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Project Report

Title of the Project


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2 CH. GOVARDHAN REDDY 2300031085
4 P. POOJA PREETHI 2300031013

Name of the faculty: DR. RAJESH BATHINA SIR

Name of course coordinator:

Signature of faculty:



1 Introduction to people management
2 Introduction to leadership qualities
3 People Management
4 Key aspects of people Management
5 Leadership qualities
6 Characteristics of leadership qualities
7 Some Great Leaders
8 Conclusion
9 Recommendation
10 Flowchart
11 Bibliography
12 Reference by books
13 Reference by sites


This is to certify that the Project work titled…………………………………………...

is a bonfide work carried out by.......................... …………………………………………..

(Admission No.) a candidate/s as part of the IPE examination of the Department of English, Koneru
Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vijayawada.





• Providing free internet to all citizens is a hot topic.

• The internet is super important in our lives, for learning, talking, and many other things.

• Some people say the government should give everyone free internet, like how they give free
education and healthcare.

• They think this would help more people use the internet, which is good for the economy and making
things fair for everyone.

• We also need to think about who will pay for it and what it means for companies that sell internet.

• This topic has good and bad sides,we will talk about them.


• Before discussing government provided free internet access, lets understand the current scenario.

• Although internet penetration has increased globally ,accessibility remains a challenge for many.

• High costs,limited infra structure and lacks of digital literacy hinder internet adoption.
• Bridging this digital divide is crucial for empowering individuals and promoting economic growth


• Before discussing government provided free internet access, lets understand the current scenario.

• Although internet penetration has increased globally ,accessibility remains a challenge for many.

• High costs,limited infra structure and lacks of digital literacy hinder internet adoption.

• Bridging this digital divide is crucial for empowering individuals and promoting economic growth.

• Global Efforts: Various international organizations and initiatives, such as the United Nations'
Sustainable Development Goals, have recognized the importance of expanding internet access
worldwide. Efforts have been made to bridge the digital divide and improve connectivity in
underserved regions.
• Government Initiatives: Some countries have implemented programs to increase internet
access. For example, India has been working on initiatives like "Digital India" to improve broadband
connectivity and digital literacy.
• Private Sector Involvement: Internet service providers and technology companies often play a
significant role in expanding connectivity. Initiatives like Google's Project Loon and Facebook's (now Free Basics) aimed to provide internet access to remote areas through
innovative technologies.

• community Networks: In some regions, community-driven projects have emerged to provide local internet
access. These initiatives often involve setting up community networks, which can be particularly effective in rural or
underserved areas.

• 5G Deployment: The deployment of 5G networks in various countries is expected to enhance internet

connectivity, offering faster speeds and more reliable connections.

BENEFITS OF F Providing free internet access can have various

social, economic, and educational benefits. Here are some potential
1. Increased Access to Information: Free internet access allows
individuals to access a wealth of information online. This can
enhance education, facilitate research, and keep people informed
about current events.
2. Educational Opportunities: Free internet access can contribute
to improved educational opportunities. Students can access online
resources, educational videos, and collaborate on projects,
regardless of their economic background.
3. Enhanced Communication: Free internet promotes
communication and connectivity. People can stay in touch with
friends and family, regardless of geographical distances, fostering
stronger social ties.
4. Economic Development: Internet access is crucial for economic
participation. With free internet, individuals can explore job
opportunities, access online training, and engage in e-commerce,
contributing to economic development.
5. Health Information and Services: Free internet enables better
access to health information and services. People can learn about
preventive measures, access telemedicine services, and stay
informed about health-related issues.
6. Community Development: Free internet can contribute to
community development by fostering collaboration and
communication among residents. It can facilitate the sharing of
local news, events, and initiatives.
7. Digital Inclusion: Providing free internet helps bridge the
digital divide, ensuring that individuals who might not afford
internet services can still participate in the digital world. This
promotes inclusivity and equal opportunities.
8. Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Free internet can encourage
innovation and entrepreneurship. Entrepreneurs can use online
platforms to start businesses, and innovators can access resources
for research and development.
9. Access to Government Services: Governments can use free
internet access to provide citizens with online services, making it
easier for people to access information, pay bills, and participate in
civic activities.
10. Emergency Communication: During emergencies, free internet
access can be crucial for disseminating information, coordinating
relief efforts, and allowing individuals to connect with
emergency services.REE INTERNETS

• Providing free internet to all citizens can help people access information and government services,
economy, reduce the digital divide, and protect online privacy.

• Governments need to create rules and invest in infrastructure to ensure quality and affordability.

• Making sure everyone has access to the internet is essential for social and economic development.

• Expanding free internet access supports global goals for universal internet access and human rights.

• Countries should work together on issues like internet connections, funding, and net neutrality.

• Developed nations and international organizations can help less developed countries with resources
and knowledge to improve internet access.

• Analysis of data

• How do internet usage increased in India :

• Affordable Data Plans: The advent of affordable data plans by various telecom operators has been a
major driver of internet usage in India. Data has become more accessible and cost-effective for a
larger segment of the population.

• Digital India Campaign: The Indian government's "Digital India" campaign has promoted digital
literacy and encouraged various digital services. It includes initiatives like e-governance, digital
payments, and online education, which have driven internet adoption.

• Social Media: The popularity of social media platforms like Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram has
driven internet usage for communication, sharing, and content consumption.

• Online Education: The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of online education, further
boosting internet usage. Many educational institutions and students turned to online
learning platforms.

The question of whether the government should provide free internet access to all citizens is a
complex and multifaceted issue that requires careful analysis. Several arguments can be made for
and against this proposition. Let's examine some key points on both sides:

Arguments in favor of providing free internet access to all citizens:

1. Bridging the Digital Divide: One of the primary arguments for government-provided free internet
access is that it can help bridge the digital divide. Access to the internet has become essential for
education, employment, healthcare, and various other aspects of modern life. Providing free access
can ensure that all citizens, regardless of their income or location, have equal opportunities to access
information and services.
2. Economic Growth: Internet access is closely linked to economic development. By providing free
access, the government can stimulate economic growth, encourage entrepreneurship, and create job
opportunities in the digital economy.
3. Education and Skill Development: Access to online educational resources is critical for lifelong
learning and skill development. Free internet access can enhance educational opportunities and
provide individuals with the tools to acquire new skills and knowledge.
4. Social Inclusion: Internet access is essential for social inclusion. It allows individuals to
connect with their communities, access government services, and participate in online
discussions and social networks. Free access can promote social cohesion and inclusion.
5. Emergency Services: During emergencies and natural disasters, internet access can be
crucial for disseminating information and coordinating response efforts. Free access can
help ensure that everyone has access to vital information in such situations.
Arguments against providing free internet access to all citizens:

1. Cost and Funding: Providing free internet access to all citizens can be costly, and taxpayers
may bear the burden of funding such initiatives. There may be concerns about the
sustainability of free internet programs in the long run.
2. Market Distortion: Government-provided free internet could distort the market and
discourage private sector investment in infrastructure and services. This could lead to a lack
of innovation and competition in the internet industry.
3. Privacy and Surveillance: Free internet services may come with strings attached, such as
data collection and surveillance by the government. Citizens may be concerned about their
privacy and security when using government-provided internet.
4. Efficiency and Accountability: Government-run programs are sometimes criticized for
inefficiency and lack of accountability. There may be concerns about the quality of service
and the ability of government agencies to manage and maintain a nationwide internet
network effectively.
5. Targeted Solutions: Some argue that instead of providing free internet to all citizens,
resources should be focused on providing internet access to specific groups, such as low
income individuals or underserved rural areas.

Deciding whether to give free internet to everyone is a bit tricky. It's good because it helps people access
things online and boosts the economy, but it's not so easy because it costs money and needs to be safe. Each
country should decide based on what its people need, while also making sure people have the right to
use the internet. The key idea is that providing free internet has both national and international implications,
and it's important for improving access, information, and opportunities while respecting rights and
regulating the internet.

• Privacy and Security: Make sure people's online activities and personal information are safe by using
strong protections.

• Rules and Regulations: Create clear and fair rules for how free internet works and make sure it's
good quality.

• Checking and Making Things Better: Keep an eye on how the program is doing and change things if
needed to deal with new problems and opportunities.

• Helping Everyone Get Online: Focus on helping people who don't have good internet, like those in
small towns or remote areas.

• Working Together with Other Countries: Talk to other countries to learn from them, get help when
needed, and make sure the internet works well across borders.

• Understand What the Country Needs: Look closely at how good the internet is in the country, where
it's not so good, and what people really need. Find out where giving free internet will help the most.

• Working with Companies: Talk to private companies to help pay for and improve the internet. This
way, it can be good quality and last a long time.

• Money Plan: Make a clear plan for how much money is needed to give free internet. Think about
getting money from the government, other countries, and companies working together.Teach People
How to Use the Internet:

• Teach people how to use the internet: Teach people how to use the internet well and safely so they
can benefit from it. This is important for everyone to make the most of free internet.

• Define the Scope:

• Clearly outline the scope of your project, including the specific research questions or
objectives you aim to address.
• Decide whether your project will focus on a specific region, country, or be a comparative
• Research and Background:
• Provide a comprehensive background on the topic, discussing the importance of internet
access and the current state of digital inclusion in your chosen context.
• Include relevant statistics and data on internet access, affordability, and disparities.

• Literature Review:
• Review existing literature, research studies, and policies related to government-provided
internet access. Discuss the arguments for and against this initiative.
• Identify key scholars, experts, and organizations that have contributed to this field.

• Data Collection and Analysis:

• Collect and analyze data, which could include survey responses, interviews, or data from
government reports, to understand the specific needs and challenges in your chosen context.
• Assess the economic, social, and educational impact of free internet access, if it exists.

• Stakeholder Perspectives:
• Present the perspectives of various stakeholders, including government officials, internet
service providers, educators, citizens, and advocacy groups.
• Highlight their views on the advantages and disadvantages of government-provided internet

• Case Studies:
• Include case studies from countries or regions where free internet access initiatives have been
implemented and evaluate their successes and challenges.
• Examine the models, policies, and outcomes of these initiatives.

• Policy Analysis:
• Explore the policy options available for government intervention in providing free internet
access. Discuss potential funding mechanisms, regulations, and implementation strategies.
• Analyze the impact on public budgets and taxpayers.

• Conclusion:
• Summarize the key findings, arguments, and insights from your project.
• Discuss the potential implications and the importance of addressing digital inclusion in the
context you've studied.

• References:
• Cite all your sources and provide a comprehensive list of references in an appropriate citation
style (e.g., APA, MLA).
• Visuals and Graphics:
• Use charts, graphs, and visuals to illustrate data and key points in your project.
• Presentation:
• If required, prepare a clear and engaging presentation summarizing the main points of your
project for your audience.
• Peer Review:
• If possible, seek feedback from peers, teachers, or experts in the field to improve the quality
of your project.


1. “IELTS sample essay: Should governments provide free internet?” by Manjusha Nambiar1.
2. “Government Should be Responsible for Free Access to the Internet IELTS Writing Task 2” by
Rituparna Nath2.
3. “Free internet access should be a basic human right: Study” from The Hindu3.

Reference by books

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