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Migration as an Effect of Globalization

Migration is one of the most publicized and discussed phenomena in the whole world.
According to the definition, migration is the movement of a person or a group of persons, either
through the crossing of an international border or within the same state.

The causes that triggered this massive phenomenon differed from one period to the next,
but all had strong effects in the future.

The first great migration process was called the "migration of the civilizations" and began
as early as Antiquity.The purpose of this move was influenced by the desire of the peoples to
invade other territories and rule them. This phenomenon has massively influenced the culture
and even the language of the invaded peoples.

Nowadays, people who want to move to another country can be classified as:economic
migrants, who are not forced to leave the country, but just want an improved level of life,because
in their native country they were insufficient. The other type of migrants are persecuted migrants
who, for fear of persecution and bombings in their homeland, receive temporary help on the
territory of another country.

Today, the factors that trigger migration are multiple and depend on the politics,
organization and events of each country.

One of the most important factors of migration nowadays is wars or armed conflicts in
different territories of the country,which cause a massive movement of the population. One of
the great examples of our day is the mass departure of people from Syria, forced to leave their
homelands due to the disorganized system of government or terrorist organisations present on the

Given that the Syrian territory is close to Turkey and Lebanon, the majority of the
population uses these countries as temporary aid. However, this phenomenon has also influenced
the economy of the countries that shelter migrants, due to the massive arrival of people. Thus, a
lot of funds were allocated in the case of Lebanon so that Syrian children could also have the
right to education. Due to migration, the number of the Syrian population has increased and
being a small country this phenomenon has created problems in Lebanon.

In the case of Turkey, another country that houses refugees, the massive arrival of
migrants has had less effects, because the government has managed to allocate enough resources
for Syrians to get food and better conditions, without affecting the inhabitants of Turkey.

Another important cause to trigger the phenomenon of migration is poverty or drought.

One of the great examples is that of Somalia, where more than 2 million native inhabitants have
left the territory of this country. The powerful violence, the attacks, but also the desert climate of
this country have managed to create a great Somali diaspora in the world.

However, there have also been cases in which migration or the departure of the country
by the inhabitants have been prohibited, this restriction being found especially in the case of
communist countries.

Romania is one of the countries that turned throughout the communist period, until 1989
to this measure, this fact also contributes to the growth of the population within the country.
After the communist regime was destroyed, an important part of the population left for Western
Europe.This massive departure was found in the case of other communist countries, with the
exception of Yugoslavia.

To support and help migrants, in 1950 it was founded with the help of the United Nations
High Commissioner for Refugees (Geneva) which protects refugees at the request of a
government and helps repatriate them later.

Another important cause of migration is the presence of natural disasters that will evolve
due to increased global warming. Thus, Asia is the main geographical area from which the
population leaves determined by natural disasters, more than 90% of migrants leaving their
native places due to monsoons and typhoons in India, China or the Philippines.

For this phenomenon, however, it was possible to find a solution that does not involve
other countries, so that people living in a territory hit by strong natural disasters, are displaced
within the same country.
Corruption and political dissent are other major factors that have contributed to the
massive departure of the population. Inside Sudan, civil wars were organized for decades that
killed hundreds of thousands of people, and finally, in 2011, it was declared as an independent
state of South Sudan. Even so, corruption is still present within this territory and can be found in
several areas, from patronage, to bureaucracy.

Another country where the migration was caused by the corruption present is Yemen,
where another civil war caused by problems between the Saudi government and the Houthi rebel
organization, which is also aided by Iran has affected the aspects of life in the Persian Gulf

In South America, violence and corruption were an important cause for people from
different territories, such as Venezuela, to leave for North America or Europe.

As a result of the high migration, thefts and minor or major crimes caused by some
refugees themselves, as well as by terrorist organizations seeking control, have been intensified
in Europe.

Other causes that have led to a strong migration are epidemics, in central Africa, religious
intolerance and fundamentalism, or lack of jobs and various rights and freedoms.

Human migration also influences migrants, but also the population that houses
refugees :,,For a good coexistence, and the locals must change their attitude and habits. "Anselm
Bohner-researcher on education and migration. According to some studies, migration does not
affect economic growth, but on the contrary, it helps to increase it by increasing the workforce :,,
Migration is as natural as breathing, eating or sleeping. Migration is part of life and nature." Gael
Garcia Bernal.

In conclusion, regardless of the period and reasons of migration, it has played an

important role in the history of mankind and has left a strong imprint that is still found today.

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