Dance With Me

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Dance With Me?

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F
Fandom: BLACKPINK (Band)
Character: Reader, Jennie Kim
Additional Tags: One Shot, Smut, Lesbian Sex, Oral Sex, blackpink - Freeform, Jennie
Kim - Freeform, Lesbians
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2023-10-30 Words: 2,577 Chapters: 1/1

Dance With Me?

by linksimp


Somehow you're roped into creating sensual choreography with Jennie from your
university's dance class. Working together puts Jennie in a different light and brings
feelings to the surface you didn't know you had.

"You have her pressed against you, one hand on the small of her back, her hand twisted up
into your hair with your faces centimeters apart.

The song ends and the next one starts immediately. Jennie’s hand is still in your hair,
neither of you have moved, her eyes are intense and your gaze flicks to her lips.

You flop to the floor, exhausted from today’s dance class. It’s been a long week but you’re feeling
good about the competition coming up. Lisa stretches her legs next to you. She has always been an
incredible dancer, and you’re grateful that you befriended her because she’s helped you improve a
lot this year.

Jennie scoots over and starts chatting with Lisa about the class. You scowl, you don’t know why
but you’ve never really gotten along with Jennie. Fortunately the two of you didn’t have many
classes together so you didn’t interact with her that much. But there was something about her that
just rubbed you the wrong way.

“-it could be a really incredible opportunity! Will you please do it with me??” Jennie says as you
tune back into the conversation.

‘You know I totally would, but I just have too much going on right now. You guys could do it
together though!” She gestures to you.

You and Jennie lock eyes and you feel your heart sinking, now you’ll have to figure out a way to
get out of whatever this is.

“Sorry I wasn’t quite listening, what is it?”

“Well… It’s just choreography I was asked to create, but it’s…. Supposed to be sexy.. I don’t really
feel like you would be into that kind of thing.”

“Oh,” surprised, you feel a blush rising to your cheeks. Something about making up sexy
choreography with Jennie feels wrong, you guys don’t really get along and choreography like that
is intimate.

“It’s fine, it’s not really your style, I’ll ask someone else.”

“No she has actually worked on a few pieces like that so she would be a good fit. Don’t be so
modest,” Lisa says pushing your shoulder.

You scowl as Jennie hesitantly bites her lip.

“Look normally I wouldn’t ask but I’m kind of on a time crunch..”

“She’ll do it,” Lisa says rolling her eyes at you.

“Ya sure,”

“Okay great! I’ll text you to figure out when we can work on it”

Jennie rushes off.

“Why would you do that?” You say to Lisa, “you know she has a reputation for getting
opportunities like this handed to her. I don’t want people to start looking at me the same way.”

“Come on, you don’t actually believe those rumors?”

You shrug.

“People are jealous and bitchy about her. Jennie is a talented dancer and she deserves the chances
she gets, don’t believe everything you hear.”

She pats you on the head, leaving you feeling irritated and slightly ashamed.


You’re in a practice room with Jennie, listening to the song you’re choreographing to and dying
inside. Why didn’t you just cancel? This is going to be so awkward.

“Okay, so I’m thinking we start together like this,” She moves in front of you and explains the
idea. You move through the motions, each giving ideas and trying out different steps.

“On this count, I’m thinking I kneel down in front of you, and you can roll your head back, I think
it will look really good with the music at this point. From there we can go back into the chorus
choreo we already established” you say.

“Ooh I like it. Let’s try up to that and see how it feels,” Jennie runs over to her phone to start the
song from the beginning before moving back and positioning in front of you.

This is the first run through you’ve really done with the song, and the beat feels heavy in your
chest. You twist through the moves.

The choreo you’ve created is sexy, but it isn’t obvious. There’s no grinding or bouncing, just your
bodies moving fluidly together building tension with the music.

Jennie IS talented. She’s easy to work with and she accepts your ideas. You’re starting to think that
you completely misjudged her.

You get to the new part, kneeling in front of Jennie you grip her hips and look up as she rolls her
head back. The image makes you wonder what it would be like to eat her out, what face she would

What the fuck, where did that come from.

Jennie slides into the next move, reaching down to stroke your chin to pull you back up for the
chorus section. But your mind is blank from the thought.

You miss a couple steps, trying to clear your head and finish the section.

“Sorry I blanked and couldn’t remember the next move.” you say.

“No same, we came up with it so fast I can barely remember what we decided. Let’s take a little

You shake your head trying to clear it. This dance is making you think about Jennie in ways you
never have before.

Things keep sticking out to you now. Like the curve of her hips. How small her waist feels in your
hands, and the intensity of her gaze whenever you make eye contact.

“I’m thinking the ending pose should be this,” Jennie positions your hand around her waist and
reaches up to put her other hand on the side of your head by your ear. Stepping closer and tilting
her face toward yours.

“It fits the song best and then we can really milk the tension up to the end of the song.”

She steps back leaving your brain buzzing.

“Yeah that’s great,” you hope you say, but it might have just been gibberish.

You finish the choreography session, somehow making it through the moves while keeping your
thoughts mostly in check.

“I think let’s just film it this time and we have it!” Jennie says excitedly. She pulls off her hoodie,
using the fabric to wipe sweat off her brow. She walks back to you in just her sports bra and you
swallow hard. You can see her nipples poking through the fabric of the bra.

You turn your head. You have two seconds to get it together you idiot. Stop acting like a twelve
year old boy.


“Yeah!” You haven’t ever been less ready for anything.

She places her hand delicately on your shoulder, and you put your hands on her waist in the starting
If it was hard to keep your thoughts in line before, it’s nothing compared to how it is now, touching
her bare waist with her face inches away from yours.

The music starts and you flow into the steps. She’s filming so you push away the awkwardness you
suddenly started feeling about Jennie. You want her video to express the choreography well, so
you let yourself feel the music and the steps.

She seems to be thinking the same thing, and you’re both getting more into it and the tension
between you is growing more than it has the whole time you’ve been rehearsing.

There’s more eye contact and your touches linger more than they did before.

You twist into the last position, but it’s slightly different because of the passion you both feel.

You have her pressed against you, one hand on the small of her back, her hand twisted up into your
hair with your faces centimeters apart.

The song ends and the next one starts immediately. Jennie’s hand is still in your hair, neither of you
have moved, her eyes are intense and your gaze flicks to her lips.

Her breathing catches and without stopping to think you take the leap and kiss her. She makes a
small noise of shock, but doesn’t pull away.

The kiss deepens and you run your hand up her back pressing her close to you. You can feel her tits
pressed against yours, both of your hearts beating wildly against each other.
Suddenly she pushes you back, turning her face away.

“Oh, I-I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable or do anything,” you stammer out.

“No it’s fine, I just.. I think we got what we need. I’m gonna call it, but thanks for helping me with

You’re deflated, embarrassed and rejected. She quickly gathers her stuff and scurries out of the
practice room.

You realize that the kiss will have been at the end of the video and you grab handfuls of your hair
in frustration.

You absolute motherfucking slut. Could you not keep it in your pants for one second? What the
hell was that all about? Now things are going to be really awkward with her and you see her almost
every day. Way to fuck things up.

Mentally berating yourself all the way back to your apartment, you plan out a text to send Jennie
apologizing for the kiss.


It’s been two days since the kiss, and since your text. She hasn’t responded and you want to bury
yourself into a hole and die. Luckily it’s the weekend so you don’t have to see her, but it doesn’t
matter because you haven’t been able to stop thinking about what happened.

You check your phone for the 600th time, looking at your apology text. You need to get your mind
off of it, so you decide to walk to the convenience store near your place and get a drink. Too lazy
to put a bra on, throw a hoodie over your head and grab your keys as you yank open your front door
only to find yourself face to face with Jennie. She looks cute wearing a white crochet button up and
a plaid skirt. She jumps, looking extremely guilty at the same time that you step back, alarmed.

A heartbeat passes in silence before Jennie clears her throat.

“I feel bad about how things ended the other day, I wasn’t trying to run out on you. I just.. was..
confused. And I didn’t think I felt like that about you.. And I thought it was just the dance but I
can’t stop thinking about you. I thought I could just ignore your text and pretend it never happened
but I can’t. I’m sorry for running away.”

Any frustration or stress you had been feeling melts away at her words and you break into a grin.

“I can’t stop thinking about you either”

She crosses the doorway into the apartment and crashes her lips into yours. Her hands wrap around
your waist and cup her face.

The kiss deepens, she slips her tongue into your mouth and moves her hands down to squeeze your
ass through your jeans. You walk backward pulling her into your living room, moving one hand
around her neck you push her down onto your couch.

You straddle her and gently apply pressure to her throat, she groans in pleasure and pulls your hand
down toward her breast.

She tilts her head back, giving you access to her neck and you oblige, kissing slowly across her jaw
to and down the side of her neck.

“Ever since we practiced,” she gasps out, “I’ve been re-watching that video… over and over,”

You nip and suck along her neck towards her chest, leaving marks. She moans quietly at your
touch. You reach your other hand down, squeezing up her thigh.

“I’ve been.. Wondering what it would be like to have-” she cuts off as you run your fingers along
the sensitive skin on her bikini line, “to have you like this.”

She’s barely getting the words out and you’re so wet from how turned on she is. You pull back,
bringing both hands up to undo the buttons on her crocheted top. Her head is thrown back against
the couch, and her hands are gripping your thighs. She has on a black lace bra that you notice
unclips from the front. You pull a hair tie off your wrist, making eye contact with Jennie as you tie
your hair back into a quick ponytail.

“I like the bra you wore for me” you whisper, and she shivers at the words. You lean forward,
stopping centimeters from her lips.

“But do the panties match” You pull back and she nods, looking fervently at you.

“I’m flattered you wore a matching set for me,” you say.

You trace your thumb across her bottom lip and chin, trailing it down her throat and between her
breasts, stopping at the clip for the bra.

“It’s a pity it’s gonna spend most of the time on the floor,” you unhook the front of the bra, and
slide the fabric off her breasts, making sure to rub it across both her hard nipples as you pull the bra
and her shirt off.

Leaning forward you suck her nipple into your mouth. You step backward off the couch, kneeling
at her feet and look up at her.

Jennie nods, giving you the green light and you drag your tongue along the inside of her thigh.
Unzipping her skirt you pull it down, her thong is wet and you’re anxious to pull it off, but you
take your time squeezing her thighs and tracing along the sensitive skin.

“You let me know what you like, okay,” you pull her thong down and lick up the folds of her
vagina letting your nose brush against her clit.

She groans at the contact and grips your ponytail, pushing her hips into your face. You dip your
fingers into her, pumping in and out while sucking on her sensitive nub.

“Keep going,” she whimpers.

She’s grinding her hips into your face and you pick up the pace with her urging you on. You
glance up, her head is visible between her breasts. Thrown back against the couch with her eyes
squeezed shut and her lips parted slightly.

She looks beautiful, you keep a consistent pace. Licking and pumping and sucking and she cums.
Her thighs clench and she releases her grip on your ponytail.

She looks down at you, her eyes intense, strands of hair falling across her face. Leaning forward
she cups your face with her hands, tilting forward and kissing you gently, tasting herself on your

“Do you want to go to your bedroom?" she murmurs against your lips. You nod.

"It’s your turn,” she says and your heart rate increases.

You move from the living room into your bedroom. Jennie clicks the door shut and hugs you
quickly from behind. She grabs the bottom hem of your hoodie and your shirt, pulling them up
slowly so that her hands run up your stomach and slide across your breasts before it comes off over
your head.

Your hair had been loosened from her pulling on the tail, and it comes undone when she pulls your
clothes off, falling around your face.

You quickly undo your pants, pulling your jeans and underwear down and kicking them off.

“Get on the bed,” she says quietly and you quickly get on, turning to face her as she climbs over

She leans down, pushing her breasts against yours and kissing you passionately. She kneels
between your legs, brushing her thigh against your clit and you moan, instinctively grinding your
hips up and pushing your own thigh against her vagina.

You grind and twist, the kisses becoming sloppy and your breasts press together as you slowly get
each other off.

You feel yourself getting closer to your climax but before you do she moves down, burying her
head between your legs and sucking on your clit while rubbing her own to bring you both to your

You both lay back, panting, and knowing that your relationship is never going to be the same.
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