tis being installed a> che Fest Magister, « postion created specially by Mystra to recognize her most promising ‘mortal popil. Ansth then sought #0 carve a piece af the dey Saves: dviaity and bind it eo higweli—an experimeat char ule- ‘mately fll. This led oa series of bales with Savras, ening With that dsiy’s imprconment ina staff. With the help of Myst, who Ind become his lover, Avath Finally asecnded to divine satus Strat (ow Freed Fron his imprisonment) grodgingly servos Auth 8 des the generally untrastvorthy Velshiroon ‘Dogms: Resin is the best way eo approach magi, apd magic cap ‘amined and reduced tots component pars through study end :mccitaton. Maintain calm and use caution in your spclleating and mmagie wsew@ avoid making mises that even magierennoe nda. ie ww avoid making = ns

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