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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology 107 (2021) 103685

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Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology

incorporating Trenchless Technology Research
journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/tust

Thermal monitoring of frozen wall thawing after artificial ground freezing:

Case study of Petrikov Potash Mine
L. Levin a, I. Golovatyi b, A. Zaitsev a, A. Pugin a, *, M. Semin a
Mining Institute of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Russian Federation
Joint Stock Company “Belaruskali”, Republic of Belarus


Keywords: This paper describes a case study of thermal monitoring of frozen wall thawing during shaft sinking at the
Artificial ground freezing Petrikov Potash Mine in the Republic of Belarus. This case study included gathering experimental data from
Frozen wall which numerical simulation results were obtained. The unique feature of this research consists of developing an
original optical fibre sensor and its application for distributed measurements of temperature in the shaft lining
and surrounding rock mass. This new sensor automates measurements in real-time and provides significantly
more data compared to traditional periodical measurement techniques using temperature probes or loggers.
Sensor data are complemented by other distributed temperature sensing (DTS) data from vertical boreholes
drilled near the shaft for thermal monitoring of the frozen wall state. Multiple series of measurements provided a
clearer insight into the frozen wall thawing process. The data obtained from measurements were used for a
numerical simulation and reconstruction of the temperature field in the surrounding rock mass. Real-time DTS
monitoring combined with numerical simulation offers considerable possibilities for controlling and optimising
mining operations. As described in this paper, the experience of using this new type of DTS sensor may be useful
for specialists working with artificial ground freezing in mining and tunnelling.

1. Introduction rocks serve as a strong and waterproof frozen shield that requires reli­
able monitoring methods.
The method of artificial ground freezing (AGF) was developed by F. The AGF operation usually proceeds in three stages (Trupak, 1974).
H Poetsch, patented in 1884–1886, and published in 1887 (Poetsch, The first stage is the ice growing or active freezing stage, which involves
1887). Currently, AGF is widely used for constructing tunnels (Afshani quickly creating a frozen wall with necessary strength (associated with
and Akagi, 2016; Han et al., 2016; Papakonstantinou et al., 2013; Russo wall temperature and thickness). This requires a significant amount of
et al., 2015) and shafts (Hentrich and Franz, 2015; Heyden et al., 2013; energy consumed for the shortest time. Active freezing continues until
Newman et al., 2011; Schmall and Maishman, 2007) in soft water- the thickness of the frozen wall reaches the design value calculated by
saturated rocks to protect excavations from being flooded and the condition of mechanical strength. In some cases, when mechanised
destroyed. excavation is used, active freezing continues until the rocks in the shaft
The basic principles of the AGF method are extensively described in area freeze completely.
the literature (Andersland and Ladanyi, 2004; Harris, 1995; Trupak, The second stage is the holding or passive freezing stage. This begins
1974). For vertical shaft sinking, AGF requires the drilling of vertical immediately after the end of active freezing, and is intended to maintain
boreholes with freezing pipes around the future excavation. There are the reliability of the frozen wall until the concrete and waterproof
two ways of realising this method: direct and indirect freezing. The first tubbing lining covers the shaft walls. Although the holding period is
method implies a direct feed of liquid nitrogen to freezing pipes (Ali longer compared to the ice growing stage, energy consumption per unit
et al., 2019). This article also discusses the second method, which as­ time is lower at this stage because the primary aim is the extraction of
sumes the use of refrigeration plants and pumps. The equipment pro­ incoming heat without frozen wall expansion.
vides coolant circulation in a brine network (including freezing pipes) The third stage usually begins after the segmental lining (cast iron
enabling heat extraction from the rock mass. Under AGF, surrounding tubbing) is constructed. Refrigeration plants turn off at this stage, and

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: dr.alexpugin@gmail.com (A. Pugin).

Received 29 October 2019; Received in revised form 30 June 2020; Accepted 19 October 2020
Available online 7 November 2020
0886-7798/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

the frozen wall starts thawing. This stage is often considered safe and vertical boreholes drilled at a short distance from freezing pipes and the
accident-free, because the concrete and iron segmental lining act as a shaft. In recent years, temperature measurements of the frozen rocks and
permanent reinforcement of the shaft walls and water intrusion pro­ soil are often conducted using fibre optic sensors (Levin et al., 2017; Tao
tection. However, this is not entirely true as it is possible that any defects et al., 2011; Tyler et al., 2013; Yao et al., 2019). Distributed temperature
in this reinforcement may not appear immediately. sensing (DTS) using optic fibres is based on the physical principles
Natural thawing of the frozen wall can continue for several years. described in particular literature (Hartog, 2017). To our knowledge,
The frozen wall gradually loses strength and allows water to pass Dakin and colleagues were the first to develop DTS and to use Raman
through. Shaft walls gradually take the hydrostatic pressure. Possible scattering in optical fibres for temperature measurements (Dakin et al.,
defects in the lining can be detected after several months, because of the 1986). Existing experimental studies on AGF primarily focused on the
long thawing time. On the other hand, the artificial ground heating first stage of freezing and only partially considered the second stage.
(AGH) technique can be used. Application of AGH causes the frozen wall (Tao et al., 2011; Yao et al., 2019). Almost no attention has been paid to
to thaw rapidly but stresses in the rock mass and the lining increase too experimental studies of rock thawing processes after the AGF applica­
quickly (of the order of days). To date, there has been no reliable tion during shaft sinking. Due to the importance of this issue, we
research on the AGH method from a thermomechanical point of view or describe here a case study on the third stage of AGF at the Petrikov
risk evaluation regarding sinking shaft safety. Accordingly, natural Potash Mine in Belarus.
thawing is preferable. For a systematic study of the frozen wall thawing stage, we have
When the segmental lining is constructed, grouting is used to push modernised the standard scheme of DTS measurements. Newly devel­
the water out of the shaft and to consolidate the surrounding rocks. oped DTS sensors were installed in short horizontal boreholes drilled
Grouting is carried out when rock of 0.5–1.0 m has thawed behind the into the shaft walls. These provided real-time information about tem­
primary concrete, and must be completed under the frozen wall pro­ peratures of the lining and the adjacent rock in addition to vertical
tection. Therefore, mining engineers require real-time data obtained boreholes. Such an approach has not been previously described in the
during the thawing phase of a frozen wall to determine the best time for literature. Accordingly, the use of horizontal wells can provide impor­
grouting. tant information about the state of the rock mass behind the concrete
Sometimes, the shaft-sinking company decides to turn off refrigera­ support. Based on this information, a decision about grouting can then
tion plants as early as possible without waiting for the moment when the be made.
segmental lining is fully constructed. This saves electricity but increases
the risk of accidents if the following conditions are not met: 2. Geology and shaft sinking technology

1) the frozen wall is oversized; The Petrikov Potash Mine (owned by the Belaruskali Company) is
2) temperature increase is controlled and monitored in real time situated near Petrikov, a small town in the southern part of the Republic
outside and inside the freezing circuit; of Belarus. Shaft sinking was launched there in early 2016.
3) the time when the frozen wall loses strength and cannot hold the rock According to geological data, water-saturated rocks lie as inter­
and water pressure is determined by the numerical simulation based stratified beds of sand, sandstone, aleurite, aleurolite, and chalk at a
on the reliable model and input data; depth ~ 260 m, underlied by heavy clay. The clay aquicludes separate
4) the best time for the shutdown of refrigeration plants must be defined aquifers (see Fig. 1). Beds lie horizontally and there is no underground
in accordance with item 2; water seepage through the future shaft area. Low-yield aquifers and
5) refrigeration plants must be ready to resume AGF immediately. water-free rocks lie under heavy clays. Thus, all that is necessary here is
to freeze the 270–275 m upper layer of rocks; in other words, the main
Fulfilment of the previously mentioned conditions minimises risks of aquifers that may cause shaft flooding. The in-situ rock temperature
an accident where early thawing commences; however, this requires decreases with depth from 6.0 to 9.0 ◦ C.
careful attention at this stage, as much as for the ice growing and Rocks in this interval have different physical and mechanical pa­
holding stages. rameters defined in laboratory tests. This data was given as prior in­
This paper presents analysis of experimental measurements of the formation in the project documentation for the shaft sinking (see
temperature in control boreholes near the frozen wall and in the shaft Table 1). Some rocks have either extremely high or low thermal char­
lining during the thawing stage. A practical case of a potash mine is acteristics, such as heat conductivity and specific heat capacity. Pore
considered, where refrigeration plants were turned off until the water freezes at a temperature between 0 and − 1.5 ⁰C except for clays
completion of permanent lining construction. that contain more (up to 60%) unfrozen water in pores; even at tem­
It should be noted that several approaches to the analysis of the perature of − 5 ⁰C. The water in rock pores has low salinity. Anticipated
frozen wall state have been presented in the literature, including theo­ inflows of underground water to the shaft was evaluated to be 406.2 ÷
retical analysis, experimental measurements, and a combination of both. 752.7 m3/h from the upper aquifers above chalk, 3.7 m3/h from the
Existing theoretical studies can be divided into those that use analytical chalk layer, and 238.8–2524.7 m3/h from the lower layers between
formulas (Cai et al., 2018) and numerical simulations (Vasilyeva et al., chalk and heavy clay. Therefore, the chalk layer has low permeability
2020). In the last decade, many studies have carried out complex nu­ and can be considered as an aquitard.
merical simulations taking into account thermo-hydromechanical pro­ The technology of shaft construction through water-saturated rocks
cesses and the salinity of pore waters (Nishimura et al., 2009; Tounsi in this mine included:
et al., 2020; Yang et al., 2019). Experimental studies can be divided into
laboratory tests (Sudisman et al., 2019) and field measurements in 1) using the AGF method;
constructed tunnels and mines (Hu et al., 2019; Yan et al., 2019). 2) drilling and blasting operations and mucking under frozen wall
A comprehensive review of laboratory and theoretical models of protection;
frozen soil can be seen in (Alzoubi et al., 2019; Li et al., 2019; Yang et al., 3) construction of a cast-in-place concrete lining (primary lining);
2019). Particularly noteworthy are those studies in which inverse 4) construction of a segmental lining from cast iron tubbings (starting
problems are solved numerically to refine model parameters according from the bottom of the shaft going upwards) and filling the annulus
to field measurements (Hrubesova and Mohyla, 2014; Levin et al., 2018; between primary concrete and tubbings with mortar;
Pimentel et al., 2012). The same approach is used in the present work. 5) grouting the pore space of the rock mass outside the primary lining.
Field measurements recorded during the construction of shafts and
tunnels usually include measurements of the temperature in several Two sinking shafts at the Petrikov Potash Mine had an excavated

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

Fig. 1. Geology and shaft construction.

Table 1
Rock parameters determined in laboratory tests.
Rock Density, g/ Thermal conductivity, W/(m⋅⁰C) Specific heat capacity, J/(kg⋅ ⁰C) Water content, kg/ Freezing point,
cm3 kg ⁰C
unfrozen rock (+10 frozen rock(-10 unfrozen rock (+10 unfrozen rock (-10
⁰C) ⁰C) ⁰C) ⁰C)

Sand 1.70 ÷ 2.19 1.29 ÷ 2.70 1.53 ÷ 4.31 983 ÷ 1566 886 ÷ 1421 0.084 ÷ 0.260 − 0.05 ÷ -1.03
Clay 1.96 ÷ 2.12 1.48 ÷ 1.77 1.50 ÷ 2.09 1334 ÷ 1427 1128 ÷ 1398 0.204 ÷ 0.302 − 0.14 ÷ -2.12
Chalk, marl 1.86 ÷ 1.97 1.28 ÷ 1.40 2.09 ÷ 2.46 1600 ÷ 1724 1104 ÷ 1164 0.314 ÷ 0.380 − 0.05 ÷ -0.14
Sandstone 2.26 ÷ 2.55 2.24 ÷ 5.58 3.19 ÷ 6.3 746 ÷ 1016 721 ÷ 857 0.014 ÷ 0.088 − 0.11 ÷ -0.7
Aleurite 1.87 ÷ 2.05 1.47 ÷ 1.64 2.17 ÷ 2.2 1372 ÷ 1491 1121 ÷ 1152 0.224 ÷ 0.275 − 0.14 ÷ -0.2
Aleurolite* 2.09 1.68 2.28 1412 1106 0.241 − 0.2
Argillite, Heavy 1.98 ÷ 2.15 1.03 ÷ 1.46 1.25 ÷ 1.80 1284 ÷ 1532 1087 ÷ 1278 0.186 ÷ 0.289 − 0.81 ÷ -1.45
only one core sample was used to determine thermal properties

diameter of 10.5 m and a uniform construction, as shown schematically the main element of the waterproof permanent reinforcement. Its con­
in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2. The distance between shafts was 100 m. Because the struction started after the shaft was sunk to a depth of 300 m. Concrete
frozen wall undergoes deformation under pressure, it cannot protect the also filled the annulus (0.3 m) between the tubbings and the primary
shaft for a long time without additional reinforcement. Therefore, pri­ concrete (see Fig. 2). This filler was also cast in place as the primary
mary concrete was cast in place, with a thickness of between 0.5 m and concrete, together with the segmental lining works as a formwork in this
1.0 m (not waterproof). The segmental lining from cast iron tubbings is case. The filler and the primary concrete are made from mortar based on

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

Fig. 2. Shaft lining and surrounding elements.

Portland cement with different chemical additives to accelerate hard­ The freezing boreholes were drilled in a circle with a radius of 8.2 m and
ening and reduce permeability and corrosivity. a distance of 1.25 m between each other. The heads of the freezing pipes
were connected to the main brine pipe network in the closed foreshaft
3. Artificial ground freezing and thermal monitoring system (see Fig. 3). The intake coolant temperature was − 28 ⁰C during the ice
growing stage of freezing and − 14 ⁰C during the holding stage.
The AGF system included four refrigeration plants with a total cold The frozen wall thawing process did not include AGH; however,
capacity ~ 1600 kW per shaft. The 25.7% CaCl2 water solution (brine) coolant circulation in the freezing pipes remained at non-zero velocity.
was used as a coolant circulating in the freezing pipes. The freezing This enabled a decrease in energy consumption and provided heat flow
contour consisted of 41 pipes installed in boreholes at a depth of 275 m. distribution more uniformly along the freezing pipe. It should be

Fig. 3. Closed foreshaft with freezing pipes around the shaft collar.

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

mentioned that the coolant temperature in this case was always slightly depths.
higher than the temperature of the rock near the freezing pipe. This was The special software automatically saves calculated temperatures to
due to incoming heat from the atmosphere and working pumps in the the database, solves the inverse Stefan problem, and reconstructs tem­
pipe network at the surface. In this mode, the refrigeration plants could perature distribution in each rock layer. A description of the mathe­
be immediately turned on to resume AGF if needed. matical model and numerical solution method is provided in the next
Three thermal monitoring (TM) boreholes were drilled near each section. Daily reports are created and sent to the client and the remote
shaft outside the circuit of freezing pipes (see Fig. 2). The drilling depth analytical server. Thus, engineers always have actual information about
(255 m) was slightly less than for the freezing boreholes. For each shaft, the frozen wall state while controlling mining operations.
boreholes #1 and #2 were located at a distance of 1.25 m from the There were no TM boreholes inside the freezing pipe contour while
nearest freezing pipes, and borehole #3 was at a distance of 2.25 m from the shafts were being sunk. The outer TM boreholes could not provide
the nearest freezing pipe. The plan view showing TM borehole locations information about the rock temperature near the lining. After refriger­
for shaft #2 is shown in Fig. 12. The location of TM boreholes was ation plants are turned off, short boreholes are usually drilled through
chosen to provide easy access and the best measurements of frozen wall technological holes in tubbings. Mining engineers periodically place a
temperatures for the entire working period without interfering with thermometer there to measure rock temperature and to determine the
mining operations. best time for the grouting.
Steel-armoured optical fibre was inserted in all TM boreholes and To make this process easier, we developed a new type of DTS sensor
used as a temperature sensor. The optical fibre was connected to a Silixa that consists of an inner steel guide pipe with a coiled optical fibre of the
DTS Ultima with eight available channels. The Silixa DTS Ultima fires same type as used in the TM boreholes. The outer light-gauge steel pipe
the laser beam through the optical fibre, receives the returned signal, protects the optical fibre from accidental damage (see Fig. 5). The sensor
and calculates temperatures along the optical fibre, evaluating the construction was patented in the Eurasian Patent Organization (EAPO).
Raman amplitude of backscattered light. Temperature data from the Sensors were installed into the short horizontal TM boreholes of 2.0
Silixa DTS Ultima and data from refrigeration plants (WinCC) are m length, drilled in the concrete lining. Therefore, the scheme in Fig. 2
transferred to the server (see Fig. 4). The spatial resolution of such a (see Section 2) illustrates two possible positions for horizontal TM
distributed measuring system is 0.25 m, the sensitivity is 0.1 ⁰C, and the boreholes: in the concrete and in the tubbing. Each sensor has a length
repeat accuracy is ± 0.3 ⁰C. The DTS system was calibrated after resolution of 5 cm, sensitivity of 0.1 ⁰C, and repeat accuracy of ± 0.3 ⁰C.
installation in accordance with measurements of the borehole ther­ Further, each sensor connects in-line with others via the leading wire to
mometer (logger) LITAN, which has an accuracy of ± 0.1 ⁰C, and Silixa DTS Ultima channels. Fig. 6 illustrates sensors prepared for the
measured temperatures in boreholes near the optical fibre at different installation, with one installed in the primary concrete lining. The
additional case from the light-gauge steel pipe prevents the sensor from
being gripped by the thawed rock. Therefore, it can easily be extracted
manually without damage. Moreover, the steel case can also be easily
extracted, either manually or by using a small winch.
The DTS line was calibrated before installation using the borehole
thermometer LITAN and checked two months later when some sensors
were reinstalled. The DTS readings differed from the thermometer data
by less than ± 0.1 ⁰C. This proves that the light-gauge steel case and
outer pipe do not greatly distort (smear) the measured temperatures.
Sensors were installed at depths of 35, 55, 70, 100, 150, 173, and
240 m at each shaft of the Petrikov Potash Mine. Their positions are
shown in Fig. 1, Section 2. Depths for the horizontal TM boreholes were
selected according to the depths of most water-saturated rocks and
aquicludes with the highest and lowest freezing rates.

4. Mathematical model

As mentioned previously, the measured temperatures in the TM

boreholes were used to reconstruct the temperature distribution in the
entire rock mass subjected to thermal influence from the artificial
freezing system. To accomplish this, the coefficient inverse Stefan
problem was formulated, and its regularisation and subsequent nu­
merical solution were carried out.
First, we describe the direct two-phase Stefan problem in a 3D case.
The enthalpy formulation of this problem is
= ∇⋅(λ(ϕice )∇T) (1)
[ ( )]⃒
λ(T)n⋅∇T − α Tfb − T ⃒Ω = 0 (2)

T|Ωout = T0 (h) (3)

T|t=0 = T0 (h) (4)

Fig. 4. Scheme of DTS monitoring system. Coloured polylines are the optical where H is the specific enthalpy of the rocks, J/m ; T is the tem­
fibre: red, blue, and black are the leading wires and violet are sensing wires. perature of rocks, ◦ C; λ is the thermal conductivity, W/(◦ C⋅m); ϕice is the
(For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is volume fraction of ice in the pores; n is the normal vector to the surface
referred to the web version of this article.) of pipe; α is the heat transfer ratio between the rock and the brine, W/

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

Fig. 5. TM sensor construction: inner steel guide pipe (1) with coiled optical fibre (2), outer steel protecting pipe (3), steel plate (4) for sensor fixation on the hole
collar, steel case (5) for protection of the welding point of coiled fibre (1) with leading wire fibre (6).

Fig. 6. TM sensor installed in the primary concrete lining (top), sensors connected in-line and prepared for the installation (bottom left) and the steel case in the
tubbing prepared for the sensor reinstallation (bottom right).

(◦ C⋅m2); Tfb is the brine temperature, ◦ C; T0 is the initial rock tempera­ The rock mass is considered a multilayer system, and the thermal
ture, ◦ C; ∇ is the differential operator nabla, m− 1; Ωfb represents the properties (such as heat conductivities, specific heat capacities, and
surface of freezing pipes; Ωout represents the surface of outer boundary; water content) are different for different rock layers. Heat conductivity
and t is the time variable, s. for each rock layer is a function of the ice volume fraction in the pores:
The remoteness of the outer boundary surface Ωout from freezing
λ(ϕice ) = λfr ϕice λun 1− ϕice
pipes is selected on the basis of preliminary numerical simulations in
such a way as to ensure the independence of the solution from this where λun is the thermal conductivity of the unfrozen rock mass, W/
boundary condition. (◦ C⋅m); λfr is the thermal conductivity of the frozen rock mass, W/(◦ C⋅m);

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

the index “un” denotes the unfrozen (or thawed) rocks and the index “fr” calculation, the finite difference method is used. The description of the
- the frozen rocks. Zero ice volume fraction ϕice = 0 corresponds to the numerical algorithm in detail is presented in (Levin et al., 2018; Levin
case of unfrozen rock mass, while ϕice = 1 means that all pore water is et al., 2019). This algorithm was implemented numerically in the Visual
frozen. studio environment in C#. The direct Stefan problem is solved numer­
The enthalpy function H(T) and the ice volume fraction function ically using the finite difference method. The implemented algorithms
ϕice (T) include information about the phase transition of pore water. became part of the “FrozenWall” software developed by the authors.
These functions are determined as follows:
⎧ 5. Experimental data
⎨ ρun cun (T − TLiq/() + ρun φL, ) T⩾TLiq
H(T) = ρun φL⋅(T − TSol ) TLiq − TSol , TLiq > T⩾TSol
⎩ ρfr cfr (T − TSol ) T < TSol Note that the numerical simulation of the freezing process for shaft
#2 showed that the frozen wall was oversized. This required that the

0,/( T⩾TLiq thickness from the project documentation for shaft sinking was no more

ϕice (T) =
1 − (T − TSol ) TLiq − TSol , TLiq > T⩾TSol (6) than 2.5 m in all layers, while the actual thicknesses calculated using

1, T < TSol DTS data exceeded 4 m. This should lose strength approximately a
month after the shutdown of refrigeration plants. It should be remem­
where ρun is the density of unfrozen rock mass, kg/m3; ρfr is the bered that the segmental lining was constructed from the bottom of the
density of frozen rock mass, kg/m3; cun is the specific heat capacity of shaft going upwards. The primary concrete in the upper part of the shaft
unfrozen rock mass, J/(◦ C⋅kg); cfr is the specific heat capacity of frozen was thicker (up to 1.0 m) and the hydrostatic pressure there was less
rock mass, J/(◦ C⋅kg); φ is the initial water content in rock mass, kg/kg; L than 1.0 MPa. All things considered, the evaluated risk of an accident
is the latent heat of water freezing, J/kg; TSol is the solidus temperature, was minimal. Therefore, the freeze was stopped on 2018–01-01, which

C; and TLiq is the liquidus temperature, ◦ C. was 3 weeks before the tubbing lining was completely constructed.
The calculation of the heat transfer coefficient α through the freezing A multiple series of measurements were carried out during these
borehole walls in (2) is carried out according to (Rohsenow et al., 1998). three weeks: daily visual and infrared inspection of the primary concrete
The stoppage of coolant circulation at the end of the thawing stage is lining that was free of tubbings, measurements of microclimatic pa­
simulated by setting α = 0. This approach implies neglecting thermal rameters as the intake airflow rate, humidity, and temperature. A
disturbances due to the natural convection of the brine under the in­ thermal camera (FLIR SC660) and infrared thermometer (Fluke 568)
fluence of a temperature gradient (Demezhko et al., 2017). were applied for the infrared inspection. The microclimatic parameters
The inverse Stefan problem is formulated by means of adding to the were measured by a temperature humidity meter (Fluke 971) and an
system (1)-(6) the over specified condition at each TM borehole no. i: anemometer (APR-2).
It was found that the shaft air had the following average parameters:
T|Ωcbi = Tcbi (7)
temperature of + 5 ⁰C, humidity of 50%, and velocity of 0.1 m/s in the
where Tcbi represents the rock temperature at the wall Ωcb of the TM cross-section area. The inspection also determined that the lining
borehole no. i. thawed uniformly without local temperature anomalies. The photo on
The overdetermined system of Equations (1)–(8) requires additional the top in Fig. 7 illustrates the primary concrete 10 days after the
unknown parameters. Let these parameters represent the thermal shutdown of refrigeration plants (view from a small skip downwards).
properties of rocks in the frozen and unfrozen states. This decision stems The infrared image at the bottom of Fig. 7 shows the same side of the
from the fact that the thermal properties of rocks are the least accurate lining but a few meters higher (view from the sinking platform up­
input parameters of the mathematical model. The thermal properties of wards). The wall temperature increased locally (but only slightly)
rocks are usually determined from geotechnical sampling. Mining because the humid warm air flowed up from the place of the grouting
companies often try to reduce the cost of geotechnical investigations by (filling the annulus between the tubbing and the primary concrete by
minimising the number of exploratory wells. This results in an insuffi­ cement). However, it did not heat the lining deeply, as sensors showed.
cient quantity of core samples, which causes a less accurate determi­ Since the early twentieth century, many studies have been devoted to
nation of soil thermal properties. the problems of heat generation from concrete due to cement hydration
Improvements in model accuracy can be achieved via reconstruction (Abbas and Majdi, 2017; Lerch and Bogue, 1934). Some of these
of rock mass thermal properties using the solution of the inverse Stefan considered hydration heat relating to the shaft lining (Song et al., 2018)
problem and the measurements performed in TM boreholes. Thus, the or its influence on the permafrost (Wang et al., 2018). However, pre­
solution of the inverse Stefan problem assumes determining the func­ vious studies did not answer the question of how the cement hydration
tions T(x,y,z,t) and the parameters λ, c, φ for each rock layer, which and microclimatic parameters influence the temperature state of the
satisfy Equations (1)–(7). artificially frozen rock adjacent to the lining. The proposed system of
The solution of inverse problems is obtained using the natural reg­ horizontal TM boreholes equipped with new sensors allowed us to
ularisation method (Alifanov, 1994). According to this method, the observe the cooling of concrete after grouting, and the heat exchange
stringent condition (7) is replaced by a condition of the following form: between the shaft air, the lining, and the frozen wall in real mine
√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ conditions.

√ ∑ ∫Δt ( )2 Fig. 8 illustrates temperatures of the tubbing, the primary concrete,
√1 N 1
I=√ Tcbi − T|Ωcbi dt→min (8) and the rock measured by DTS sensors in short TM boreholes on
N i=1 Δt
0 2018–01-07. All temperature curves were measured at the same time
and presented in one coordinate system where zero on the X-axis cor­
where Δt is the simulation time interval, sec, and N is the number of
responds to the surface of the tubbing lining. Three TM sensors at depths
TM boreholes.
of 150, 173, and 240 m were already reinstalled into the tubbing lining,
Thus, the solution of the inverse Stefan problem is reduced to min­
while other sensors remained in the concrete lining that was free of
imisation of Functional (8) under conditions (1)–(6). We use the itera­
tubbings. The upper part of Fig. 8 shows the boundaries “Tubbing-Filler
tive approach based on the gradient descent method for finding the
(Concrete)” and “Filler (Concrete)-Primary concrete” for reinstalled
minimum of Functional (8). At each iteration step the solution of the
sensors, whereas its lower part has only the “Primary Concrete-Rock”
direct Stefan problem is obtained with the actual values of optimising
( ) boundary for other curves.
parameters (thermal diffusivity in the frozen afr = λfr / ρfr cfr and un­
The mortar had a temperature of + 15 ⁰C while filling the annulus
frozen aun = λun /(ρun cun ) zones, water content φ). For the numerical between the primary concrete and the tubbing lining. Tubbings had a

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

Fig. 7. Photo (top) and infrared image (bottom) of the primary concrete showing the influence of the warm and humid air above the mortar (filler) feed point.

temperature of + 7 ⁰C, and the intake air had temperatures in the range lining, even if AGF was finished. This becomes clear from a comparison
of 2–4 ⁰C. It was assumed that sensors were reinstalled in the tubbing the of temperature curves on the first day after shutdown and on following
next day after the tubbing lining covered this part of the wall. The dark days. The sensor was reinstalled in the tubbing seven days after the
red curve (150 m) illustrates temperatures on the day of sensor rein­ refrigeration plants were turned off.
stallation, the green curve (173 m) represents a week after reinstallation, To obtain 0.5–1.0 m of thawed rock behind the primary concrete
and the violet curve (240 m) is three weeks after reinstallation. Under faster, mining engineers decided to heat the intake air after completion
these conditions, refrigeration plants were turned off in the previous of the tubbing lining construction. According to the measurements,
week. Therefore, the sensors at depths of 173 m and 240 m were rein­ intake air had a temperature of approximately + 15 ⁰C at the outlet of
stalled in the tubbing until the AGF operations finished and the signif­ the ventilation duct near the frozen wall bottom (at a depth of 270 m)
icant part of the hydration heat was extracted by the freezing pipes. and a velocity of 0.2–0.25 m/s in the cross-section area. Air heating
Curves “-240” and “-173” show that the grout heats the rock behind the started on 2018–02-22.
lining, but cannot defrost the rock. The temperature curves, received from TM sensors, showed that two
The next example, shown in Fig. 9, illustrates the temperature dy­ months of air heating defrosted 0.7–0.8 m of the rock adjoining the
namics measured by the sensor at a depth of 150 m during the first 47 lining, which was enough for the grouting. The upper plot in Fig. 10
days after the shutdown of refrigeration plants. There was only an ex­ shows temperatures in the clay at a depth of 173 m, which has ice-
change between the frozen wall, lining, and intake air. The cement hy­ melting temperatures in a range from − 2 to − 0.27 ⁰C. The lower
dration heat could not defrost the rock at a distance of 1 m from the graph shows temperatures in the sand at a depth of 240 m, which has a

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

Fig. 8. DTS data from sensors in short horizontal TM boreholes at different depths at the same time (2018–01-07) depending on the distance along the TM borehole.

Fig. 9. DTS data from the sensor in the short horizontal TM borehole at a depth of 150 m on different days after the shutdown of refrigeration plants. Days are noted
to the right of curves.

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

Fig. 10. DTS data from sensors in the lining and the rock adjacent to it at different moments after the start of intake air heating.

range of ice melting temperatures from − 0.7 to − 0.2 ⁰C. 6) coordinates, elevations, vertical and horizontal deviations of
freezing pipes and TM boreholes, their diameters, and thermal
6. Numerical simulation results and discussion resistivities;
7) the design parameters of the shaft.
The initial model for the numerical simulation was parametrised
based on an analysis of the large data set. It contains the following pa­ The coolant intake, outlet temperatures and flow rate, and the shaft
rameters defining the thermodynamic processes under AGF for the shaft air temperatures and flow rate are provided daily as input data.
#2 case: For more adequate estimation of the current frozen wall thickness
and temperatures during the ice growing and holding stages, the model
1) thermodynamic and physical parameters of rocks, and their natural of parameters is calibrated every time when calculated temperatures
water content; differ from DTS data in TM boreholes by more than ± 0.5 ⁰C. The cali­
2) the natural temperature of the rock mass as a result of temperature bration procedure corrects three values: thermal diffusivity of the frozen
logging; and unfrozen rock and natural water content. Thus, these parameters
3) information about the temperature range of the water freezing in differ from their initial values, or even take the form of time-dependent
each layer; step functions to the end of freezing. Other parameters remain
4) thermodynamic and hydraulic characteristics of the coolant; unchanged.
5) thermodynamic characteristics of the reinforcement; The parameters are calibrated using the algorithm described in

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

Section 4. The “FrozenWall” software saves the temperature and

enthalpy fields for each rock layer at predefined times.
The described model does not include underground water seepage
through the surrounding rock mass for two reasons:

1. there is no underground water seepage in accordance with the pre­

liminary hydrogeological survey;
2. this research is mainly focused on the thawing stage when the frozen
wall is completed and prevents the water seepage through itself.

Nevertheless, in our opinion, the described technique can be

extended to the case of construction of mine shafts in the presence of
groundwater seepage. In this case, the mathematical model in Section 2
must be supplemented by the equations of mass balance and water
seepage in the porous rock mass, the corresponding initial and boundary
conditions, and additional model parameters. The greatest difficulty
here is the experimental determination of additional hydraulic param­
eters of water-saturated rock layers (permeabilities, external velocity,
and hydraulic pressure fields).
It should be mentioned that the calibrated model can be applied to
both the reconstruction of current temperature distribution in the rock
mass, and to the forecasting of temperatures on a given time (as will be
shown subsequently). Note that the calibrated parameters did not
Fig. 12. Calculated temperature maps (plan view) in the sandstone layer
change during the thawing stage.
around the shaft 40 days after the shutdown of refrigeration plants.
Fig. 11 and Fig. 12 illustrate the results of numerical simulation of
the reconstruction of temperature distribution in the sandstone layer
across the frozen wall, and zero of the X-axis corresponds with the shaft
lying at a depth of 150 m and having a range of ice melting temperatures
from − 0.51 to − 0.18 ⁰C. This rock layer has the highest freezing and
Fig. 11 contains experimental data for comparisons with the
defrosting rates. The temperature curves in Fig. 11 are calculated for
approximate temperatures calculated in the numerical simulation. The
different moments after the shutdown of refrigeration plants and coin­
approximation error is less than ± 0.5 ⁰C. The temperature reconstruc­
cide well with the experimental data. The profile is radially oriented
tion in dynamics confirms that the coolant circulation heats the frozen

Fig. 11. Temperatures calculated in the frozen wall at different times after the shutdown of refrigeration plants (black curves) and experimental data for the
comparing: DTS data from sensors (red curves), temperatures measured in vertical TM boreholes (red squares and numbers), temperatures of the circulated coolant
(navy blue squares and numbers). (For interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

wall around the freezing pipes and divides it into two parts: the inner 1) the model is applicable to simulate long-term thawing;
and outer rings. This can be clearly observed in Fig. 11, and especially in 2) the frozen wall thawed slowly without AGH;
Fig. 12 (map). The border between the two rings becomes more inten­ 3) the rock remains frozen for at least a year after shutdown of the
sive if the coolant is heated up by the AGH method. refrigeration plants.
The frozen wall achieves the lower range limit of the ice melting
temperatures in different rocks in 80–120 days after AGF was stopped. Unfortunately, we have no experimental data for longer periods to
Then, the frozen wall thickness slowly decreases in size under incoming verify our calculations, because TM boreholes were plugged and aban­
heat. The thawing rock mass may have a heterogeneous structure at that doned in accordance with the construction schedule.
time, and can be broken locally by the external (rock and underground The results shown in Fig. 13 were based on a thermodynamic model
water) pressure. However, the frozen wall can withstand the pressure for that could not consider geomechanics (such as local stresses and de­
a long time if it is substantially oversized. Information about the frozen formations in the freezing and thawing rock), possible anisotropy of
wall thawing behind the lining provides efficient control of mining op­ physical parameters, and heat and mass transfer from the grouting
erations, particularly grouting works. works. Therefore, conclusions concerning long-term frozen wall thaw­
The model remains applicable for the forecasting of frozen wall ing should only be reviewed in the context of thermodynamics.
behaviour during the restricted time after calibration. Many small errors It seems that the frozen wall should lose its completeness earlier than
accumulate; therefore, long-term forecasting for a year or more is not after one or a few years of thawing, because it would lose its strength (if
expected to be as precise as for shorter periods (days, weeks, or even its temperature is within the range of ice melting) and could be broken
months). Nevertheless, a numerical simulation for a long thawing time locally by the rock and underground water pressure. Water seepage
was also carried out for the same sandstone layer. The coolant circula­ through cracks in the frozen wall could provide additional heat and mass
tion was stopped, and the freezing pipes were demounted after the transfer and accelerate thawing.
grouting was finished. The model accepted that heat from the shaft wall
was permanent for all calculated periods. The temperature curves in 7. Conclusions
Fig. 13 show that the frozen rock thaws slowly and will be completely
thawed after approximately 5 years. Newly developed DTS sensors in short horizontal boreholes drilled in
Temperature measurements in TM borehole #3 of shaft #2 were the shaft lining were proposed as a part of a complex system for the real-
carried out 12 months after the AGF shutdown (2019–01-16) to verify time monitoring of frozen wall state. The design of the proposed sensor
the predictive capability of the model. The freezing and DTS systems had enables achieving almost the same measurement accuracy as for vertical
already demounted. Therefore, temperatures were measured using the TM boreholes equipped with optical fibre sensors. Usage of the proposed
borehole thermometer (logger) LITAN with an accuracy of ± 0.1 ⁰C DTS sensors in combination with DTS in vertical TM boreholes is pri­
within the range from − 20 to + 20 ⁰C. The results of the measurements marily intended for thermal monitoring at the end of the AGF procedure
are given in Table 2 and show that frozen wall temperatures remain when the artificially frozen rock mass thaws. This allows automatisation
negative in all layers. of the measurements in real-time, and provides more detailed infor­
Comparing the measured temperature at a depth of 150 m with the mation on the temperature distribution inside and outside the freezing
calculated temperature for 12 months (see Fig. 13), the difference be­ pipes circuit compared with traditional techniques of periodical mea­
tween these values is less than ± 0.2 ⁰C. This proves the following: surements using temperature probes or loggers.

Fig. 13. Results of the numerical simulation for a long thawing time in the sandstone layer at a depth of 150 m (shaft #2): calculated temperatures (black curves)
limit the frozen rock within the range of temperatures [-0.51; − 0.18], the red square and text point to the measured temperature and date of the measurement. (For
interpretation of the references to colour in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

L. Levin et al. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology incorporating Trenchless Technology Research 107 (2021) 103685

Table 2
Temperatures measured in TM borehole #3 of shaft #2 (2019–01-16).
No Depth, m Rock Temperature, ◦ C No Depth, m Rock Temperature, ◦ C

1 40 Sand − 0.29 8 160 Sand − 0.29

2 55 Aleurite − 0.43 9 173 Clay − 0.45
3 70 Sand − 0.20 10 180 Sand − 0.30
4 80 Sand − 0.20 11 190 Sand − 0.30
5 100 Chalk − 0.52 12 200 Sand − 0.31
6 120 Chalk − 0.54 13 220 Sand − 0.41
7 150 Sandstone − 0.31 14 240 Sand − 0.51

The reconstruction of the temperature field in the entire rock mass CRediT authorship contribution statement
according to measurements in horizontal and vertical TM boreholes is
carried out in this study by numerically solving the inverse Stefan L. Levin: Methodology, Supervision, Resources. I. Golovatyi:
problem using the natural regularisation method. Additional unknown Conceptualization, Project administration, Resources. A. Zaitsev:
parameters of the inverse problem are the thermophysical properties of Investigation, Formal analysis. A. Pugin: Writing - original draft, Formal
the different rock layers (thermal diffusivities for frozen and unfrozen analysis. M. Semin: Software, Writing - review & editing.
zones and water content). As a result, we obtain a more reliable deter­
mination of the actual parameters of the frozen wall and we can forecast Declaration of Competing Interest
its behaviour in future possible scenarios.
Considering the case of the Petrikov Potash Mine, complex analysis The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
of experimental data and the results of the numerical simulation helped interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
us to obtain a clearer insight into the frozen wall thawing process and to the work reported in this paper.
make the following conclusions:
1) the hydration heat of hardening concrete of this composition cannot
defrost the frozen rock adjacent to the lining even after the shutdown This research was carried out thanks to the technical support of Joint
of refrigeration plants; Stock Company “Belaruskali”, which provided all conditions for suc­
2) coolant circulation without AGH accelerates rock thawing around cessful experiments at Petrikov Potash Mine. The results of sections 4–6
freezing pipes, because the atmosphere and the working pumps were obtained within RSF grant (project No. 19-77-30008).
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