RFBT Notes

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“It shall be unlawful for any official or employee of a
PURPOSES banking institution to disclose to any person other than
“It is hereby declared to be the policy of the Government those mentioned in Section two hereof any information
to give encouragement to the people to deposit their concerning said deposits.” [Sec. 3, R.A. 1405]
money in banking institutions and to discourage private
hoarding so that the same may be properly utilized by PENALTY
banks in authorized loans to assist in the economic “Any violation of this law will subject offender upon
development of the country.” [Sec. 1, R.A. 1405] conviction, to an imprisonment of not more than five
years or a fine of not more than twenty thousand pesos
“R.A. No. 1405 has two allied purposes. It hopes to or both, in the discretion of the court.” [Sec. 5, R.A. 1405]
discourage private hoarding and at the same time
encourage the people to deposit their money in banking UNCLAIMED BALANCES LAW
institutions, so that it may be utilized by way of (Act No. 3936)
authorized loans and thereby assist in economic
development. ” [BSB Group Inc. v. Go, G.R. No. 168644, 16 UNCLAIMED BALANCES DEFINED
February 2010] “Unclaimed balances, within the meaning of this Act,
shall include credits or deposits of money, bullion,
ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY RULE security or other evidence of indebtedness of any kind,
“ The absolute confidentiality rule in R.A. No. 1405 and interest thereon with banks, buildings and loan
actually aims at protection from unwarranted inquiry or associations, and trust corporations, as hereinafter
investigation if the purpose of such inquiry or defined, in favor of any person known to be dead or who
investigation is merely to determine the existence and has not made further deposits or withdrawals during the
nature, as well as the amount of the deposit in any given preceding ten years or more.” [Sec. 1, Act. No. 3936]
bank account.” [BSB Group Inc. v. Go, G.R. No. 168644, 16
February 2010]
“Such unclaimed balances, together with the increase
COVERAGE & EXCEPTIONS and proceeds thereof, shall be deposited with the
“All deposits of whatever nature with banks or banking Treasurer of the Philippines to the credit of the
institutions in the Philippines including investments in Government of the Republic of the Philippines to be
bonds issued by the Government of the Philippines, its used as the National Assembly may direct.” [Sec. 1, Act. No.
political subdivisions and its instrumentalities, are 3936]
hereby considered as of an absolutely confidential
nature and may not be examined, inquired or looked into REPORTORIAL REQUIREMENTS
by any person, government official, bureau or office, “Immediately after the taking effect of this Act and within
except upon written permission of the depositor, or in the month of January of every odd year, all banks,
cases of impeachment, or upon order of a competent building and loan associations, and trust corporations
court in cases of bribery or dereliction of duty of public shall forward to the Treasurer of the Philippines a
officials, or in cases where the money deposited or statement, under oath, of their respective managing
invested is the subject matter of the litigation.” [Sec. 2, R.A. officers, of all credits and deposits held by them in favor
of persons known to be dead, or who have not made
further deposits or withdrawals during the preceding ten
EXCEPTIONS TO ABSOLUTE CONFIDENTIALITY years or more.” [Sec. 2, Act. No. 3936]
(1) In an examination made in the course of a special or DUTY OF THE SOLICITOR GENERAL
general examination of a bank that is specifically “Whenever the Solicitor General shall be informed of
authorized by the Monetary Board after being satisfied such unclaimed balances, he shall commence an action
that there is reasonable ground to believe that a bank or actions in the name of the People of the Republic of
fraud or serious irregularity has been or is being the Philippines in the Court of First Instance of the
committed and that it is necessary to look into the province or city where the bank, building and loan
deposit to establish such fraud or irregularity, association or trust corporation is
(2) In an examination made by an independent auditor located, in which shall be joined as parties the bank,
hired by the bank to conduct its regular audit provided building and loan association or trust corporation and all
that the examination is for audit purposes only and the such creditors or depositors. XXX ” [Sec. 3, Act. No. 3936]
results thereof shall be for the exclusive use of the bank,
(3) Upon written permission of the depositor, ESCHEAT
(4) In cases of impeachment, “Escheat is a proceeding, unlike that of succession or
5) Upon order of a competent court in cases of bribery assignment, whereby the state, by virtue of its
or dereliction of duty of public officials, or sovereignty, steps in and claims the real or personal
(6) In cases where the money deposited or invested is property of a person who dies intestate leaving no heir.”
the subject matter of the litigation. [Republic of the Philippines v. C.A., G.R. No. 143483, 31 January
[Union Bank of the Philippines v. Court of Appeals, G.R. 134669, 23 2002] See: Rule 91 of the Rules of Court
December 1999]
(R.A. 9160) APPEALS
“Upon a verified ex parte petition by the AMLC and after
DECLARATION OF POLICY determination that probable cause exists that any
“It is hereby declared the policy of the State to protect monetary instrument or property is in any way related to
and preserve the integrity and confidentiality of bank an unlawful activity as defined in Section 3(i) hereof, the
accounts and to ensure that the Philippines shall not be Court of Appeals may issue a freeze order which shall
used as a money laundering site for the proceeds of any be effective immediately, for a period of twenty (20) days.
unlawful activity. Consistent with its foreign policy, the Within the twenty (20) day period, the Court of Appeals
State shall extend cooperation in transnational shall conduct a summary hearing, with notice to the
investigations and prosecutions of persons involved in parties, to determine whether or not to modify or lift the
money laundering activities wherever committed, as well freeze order, or extend its effectivity. The total period of
as in the implementation of targeted financial sanctions the freeze order issued by the Court of Appeals under
related to the financing of the proliferation of weapons of this provision shall not exceed six (6) months.” [Sec. 10,
mass destruction, terrorism, and financing of terrorism, R.A. 9160]
pursuant to the resolution of the United Nations Security
Council.” [Sec. 1, R.A. 9160] SECURITIES REGULATION CODE
(RA 8799)
• (1) banks, non-banks, quasi-banks, trust entities, and DECLARATION OF STATE POLICY
all other institutions and their subsidiaries and affiliates “The State shall establish a socially conscious, free
supervised or regulated by the Bangko Sentral ng market that regulates itself, encourage the widest
Pilipinas (BSP); participation of ownership in enterprises, enhance the
• (2) Insurance companies and all other institutions democratization of wealth, promote the development of
supervised or regulated by the Insurance Commission; the capital market, protect investors, ensure full and fair
and disclosure about securities, minimize if not totally
• (3) (i) securities dealers, brokers, salesmen, eliminate insider trading and other fraudulent or
investment houses and other similar entities managing manipulative devices and practices which create
securities or rendering services as investment agent, distortions in the free market. To achieve these ends,
advisor, or consultant, (ii) mutual funds, close and this Securities Regulation Code is hereby enacted.” [Sec.
2, R.A. 8799]
investment companies, common trust funds, pre-need
companies and other similar entities, (iii) foreign
exchange corporations, money changers, money SECURITIES
payment, remittance, and transfer companies and other “Securities are shares, participation or interests in a
similar entities, and (iv) other entities administering or corporation or in a commercial enterprise or profit-
otherwise dealing in currency, commodities or financial making venture and evidenced by a certificate, contract,
derivatives based thereon, valuable objects, cash instruments, whether written or electronic in character.”
[Sec 3.1, R.A. 8799]
substitutes and other similar monetary instruments or
property supervised or regulated by Securities and “ It includes:
Exchange Commission. [Sec. 3, R.A. 9160] • (a) Shares of stocks, bonds, debentures, notes
evidences of indebtedness, asset-backed securities;
"'Covered transactions' is a transaction in cash or other • (b) Investment contracts, certificates of interest or
equivalent monetary instrument involving a total amount participation in a profit sharing agreement, certifies of
in excess of Five hundred thousand pesos (P500,000.00) deposit for a future subscription;
within one (1) banking day; for covered persons under • (c) Fractional undivided interests in oil, gas or other
Section 3(a)(8), a single casino cash transaction mineral rights;
involving an amount in excess of Five million pesos • (d) Derivatives like option and warrants;
(P5,000,000.00) or its equivalent in any other • (e) Certificates of assignments, certificates of
currency.” [Sec. 3 (b), R.A. 9160] participation, trust certificates, voting trust certificates
=or similar instruments
EXCEPTION TO THE R.A. 1405 • (f) Proprietary or nonproprietary membership
“Notwithstanding the provisions of Republic Act No. certificates in corporations; and
1405, as amended; Republic Act No. 6426, as amended; • (g) Other instruments as may in the future be
Republic Act No. 8791, and other laws, the AMLC may determined by the Commission.” [Sec 3.1, R.A. 8799]
inquire into or examine any particular deposit or
investment with any banking institution or non-bank STOCK
financial institution upon order of any competent court in “Corporations formed or organized under this Code may
cases of violation of this Act when it has been be stock or nonstock corporations. Stock corporations
established that there is probable cause that the are those which have capital stock divided into shares
deposits or investments involved are in any way related and are authorized to distribute to the holders of such
to a money laundering offense: Provided, That this shares, dividends, or allotments of the surplus profits on
provision shall not apply to deposits and investments the basis of the shares held. All other corporations are
made prior to the effectivity of this Act.” [Sec. 11, R.A. 9160] nonstock corporations.”[Sec. 3, R.A. 11232]
Article of Incorporation and By-Laws (topfrontier.com.ph) (naked short selling)

What is the distinction between GameStop Controversy

INVESTING and TRADING? ✓ Brick-and-mortar video game retailer (GME)
✓ Greatly affected by current trend of downloading
STOCK MARKET digital products
✓ A place where one can buy/sell stocks. ✓ Stock price on downward trend
✓ Bidding for the best price is normal. ✓ Short selling occurred
✓ Primary market ✓ GameStop business outlook improve (coordinated
- Initial Public Offering (IPO) buying)
- Investment house http://cmprs.sec.gov.ph/ ✓ Stock price significantly increased
✓ Secondary market ✓ The negative effect of short selling becomes apparent

STOCK EXCHANGE Prohibitions on Fraud, Manipulation, and Insider

✓ Facilitates the transactions of stock buyers and Trading
✓ A particular location where the stock trades are HOW THE SEC PROTECTS THE INVESTING PUBLIC
executed (buying and selling stocks). ✓Full disclosure
✓ Philippine Stock Exchange ✓Prevent price manipulation
✓Promote fair and honest trading
What do you think are the factors that drive stock
price movement? Section 24. Manipulation of Security Prices; Devices and
Practices. – 24.1 It shall be unlawful for any person
Illustration of how stock prices move acting for himself or through a dealer or broker, directly
or indirectly:
- Certified stockbroker (Certification Exam). (a) To create a false or misleading appearance of active
https://www.sec.gov.ph/faqs/ trading in any listed security traded in an Exchange of
- A person to contact if you want to buy or sell shares of any other trading market (hereafter referred to purposes
stock. of this Chapter as "Exchange"):
- Commission
(i) By effecting any transaction in such security which
DEALER involves no change in the beneficial ownership thereof;
✓Buy and sell
✓Mark-up (ii) By entering an order or orders for the purchase or
✓http://cmprs.sec.gov.ph/ sale of such security with the knowledge that a
simultaneous order or orders of substantially the same
LONG POSITION v. SHORT POSITION size, time and price, for the sale or purchase of any such
security, has or will be entered by or for the same or
Long Position different parties; or
✓ The trader expects that the stock price will go up
✓ Buy the stock and hold it (iii) By performing similar act where there is no change
✓ Only sell the stock when it is favorable in beneficial ownership.
✓ This MAY limit losses
(b) To affect, alone or with others, a securities or
Short Position transactions in securities that:
✓ Borrow stocks
✓ Sell stocks at a certain price (I) Raises their price to induce the purchase of a security,
(P48) whether of the same or a different class of the same
✓ Buy (recover) the same stocks, later, at a lower price. issuer or of controlling, controlled, or commonly
(P25) controlled company by others;
✓ Naked short selling (no prior borrowing) – may result (I) Depresses their price to induce the sale of a security,
to failure to deliver whether of the same or a different class, of the same
✓ Covered short selling (borrow-sale-repurchase) issuer or of a controlling, controlled, or commonly
controlled company by others;
Short sale under SRC
“No person shall use or employ, in connection with the (II) Creates active trading to induce such a purchase or
purchase or sale of any security any manipulative or sale through manipulative devices such as marking the
deceptive device or contrivance. Neither shall any short close, painting the tape, squeezing the float, hype and
sale be effected nor any stop-loss order be executed in dump, boiler room operations and such other similar
connection with the purchase or sale of any security devices.
except in accordance with such rules and regulations as
the Commission may prescribe as necessary or
appropriate in the public interest for the protection of
investors.” [Sec. 24.2, SRC]
✓ Placing an order near the close of the trading day. “For purposes of this Section, information is "material
✓ Significantly higher price nonpublic" if: (a) It has not been generally disclosed to
✓ Effect: overvalued security the public and would likely affect the market price of the
security after being disseminated to the public and the
PAINTING THE TAPE lapse of a reasonable time for the market to absorb the
✓ Series of stock transactions information; or
✓ Reported publicly (b) would be considered by a reasonable person
✓ To depict activity or price movement of security important under the circumstances in determining his
https://www.tickertape.in/ course of action whether to buy, sell or hold a security.”
[Sec. 27.2, SRC]
✓ Taking advantage of the shortage of security
✓ Controlling the demand side
✓ Artificial prices
✓ Exploit market congestion during the shortage


✓ Person/s or entities cause the stock price to go up
✓ Making the stocks looks attractive to investors
✓ Then sell the stock at a higher price


✓Large scale operation designed to fraudulently attract
✓High pressure sales tactics:
cold calling
buy now or never
limited offer

Wash Sale
✓Trading stocks but there is no actual
change of beneficial ownership.
✓Artificial active trading


“It shall be unlawful for an insider to sell or buy a
security of the issuer, while in possession of material
information with respect to the issuer or the security that
is not generally available to the public.” [Sec. 27, SRC]

(a) The insider proves that the information was not
gained from such relationship; or
(b) If the other party selling to or buying from the insider
(or his agent) is identified, the insider proves:
(i) that he disclosed the information to the other party, or
(ii) that he had reason to believe that the other party
otherwise is also in possession of the information. [Sec.
27, SRC]

A purchase or sale of a security of the issuer made by
an insider, or such insider’s spouse or relatives by
affinity or consanguinity within the second degree,
legitimate or common-law, shall be presumed to have
been effected while in possession of material nonpublic
information if transacted after such information came
into existence but prior to dissemination of such
information to the public and the lapse of a reasonable
time for market to absorb such information: Provided,
however, That this presumption shall be rebutted upon a
showing by the purchaser or seller that he was aware of
the material nonpublic information at the time of the
purchase or sale. [See Sec. 27, SRC]

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