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Table of Contents

In this document you will find 4 different activity formats that will help you study the
vocabulary based on the modules taught in class:

Option 1: Filling the gaps with appropriate words / phrases

Option 2: Matching words / phrases to their correct synonyms or definitions

Option 3: Writing meaningful sentences with the words given

Option 4: Multiple choice

Glossary Module Customer Insight
• Allocate (v.) • Insights (n.)
• Apparel (n.) • Legitimate concerns (adj., n.)
• Approach (v.) • Loyalty card (adj. n.)
• Assortment (n.) • Mailer (n.)
• Audience segments (n.) • Packaging (n.)
• Bottom line (n.) • Point-of-purchase (n.)
• Build loyalty (v., n.) • Point of engagement (n.)
• Buyer persona (n.) • Point of friction (n.)
• Clearance (n.) • Purchasing habits (adj.,n.)
• Colour-coded maps (adj.,n.) • Retailer (n.)
• Coupons (n.) • Reward (n.)
• Customer’s journey (n.) • Shelf facing (n.)
• Data-driven (adj.) • Size someone up (ph.v.)
• Discourage (v.) • Shopability (n.)
• Display (v.) • Showcase (v.)
• Draw (v.) • Stroll (v.)
• Engagement (n.) • Struggle (v.)
• Eye-tracking (n.) • Track purchases (v., n.)
• Infer (v.) • Turn out (v.)
• Innovative (adj.) • Visual acuity (adj., n.)

Option 1: Fill in The Gaps
Fill in the gaps with a correct word / phrase given below:
• Note that they might not be in the same order listed and verbs might need to be put in their correct tense.
• There are 2 words / phrases that you do NOT need.

allocate / apparel / data-driven / engagement / eye tracking / insights / mailer / purchase tracking

1. Engagement
_________________ insights capability enables you to understand interactively, how your customers are using your services
and products.
2. purchase
One of the most basic ways to set up a _____________ tracking system is through the use of Excel.
order __________

3. The direct ________________ we produced was sent out to 250 members.

4. Utilizing the insights will help you to prioritize product development and _______________ your marketing budget effectively.

data-driven based on a product's proven ability to improve student achievement.

5. All purchasing decisions are _______________

Eye tracking
6. _________________ studies have shown that users rarely look at display ads on web pages.

Glossary Module Gig Economy
• Asset (n.) • Medical insurance (n.)
• Bail someone out (expr.) • Payroll (n.)
• Be made redundant (expr.) • Perks (n.)
• Be short on cash (expr.) • Remote work (n.)
• Career / job prospects (n.) • Retirement pension (n.)
• Commitment (n.) • Ride-hailing (n.)
• Constraint (v.) • Safety net (n.)
• Earn a living (expr.) • Severance pay (n.)
• Freelance (n.; adj; adv) • Sick leave (n.)
• Healthcare (n.) • Skilled laborers (adj., n.)
• In-demand Vs. on demand (prep., n.) • Take on (pv.)
• Income (n.) • Trade union (n.)
• Independent contractors (adj., n.) • UBI (Universal Basic Income) (N.)
• Isolation (n.) • Uncertainty (n.)
• Jobless (adj.) • Wage (n.)
• Jobseeker (n.) • Work-life balance (n.)
• Lack (n.)
• Lay someone off (pv.)
• Make ends meet (expr.)

Option 2: Matching Words / Phrases
Match the following words / phrases with their correct definition. There are 2 options you do not need:

asset / be short of money / bail someone out/ career prospects / freelance / income / insurance / sick leave / severance pay / stifle

1. _______________: to prevent something from happening, being expressed, or continuing.

2. _______________: money that is earned from doing work or received from investments.

Career prospects the available professions for a certain industry or field.


4. _________________:
Bail someone out to help a person or organization that is in difficulty, usually by giving or lending them money.

Sick leave
5. ________________: time away from work because of illness.

6.________________: a period of time when college or university teachers are allowed to stop their usual work in order to study or travel,
usually while continuing to be paid.

7. _________________: doing particular pieces of work for different organizations, rather than working all the time for a single organization.

8. _________________: a useful or valuable quality, skill, or person.

Option 3. Write Meaningful Sentences (1st / 2nd Call Exam)
Choose 6 words / phrases learnt in the three modules and write meaningful sentences with them:

clearance / consent / convey / display / healthcare / issue an apology / lay off / spark attention / reward / upsetting

1. They can't publish your name without your consent.


2. The brand publicly acknowledged the bad choice of the campaign and issued an apology.

3. Save up to 50% on appliances during our storewide clearance sale.


4. Retailers should display delivery times and costs on their websites.


5. 200 workers at the factory have been laid off due to the pandemic.

6. Large corporations should have some responsibility in providing healthcare and safe working conditions.

Glossary Module Controversial Advertising
• Derision (n.)
• Advocate (v.)
• Extend someone’s apologies (v. n.)
• Advertiser (n.)
• Feature (v.)
• Arise controversy (v. n.)
• Garner (v.)
• Align with (v.)
• Get banned (v.)
• Backfire (v.)
• Issue an apology (v. n.)
• Backlash (n.)
• Outrageous (adj.)
• Be littered with (pv)
• Peers (n.)
• Be on the verge (expr.)
• Put something in a negative light (expr.)
• Billboard (n.)
• Spark attention (v. n)
• Bold (adj.)
• Stereotype (n.)
• Consent (n.)
• Target audience (n.)
• Convey (v.)
• Take down (pv.)
• Consumer awareness (n.)
• Unethical (adj.)
• Create brand awareness (v. n.)
• Upsetting (adj.)
• Cross the line (v.)
• Uproar (n.)
• Withdraw (v.)

Option 4: Multiple Choice.
Choose the right word to complete the following sentences:

1. These major global brands rebuilt their reputation despite their __________ campaigns.

a) advertiser b) backfired c) billboard

2. A national ad campaign targeting Joe Biden caused ______________ among certain communities.

a) uproar b) target c) attention

3. It is our wish to extend our sincerest ____________________ for any misunderstanding this may have caused.

a) apologies b) backlash c) derision

4. The newspaper made the _______________________ move of publishing the names of the men involved.

a) bald b) bold c) outrageous

Useful Collocations Modules 1-3
A collocation is a group of two or more words that are almost always put together to create a specific meaning. Using a different
combination of words sounds unnatural or awkward, therefore learning them by heart will make you be closer to native fluency. Some of
the main collocations learnt in this course are short-listed below:

• Allocate budget
• Data-driven decisions
• Arise controversy
• Draw attention / a conclusion
• Audience segments
• Drive preferences / sales
• Bottom line performance
• Extend someone’s apologies
• Brand building / awareness
• Garner engagement
• Build trust / loyalty
• Growth potential
• Conduct a research / survey / questionnaire / presentation
• Meet backlash / a deadline / requirements
• Convey a message
• Spark derision
• Core audience
• Target audience
• Create social awareness / engagement
• Customer / shopping behaviour
• Customer journey / satisfaction

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