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R resources for begginers

Patricia Menéndez

1 Getting to know more about R 1

2 R in practice 1

3 R and Rstudio Cheat Sheets 1

4 Get yourself an Rstudio Cloud account 1

5 Data wrangling with tidyverse 1

6 Familiarize yourself with userful resources for R programming 2

1 Getting to know more about R

® Read here about R

2 R in practice
This is a wonderful tutorial to start getting to know how R works. Please go over it and make sure you do
the practical exercises.
® Rstudio Cloud

3 R and Rstudio Cheat Sheets

There are lots of Cheat Sheets and you don’t need to learn all about them in this tutorial. The goal here is
that you get familiar with those resources so that you can use them when you need to during the semester.
Browse over the site and get an idea about what is available.
® Cheat sheets

4 Get yourself an Rstudio Cloud account

Please sign up for a free Rstudio Cloud account and make sure you remember your login details!
® Rstudio Cloud

5 Data wrangling with tidyverse

® Video on data wrangling

6 Familiarize yourself with userful resources for R programming
There are lots of wonderful R, Rstudio and Data science using R resources that will help you during the
semester. Below there is a list to get you started:
® Hands-On Programming with R
® R for Data Science
A more comprehensive list of books that are freely available can be fond on the following webpage:
® Book list

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