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Kerjakanlah soal berikut dengan cepat, tepat, dan tidak curhat!!!!

Answer the question below by choosing the right answer among A, B, C, or D!!!

1. The best wishes relating to the picture is . . . .

2. A: I have a winner for this competition.

B: Wow great, ..........I am proud of you.

3. The correct way to respond to an expression of congratulation is ….

4. Faiz : What’s up? You look so sad.

Rizki : My brother got sick and he is still hospitalized
Faiz : That’s too bad. I’m so sorry to hear that. How is he now?
Rizk : He is getting better now
Faiz : Oh, ………….
Rizki : I hope so

The suitable expression to complete the dialogue above is...

5. Man : The service is really slow here. I've been trying to get the waiter's attention for
the last ten minutes
Woman : You know we have a class at two o'clock
Man : ...

What is the best response for the man reply?

6. Dila: How was our class trip yesterday?

Febri: Wow. Lombok Island is a beautiful island I’ve ever visited
Dila: It might be a cool trip, right. I hope I … join the trip next semester

The correct word to complete the above dialogue is ….

7. Malik: Oh my God, it is raining

Ahmad: What’s the matter?
Malik: I didn’t bring raincoat or umbrella. I hope the rain stops
Ahmad: Yes, I think it won’t last longer

According to the above dialogue, we know that ….

8. A: I feel that children should explore more outdoor activities.

B: … Outdoor activity can help develop motoric sensory. It is also beneficial for children.

Wish you luck

This following text is for question number 9-11

Rendy : “I don’t feel well. I’m catching a cold.”

Rose : “You should go to the doctor.
Rima : “(9) . . . . Just take a good rest and drink a lot of water, Rendy.”
Ranty : “(10) . . . . You should go to the doctor. I think you need to take medicine.”
Ririn : “(11) . . . , Ranty. Too much medicine is not good.
Rahma : “I think the best to do is go home. Your mom and dad know better what you
should do.”


The text below is for question number 12-13

12. What is the product used for?

13. From the label we know that …

The following text is for questions 14 - 16.

Each chewable tablet contains:

Rifampicin 75 mg, Isoniazid 50 mg and

Pyrazinamide 150 gr

14. The text above talks about . . . .

15. “Each chewable contains”.
The underlined world is closest meaning to . . . .

16. How many isoniazid contained on each tablet?

This text is for number 17-18

Ladies and Gentlemen, in case of emergency, take the life jacket which is located
under your seat.
Put the life jacket over your head and then fasten the jacket tapes around you’re your
Do not inflate the jacket until you left the aircraft. The jacket will be automatically
inflated by pulling a cord, but if not, you can blow into the chip to inflate it.
A light is attached to the jacket for attracting attention. The life jacket should be
removed only in case of emergency.
The use of TV set, AM and FM radios and radio cassettes recorders, walkman, and
any mobile phones are prohibited on board as they interfere the communication and
navigational system.
We wish you
enjoyable flight.
17. Where is the life jacket located?
18. What can interfere the navigatioanl system?

This text is for number 19-21


Effective protection for every sensitive and fair skin
Effective protection for the skin cell
Against premature skin ageing and UV
Damage with an innovative UV A-UV B
Filter system antioxidant
It’s non sticky formula
Perfectly moisturizes the skin
Leaving it smooth and supple
Skin compatibility dermatological proven

19. People who use this cream want their skin table ….
20. This product is for people with …. Skin
21. Which statement is not true based on the text?
22. Nuki: What was your sister doing when you arrived home last night?
Rendra: She ... in the kitchen.
23. Lalita: Were you watching 'strawberry shortcake cartoon' when I came?
Qinna: Yes I was.

The underlined sentence means that ...

24. What information can you find on a food label?

Wish you luck

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