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Topic 1

Power Supply System

Power Supply System

Students should be able to:

1. Describe the electrical generation system

2. Describe the electricity transmission system in Singapore

3. Describe the electricity distribution system in Singapore

4. Explain the difference between single phase and three phase
5. Explain the difference between Grid-connected and
Standalone solar photovoltaic systems
How Electricity is brought to your home?
Generation Transmission Distribution
in Power Station to sub-stations to consumers
near load centres
One form of electricity generation is by thermal power station.
- Boiler convert water to high pressure steam
- Steam rotate the turbine blade
- Turbine rotate the generator to generates electricity
- Transformer step-up the voltage to higher values for transmission
Bulk transfer of electrical energy, from generating power plants to
electrical substations.
To interconnect between power stations. Increase the reliability of
Transmitted at high voltages to reduce the energy lost.
Higher voltage reduces the current and thus the I2R losses in the
conductor. At the same time, with the reduces current, the conductor size
can also be reduced.

The transmission network consists of 3 levels: 400KV, 230 KV and 66 KV.

The transmission system in Singapore is totally by the UNDERGROUND

Receive electric power from large, bulk power sources and distribute
electric power to consumers.
Primary distribution voltages: 22KV and 6.6KV
Secondary distribution voltage: 400V.
Load density is high, distributed at 22KV and stepped down directly
to the utilisation voltage through 22/0.4KV transformer.
Load density is low, it is distributed at 6.6KV and stepped down
through 6.6/0.4KV transformers
Voltage variation is maintained, within 6% of the normal voltage.
Supply frequency is 50Hz and the variation is maintained at 1%.
The distribution system should provide minimum voltage variation
and supply interruption.
Flexible to allow expansion in small increments so as to meet
changing load conditions.
All distribution networks in Singapore are by underground cables from
substations placed near to the load centre and supplied at 22KV or 6.6KV.
Transformers in these local substations reduce the voltage to 400V, three
phase and neutral distributor cables connect this supply to consumers.
Connecting to one phase and neutral
of a three-phase 400V supply gives
230V single-phase supply suitable for
domestic consumers
Generation of a single-phase AC voltage
In an AC generator, an alternating electromotive force (emf) is induced
by the rotating coil as it cuts the magnetic field produced by the
permanent magnet, and this causes an induced current to flow.

- A coil revolves between the N and S

poles of a permanent magnet.
- Rotation is due to an external driving
- The Coil is connected to two slip rings.
- It is Connected to an external electrical
load by means of two stationary brushes
X and Y.
Generation of a single-phase AC voltage

When the coil is rotated, the conductors

cut the magnetic flux, and an emf is
generated in each conductor.

A sinusoidal voltage waveform is


Polarity of voltage changes every half

Generation of Three-Phase AC Voltage
• A single coil will generate a single-phase supply.

• Having three rotating coils will generate a three-phase supply, the

coils being at angle of 120 apart.

L3 O

o o
120 120

o o
O 120 L1 120 L1
o o
120 120

L2 O
Generation of Three-Phase AC Voltage
A practical form of a generator would have Brown

the magnetic field rotating and the coils

stationary. Black Grey

The phasor diagram for the 3-phase voltages N S

would be 120 apart. In normal phase
Grey Black
rotation, the sequence would be L1 (Brown),
L2 (Black) and L3 (Grey). Brown



120 VBrown

Connection of Three-phase System
Star and Delta Connection

In the Star or Wye connection, the

similar ends of the three windings are
joined together at one point N.

The other end of the three windings are

line conductors indicated as L1, L2 and L3
which are connected to the loads.

In the Delta connection, the ends of the

windings are joined into a triangle. The
three leads are brought out to form the line
conductors L1, L2 and L3.

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