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Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61 (2008) 455e463

Adjusted indirect comparison may be less biased than direct comparison

for evaluating new pharmaceutical interventions
F. Songa,b,*, I. Harveya, R. Lilfordc
School of Medicine, Health Policy and Practice, University of East Anglia, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7TJ, UK
School of Allied Health Professions, University of East Anglia, Norwich, NR4 7TJ, UK
Department of Public Health and Epidemiology, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK
Accepted 5 June 2007

Objective: To investigate discrepancies between direct comparison and adjusted indirect comparison in meta-analyses of new versus
conventional pharmaceutical interventions.
Study Design and Setting: Results of direct comparison were compared with results of adjusted indirect comparison in three meta-
analyses of new versus conventional drugs. The three case studies are (1) bupropion versus nicotine replacement therapy for smoking ces-
sation, (2) risperidone versus haloperidol for schizophrenia, and (3) fluoxetine versus imipramine for depressive disorders.
Results: In all the three cases, effects of new drugs estimated by head-to-head trials tend to be greater than that by adjusted indirect
comparisons. The observed discrepancies could not be satisfactorily explained by the play of chance or by bias and heterogeneity in ad-
justed indirect comparison. This observation, along with analysis of possible systematic bias in the direct comparisons, suggested that the
indirect method might have produced less biased results. Simulations found that adjusted indirect comparison may counterbalance bias un-
der certain circumstances.
Conclusion: Adjusted indirect comparison could be used to cross-examine the validity and applicability of results from head-to-head
randomized trials. The hypothesis that adjusted indirect comparison may provide less biased results than head-to-head randomized trials
needs to be investigated by further research. Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Adjusted indirect comparison; Head-to-head comparison; Bias; Meta-analysis; Clinical trials; Pharmaceutical intervention

1. Introduction evidence generated by adjusted indirect comparison can also

be combined with evidence from head-to-head trials [4,5].
Adjusted indirect comparison has been increasingly used However, the potential usefulness of adjusted indirect
in systematic reviews to evaluate relative effects of compet-
comparison is often overshadowed by concern about possi-
ing pharmaceutical interventions due to a lack of head-to-
ble bias resulting from this approach [1,3]. For the adjusted
head randomized trials [1e3]. Suppose that interventions
indirect comparison of intervention A versus B to be valid,
A and C were compared in a trial, and that interventions
trials that compare intervention A versus placebo should be
B and C were compared in another trial. Then, the indirect
on average similar to trials that compare intervention B ver-
comparison of interventions A and B can be carried out by
sus placebo in terms of moderators of relative treatment
using the results of their independent comparisons with the effect (e.g., characteristics of trial participants) [1e3]. Ad-
common intervention C (e.g., placebo). This allows the justed indirect comparison will provide misleading results
strength of randomized trials to be partially preserved in an
if this key assumption is not fulfilled. In addition, any possi-
indirect comparison [2]. To improve statistical power,
ble biases in trials used in adjusted indirect comparison
would also affect the validity of indirect comparison [6].
Fujian Song conceived the initial idea and conducted analyses. Ian We need to remember that head-to-head comparison tri-
Harvey and Richard Lilford contributed to the interpretation of results als are also susceptible to bias because of inadequate meth-
and the preparation of the manuscript. Fujian Song had full access to all odology and operational difficulties [7e10]. In existing
of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data
and the accuracy of the data analysis.
studies of bias in clinical trials, it was usually assumed that
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ44-1603-591253; fax: þ44-1603-593166. bias would tend to beget exaggerated estimates of treatment
E-mail address: (F. Song). effect, and the observed association between certain trial
0895-4356/08/$ e see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi: 10.1016/j.jclinepi.2007.06.006
456 F. Song et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61 (2008) 455e463

methodological features and treatment effects was often Since the three original systematic reviews have been
considered as empirical evidence of bias [8e10]. For exam- conducted many years ago, we searched the Cochrane Li-
ple, inadequate concealment of treatment allocation is con- brary to identify recently updated systematic reviews rele-
sidered to be associated with bias because empirical vant to the three case studies [16e23]. We also searched
evidence revealed that trials with inadequate or unclear MEDLINE and the references of retrieved reviews to iden-
concealment of allocation reported treatment effects that tify additional placebo-controlled trials for adjusted indirect
were on average 30% greater than trials with adequate con- comparisons. Trials were excluded if intention-to-treat
cealment of allocation [10]. analysis was impossible, and we used only the first phase
If the logic above was true and adjusted indirect compar- from crossover trials.
ison was indeed more likely to be biased, adjusted indirect
comparison would on average exaggerate treatment effects 2.2. Statistical methods
as compared with direct comparison. However, empirical
evidence from 44 meta-analyses in a previous study indi- Treatment effect is measured using odds ratio (OR). For
cates that the results of adjusted indirect comparisons usu- direct comparisons, the relative effect of active interven-
ally agree with the results of head-to-head trials over a wide tions, and the effect of active drugs versus placebo are es-
range of competing interventions [6]. Significant discrep- timated by within-trial comparisons. When there are two or
ancies were found in only four comparisons after eliminat- more trials for the same comparison, the random-effects
ing trials with obvious heterogeneity, and in two cases the model is used to quantitatively combine results of individ-
direct comparisons produced greater effect sizes than the ual trials, weighted by the inverse of corresponding vari-
adjusted indirect comparisons [3,6]. ances. Heterogeneity across studies and asymmetry of
Subsequent to this study, we observed a further case in funnel plot in meta-analyses are statistically tested [24,25].
which the adjusted indirect comparison provided a signifi- The adjusted indirect comparison uses the method sug-
cantly smaller effect size than the direct comparison when gested by Bucher et al. in which the indirect comparison
a new drug, bupropion, was compared with a conventional of the new and conventional interventions is calculated
nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) for smoking cessation from the results of their direct comparisons with a common
[11]. We noted that masking of treatment allocation was in- intervention control (e.g., placebo) [1]. According to find-
adequate in this case [12]. Such failure of masking may ings from a study of methods for indirect comparison, stan-
lead to ‘‘optimism bias’’ in head-to-head trials of new drugs dard deviations of treatment effects estimated in adjusted
[13]. Because optimism bias and other documented meth- indirect comparison were on average underestimated by
odological problems in clinical trials may exaggerate the the fixed effect model but overestimated by the random-
effects of new treatments [7,8,10], we hypothesized that effects model [3]. We use the random-effects model for
there may be circumstances where, perhaps counterintui- meta-analyses involved in adjusted indirect comparison to
tively, indirect comparisons could provide a less biased es- prevent the underestimation of standard errors (SEs) in ad-
timate than the direct comparison. To investigate this justed indirect comparison.
possibility, we sought further instances in which both the The discrepancy between the direct estimate (logOR,
direct and adjusted indirect methods could be used to com- TAB) and the adjusted indirect estimate (T0AB) is measured
pare new and conventional drugs. We discuss circumstances by the difference (D) between the two estimates:
where adjusted indirect comparisons could indeed correct 0
D 5 TAB  TAB :
for bias in direct comparisons.
Its SE is
 0 2
2. Methods
in which SE(TAB) and SE(T0AB) are the estimated SEs for
2.1. Identification of further case studies
the direct estimate and the adjusted indirect estimate, re-
Our source material consisted of systematic reviews of spectively. The estimated discrepancy could be standard-
direct comparisons of new and conventional drugs in which ized by its SE to obtain a value of z5D/SE(D). The
the first author has been involved. We identified two further discrepancy (D) is in fact the log ratio of odds ratios
cases in which both direct and adjusted indirect compari- (ROR). ROR has been used in methodological studies to
sons could be conducted to compare new and old drugs. measure bias in controlled trials [8,10]. In this paper,
These were risperidone versus haloperidol for schizophre- ROR ! 1.0 (or D ! 0) indicates that the treatment effect
nia [14] and fluoxetine versus imipramine for depressive estimated by the direct comparison is greater than that by
disorders [15]. In this paper, we report results of all three the adjusted indirect comparison.
case studies; the original case that had suggested the hy- Some trials may have three or more arms, including a new
pothesis to us (bupropion versus NRT for smoking cessa- drug, an old drug, and a placebo arm. Data from these trials
tion) and the above newly ascertained case studies. could be used to directly compare the new drug and the old
F. Song et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61 (2008) 455e463 457

drug, and could also be used to indirectly compare the new greater treatment effect (Fig. 1). We conducted sensitivity
and the old drug adjusted by the placebo control. In this case, analyses using trials that included only community volunteers,
the point estimate of discrepancy between the direct and ad- or with intensive support, or only large trials (N O 200). The
justed indirect estimate is zero. That is, when the same data discrepancies between the direct and indirect estimates are
are used in both the direct and adjusted indirect comparison, almost unaffected in the sensitivity analyses (Table 1).
the discrepancy will be underestimated. To ensure that direct
estimates and adjusted indirect estimates are independent, as
3.2. Case-2: risperidone versus haloperidol
assumed when calculating the discrepancy, any placebo-
for schizophrenia
controlled trials that directly compared a new drug and an
old drug are used only in direct comparison. Risperidone was directly compared with conventional
antipsychotics (mostly haloperidol) in a Cochrane system-
atic review [18], and haloperidol was compared with pla-
3. Results cebo in another Cochrane systematic review [19] for the
treatment of schizophrenia. We searched MEDLINE and
The discrepancies in estimated effects between direct identified three trials that compared risperidone with pla-
and adjusted indirect comparisons for all the three case cebo for schizophrenia.
studies, including the results of post hoc sensitivity analy- A pooling of direct comparison trials shows that risper-
ses are shown in Table 1. Details about individual case idone is associated with fewer patients leaving the study
studies are provided below. early (OR 0.74, 95% CI 5 0.60e0.91) and fewer patients
not showing clinical improvement (OR 0.77, 95%
CI 5 0.58e1.02) (Fig. 2). However, the results of adjusted
3.1. Case-1: bupropion versus NRT for smoking
indirect comparison shows that risperidone is not superior
to haloperidol in terms of total dropouts (OR 1.43; 95%
We conducted a review of bupropion and NRT for smok- CI 5 0.75e2.75) and clinical improvement (OR 2.21,
ing cessation in 2001 [11]. In only one trial, bupropion has 95% CI 5 1.04e4.92). The treatment effect of risperidone
been directly compared with conventional NRT therapy versus haloperidol estimated by the direct comparison is
[12]. Two recently updated Cochrane systematic reviews 48% greater for total dropouts (ROR 0.52, 95%
[16,17] were used to identify relevant placebo-controlled CI 5 0.26e1.03) and 65% greater for clinical improvement
trials for the adjusted indirect comparison. After excluding (ROR 0.35, 95% CI 5 0.16e0.78) than that by the adjusted
one trial that directly compared bupropion and NRT patch, indirect comparison (Table 1).
there are nine placebo-controlled trials of bupropion and 19 The type of patient included, dose of drug, and treatment
placebo-controlled trials of NRT patch. duration were similar in the included trials. There is no sta-
Fig. 1 shows results by different comparisons. The single tistically significant heterogeneity across the direct compar-
head-to-head comparison trial found that the proportion of ison trials, and across the placebo-controlled trials of
patients who failed to give up smoking at 12 months is statis- haloperidol (Fig. 2). However, there is heterogeneity and
tically significantly lower in the bupropion group than in the funnel plot asymmetry among the three placebo-controlled
NRT patches group (OR 0.48, 95% confidence interval risperidone trials, which could be explained by one trial
[CI] 5 0.28e0.82) [12]. When the two active drugs are sep- that used long-acting injectable risperidone [26]. After ex-
arately compared to placebo, the effect of bupropion (OR cluding this trial, results of two placebo-controlled trials of
0.51, 95% CI 5 0.36e0.73) is similar to that of NRT patch risperidone are no longer heterogeneous (I2 5 0%), but the
(OR 0.57, 95% CI 5 0.48e0.67) (Fig. 1). Consequently, discrepancy between the direct and adjusted indirect com-
the adjusted indirect comparison found no difference be- parisons is increased (Table 1).
tween bupropion and NRT patch (OR 0.90, 95% It should also be noted that the criteria for a marked clin-
CI 5 0.61e1.34). The OR of bupropion versus NRT esti- ical improvement may be different across trials. In most tri-
mated by the direct comparison is 47% greater than that by als of risperidone, the clinical improvement was defined as
the adjusted indirect comparison (ROR 0.53, 95% a 20% or more reduction in the Positive and Negative Syn-
CI 5 0.28e1.03; P 5 0.06) (Table 1). drome Scale or Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale total scores.
There are no significant differences in effect for different In all placebo-controlled trials of haloperidol, it was rated
NRT patch regimens [16], and the results of the 19 NRT patch by clinicians using Clinical Global Impression or other
trials are not significantly heterogeneous (I2 5 12%; scales. The number of trials available is not sufficient to
P 5 0.30). However, the results of the nine bupropion trials conduct a sensitivity analysis about different criteria for
are statistically significantly heterogeneous (I2 5 54%; clinical improvement.
P 5 0.03). This statistical heterogeneity could be reduced The doses of haloperidol used in many direct compari-
by using trials that recruited only community volunteers son trials are high [27], and it has been shown that beyond
(I2 5 25%; P 5 0.25). Egger’s test indicates that smaller pla- a certain threshold high doses of antipsychotics increase the
cebo-controlled trials of NRT patch are associated with risk of adverse reactions without additional therapeutic
458 F. Song et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61 (2008) 455e463

Table 1
Discrepancy between the direct and adjusted indirect comparisons in three case studies: main results and sensitivity analyses
Number of trials (patients)a
Direct Indirect ROR (95% CI)b
Bupropion versus NRT for smoking cessation
Failed to give up smoking at 12 months
All trials 1 (488) 9 (3,544)/19 (9,598) 0.53 (0.28e1.03)c
Community volunteers only 1 (488) 6 (2,642)/9 (5,149) 0.47 (0.24e0.94)d
Intensive support trials 1 (488) 9 (3,544)/11 (4,665) 0.54 (0.28e1.06)c
NRT trials N O 300 1 (488) 9 (3,544)/5 (7,135) 0.58 (0.30e1.12)
NRT trials since 1992 1 (488) 9 (3,544)/14 (8,805) 0.55 (0.28e1.06)c

Risperidone versus haloperidol for schizophrenia

All trials 13 (2,539) 3 (848)/11 (628) 0.52 (0.26e1.03)c
Excluding injectable risperidone trial 13 (2,539) 2 (448)/11 (628) 0.40 (0.22e0.73)d
Haloperidol maximal dose O10 mg/d 11 (1,142) 3 (848)/9 (516) 0.43 (0.21e0.89)d
Haloperidol maximal dose <10 mg/d 2 (1,397) 3 (848)/2 (112) 3.96 (0.17e91.55)
Haloperidol trials since 1997 13 (2,539) 3 (848)/2 (139) 0.69 (0.28e1.69)
Lack of clinical improvement
All trials 10 (2,206) 3 (848)/9 (374) 0.35 (0.16e0.78)d
Excluding injectable risperidone trial 10 (2,206) 2 (448)/9 (374) 0.28 (0.13e0.62)d
Haloperidol maximal doseO10 mg/d 8 (809) 3 (848)/6 (238) 0.31 (0.13e0.74)d
Haloperidol maximal dose <10 mg/d 2 (1,397) 3 (848)/3 (136) 0.23 (0.03e2.06)
Haloperidol trials since 1980 10 (2,206) 3 (848)/3 (109) 0.16 (0.05e0.50)d

Fluoxetine versus Imipramine for depression

All trials 13 (1,289) 14 (2,144)/39 (4,830) 0.78 (0.46e1.33)
Major depression only 11 (1,198) 10 (1,754)/18 (2,670) 0.77 (0.42e1.40)
Fluoxetine 60e80 mg/d 12 (1,257) 4 (412)/39 (4,830) 0.63 (0.33e1.22)
Outpatient trials only 8 (912) 9 (1,482)/31 (4,229) 0.64 (0.35e1.17)
Imipramine trials N O 200 6 (942) 14 (2,144) 7 (2,416) 0.79 (0.45e1.40)
Imipramine trials since 1987 13 (1,289) 14 (2,144)/19 (2,693) 0.86 (0.50e1.47)
Lack of clinical improvement
All trials 9 (1,049) 12 (1,916)/39 (4,862) 0.66 (0.41e1.07)c
Major depression only 9 (1,049) 8 (1,526)/16 (2,559) 0.63 (0.38e1.04)c
Fluoxetine 60e80 mg/d 9 (1,049) 3 (328)/39 (4,862) 0.58 (0.31e1.08)c
Outpatients trials only 6 (673) 8 (1,398)/30 (4,249) 0.60 (0.39e0.94)d
Impramine trials N O 200 5 (823) 12 (1,916)/7 (2,416) 0.71 (0.42e1.20)
Imipramine trials since 1987 9 (1,049) 12 (1,916)/17 (2,605) 0.70 (0.43e1.15)
For indirect comparison, number of new drug trials/old drug trials.
ROR ! 1 indicates that the treatment effects estimated by the direct comparison are greater than that by the adjusted indirect comparison.
0.05 < P ! 0.10.
P ! 0.05.

benefit [28,29]. In two direct comparison trials and three compared with either conventional antidepressants [20,21]
placebo-controlled haloperidol trials, the maximal daily or placebo [22,23] for depressive disorders. In this case
dose of haloperidol was lower than 10 mg. Only a few trials study, the effects of fluoxetine (SSRI) and imipramine (a
used lower doses of haloperidol (<10 mg/d) so that the re- conventional antidepressant) are compared. We searched
sults of sensitivity analysis of low dose haloperidol are lack MEDLINE and references of review articles to identify ad-
of precision, with wider CIs for both dropouts and clinical ditional placebo-controlled trials of fluoxetine or imipra-
improvement (Table 1). The result remains unchanged by mine for depression.
using trials in which the maximal dose of haloperidol was Pooling results from 13 direct comparison trials indicate
greater than 10 mg per day (Table 1). that the proportion of patients who left trials early is statis-
tically nonsignificantly lower in the fluoxetine group than in
the imipramine group (OR 0.73; 95% CI 5 0.48e1.12)
3.3. Case-3: fluoxetine versus imipramine for depressive
(Fig. 3). In placebo-controlled trials, there is no significant
difference in the proportion of patients who left trials early
In several Cochrane systematic reviews, selective seroto- between fluoxetine and placebo (OR 0.92, 95%
nin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) have been directly CI 5 0.70e1.22) and between imipramine and placebo
F. Song et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61 (2008) 455e463 459

Odds ratio (95% CI)

0.1 1 10

Heterogeneity Funnel plot

Smoking at 12 months Estimate I2% (p value) Egger’s test

Bupropion v Placebo 0.51 (0.36 to 0.73) 54% (0.03) p=0.47

NRT patch v Placebo 0.57 (0.48 to 0.67) 12% (0.30) p=0.04

Adjusted indirect 0.90 (0.61 to 1.34)

Direct comparison 0.48 (0.28 to 0.82) Only one trial

Fig. 1. Results of dire Himmel ct and adjusted indirect comparisons of bupropion versus nicotine replacement therapy (NRT patch) for smoking cessation.

(OR 0.98, 95% CI 5 0.84e1.14). The difference in total in terms of clinical improvement (OR 1.35, 95%
dropout between the two groups is 22% greater by the in- CI 5 1.01e1.82) (Fig. 3). The relative effect of fluoxetine
direct comparison than by the adjusted indirect comparison for clinical improvement estimated by the direct compari-
(ROR 0.78, 95% CI 5 0.46e1.33), although the discrep- son is 34% greater than that by the adjusted indirect com-
ancy is not statistically significant (P 5 0.36) (Table 1). parison (ROR 0.66, 95% CI 5 0.41e1.07) (Table 1).
Direct comparison trials found no significant difference There are statistically significant heterogeneity in results
between the fluoxetine and the imipramine group in the across trials, and the funnel plot of dropout results of pla-
number of patients not showing marked clinical improve- cebo-controlled imipramine trials are asymmetric (Egger’s
ment (OR 0.89, 95% CI 5 0.61e1.31) (Fig. 3). However, test P 5 0.05) (Fig. 3). We conducted sensitivity analyses
the adjusted indirect comparison indicates that fluoxetine in terms of diagnostic criteria for depressive disorders (ma-
is statistically significantly less effective than imipramine jor depression only), dose of fluoxetine (60e80 mg daily),

Odds ratio (95% CI)

0.1 1 10

Heterogeneity Funnel plot

Total dropouts Estimate I 2% (p value) Egger’s test

Risperidone v Placebo 0.75 (0.45 to 1.24) 62% (0.07) p=0.02

Haloperidol v Placebo 0.52 (0.35 to 0.79) 0% (0.57) p=0.97

Adjusted indirect 1.43 (0.75 to 2.75)

Direct comparison 0.74 (0.60 to 0.91) 0% (0.45) p=0.04

Not clinically improved

Risperidone v Placebo
0.40 (0.26 to 0.62) 37% (0.20) p=0.74

Haloperidol v Placebo 0.18 (0.10 to 0.34) 11% (0.34) p=0.30

Adjusted indirect 2.22 (1.04 to 4.72)

Direct comparison 0.77 (0.58 to 1.02) 14% (0.31) p=0.19

Fig. 2. Results of direct and adjusted indirect comparisons of risperidone versus haloperidol for schizophrenia.
460 F. Song et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61 (2008) 455e463

Odds ratio (95% CI)

0.1 1 10

Heterogeneity Funnel plot

Total dropouts Estimate I 2% (p value) Egger’s test

Fluoxetine v Placebo 0.92 (0.70 to 1.22) 36% (0.09) p=0.50

Imipramine v Placebo 0.98 (0.84 to 1.14) 22% (0.12) p=0.05

Adjusted indirect 0.94 (0.69 to 1.30)

Direct comparison 0.73 (0.48 to 1.12) 61% (0.00) p=0.17

Not clinically improved

0.55 (0.44 to 0.68) 12% (0.33) p=0.26
Fluoxetine v Placebo

Imipraminel v Placebo 0.41 (0.33 to 0.49) 52% (0.00) p=0.47

Adjusted indirect 1.35 (1.01 to 1.82)

Direct comparison 0.89 (0.61 to 1.31) 50% (0.04) p=0.24

Fig. 3. Results of direct and adjusted indirect comparisons of fluoxetine versus imipramine for depressive disorders.

setting of care (outpatients only), and size of imipramine greater than that by indirect comparison by chance. How-
trials. However, the observed heterogeneity across trials ever, the direction of possible bias in head-to-head compar-
could not be satisfactorily explained by these study-level ison trials used in the current study is relatively clear due to
variables. Sensitivity analyses provide results that are simi- ‘‘optimism bias’’ in favor of new drugs [13], whereas it was
lar to the overall analyses in terms of discrepancies between mostly difficult to specify in the previous study [3,6]. In ad-
the direct and adjusted indirect comparisons (Table 1). dition, the hypothesis that the adjusted indirect comparison
may be less biased than the direct comparison in some cir-
cumstances was actually conceived after examining the first
case of bupropion and NRT for smoking cessation. The dis-
4. Discussion
crepancy between the direct and adjusted indirect compari-
In the three case studies, the treatment effects of new sons was in the same direction in further two additional
drugs estimated by head-to-head comparison trials tend to cases. The play of chance thus becomes a less satisfactory ex-
be greater than those from adjusted indirect comparisons, al- planation, and other possible causes should be considered.
though observed discrepancies may not be statistically sig-
nificant in individual cases (Table 1). There are several
4.2. Bias in head-to-head comparison trials
possible explanations for this observed phenomenon. These
include the play of chance, bias in head-to-head comparison Bias may be introduced into randomized controlled tri-
trials, bias in adjusted indirect comparisons, and clinically als through many different (overt or hidden) ways due to,
meaningful heterogeneity across different sets of trials. for example, lack of allocation concealment, inadequate
blinding, and imbalanced withdrawals [7,8,30]. Bias in
4.1. Play of chance head-to-head trials might not always be the result of poor
methodological quality research. It may be very hard to
According to findings from a previous study [3,6], the avoid; for example, if people prefer the newer of two treat-
direction of discrepancies between adjusted indirect esti- ments in circumstances where outcomes are influenced by
mates and direct estimates was unpredictable. That is, ad- this preference and in a context where full masking cannot
justed indirect comparisons might by chance produce be achieved. Even when trials are double blind, new drugs
greater or smaller effect sizes than direct comparisons. It may have different adverse effects from conventional drugs,
is possible that we acquired cases in which the relative ef- and it has been shown that this scenario may provide clini-
fects of new drugs estimated by the direct comparison were cians with a clue to the patient’s treatment and hence might
F. Song et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61 (2008) 455e463 461

bias results [31]. This might lead to bias as a result of prior underestimate (or exaggerate) the effect of the new drug.
expectation that the new treatment will be more efficacious, For example, when the results are biased by 10% (i.e.,
so called optimism bias [13]. In our second and third case RORAC 5 0.9) in trials of the new drug and by 15%
studies, the conventional drugs (haloperidol and imipra- (RORBC 5 0.85) in trials of the conventional drug, the ad-
mine) have specific adverse effects that are qualitatively justed indirect comparison will underestimate the effect of
different from those of the new drugs such that blinding the new drug by 6% (i.e., 1.06 5 0.90/0.85). Even so, ad-
may have been undermined. justed indirect comparison may still be able to yield an esti-
mate that is less biased than the direct comparison, depending
on the scale of bias in head-to-head comparison trials.
4.3. Bias in adjusted indirect comparison
Placebo-controlled trials of conventional drugs were of-
The key assumption in adjusted indirect comparison is ten conducted many years before trials of newer drugs. The
that results of trials involved in the adjusted indirect com- quality of trials may improve over time. If trials of new
parison are exchangeable across different sets of trials in- treatments conducted more recently are less biased than
volved in the comparison [1,3]. In the case studies, we earlier trials of conventional treatments, adjusted indirect
have attempted to gather trials that are as homogeneous comparison would underestimate the effect of new treat-
as possible in terms of patients included, interventions in- ments. For the three case studies, we excluded any early tri-
vestigated, and outcomes measured. Although heterogene- als in which intention-to-treat analysis was impossible
ity was found in some of the meta-analyses in our case because of lack of data on withdrawals. The quality of pla-
studies, the results of sensitivity analyses were not signifi- cebo-controlled trials of the new drugs is not different from
cantly different from the main analyses (Table 1). placebo-controlled trials of the conventional drugs in terms
Adjusted indirect comparison is statistically much less of adequate allocation concealment.
precise than direct comparison trials. The result of adjusted Noting that bias over time might still be possible, we
indirect comparison using four trials is statistically (mea- conducted additional post hoc sensitivity analyses using on-
sured by SEs) as precise as the result of a single direct com- ly placebo-controlled trials of conventional drugs that were
parison trial, given the same sample size in each of the published during the same period as trials of new drugs.
trials involved [3]. In addition, there is further uncertainty The results of these sensitivity analyses are similar to re-
due to confounding factors and heterogeneity in trials that sults from the main analyses (Table 1). This suggests that
will affect adjusted indirect comparison. Therefore, results the indirect comparisons were not simply manifesting time
of adjusted indirect comparisons will theoretically tend to bias, and along with the genuine risk of bias in the head-to-
be more unpredictable and extreme than that of direct com- head comparisons, supports our hypothesis that indirect
parisons. However, lack of precision by adjusted indirect comparisons may actually correct for bias.
comparison could not be used to satisfactorily explain the
consistent discrepancies between the adjusted indirect com- 4.4. Clinically meaningful heterogeneity
parison and direct comparison in the three case studies.
Placebo-controlled trials used in adjusted indirect com- This paper focuses on the validity of direct and adjusted
parisons may also be biased. To examine the impact of bias indirect comparisons. However, it may also be plausible
in placebo-controlled trials on the results of adjusted indi- that discrepancies between direct and adjusted indirect
rect comparison, we conducted a simple numerical simula-
tion. Assume that RORAC is the level of bias in placebo- 1.8
controlled trials of new drugs, and RORBC is the level of Bias in placebo-controlled
comparison (RORAB-ind)
Bias in adjusted indirect

1.1 trials of new drugs (RORAC)

bias in placebo-controlled trials of conventional drugs
(for instance, RORAC 5 0.8 indicates that the effect of 1.4
a new drug versus placebo is overestimated by 20%). Then 1.2 0.6
bias of adjusted indirect comparison of A versus B will
mathematically be RORAC/RORBC. Fig. 4 shows results
of simulations to investigate the impact of bias in pla- 0.8
cebo-controlled trials on adjusted indirect comparisons. If 0.6
placebo-controlled trials of new drugs are biased to the
same extent as placebo trials of conventional drugs, ad- 0.4
0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
justed indirect comparison will counterbalance such bias Bias in placebo-controlled trials
so that the estimated effect of the new drug versus the con- of conventional drugs (RORBC)
ventional drug by adjusted indirect comparison will no lon-
ger be biased (Fig. 4). Fig. 4. The impact of bias in placebo-controlled trials on the extent of bias
in adjusted indirect comparisons (ROR ! 1.0 indicates that the treatment
When placebo-controlled trials of the new drug are less effect is overestimated, and ROR O 1.0 indicates that the effect is under-
(or more) biased than placebo-controlled trials of the con- estimated. Results of four levels of bias [RORAC 5 1.1, 1.0, 0.8, and 0.6,
ventional drug, the adjusted indirect comparison may respectively] in placebo-controlled trials of new drugs are presented).
462 F. Song et al. / Journal of Clinical Epidemiology 61 (2008) 455e463

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