SS 1 Idanwo Asekagba 2016

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March, 2022. YEAR 10 (SS1) Literature-in-English Time: 1hour.

Answer ALL the questions. CIRCLE your answers CLEARLY on the answer sheet.

1. The major features of a play are______________________.

a. acts and scenes c. metres and rhythms

b. chapters and paragraphs d. stanza and verse

2. One of the main aims of a didactic literary work is to____________.

a. laugh at the society c. show man’s weakness

b. make people laugh d. teach a moral lesson

3. A poem which portrays a simple rural life of the common people is called _______________.

a. a lyric c. an ode
b. an epic d. a pastoral

4. The expression ‘He is a living dead’ is an example of __________________.

a. Antithesis c. Oxymoron
b. Imagery d. paradox

5. “The counsel for the accused addressed the bench”. The underlined is an example of

a. a seat c. metonymy
b. metaphor d. onomatopoeia

6. A sonnet may be divided into an octave and a/an ___________________.

a. a couplet c. quatrain
b. octave d. Sestet

7. In drama, the clown is used to create ________________________.

a. create hatred c. generate horror

b. create humour d. identify with the hero

8. Pick out the odd item. ________________________.

a. Ballad c. Pun
b. Hyperbole d. Simile

9. A protagonist who has a disastrous end is a _______________.

a. flat character c. tragedy

b. round character d. tragic hero

10. Romantic poetry deals with ___________________________.

a. Beauty c. Marriage
b. Conquest d. nature

11. The anxiety of the reader to know of the subsequent developments in a novel is known as_______.

a. Conflict c. Surprise
b. Fiction d. Suspense

12. A literary device that creates a mental picture of a situation is____________.

a. imagery c. flashback
b. symbolic d. dialogue
13. In a play, the list of actors is called the____________.
a. personages c. cast
b. dramatis personae d. writers
14. A “play on words” based on the multiple meanings of a single word or on words that sound alike
but mean different things is known as____________.
a. parallelism c. rhyme
b. pun d. analogy
15. The principal aim of drama is to____________.
a. entertain us c. educate and entertain
b. educate us d. strengthen us
16. The expression “All the world is a stage” is an illustration of the figure of speech referred to
a. simile c. metaphor
b. paradox d. parody
17. The main antagonist in a play is referred to as the ____________.
a. buffoon c. hero
b. villain d. protagonist
18. A poem without a regular beat and rhyme is referred to as____________.
a. blank verse c. non-lyrical verse
b. free verse d. traditional verse
19. Two most important concepts in poetry are____________.
a. story and action c. rhythm and imagery
b. plot and rhythm d. plot and character
20. A tragic character is the person whose experiences arouse pity and____________.
a. sympathy c. horror
b. terror d. frustration
21. A short story is distinguished by its ____________.
a. language b. narrative
c. form d. length
22. The insight about human life that is revealed in a literary work is called ____________.
a. satire c. paradox
b. hyperbole d. theme
23. The panegyric poem is composed to____________ someone or something.
a. energise c. condemn
b. abuse d. praise

24. The character matched against the hero of a play is the _____________________.

a. Antagonist c. braggart
b. anti-hero d. clown

25. “Be not like dumb, driven cattle” is an example of ____________.

a. an oxymoron c. personification
b. a paradox d. a simile
26. “On the bald street breaks the blank day” is a good example of____________.
a. an oxymoron c. personification
b. a paradox d. a simile
27. A play is called a comedy when____________.
a. there is a peaceful atmosphere c. there is no serious quarrel
b. nobody dies in it d. there is happy resolution of events
28. One of the following is a mark of good poetry. ____________ .
a. An interesting story c. Realistic characterisation
b. Imaginative use of language d. Audience participation
29. Struggle between two protagonists in a play is ___________________ .
a. suspense c. peripatetic
b. agony d. catastrophe
30. The account of experience of an individual during the course of a journey is known as __________ .
a. an autobiography c. a catalogue
b. a memoir d. a travelogue
31. A formal dignified speech or writing praising a person or thing for past or present deeds is _______ .
a. eulogy c. anthology
b. lampoon d. premiere
32. Both comedy and tragedy have ______________________________ .
a. climax c. tragic hero
b. stanza d. happy
33. Limerick is a light verse which consists of five lines that are __________________ .
a. anapaestic
c. spondaic

a. mimesis c. mockery

a. central character in a play c. the image a character

a. elaborate c. praise

a. showing casual connection of c. the accurate presentation of incident

incidents d. narrating the truth of incident

a. rhymes c. stanza

a. epigram c. autograph
40. A group of dancers /characters who comment on the action of a play is called_____________
a. cast c. claque
b. chorus d. foil
41. As a literary genre, the novella is most closely related to________________
a. epic c. poetry
b. pantomime d. novel
42. A poem that celebrates the life of the country people is described as ___________________
a. romantic c. lyrical
b. pastoral d. an ode
43. Identify which of the following does not belong to list below
a. elegy c. dirge
b. ode d. tragedy
44. A book of a collection of poems is called____________________
a. dictionary c. plot
b. anthropology d. anthology
45. Discretion is the breakfast of great people. This exemplifies ____________ .
a. metaphor c. pun
b. personification d. oxymoron
46. When the title of a book is the same as the name of a hero ,this is called _____________ .
a. eponym c. soliloquy
b. monologue d. monodrama
47. The major aim of satire is all but ________________ .
a. reformation c. to ridicule
b. correction d. to inform
48. “I just cannot take Delia’s chilly hotness anymore!” Kelly shouted. This expression is an example of
________________ .
a. antithesis
b. Paradox
c. synthesis
d. oxymoron
49. A pause within a line in poetry is called___________________.

57. All hearts must unite in love if there is to be true unity. The underlined represents _______.
a. metonymy c. epigram
b. synecdoche d. pun
58. Ore worked hard to become the Socrates of his class exemplifies _________.
a. metaphor c. metonymy
b. personification d. antonomasia
59. A story that begins in the middle is said to be told in __________ .
a. chronological order c. medias res
b. dejas- vous d. half way
60. The clown in a literary work always creates all but one of the following
a. humour
b. comic relief
c. laughter
d. anxiety

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