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learning me, learning you

Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Explicit
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: F/F, Multi
Fandom: BLACKPINK (Band)
Relationship: Lalisa Manoban | Lisa/Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kim Jisoo/Lalisa
Manoban | Lisa/Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kim Jisoo/Lalisa Manoban |
Lisa, Kim Jisoo/Park Chaeyoung | Rosé
Character: Lalisa Manoban | Lisa, Park Chaeyoung | Rosé, Kim Jisoo
(BLACKPINK), jennie is mentioned but doesn't really show up yet
Additional Tags: Shameless Smut, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, i mean the plot is
the relationship dynamics, Polyamorous BLACKPINK, still very proud of
that tag's existence, dom/sub dynamics, Voyeurism, Degradation,
Strap-Ons, Dirty Talk, a lot of this isn't showing up for a few chapters
but i'm just letting you know, Exhibitionism, probably should have
tagged that earlier but oh well
Language: English
Series: Part 2 of desire and other such things
Stats: Published: 2022-10-31 Updated: 2023-10-31 Words: 15,431 Chapters:

learning me, learning you

by that_one_scared_gay


It starts with Chaeyoung.

More accurately, it starts with Chaeyoung, and Lisa, and a dream.

or: jennie wanted to know how all this came about. it went a little like this.


yes, it is i, with yet another smut story

i'm not even gonna apologize. here's the heady liaisons backstory that's been in my head
since day one.

rpf disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION. this does not in any way depict what i think the
pinks' relationships are actually like. this is just for fun, please ship responsibly

See the end of the work for more notes

Chapter 1


Hands sliding hot on her skin, a mouth smiling against her neck, laughing lowly in her ear.

Chaeyoung squirms, moans, wanting more. More heat, more touch, more more more.

“So desperate, our Rosie,” Jisoo mocks, and Chaeyoung can’t stop the whimper that leaves her

She feels something warm and wet swipe through her folds, and she jerks, looking down at her
body to see Jennie’s wicked grin.

“Gonna let your unnies take care of you, hm, Chaeyoung-ah?” Jennie licks at her, and Chaeyoung
bucks into her mouth, whines.

Jisoo’s mouth is on her breast, tongue laving at her nipple while her hand plays with the other one,
and there’s heat, so much heat-

She hears her voice around her, surrounding her: “That’s it, Chaeyoung-ah,” and lips wrap
around Chaeyoung’s clit and Chaeyoung- she needs, she wants-

“Unnie, please,” she begs.

“Chaeyoung-ah,” they say, voices overlapping, and it’s too hot, she’s too hot, and she’s so wet,



Chaeyoung blinks, and her room is dark.

She’s in bed, too hot under the covers, and there’s an additional weight on the mattress that she can
just make out as a familiar silhouette.


Her friend shifts, and Chaeyoung feels the pressure of her hand on her arm where she’d started to
shake her awake, the limb still under the covers.

It’s too dark to see Lisa’s face flush.

“Sorry,” she rasps, “You were- I thought you were having a nightmare.”

Chaeyoung squeezes her thighs together. She’s fucking soaked.

Lisa’s stare burns even in the dark.

“I was, I didn’t- I was having a dream,” she says lamely, “It- it wasn’t a nightmare.” That would
have been much less mortifying.
“Yeah, I…” Lisa’s voice is barely a breath. She sounds a bit dazed. “I figured it, you said-”

Oh fuck, did she hear her calling out for-

“I- sorry, I just came here to cuddle, I didn’t mean to interrupt-”

“What did you hear?”

They speak at the same time, voices overlapping, and Chaeyoung wants to curse her mouth for
moving faster than her brain.

It’s out now, and Chaeyoung just wants to know how embarrassing this will be, she’s never gonna
be able to look Lisa in the eye again-

“You make pretty sounds.”

Chaeyoung freezes.

Lisa does too, her hand tensing around Chaeyoung’s arm before she lets go.


This doesn’t feel real, right now. It can’t be real, can it? Chaeyoung is still trapped, too hot,
beneath the sheets, and Lisa isn’t taking her words back.

“Chaeyoung-ah.” Low and raspy, and she’s heard that voice in her dreams before.

Chaeyoung shifts slightly on the mattress, acutely aware of the wetness still gathered between her

“You sounded like you were having a nice dream,” Lisa says, and her voice has that same dazed,
cloudy aspect to it. Her eyes lock onto Chaeyoung’s movement. “I’m sorry I interrupted it.”

She’s said that already. “Let me make it up to you…?”

Chaeyoung doesn’t know if that’s supposed to be a question, but again her body moves before her
mind does, and she’s nodding, and Lisa is starting to slip beneath her covers.

At any other time, in any other circumstance, Chaeyoung thinks she wouldn’t be doing this. Thinks
she would be too nervous, too worried, too focused on consequences.

But they’re in the dark, and Lisa is right there, and her pussy is still aching from the dream, so she
doesn’t think of all the reasons they can’t be doing this when Lisa slips under her covers and slides
a hand beneath her sleep shorts, coming into contact with the wet patch on her panties.

Chaeyoung gasps, and Lisa makes a choked noise in response, stroking her through the cloth.

“You’re soaked,” Lisa breathes, and it makes Chaeyoung dizzy, the reverence in it. “Who was it, in
the dream?”

For a moment, Chaeyoung stops breathing. Lisa’s fingers brush her clit over her panties, and
whatever response she’d make is lost to a whimper.

“Lisa, please, I-”

Lisa moves the material aside, fingers sliding through her folds. “You called them ‘unnie’. You
were begging so pretty.”

Chaeyoung keens. One of Lisa’s fingers dips into her entrance.


It feels like Chaeyoung is getting whiplash. Like there are two different conversations happening
right now, and she can’t keep up with any of it.

Still, her brain latches on to the last word that left Lisa’s mouth, and she nods frantically.

It’s not good enough.

Lisa hums, shaking her head, and her fingers stay gliding over Chaeyoung’s pussy; teasing her, but
not giving her what she wants.

“I need words, Chaeng.”

Later, Chaeyoung will blame her fuzzy, lust-addled brain for mixing things up.

“It was Jisoo-unnie and Jennie-unnie,” she says, desperate, “I was dreaming about them. Now
please, Lisa, just fuck me.”

For a moment, Lisa’s movements stop entirely.

Chaeyoung opens her mouth, and then Lisa moves, slipping a finger inside her and shifting even
closer, and her protest turns into a moan.

Lisa starts slow, careful, exploring. She finds the spot inside Chaeyoung that makes her keen, and
her own voice sounds out, breathless:

“Oh, baby.”

It makes Chaeyoung twitch, clenching around her finger, and her voice slips out, high and needy.
“Another, Lis, please, I need it.”

Lisa obliges her, sliding in a second finger, and it’s like she can’t keep herself from talking.

“Is this what you dream about, with them?”

There’s a breathless curiosity there, a wanting, and she punctuates the sentence by pressing her
fingers into Chaeyoung’s g-spot. Chaeyoung’s mouth falls open, soundless, before she remembers
what words are.

“Sometimes,” she gasps, and Lisa starts using her thumb to rub her clit. “Sometimes they use their
mouths.” She takes Lisa’s groan as the encouragement it is. “Sometimes- sometimes it’s you.”

Up until this point, Lisa has been soft. Attentive, paying special notice to each of Chaeyoung’s
reactions, and careful; painfully aware of the fragility of this, of all the things they aren’t
But when Chaeyoung says that, it’s like her control snaps.

She lurches into Chaeyoung’s side, lips landing messy against her neck, and fucks her harder,
fingers thrusting in and out.

“Doesn’t have to be just dreams,” she pants, “Whenever you want it, Chaeng– fuck, if I’d known
you wanted this-”

Chaeyoung cries out and bucks under her ministrations, the words shooting straight to her cunt. If
Lisa means it, fuck, if she’s saying what Chaeyoung thinks she is-

“Lisa, I’m-” close, she doesn’t say, the word dying when Lisa bites a particular spot on her neck,
her fingers unforgiving in Chaeyoung’s cunt, on her clit.

Chaeyoung’s back arches, her toes curling as she clenches around Lisa’s fingers. Her orgasm hits
her like a wave, and Lisa fucks her through it, praise spilling from her lips onto Chaeyoung’s neck.

Chaeyoung comes down to those fingers still inside her. Still, but not pulling out just yet.

“Again?” Lisa asks, soft against her ear.

“I- what?” Chaeyoung’s brain lags. She feels flushed, a little sensitive, with Lisa’s fingers now
beginning to move shallowly between her thighs.

“We should- we need to talk about this,” she breathes, even as Lisa coaxes a fresh round of arousal
from her.

“We can talk after I make you come again,” Lisa murmurs, earning a whine. “You looked so good-
fuck, you have no idea.”

Lisa’s voice is ragged, ruined, and fuck if that desperation doesn’t do things to Chaeyoung’s body,
and also her self-control.

“Please, Chaeng, just one more? For me?”

It’s the begging that does her in.

Chaeyoung turns her head, seeking Lisa’s lips with her own. Lisa welcomes her kiss with a want
that leaves her breathless, and by the time they break apart Chaeyoung is rocking in time with her
thrusts again.

“Is this a yes?” Lisa teases, smiling against Chaeyoung’s mouth.

“Just… be gentle, please.”

Lisa hums an acknowledgement, and starts coaxing her into another orgasm.

This one Chaeyoung moans into Lisa’s mouth, hips stuttering against her hand.

It’s only once the aftershocks have run their course through Chaeyoung’s body that Lisa pulls out.

Chaeyoung rests her head on Lisa’s chest, mind swirling sluggishly in the post-orgasm haze.

It’s a familiar position for them, Lisa’s fingers carding through her hair as they both wait to fall
asleep, except that usually Chaeyoung’s thighs aren’t sticky after her best friend made her come

Thinking of this, Chaeyoung voices one of the things that’s been tossing around in her brain.

“Do you want me to… I mean, you didn’t get to come.”

It’s an easier thing to latch onto, amidst the anxieties bubbling beneath the surface of her thoughts.

Lisa’s breaths are slow and measured beneath her. “It’s alright, this was about you. And seeing
you- fuck, Chaeyoung, you have no idea how hot that was.”

Chaeyoung flushes, recalling the desperation in Lisa’s voice when begged to make her come again.

“You can make it up to me next time, if you want.”

Next time.

She shivers just from thinking about it. “We really should talk about this, you know?”

Lisa keeps stroking her head, and Chaeyoung can’t help but sink into it, letting out a contented
little sigh.

“What do you wanna talk about?”

Chaeyoung thinks for a few moments, about obligations, about managers, and then about the
things that really matter.

“I just don’t want things to be weird, with us,” she says finally. “And… I want to do this again.”
She pauses. “I really want to do this again.”

Lisa laughs quietly above her. “I want to do this again too,” she assures her. “If you knew how long
I’ve been wanting this, wanting you…”

The words bring a grin to Chaeyoung’s face, a curl of desire to her belly. The smile dies quickly,
but the want lingers.

There’s just one more thing.

“And you don’t mind that I also want- I mean, that I was dreaming of-” she can’t bring herself to
say their names, cheeks flushing in embarrassment.

It takes Lisa a bit longer to answer now.

“…you’re not the only one who has fantasies.” Is what she settles on. “The fact that you want them
too… it makes things easier, I think.”

You want them too.



Chaeyoung glances up at Lisa, feeling a smirk begin to creep up on her lips. “That… would make
things easier.”
They hold each other’s gaze, something electric and intense passing between them, before Lisa
breaks it off, cheeks colored.

In that moment, something in Chaeyoung settles.

“I don’t want things to be weird,” she’d said.

Looking at Lisa now, blushing prettily at her admission, she feels confident that they won’t be.

They’ll be just fine. And if they begin to explore this new facet of their relationship, one that’s only
taken form in fantasies before today, well.

If the events of this night are any evidence, then it’ll be quite a pleasurable experience for the both
of them.
Chapter 2
Chapter Notes

…it’s been a while

anyway, here’s chapter 2

rpf disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION. this is not in any way indicative of what i
think the pinks are actually like. everybody ship responsibly!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The second time it happens, Chaeyoung is the one who sneaks into Lisa’s room.

She does it after over a week of waiting, and nearly half and hour of debating with herself over it.

Aside from some frankly shameless ogling during dance practice, neither of them have made any
move to acknowledge what happened that night.

Chaeyoung has half a mind to think Lisa has forgotten about it, if not for the aforementioned

There’s no particular reason for her to go after this today, if you don’t count the fact that she’s
been getting herself off to the memory of Lisa’s fingers every night for a week, and there’s a little
voice in her head telling her if she’d just woman up she could be getting the real thing.

In the end, that’s what propels her to take the few steps across the hall to Lisa’s room and lock the
door behind her.

The Thai girl is scrolling through her phone when Chaeyoung comes in, but she raises her eyes in
acknowledgement. “Hey.”

Her attention goes right back to her phone afterwards, and Chaeyoung pouts.

She makes her way to Lisa’s bedside, mentally going over the best way to go about this.

She opts for bluntness, climbing straight onto Lisa’s bed and straddling her.

That gets the youngest’s attention. An eyebrow raises in question while the hand holding her phone
lowers slowly.


“Lisa~” Chaeyoung drags the last syllable, shifting to get more comfortable on her lap.

“Rosie~” Lisa mimics her, sing-songsy. There’s a look of mild bemusement on her face, but her
lips are tugging up in a smile.

Chaeyoung imagines herself — metaphorically — diving off the cliff.

“I’m horny,” she says, lets her tone slip a little into demanding, pretends that butterflies aren’t in
riot in her stomach.

She feels Lisa’s body stiffen, then watches as her entire demeanor shifts, phone forgotten as her
attention is pulled firmly to Chaeyoung.

Much better.


Lisa’s voice is quiet, cautious, but Chaeyoung was expecting this.

“Mm-hmm,” she hums, hand reaching out to stroke Lisa’s face, brushing her bangs. Lisa lets her,
eyes fluttering before they open back on Chaeyoung.

Steady. Pliant under her. So, so hers, if Chaeyoung only asks.

“You told me whenever I want it, I can ask you.” Chaeyoung breathes. She hooks a finger under
Lisa’s chin, raising her head just a little, and drops her eyes to her lips. “I’m asking, Lisa.”

It’s easy.

It’s so, so easy for Lisa to yield to her.

They lean in at the same time, and then they’re kissing, and it’s a matter of minutes before
Chaeyoung is raising her arms and helping Lisa pull her shirt off her torso.

It feels different, sitting topless in the light of Lisa’s room, than it did in the dark under her sheets.

Lisa murmurs, “Are you sure?” and Chaeyoung nods, and kisses her, because she is.

The younger woman trails kisses down her jaw to her breast, mouth closing around a nipple in a
move that has Chaeyoung moaning so loud it would risk getting caught, if they weren’t home

Lisa laves attention of both of her breasts until Chaeyoung is wet and squirming in her lap, come
on, Lisa, please, I want you to fuck me- and she lets out a strangled groan when two of her fingers
slide into Chaeyoung’s heat, her walls clenching around the digits immediately.

She fucks her like that, lets Chaeyoung grind into her hand, and doesn’t let up until she comes one,
two, three times in succession.

Lisa pulls her fingers out, and Chaeyoung isn’t quite thinking when she grabs her hand and pulls
them to her mouth to taste herself. The debauched look on Lisa’s face is enough to remind her of
her intent to make it up to her last time, and she coaxes Lisa down the bed so she can return the

That night, Chaeyoung learns her best friend doesn’t like penetration, preferring fingers pressing
against her clit and some choice words about how good she is for her. And that she fucking loves
how Lisa tastes.

They fall into a rhythm after that.

Chaeyoung is usually the one who initiates it. A long look. A touch that drags on more than it
should. A stolen kiss, in the times they’re in private. Or, of course, simply inviting herself into
Lisa’s room, or dragging the younger into hers.

Because she felt like it, because she misses Lisa’s hands on her skin, because she had a dream that
left her wet and aching for Lisa’s fingers.

Once, memorably, after Jisoo drags her to a pilates class, and Chaeyoung spends a full hour
pretending not to ogle her unnie in yoga pants.

Sometimes Lisa is the one who initiates it.

Hands circled around Chaeyoung’s waist, chin hooked over her shoulder, breath hot on her neck.
Murmuring that she misses her, that she wants to feel her again, wants to hear all those pretty
sounds she makes.

The dirty talk is what does her in, again and again and again, Lisa’s voice low against her ear
robbing Chaeyoung of any measure of self-control.

The first time Lisa calls her a slut, Chaeyoung clenches hard against her fingers, and Lisa breathes:
“Oh,” against the back of her neck.

The shame burns deliciously in her stomach, makes her even wetter, and Lisa sees it, always sees

“Such a pretty whore, Chaeyoung-ah,” she says, and Chaeyoung whines, breaks a little more with
each word.

Her hands clench at the sheets, face pressed against the mattress while Lisa fucks her from behind.

Lisa’s got three fingers inside her, stretching her out, and she talks how she always does when
they’re like this, like she can’t fucking help herself.

“Always so needy, my perfect little slut. Fuck, if you had it your way it wouldn’t even just be me,
would it?”


They don’t talk about it, not explicitly.

Not even when Chaeyoung wakes up with the cry of “unnie” on her lips, panties soaked through,
and slips into Lisa’s bed afterwards. Not even when Lisa stares, stares, too long at the older girls
during practice, and Chaeyoung bites her lip and knows Lisa will be even more desperate than
usual that evening.

They don’t talk about it, but now they do, apparently, because Lisa keeps going.

“You want your unnies to play with you too, don’t you? Wanna be a good slut for them as well.”
She rubs hard at Chaeyoung’s clit, fingers thrusting in and out of her cunt, and she sounds as
wrecked as Chaeyoung feels.

“Yes, I want it, fuck- baby, please-” Chaeyoung babbles, “I’m greedy- I want it, want you, want
them, please please please-”

Lisa curls her fingers inside her, and Chaeyoung shatters.

Stars dance behind her eyelids as her back arches, cum gushing onto Lisa’s hand.

Lisa is gentle with her afterwards, coaxes her through the last of the aftershocks and carefully pulls
out, pressing sweet kisses to her back where Chaeyoung has slumped on the bed.

Chaeyoung manages to flip herself over, completely spent, and meets Lisa’s still glazed eyes.

“Come up here, baby.”

Lisa blinks at her, all wide-eyed and sluggish, like she’s the one that’s been fucked stupid.

Chaeyoung smiles, hand coming up to brush Lisa’s bangs gently. “You fucked me too good to
move,” she says, delighting in how Lisa leans into her touch, how her eyes glimmer with
unmasked satisfaction. “So now you have to come sit on my face.”

Lisa’s mouth parts, want naked in her gaze, and she scrambles up Chaeyoung’s body to lower her
cunt to her face.

Chaeyoung groans when she makes contact with her wetness. Lisa is positively soaked, and more
than a little wound up, judging by the way she starts grinding on Chaeyoung’s mouth almost

Chaeyoung lets her, feeling wonderfully, deliciously used.

It’s so rare for Lisa to take what she wants from her, the younger girl always so giving, giving, to
the point of losing herself.

Today there is a different kind of desperation in her movements as she rides Chaeyoung’s face to

Lisa comes with a sharp cry, and Chaeyoung licks her through it, cleaning up the mess she is more
than partly responsible for.

Later, when they’re cuddled up together on Lisa’s bed, sticky sheets exchanged for clean ones,
Lisa will murmur, all gentle-like:

“You know I don’t think you’re greedy, right? I mean, I’d have to be a fucking hypocrite.”

Chaeyoung will sigh, flushed and content, and press a kiss to Lisa’s jaw. “I know. I think I just
needed to say it… I like hearing it.”

The grin in Lisa’s voice is obvious. “Oh, I got that.”

Chaeyoung will slap her arm, cheeks bright red, and Lisa will laugh, loud and bright like the
goddamn sun.

That’s the start of that.

Most of the time, Lisa is more than happy to give Chaeyoung what she wants, and more

But sometimes, she likes to tease. Sometimes, like when they fall asleep together and Lisa wakes
up to the sound of Chaeyoung’s whimpers and mutters of their unnies’ names.

She wakes her up with soft kisses and a hand between her legs, and she makes her wait, edges her
until she describes exactly what she was dreaming about.

It makes Chaeyoung fucking crazy, waking up from a dream like that to Lisa’s sweet torture.

“I just want to know, baby. Want to know what got my little slut all wet like this.”

It makes her cheeks burn, makes her feel needy and desperate when she tells Lisa she was
dreaming about Jisoo’s mouth, about Jennie’s fingers.

About Jisoo letting her ride her thigh on the couch in the living room, and Jennie pinning her to the
wall and having her way with her. About them sharing her, them and Lisa, and calling her all those
nasty names she loves to hear.

Lisa listens with darkened eyes, and rewards her for each detail she adds. Calls her a slut, tells her
she’s greedy and doesn’t mean a word of it, because Chaeyoung wants to hear it.

She wonders, sometimes, if there’s something wrong with her, but Lisa never does anything to let
her think so, and the internet is, in this rare instance, a reassurance of it.

One night, Lisa and Jennie stay late at the dance studio for a one-on-one practice session.
Chaeyoung takes one look at Lisa’s face when they get back and makes an excuse to invite her to
sleep in her room, ignoring the puzzled looks Jennie and Jisoo give at her abruptness.

Lisa has her pinned to the door as soon as they shut it, and Chaeyoung takes a moment to give
thanks that their rooms have some measure of sound-proofing, due to the musical inclinations of
the apartment’s four occupants.

Chaeyoung breaks away from their kiss with a gasp, panting as Lisa doesn’t miss a beat before
switching to plant kisses down her jaw.

“Wait- Lisa, baby, look at me.”

Lisa does, hazy eyes eventually focusing on her, and Chaeyoung burns with it.

“Talk to me, Lali,” Chaeyoung whispers, “Tell me what got you so worked up.”

Lisa holds her gaze for a moment, then drops her head to Chaeyoung’s shoulder, groan leaving her

“I- fuck, Chaeng, it’s Jennie.”

Chaeyoung understands completely. Jennie- Jennie dancing, especially, is devastatingly hot. Her
body, her confidence, it all combines to make one of the most attractive humans on the planet.
Chaeyoung isn’t biased.

But that’s not what she meant.

“I know, baby. I want you tell me what you were thinking that got you like this.” She raises a hand
to scratch the back of Lisa’s neck, feels her shiver.

“You always make me talk about my dreams with them, it’s only fair.”
Unlike Chaeyoung, Lisa’s biggest fantasies don’t come when she’s asleep. The thoughts just come
to her, and her eyes glaze over as her mind goes somewhere else.

Chaeyoung thinks it’s the hottest thing, when she does something that she thought was innocent
but then she sees Lisa’s eyes darken, and she wonders just what is going through her head.

“I wanted to kiss her,” Lisa breathes against her skin, finally. “Wanted to- fuck- wanted to get on
my knees.”

Chaeyoung’s breath leaves her.

“Oh, baby.” She can picture it, in her minds eye now, and she knows she’s going to be dreaming
about that now, sometime. “You’d be so good for her.”

Lisa whines, head still tucked into Chaeyoung’s shoulder, and she begs. “Chaeyoung, please, can

“Yes, yes-” Chaeyoung urges, and then Lisa is sinking to her knees in front of her and Chaeyoung
is having to muffle moans with her hand, the other one locked in Lisa’s hair.

And so they continue, this new arrangement that’s proven so fruitful for the both of them. Learning
a bit more of each other each time.

They don’t tell the other girls. They don’t tell anyone. They just keep sneaking off to have sex, and
they’re not dating, not really, but they’re not just friends either.

(That’s just… something they don’t talk about, even as they become more comfortable with each
other, with these new developments in their relationship they don’t acknowledge outside of those
moments, for reasons neither of them want to address.)

And then Jisoo walks in on them.

Chapter End Notes

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! next up we have jisoo walking in on them- no
promises as to when that will drop

as always, stay safe and take care of yourselves

Chapter 3
Chapter Notes


terribly sorry for the wait everyone, would love to say it won't happen again, but no

rpf disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION. this does not in any way depict what i think
the girls' relationships are actually like. everyone please ship responsibly


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Technically, it was Lisa’s fault.

They’ll argue to death about it later, but how was she supposed to remember to lock the door when
Chaeyoung had been waiting for her in her bed, clad only in a new set of lingerie — one hand
teasing herself over the material — already whining that Lisa had made her wait too long.

Her only concern had quickly become replacing that hand with her own.

Then she was too focused on the task at hand to hear the door open and Jisoo’s voice come

“Lisa-yah, did you see my—”

Her voice cuts off at the same moment Chaeyoung’s cunt starts fluttering around Lisa’s fingers.

Later, Lisa will replay the moment over and over in her head.

Chaeyoung scrambling to cover herself in the sheets, Jisoo staring at them, all wide eyes and pink
cheeks, stumbling over her words: “Sorry, I didn’t— I was just—” The door shutting behind her as
she leaves.

Herself held in static, brain too sluggish to think properly, looking from the doorway to
Chaeyoung’s flushed face.

“Chaeyoung-ah,” Leaving her in a breath, and she remembers feeling like the other girl would start
thinking too much, and she didn’t want that, didn’t want that for either of them.

Her fingers were still sticky.

She raised them up, still covered in Chaeyoung’s cum, and placed them to Chaeyoung’s lips like an

“Chaeyoung-ah,” she breathed again. And they didn’t talk much after that.
Jisoo stares at them for days, after.

She doesn’t bring it up, doesn’t say anything to allude to what she saw, but still, it’s-

“Mortifying,” Chaeyoung mutters to her, cheeks still flushed, skin glistening in the light of Lisa’s

‘Exilarating,’ Lisa thinks, in the privacy of her own mind, looking into Chaeyoung’s eyes, seeing
the want there contrast with her words.

The next time it happens, they’re not really sure who’s to blame.

Both of them, maybe, for rushing into the apartment and not even checking to see if anyone else is
home, too lost, too desperate already.

They stumble to Chaeyoung’s door, and as soon as the blonde’s back hits the wood Lisa is sinking
to her knees.

Chaeyoung has a hand in her hair, guiding Lisa to where she wants her, when neither of them hear
the front door open.

It’s not like they could have predicted that Jisoo’s photoshop would let out early.

Later that week, when Chaeyoung wakes her up in the night with a cry of “unnie!” on her lips, Lisa
can’t stop the words from leaving hers:

“You want me to call her up to watch?”

She thinks she doesn’t really mean it, but then Chaeyoung spasms violently against her, walls
clenching around her fingers, and suddenly she does, wants to get Jisoo here so she can see how
pretty Chaeyoung is when she’s getting fucked, how well Lisa knows to take care of her.

“Greedy girl, you really do,” Lisa breathes, and the words are for her as much as they are for
Chaeyoung. “Want her to see how well you fall apart for me.”

Lisa curls her fingers, and Chaeyoung’s cunt flutters around them, wetness gushing down to her

“Lisa!” Chaeyoung squeals when she all but drops her on the bed, but Lisa pays her no mind.

She crawls on after her, bracketing Chaeyoung’s body with her arms, meeting grinning lips with
her hungry ones.

She still can’t believe she gets to kiss her. Gets to hear her giggles turn into little moans and sighs,
gets to feel her hand tugging the hair at the back of her neck as she opens her mouth to let Lisa’s
tongue in.

Chaeyoung makes a sound that sends heat directly to Lisa’s clit, and she breaks away with a groan,
trailing kisses down her jaw and neck, biting and sucking at the skin there.

“God, baby,” Chaeyoung gasps between moans, “I didn’t think you’d get this worked up,” she
says, but the delight in her voice betrays her.

Chaeyoung knew exactly what she was doing when she cornered her in the living room, sneaking
up behind her and hooking her chin over her shoulder, mouth at Lisa’s ear spilling pretty words, all
soft and needy and “I miss your mouth, Lis.”

It makes Lisa a little insane, when Chaeyoung comes to her with dark eyes and pouty lips,
unashamed to tell her what she wants. Sometimes she thinks she could live between Chaeyoung’s
legs, in moments like that.

It’s where she’s headed now, stopping to give some attention to Chaeyoung’s breasts, because
they’re sensitive, and Chaeyoung loves when she marks her up there, where no one else can see but

Today, though, it seems her girl is impatient, pushing her head down after only a scant few minutes
of letting Lisa play with her tits.

Lisa goes down easily, settling between Chaeyoung’s legs and breathing in the scent of her pussy.
She swipes her tongue through Chaeyoung’s folds, humming appreciatively at the moan the other
girl lets out.

Chaeyoung isn’t exactly loud, but she is vocal, encouraging Lisa with moans and whimpers, little
praises that make her want to sink into this forever. Lisa sucks on her clit and Chaeyoung whines:
“Want your fingers too, baby, please–”

She slips two inside her, Chaeyoung is wet enough for it, and wonders if she’ll ask for more. The
thought makes her burn inside, and she sets a pace that’s just this side of unrelenting.

Chaeyoung is babbling, hands buried in her hair, and Lisa preens at being the cause of it. At being
able to make her sing so sweetly.

When Chaeyoung comes it’s with Lisa’s name on her lips, and Lisa drinks it in like she’s starved
for it.

She doesn’t stop when Chaeyoung’s spasms cease, fingers still thrusting shallowly into her while
her tongue slides gently around her clit.

Her lover’s hand is still in her hair, pushing slightly, and Lisa pulls away just enough to meet her
eyes and murmur:

“You can take another.”

Chaeyoung shudders, pupils blown, and nods, letting Lisa star to build her up to another orgasm.

She is so focused on Chaeyoung – on her taste, on her sounds – that she doesn’t hear the door open.

It’s only when Chaeyoung’s strangled “Unnie!” reaches her ears that she feels the eyes burning
into the back of her head.

Lisa freezes.

It’s just a second, and then she continues eating Chaeyoung out, licking and sucking and curling her
fingers inside her.

“Lisa, fuck, right there-” Chaeyoung moans, and Lisa hears a sharp intake of breath from the

‘Look,’ she thinks, almost deliriously, ‘look at how gorgeous she is, how perfect she is when she
falls apart.’

The door closes, but Lisa doesn’t pay it any mind, because Chaeyoung is beginning to flutter
around her fingers, and then she feels more than sees her entire body go rigid, back arching as she
hits her climax.

Chaeyoung’s cum is sticky around her mouth, and Lisa thinks her eyes are a little glassy when she
crawls up Chaeyoung’s body. Chaeyoung takes one look at her and says:

“Baby, you should have seen her face.”

When she slips her hand between Lisa’s legs, it takes two minutes for her orgasm to come.

“I thought you’d locked the door.”

“I though you had.”



Truly incredible, Lisa thinks, how they are both such bad liars.

Chapter End Notes

hope you guys liked that :DDD

next time tune in for more filth, and more jisoo

Chapter 4
Chapter Notes

look at that, only a month between updates! i am evolving people

rpf disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION. none of this depicts what i think the pinks'
relationships are actually like, their private lives are actually none of our business, etc.
everybody please ship responsibly.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Once was an accident, twice was carelessness. Three times is when they give up the pretense.

Bad timing, risky locations. Chaeyoung’s hand lingers on the door lock, and Lisa eyes it, mouth
just beside her ear.

“Leave it.”

She likes the idea of them being caught, has stopped pretending like she doesn’t. Chaeyoung too,
and her hand falls away from the lock as she stumbles with Lisa towards the bed, not bothering to
muffle her moans.

Jisoo catches them, again and again and again, her stare burning through Lisa every time.

The four of them are together in the practice room, and they’re taking a quick break. Chaeyoung
takes a sip of her water and passes the bottle to Lisa, arms enveloping her in a hug.

“Unnie’s watching us,” she murmurs, too low for anyone else to hear.

“Which one of them?” Lisa asks matching her tone.

“Jisoo-nie.” Chaeyoung eyes the mirror in front of them, and Lisa follows her gaze.

Jisoo is staring at them. She always is, these days, and it makes Lisa’s insides tickle pleasantly.

She watches in the mirror as Chaeyoung drifts her hand across her stomach, dipping slightly too
close to the waistband of her sweatpants. She sees Jisoo track the movement through the mirror,
and a tremor goes through her skin.

“Any chance I can convince you to disappear with me once practice is over?”

Lisa rolls her eyes, starting to shift out of her hold. “Not in the company building, Chaeng.”

Chaeyoung pouts. Lisa hears it more than sees it. “You’re no fun.”

“That’s not what you were saying last night,” Lisa smirks, but it quickly dies when Chaeyoung
spins her around and raises a hand to cup her face.

“One of these days I’ll convince you,” she breathes, thumb tracing her cheek.
Lisa exhales, feels the rest of the surroundings around them fade away that little more. She will, is
the thing. Heavens know she can hardly say no to Chaeyoung, when it comes to sex. The older girl
has grown more and more confident in using that to her advantage.

Not that Lisa can begrudge her that, when she folds so easily.

She loves Chaeyoung like breathing, she thinks. She’d go to the ends of the earth for this girl.

A throat clears behind them, and Lisa blinks, startled into the present.

Jennie is looking at them with her eyebrows raised, amused grin on her lips. There’s not a hint of
suspicion on her face, and really, why would there be?

She and Chaeyoung have always been touchy. In the time since they’ve started sleeping together,
to others it seems like nothing has changed.

Unless, of course, they already know that’s not the case.

Jisoo is looking at them with a very different expression from Jennie. Her lips are parted, and
there’s an intensity to her gaze that Lisa wasn’t familiar with until the past couple of weeks.

The hopeful part of her wants to believe it’s desire. She wonders if Jisoo thinks about it often. As
often as Lisa herself does.

She has to know, at this point. Has to know they’re being reckless on purpose, but she never brings
it up. Not during the daylight hours, and not when she walks in on them fucking – if it can be
called that, when, multiple times, they didn’t even bother to get into one of their rooms.

She never lingers, never stays longer than a few moments before leaving, without a word every

More than once, Lisa has had to bite her tongue to keep from begging her to stay. Chaeyoung has
too; she confided as much to her, teeth worrying at her lower lip.

The problem is, they can’t be sure they aren’t misreading anything. Maybe Jisoo thinks the reason
she keeps walking in on them is simple accident. Maybe she hasn’t said anything because bringing
it to light could mean forcing a discussion on what this means for the group, and she doesn’t want
to put them in that position.

Those excuses sound flimsy even in Lisa’s head.

Chaeyoung’s hand caresses her navel, and she sees Jisoo’s eyes dropping to catch it, looking away
quickly afterwards.

The fact that Jennie has never caught them is nothing short of a miracle.

It starts off seemingly innocent, as most of the things Chaeyoung does tend to.

Lisa is sprawled on the couch in the living room, scrolling through her instagram, when
Chaeyoung joins her.
She looks up when she feels the couch dip under the additional weight, just in time to meet
Chaeyoung’s eyes and squawk, undignified, when the other girl falls on top of her, face first into
Lisa’s chest.

“Chaeyoung-ah~” she complains, “get off me!”

She tries pushing her off, but quickly realizes Chaeyoung isn’t budging. Huffing, Lisa glares at the
girl on top of her.

“You’re so annoying.”

She hears Chaeyoung laugh. “What? I can’t want cuddles from my best friend?”

Lisa rolls her eyes, picking up her phone again. “Whatever.” Her free hand starts carding through
Chaeyoung’s hair, her body relaxing as she feels the older girl sigh.

A few minutes later, she feels Chaeyoung begin to shift further up, until her face is tucked between
Lisa’s neck and shoulder.

She pays her no mind until she feels the kisses being pressed along her clavicle.

“What are you doing?” Lisa asks, voice lowering even though they’re the only ones home.

Chaeyoung doesn’t answer her, just continues to trail kisses to her neck. Lisa sighs at the feeling,
tilting her head to give her better access.


Chaeyoung hums, making her way up her jaw, finally reaching Lisa’s lips. Lisa’s eyes flutter shut
as she kisses her, sighing at the feels of their lips moving in tandem.

Chaeyoung’s body presses down against hers, and Lisa moans when her tongue slips into her

Her phone had fallen out of her hand some time ago, and she brings both of them down to squeeze
Chaeyoung’s ass.

The action elicits a sharp moan from the blonde, and Lisa can’t help grinning – just a tad smug –
into the kiss.

Chaeyoung nips her bottom lip in response, and Lisa tightens her grip.

She feels hands tugging at the bottom of her shirt, and suddenly she remembers where they are.

“Wait,” she pants, breaking away from Chaeyoung’s mouth. “Your room or mine?”

Chaeyoung shakes her head, still trying to get Lisa’s shirt off. “Neither,” she says, “I want you
right here.”

Lisa stares at her. “They could come back any time,” she points out, a bit breathless.

Chaeyoung chuckles lowly, knowing smile on her face. She rises up to straddle her, her hand
cradling Lisa’s jaw, and Lisa can only blink up at her.

“You say that like I’m supposed to mind.” Her smile shifts into a smirk. “You say that like you
would mind.”
Lisa stares. Then she bites her lip, and lets Chaeyoung kiss her again.

She sucks on her tongue, and Chaeyoung whimpers into her mouth, and Lisa could spend the rest
of her life pulling those sounds from her.

Her hands dip under Chaeyoung’s shirt, raising up her sides, and then she touches lace.

It stalls her for a moment, as someplace in the back of her mind murmurs ‘Of course she planned
this,’ and Chaeyoung breaks the kiss to pant:

“Off, Lisa, I want it off.”

She sits up, and Lisa goes with her, repositioning them so Chaeyoung is straddling her lap. She
obligingly takes her shirt off, pausing again when her eyes meet navy blue.

“These are new,” she notes, playing idly with one of the straps. They’re gorgeous, the color
contrasting with Chaeyoung’s pale skin.

Chaeyoung shifts on her lap, skin flushing. “I just bought them,” she says, quietly, like an
admission. “I wanted to look pretty for you.”

Lisa’s lips part, and she looks over the piece again reverently, fingers brushing over the cloth while
Chaeyoung squirms, gauging her reaction.

“I think we should keep them on then, if they’re for me to look at.”

Chaeyoung makes a high little noise, almost a keen, accompanied by a purposeful roll of her hips.

Lisa follows the motion, hands drifting to the hem of Chaeyoung’s shorts.

“You probably want these off though,” she murmurs mindlessly, “horny, pretty thing.”

“Lisa,” Chaeyoung gasps, and Lisa watches as she rocks her hips again, more frantically, then gets
impatient with the fabric barrier, climbing off to shuck off her shorts.

She hesitates when she reaches her panties, which are a match for the bra, and Lisa says, “Take
them off,” because she wants to be able to touch her properly.

Chaeyoung pauses another moment, and Lisa is distantly aware of their different levels of
exposure, with Chaeyoung wearing a single piece of lingerie while she is still fully clothed in her
sweats – of the illusion of power in that.

It’s an illusion Chaeyoung likes, and Lisa is nothing if not indulgent of her.

She stays put on the couch, making an effort to relax, before meeting Chaeyoung’s eyes, eyebrow
raising up.

Chaeyoung nods a little, her flush that bit more prominent, and when she straddles her again Lisa
feels her wetness meet her thigh.

“Already?” she breathes, half in honest surprise, half because Chaeyoung likes the tone of
degradation in the question.

Chaeyoung doesn’t answer her, just moans softly, already setting a rhythm with her hips, and Lisa
“Such a needy girl.” Her hands are itching to touch Chaeyoung, to fuck her until she’s begging for
her to stop, but there’s a rhythm to this too.

“Are you going to ride my thigh like a slut, or do you want my fingers?”

Chaeyoung whines, not answering, and Lisa gives in and puts her hands on her thighs, nails biting
into skin.

“Good whores use their words, Chaeyoung-ah,” she reminds, breathless, watching glassy eyes.

“Want your fingers-” Chaeyoung babbles, immediately, “Want- want you inside, Lisa, please–”

“See?” Lisa murmurs. “That wasn’t so hard.”

Then she is preoccupied with the feeling of Chaeyoung around her fingers, warm and wet and
squeezing, and she’s never seen something as beautiful as Chaeyoung rocking up and down on her
lap, taking her pleasure from her, and everything else fades away.

Lisa angles her hand so she can grind her clit against her palm, and Chaeyoung moans, loud and

“You’re so beautiful, Chaeyoung-ah,” Lisa says, looking at her face, pouted lips and glistening
brow. “Needy, perfect girl.”

Her voice sounds hazy to her own ears, and she almost doesn’t notice Chaeyoung’s eyes flicker
somewhere behind her – wouldn’t have, if the movement didn’t coincide with the stuttering of her

Lisa looks over her shoulder, and she isn’t surprised when her eyes meet Jisoo’s, stock still in the
middle of the entrance hall.

She stares at her unnie’s shocked face, and she knows she can hear Chaeyoung’s moans growing
more desperate, and the words slip from her brain out her mouth.

“Putting on such a good show, Chaeyoung-ah.”

Chaeyoung keens, and Lisa’s eyes are immediately back on her, feeling her pussy flutter around her
fingers. She throws her head back, and her nails sink into Lisa’s shoulder blades as she hits her

Lisa helps her ride it out, and then she’s begging – “Another, baby, you can do another, can’t
you?” – and Chaeyoung whines and whimpers, but she begins to grind on her fingers again, and
Lisa’s clit is aching but she just wants to make her come again, wants to see her fall apart, come on,
baby, just one more for me.

She’s only distantly aware of the body swooshing past the living room, of the bedroom door
slamming shut.

It doesn’t really catch up with her, in the moment.

It’s only after Chaeyoung’s whimpers have died out, after “Stop, Lisa, please, I can’t–”, when
sweat is cooling on both of their bodies, when she’s too hot and regretting not taking off her
clothes, that Lisa even realizes what she said.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter End Notes

hehe. now comes the fun stuff.

(sidenote, i was doing the html for ao3 and wow i actually have evolved, there are so
few italics in this thing
Chapter 5
Chapter Notes

...this is pretty filthy you guys

rpf disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION. none of this represents what i think the
pinks' relationships are actually like, their private lives are frankly none of out
business. everybody ship responsibly!!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jisoo is reasonably certain that she’s going insane.

The first time it happened, she tried to keep it off her mind.

The second time, she ended up locked inside her room with her vibrator at her clit, trying not to
think too hard about the images replaying themselves beneath her eyelids.

The third time it happened, Chaeyoung called out for her, and Lisa didn’t stop, and Jisoo barely
managed to close the door with herself on the right side of it.

Every time after that, it’s been a little harder to pretend they’re just accidents.

Jennie doesn’t know.

Jisoo has no idea how, but Jennie doesn’t know.

She’s watched her carefully enough that she would know if she did, but, miraculously, the other
Kim exhibits little to no reaction when their maknaes come up with increasingly implausible
reasons to sneak off together.

They haven’t even been subtle. If Jisoo didn’t know any better, she would have thought they were
doing it on purpose.

And then there was what happened two days ago, and she didn’t so much think it as she was certain
of it.

“Putting on such a good show, Chaeyoung-ah.”

Jisoo clenches her thighs. God, she gets wet just thinking about it.

She still can’t get the image out of her head. Chaeyoung in that blue bralette, grinding on Lisa’s lap
right in the middle of the living room, in broad daylight.

Darkened brown eyes widening when they spotted her, that pretty mouth dropping open.

And she didn’t fucking stop.

Jisoo trails her hand down her body, stroking herself, and lets herself remember.

Lisa’s eyes meeting her head-on before she turned back to Chaeyoung, called as though to a siren.

The awe that slipped from her lips when Chaeyoung came, and the words Jisoo managed to catch
just before her sanity returned to her and she rushed to the sanctity of her room.

“Just one more for me.”

Jisoo whimpers, rubbing furiously at her clit, and the memory of Chaeyoung’s whimpers echoes

She comes with her toes curling, back arching off the mattress, and when her orgasm subsides
she’s still buzzing beneath her skin.

She used to be able to settle with just one, before–

“You can take another, can’t you?”

‘Yes, yes I can,’ she thinks, cunt clenching, and leans over to grab her vibrator.

She pushes the door to Lisa’s room open and takes a deep breath, like a diver before the plunge.

They don’t notice her come in.

They can’t, Jisoo realizes with a thrill, because they’re not facing the door.

Broken moans reach her ears, and Jisoo shuts the door without looking, eyes glued to the women
on the bed.

Chaeyoung is on all fours facing the headboard, skin glistening, blonde hair splayed across her
back as she rocks her whole body with increasing desperation.

Jisoo feels her cunt clench at the sight of Lisa’s head between her thighs, one hand holding her up
while the other slides into her pussy.

“Lisa, please, can I–’

Just as the words leave Chaeyoung’s lips, Lisa slows her movements, leaving the blonde to whine

Jisoo’s lips tick up.

‘Poor baby.’

They stay like that as Lisa keeps on edging Chaeyoung, whose begging becomes ever more

“Lisa, please, please, I need it, let me come, fuck, please–”

She sounds so fucking pretty, so fucking ruined, and Jisoo’s voice is raspy when she speaks.

“Lisa-yah, stop torturing her.”

For a single, still moment, both women freeze.

Then Lisa resumes her movements in a way that is more purposeful, more frantic, and it isn’t long
before Chaeyoung is crying out, collapsing onto the bed.

Jisoo watches, back against the door, and feels herself soak through her panties.

Lisa fucks Chaeyoung through her orgasm, barely giving her time to ride it out before she starts
building her up again.

It earns her a strangled whine. “Lis, I can’t, I–”

Lisa doesn’t answer her, her mouth otherwise occupied, so Jisoo does:

“You can, Chaeyoung-ah. I know you can.”

Chaeyoung shudders. “Unnie–”

“I know you can take multiple orgasms.” Jisoo enunciates clearly, the words sharp in contrast to
the raw sounds of the room. “I’ve seen it, remember?”

Chaeyoung groans, then cries out sharply, and Jisoo sees Lisa speed up, fucking her harder.

Jisoo’s cunt clenches, and her hand twitches towards the front of her shorts.
“That’s it, Chaeyoung-ah,” she murmurs, as the younger girl’s body shakes and shudders again.
“So pretty.”

Her hand worms its way inside her panties, and she sighs slightly as she strokes herself.

At this point, Lisa pulls away from Chaeyoung, turning to meet Jisoo’s gaze.

Her lips and chin are sticky – Jisoo can see it even from across the room – and her eyes are clouded
with lust.

“You made a mess of her, didn’t you, Lisa?” She licks her lips, eyes drifting to Chaeyoung’s
slumped form. “Let me see.”

‘It’s what you want, isn’t it?’ she thinks, as Lisa coaxes Chaeyoung into flipping over. ‘It’s what
you’ve wanted this whole time.’

When she finally sees Chaeyoung’s face, she has to bite her lip to keep in a moan, turning it into a
sharp inhale.

“Such a mess,” Jisoo breathes. “Made her look like a whore, Lisa-yah.”

She tests the word, banking on overheard remarks and their corresponding reactions.

She’s rewarded when Chaeyoung’s jaw slackens in a gasp, and Lisa’s voice sounds out, ragged.

“It’s what she is.” A breath, and Chaeyoung flits her eyes between the two of them, squirming.
“It’s what she wants to be.”

‘And what do you want to be?’ Jisoo wonders, aching, aching, and she lets her fingers brush her clit
to relieve some of it.

She doesn’t want to start chasing her high yet. Wants to see this through first.

Her eyes land on Chaeyoung again, travelling down her body until they reach her cunt, glistening
between her legs.

Chaeyoung spreads them a little further when she notices, and Jisoo feels herself burn with

“How long have you wanted to do that for me?”

She doesn’t wait for Chaeyoung to answer before slipping a finger inside herself, her head hitting
the door with a dull thud as she moans, eyes slipping shut.

They don’t stay that way for long, not with the tempting sight in front of her, which she feasts on as
the words leave her mouth:

“You made a mess, Lisa. Clean it up.”

It’s a sight, watching Lisa duck her head between Chaeyoung’s thighs again, following the order
so, so beautifully.

“Good girl.” Jisoo hears Lisa’s muffled moan, and the subsequent whine from Chaeyoung. She
slips another finger into her pussy, moving them almost lazily inside, her head feeling heavy as she
rakes her eyes from the back of Lisa’s head up to Chaeyoung’s face. “You’re both so pretty,
showing off for your unnie.”

Chaeyoung, whimpers, a garbled sound that might have meant to be her name, and Lisa keeps
eating her out diligently, and Jisoo watches, watches, and feels the heat curl in her belly.

She keeps fingering herself, braced on the door, rubbing tight circles around her clit with her thumb
when Chaeyoung’s sighs become more pronounced, Lisa sending her over the edge for a third

Chaeyoung comes with a high moan, and Jisoo is close, so close to following her, when Lisa turns
to her, eyes foggy, and says:

“Unnie, can I–” Her hand is between her own legs, but she’s not touching herself, and it takes a
moment for Jisoo’s lust-addled brain to understand what she’s asking.

“Yes, yes, Lisa, you’ve been so good, you can–”

And she can hardly believe it, that she’s asking, like she wants permission– and that’s enough to
set off her orgasm, eyes rolling back as her head hits the wood, cunt fluttering around her fingers.

When Jisoo blinks the stars out of her eyes, she sees Lisa’s hand working furiously at her clit, the
sweetest moans slipping from her mouth.

Chaeyoung has saddled up to her, one hand caressing her breast while she whispers sweet praise
into Lisa’s ear with a hoarse voice.

“You’ve done so good, Lali, took care of me so well. God, you always fuck me so good, baby, and
now unnie’s here to see it–”

God, they’re gorgeous together.

Jisoo watches them, and thinks about going back to her room to relive this all later, and knows she
won’t be able to content herself with stolen glimpses and “accidental” walk-ins ever again.
Chapter End Notes

and so we have the long awaited, jisoo joining them

hope you all enjoyed that, take care of yourselves, have a good day/afternoon/evening

comments as always are much appreciated

Chapter 6
Chapter Notes

2.5k, GIVE IT UP FOR 2,5k!

i'm back from the dead with an extra large chapter for you lovely people. only three
more left!!!! we're close to the finish line! (sort of)


rpf disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION. none of this depicts what I think the pinks'
relationships are actually like, i write for funzies, don't go around actually shipping
real people please. we do not accept delulu's here.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Park Chaeyoung, Jisoo thinks, is the biggest tease on the planet.

She’s all smirks and sultry looks in the practice room, hands running over her body as she performs
the choreography.

Her eyes have hardly left Lisa, the target of this seduction, and – crucially – she’s actually
succeeded in distracting her from helping Jennie with her own assignment.

“Lili, do you think I should stick with the original version, or does it look better like this?”

Lisa blinks, snapping out of her Chaeyoung-induced haze, and turns back to Jennie, eyes regaining

“Can you show it one more time?”

Jennie obliges her, and Jisoo places down her water bottle where she’s standing at the back of the
room before coming up to hug Chaeyoung from behind.

“Stop teasing her,” she murmurs, amusement coating her voice.

Chaeyoung grins at her, impish, through the mirror. “But she makes it so fun, unnie.”

“You’re distracting her from practice,” Jisoo says, and they both know what a feat that is, with Lisa
being maybe the most dedicated person they know. “Behave.”

“Or what?” Chaeyoung challenges.

Jisoo’s hands tighten where they’re wrapped around her hips. She thinks of circling them around
Chaeyoung’s wrists, squeezing.

She doesn’t.
It’s been three days.

Three days since Jisoo walked into Lisa’s room to see her fucking Chaeyoung on the bed – on
purpose this time.

Three days since she fucked herself against the door watching them, since Lisa looked at her,
glassy-eyed and desperate, and asked – “Unnie, can I–”

Three days since she watched Chaeyoung whisper sweet nothings into her ears, three days since
she felt something in her heart clench at the intimacy she witnessed after.

(Chaeyoung’s hand drawing circles on Lisa’s stomach, Lisa’s eyes blinking open, her face forming
the loveliest smile Jisoo has ever seen as she looked at the blonde.)

Three days since Jisoo slipped out of that room locked herself inside hers.

It wasn’t one of her best moments, she will admit, and part of her is still kicking herself over it,
though she hasn’t quite decided over what part – the going in in the first place or the leaving

They make her breathless, both of them. And that, that scares her more than just sex ever could.

Still, it isn’t like she can take back her actions.

She knew what she was doing when she walked through that door. Going backwards isn’t an option

She knows it. They know it.

It’s just a question of who will give first.

Ironically, what happens next is an accident.

Jisoo texts Jennie to ask about a hoodie she stole, and Jennie replies saying that Chaeyoung already
took it from her.

Jisoo decides to believe that, considering she’s already rifled through all of Jennie’s closet and not
found it.

So, honestly, that’s the only thing on her mind when she opens the door to Chaeyoung’s room
without knocking.

All things considered, it’s the most tame position she’s caught them in.

Both of them are fully clothed, with no sign of what they were doing other than slightly swollen
lips – Chaeyoung startled off of Lisa before she was even fully inside the room – and yet they still
manage to look like children with their hands caught in the cookie jar.

“Unnie! Sorry, we didn’t know you were home…”

Jisoo blinks, and feels like she’s stepped into the twilight zone, because this is not even in the top
ten of things she’s walked in on the past month alone.

Almost without thinking it, she voices as much.

“This is hardly the most I’ve seen of you two.”

Chaeyoung flushes, eyes darting away– and really, is this the same girl who spread her legs so
Jisoo could see her cunt better?

“You didn’t stick around, after,” Lisa says haltingly, and Jisoo turns her attention to her. “I mean,
you usually don’t.” And here it is her turn to blush. “But last time, we thought…”

“Do you regret it?”


Jisoo barely registers Lisa’s hushed “Chaeyoung-ah!” and the corresponding shove, struck as she
is by the words.

Oh no.

Oh, she may be an idiot.

Quest for her hoodie fully forgotten, Jisoo pushes the door shut behind her.

She walks slowly to sit on the edge of the bed, two pairs of eyes following her movements.

She looks at them, eyes lingering on the way Lisa’s arm curls around Chaeyoung’s torso, how
Chaeyoung leans further into her in response.

Do they even notice they’re doing it?

They’re so comfortable in each other’s space, it’s like they were made to be there.

It makes her wonder, not for the first time, just how long they had been together before she found

“I don’t regret it,” Jisoo says finally, looking at Chaeyoung, then at Lisa. “Any of it.”

There is a visible release of tension from both of them, and Jisoo wants to kick herself.

God, she really is an idiot.

“I’m sorry if I made you feel like I did. I just didn’t know how to…”

How to talk about it afterwards? How to ask to do it again?

How to say it’s the only thing she can think about, and it’s driving her fucking crazy?

(how she doesn’t know where she fits there, because they’re perfect, and Jisoo, she is-)

“You like watching us,” Chaeyoung says, after she’s been quiet for too long.

It’s not a question, but she hears the need for confirmation anyway.

Jisoo pushes aside those other thoughts, and lets her lips tick up a little. “As much as you like
being watched, I’d wager.”

Something sparks in Chaeyoung’s eyes.

“Oh, I don’t know about that.” Her voice comes out breathier this time, and it pulls at the part of
Jisoo that wants to see her ruined.

Swallowing, she glances to the side. “What do you think, Lisa-yah?”

Lisa blinks, looking between them. “I…” she catches herself, eyes settling on Jisoo. “You’ll stay?”

It’s a question and a plea rolled into one, and what choice does Jisoo have?

“I’ll stay,” she promises.

There’s a shift, then.

Lisa looks down, and when she looks back up again there’s a darkness in her eyes Jisoo hasn’t
gotten to see up close yet.

“Chaeyoung always comes really hard when you’re watching her.”

Jisoo’s mouth dries, lips parting, and Lisa continues:

“So I think she might like it a little more.”

Her voice is quiet, unassuming. A little thoughtless in a way that has to be intentional, because it
sounds like she could be talking about the weather, and yet it makes Jisoo’s belly coil, and it
causes Chaeyoung to gasp at her side.

It takes Jisoo a moment to collect herself.

“You could show me,” she finds herself saying, sounding hoarse to her own ears. “Now, if you

They look at each other. Then at her, then back again — and they resume the position they were in
before she walked into the room.

Jisoo curls her fingers into the sheets, and watches.

So they have an arrangement.

Jisoo likes watching; Lisa and Chaeyoung like being watched. It works out for everyone.

She doesn’t mean to start talking, during it.

“You look so pretty, Chaeyoung-ah, taking her so well. Such a pretty slut.”

“You’ve done so good, Lisa-yah, been so good for her, you can come now.”

She tries to remember what her place is. Reminds herself that she isn’t here to get in the middle of
their relationship, that their little exhibition kink simply matches up with her own voyeuristic
tendencies, that nothing else needs to come out of it.

They don’t exactly help her. If anything, they make it worse, with the way they play into it.

“You should ask unnie if you get to come, Chaeng,” Lisa says, knuckle-deep in Chaeyoung’s
pussy, and she sounds breathless, sounds ruined. “Ask if a greedy whore like you deserves it.”

Chaeyoung babbling, begging— “Please, unnie, please, tell her- I need to come so bad, fuck, I’ll be
a good slut for you, I swear, please-”
Jisoo kind of hates how much she loves it. How wet it makes her, when they ask, when they beg.

How it makes her want to do more.

Stop. Wait. Here. Like this. Like that.

Good girls.

They listen to her. They listen so, so well, Jisoo’s scared of getting lost in it.

She tries to keep some lines in the sand. She doesn’t touch them, doesn’t ask them to touch her —
only fucks herself where they can see it, but fair’s fair.

And she doesn’t invite them into her room.

She doesn’t think she can bear seeing the two of them in her bed together without deluding herself
into thinking this is something more than it is.

“How do you want us?” Chaeyoung asks, and it makes Jisoo’s brain freeze and restart inside her

Maybe it’s an attempt to make up for the teasing earlier in the practice room. Maybe it’s a
continuation of it. But usually it doesn’t go like this.

Usually, it takes no prompting for the two of them to be all over each other while Jisoo watches,
silent until she can’t control herself anymore.

But Chaeyoung asks, and Lisa looks at her like she’s expecting direction, and that hungry thing
inside Jisoo rears its head.

“Scoot up on the bed, Lisa-yah,” she says, mouth dry. The position sprung to her mind the second
Chaeyoung asked the question. “Chaeyoung-ah, sit in front of her. Facing me.”

Her cunt clenches at the way two pairs of eyes darken at the direct orders, and she flexes her hands
and tries to keep her composure.

“Strip first,” she adds, almost as an afterthought, “I want both of you naked.”

They scramble, eager, to follow her orders, and Jisoo’s eyes scan through the room before they
land on Lisa’s desk chair, and she settles in to watch.

“What now, unnie?” Chaeyoung asks, pupils blown.

Jisoo swallows. Chaeyoung’s back is flush to Lisa’s front, her legs spread to give Jisoo a clear
view of her pussy.

“Now you’re gonna sit there and let me watch while Lisa pays you back for earlier.”

She hears Chaeyoung gasp, and her eyes rise to Lisa’s face.

“You’re going to play with her for me,” Jisoo starts, then stops herself, but Lisa is looking at her
with raw want, and it’s too easy for the next words to slip into the space between them.
“You can tease her, but don’t let her come until I say so.”

Jisoo clenches her hands hard on the arms of the chair, and she watches Lisa’s face for the most
minute reactions.

Brown eyes blink, eyelashes fluttering, and Lisa nods, one hand covering Chaeyoung’s breast
while the other drifts to her inner thigh.

“You know, I think edging is way too overrated,” Chaeyoung breathes, relaxing into Lisa’s body,
her eyes still locked on Jisoo.

“You should have thought of that before pulling that stunt earlier,” Jisoo tells her.

Chaeyoung’s snark vanishes once Lisa’s fingers start working her over, and soon she’s canting her
hips into her hand, releasing little whines into the room.

“Inside, Lisa, please.” She sounds so sweet when she begs, Jisoo could drown in it.

Lisa’s fingers dip into Chaeyoung’s entrance, and Jisoo’s breath hitches, her panties thoroughly
soaked by now, but she stops short of sliding them in.

“Jisoo-yah.” Lisa’s voice is ragged, like she’s trying to keep herself together, and Jisoo revels in it.

“Do you think she deserves it?”

Chaeyoung whines louder. “Please, Lisa, come on, fuck me properly.”

Lisa’s mouth opens, her brow furrowed like she’s trying to concentrate.

“I… Jisoo-yah–” the plea comes again, more desperate this time, and Jisoo doesn’t know what
she’s asking.

Chaeyoung comes to her rescue. “Let her fuck me, unnie– fuck, Lisa– please, tell her.”

Fuck. Fuck.

“You can fuck her, Lisa-yah,” Jisoo says, and she hears herself like she’s underwater. “Just
remember what I said.”

She looks at Chaeyoung, flushed and gorgeous, and she has to wet her lips before speaking again.

“Be a good slut and take it, Chaeyoung-ah.”

Her sentence is punctuated by Lisa sliding two fingers into Chaeyoung’s cunt, and it’s the view of
that, coupled with the twin moans that reach her ears, that makes Jisoo swear, finally slipping a
hand into her own panties to rub at herself.

Her eyes flutter shut at the first touch of her fingers to her clit, and all she hears is Chaeyoung’s
moans and the wet sound of Lisa’s fingers sliding in and out of her pussy, and fuck, fuck, she’s
allowed to look, they want her to look–

Jisoo opens her eyes, and she’s going to come embarrassingly quick if this keeps up.

The two of them are a vision in Lisa’s bed: Chaeyoung’s chest heaving, her skin glistening with
sweat as her hips rock in time to Lisa’s thrusts; Lisa spreading kisses along her neck, biting and
sucking and muttering filthy words in her ear, voice too drenched in adoration for her to mean

The hand that was torturing Chaeyoung’s nipples migrates to her thigh, keeping her legs spread,
and it’s for her, she’s the one whose pleasure they’re displaying themselves for-

Chaeyoung’s moans heighten in pitch, her rocking becomes less coordinated, more frantic, and
Jisoo knows she’s close, can recognize that she’s about to reach her orgasm, and that’s when Lisa

Chaeyoung whines, betrayed, and Jisoo’s cunt aches in sympathy.

“Fuck, Lisa, I was so close.”

Lisa shushes her, starting to move her fingers again, but slowly. “Unnie said to wait,” she reminds

Jisoo– Jisoo said that in the spur of the moment, she didn’t think Lisa would listen, really, but-
she’s fucking Chaeyoung faster now, setting a rhythm that’s meant to take her right to the edge and
keep her there, and, fuck, Chaeyoung won’t get to come until she says so.

Her realization is proven correct when Lisa speaks again, sounding as wrecked as Jisoo feels.

“Ask her, Chaeyoung-ah. Tell her how much you need it, how bad you want to come for her,
show-off little whore.”

Jisoo snaps. Her orgasm sneaks up on her, sudden and sharp in its intensity, and her back arches off
the chair, toes curling as wetness gushes out her cunt.

She’s taken in the aftershocks, and her ears are met with Lisa’s coaxing– ask her, ask her, ask her –
and Chaeyoung’s moans struggling to become coherent– “I wanna come, unnie, please, I need it,
let me-”

Jisoo slams back into herself, and Chaeyoung’s staring straight at her, wide eyes glistening.

“I’ll be good, unnie, I promise, I won’t tease anymore, just let me come. I’ll do whatever you want,
please, please-”

(It strikes her, lightning-quick, that she could be cruel. She could say no, could make it so
Chaeyoung keeps begging, and begging, and see how far they’ll let her take this.)

(Jisoo has never been cruel.)

“You can come, Chaeyoung-ah.”

It’s a magic word.

Lisa curls her fingers, her other hand rubbing tight circles around Chaeyoung’s clit, and from then
it’s one, two, three breaths, and Chaeyoung is crying out sharply, head thrown back.

She’s mesmerizing. And so is Lisa, fucking her through it, soothing her, “Gorgeous, you did so
good, princess,” and Jisoo feels hazy and sated and spent, until Lisa looks at her with those big,
fogged up eyes, and asks if she can make Chaeyoung come again.

Chapter End Notes

when i tell you all this chapter was a headache to write. took me three weeks just to
figure out what the heck was going on in jisoo's head. also apparently the word 'fuck'
and variations of it have been used 57 times this fic, which is less than i'd expected
tbh. so that's your random trivia for the day.

hope you enjoyed this chapter, next one we're back in lisa's pov, coming in the same
sporadic schedule as always

see you in a month or so, probably! take care of yourselves!

Chapter 7
Chapter Notes


so depression is a bitch, if any of you were wondering. but hey, this is the longest
chapter yet! let's go 4k!!

rpf disclaimer: this is a work of FICTION. none of this represents what i think the
pinks' relationships are actually like. their private lives are quite frankly none of our
business. everybody ship responsibly!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Lisa loves fucking Chaeyoung.

She loves the sounds she makes, loves the moans and keens and little whimpers when she’s getting
close. She loves the way she holds her head to keep her in place when she eats her out, as if Lisa
would rather be anywhere else.

She loves the feel of smooth skin under her hands. Loves how her body rocks in tandem to her
movements. Loves being able to feel her clench around her fingers when she comes.

Fucking Chaeyoung is amazing. Fucking Chaeyoung while Jisoo tells her what to do… Lisa feels
herself slipping, and slipping, and slipping, and she doesn’t want to stop.

It should scare her, maybe, how easy it is for her to fall into that hazy, fogged up space. How Jisoo
only has to look at her a certain way, and Lisa feels something in her brain check out, retreating
behind a heavy curtain, and nothing matters beyond the need to give, to give, to be good.

“Such a good girl, Lisa-yah,” Jisoo praises her, voice strained from her own fingers working
between her legs, and Lisa wishes, she wants so desperately– “So obedient.” And she sinks deeper
and deeper, at once peaceful and frenzied, and all hers.

Chaeyoung notices.

How could she not, when Lisa waits now, tension brimming beneath her skin, for Jisoo to pick a
spot to watch them from before touching her. When she starts watching for cues, for direction.
When that watching turns to asking, turns to begging, sometimes without Lisa even noticing it.

“Jisoo-yah, can I-”

Desperate for permission, desperate for praise. Needy for it. Aching.

“You fucked her so good, Lisa-yah, do you think she can take another?”

Desperate for Jisoo to see– for Jisoo to want her, want them.

“She can- she can, Chaeyoung’s a good slut, unnie.”

‘She’ll let me ruin her for you.’ Lisa thinks deliriously. ‘Please let me ruin her for you.’

Chaeyoung tells her it’s hot, how Jisoo wrecks her. How obvious Lisa is about wanting Jisoo to
wreck her.

Which leads her to her current predicament.

They’ve been talking about it for a while – that is, Chaeyoung made a few comments that had Lisa
trying to fuck her until she couldn’t walk, and then afterwards they did some online browsing,
which confirmed it as more than a passing fantasy – and now they’re thinking of buying a toy.

So here Lisa is, trying not to fidget on the other side of the counter while Jisoo rummages around
in the kitchen, Chaeyoung’s words from the night before playing on loop in her head.

“Do you think unnie will like it?” Lisa asked mindlessly, playing with Chaeyoung’s fingers,
possibilities unfolding in her minds eye.

“I don’t know,” Chaeyoung said, and Lisa didn’t see the little smirk unfold on her face, voice
colouring with practiced carelessness: “Maybe you should ask her.”

Lisa taps her fingers on the granite countertop, not able to keep still. She wants to ask. She really
wants to ask. More than that, she wants Jisoo to give her the go-ahead.


Jisoo makes a sound of acknowledgement, not looking back from where she’s searching the

Lisa forges on. “Chaeyoung and I were talking…”

At this, her unnie turns around, retrieved coffee-milk in hand, and Lisa sees a glimmer of
trepidation in her face before her expression smoothens.

“About what?”

Lisa swallows, glancing about despite the fact that she knows they are the only two in the

“We were thinking of buying a strap-on,” she rushes through the words, barely clocking the
widening of Jisoo’s eyes, her sharp intake of breath. “But we wanted to- I mean, I wanted to know
if you’d like- I mean, if we should buy it.”

She inhales, surprised to find she feels a bit dizzy, but it’s… it feels good. Feels good to ask her,
the same way it feels good to get on her knees.

There’s a series of expressions that cross Jisoo’s face. Shock– satisfaction– then something
complicated, almost pained, but not quite hurting.

(Much, much later, when they tell this story to Jennie, Jisoo will get that same, almost-painful look
on her face. Her voice when she speaks will be a little breathless, a little wrecked, a little much.

“She asked me for permission, Jennie.”)

Quickly, almost so quick that Lisa wonders if imagined her previous expression, Jisoo’s mouth
tugs up into a smirk. Her back straightens, and she makes eye contact, pinning Lisa with her gaze.

“You can buy it,” she says, all casual confidence, sending shivers through Lisa’s body. “But you
have to use it on me first.”

Lisa stares.

It’s all she can do to keep herself together, barely, as Jisoo offers her a lopsided smile and heads off
to her room, the slight darkening of her eyes the only indication that she’s at all affected by the

Lisa closes her eyes, clutching tightly at the countertop, and breathes in through her nose. She has
an appointment in an hour.

It seemed like a good idea at the time, to plan so that she would have something to distract her in
case this didn’t go well.

Now she’s stuck fighting the compulsion to barge into Jisoo’s room and spill all her wants into her.

Things are different, after that.

Lisa goes off to her schedules, professionalism a mask pulled tight around her features. She finds
the time to text Chaeyoung in between.

You: She agreed

You: She said she wants to try it out first

She watches the three little dots appear and reappear again and again throughout the day, and she
isn’t surprised when Chaeyoung waits up for her that night.

The two of them are rushing through the hallway – too loud, and not caring for it – when Jisoo’s
door creaks open.

They still, Chaeyoung’s hand burning in Lisa’s hold, and she knows they look half gone already,
hair a mess and lips swollen.

There’s something burning, scalding in Lisa’s chest as Jisoo looks at them, dark eyes unreadable.
Her heartbeat is too loud, too strong. Chaeyoung can probably feel it in her wrist, Lisa thinks. Jisoo
might be able to hear it from across the hall.

Jisoo opens her door wider. She takes a step back, a wordless invitation.

And Lisa is sinking, drowning, floating.

She doesn’t know if she wants to come up for air.

There is a palpable difference in how Jisoo treats them that night, and every night after.

She is more liberal with her words. More liberal with her touches.
“Do you have any idea,” she asks them, “how often I’ve wanted to have you in my bed?”

Lisa doesn’t. Not really.

But she thinks she begins to understand, when Jisoo tells them of how she had to touch herself
every time she caught them, back when this started. Of how she once spent an entire shoot dripping
wet, thinking of Lisa on her knees in front of Chaeyoung’s door, eating her out right there in the
hallway, because they couldn’t wait to actually get inside the room.

“I wanted to get off in the dressing room,” Jisoo says, voice quiet, measured as it always is, like
she knows that goddamn composure of hers drives them all the more insane, “but there wasn’t
enough time.”

Lisa’s face is buried in Chaeyoung’s cunt, the older girl’s hand fisted in her hair, but her ears work
perfectly fine, and it’s the words that make her clit ache and pulse so she has to rub at it.

Jisoo’s hand catches hers, and Lisa jumps.

“I didn’t say you could touch yourself, Lisa-yah.”

Oh, fuck.

Lisa makes a sound, something between a whine and a groan, and takes the chastisement.

Later, as they lie together in Jisoo’s bed, when Lisa’s limbs feel like jelly and her mind is returning
to her, Jisoo asks them:

“Have you looked at models yet?”

They haven’t, and as Chaeyoung leaps off the bed to go find her phone so they can start searching,
Jisoo turns an amused smile Lisa’s way. “She does realize my phone is much closer, right?”

And Lisa wants to roll her eyes and smile herself, say “You can’t blame her for being eager,
unnie,” but she takes stock of where she is all over again, and it gives her pause, makes something
sharp ache in her chest.

It’s an impulse to roll so she’s closer to Jisoo, practically throwing herself over her body.

It isn’t like she hasn’t cuddled her unnie before, but, well, now they’re naked, and when Jisoo
stiffens for a moment Lisa worries that this is why she was always going to their rooms; so she
could leave afterwards.

She starts to get up, then Jisoo’s hand lands on her bare hip, and Lisa’s breath hitches as she stares
at her.

Jisoo is beautiful.

Jisoo is beautiful, and she’s naked– they’re both naked – and she’s so close their breaths are

The door opens.

Jisoo’s eyes dart behind her, and Lisa can tell when she spots Chaeyoung, because she tenses
again, expression shuttering.
Something about that will niggle in the back of Lisa’s brain, later. For now, all she can do is let her
eyes roam Jisoo’s face, and feel Chaeyoung stare into the back of her head, a burning incentive.

“Unnie,” Lisa breathes, “Jisoo-yah, can I–”

She sees when Jisoo’s eyes land on her lips, then rise up to meet her own.

When she kisses her, Jisoo tastes like surrender.

So, yes. Jisoo is different with them, after that conversation. After they place the order, spending
some time browsing through sizes and models before the three of them come to a decision.

It's the small things, mostly. Small touches. Like the way she's taken to moving them where she
wants them, instead of just telling. Or how she lays closer to them now, when they're in her bed, so
she can reach them easier. So they can reach her easier.

And then, sometimes, it's bigger things. Like when Chaeyoung told-asked-begged Lisa to sit on her
face, and Jisoo's eyes glittered.

Chaeyoung had frozen with a muffled cry just a bit after Lisa had positioned herself, and when
Lisa looked back she saw the head of dark hair bent between her legs, and she had to close her eyes
to stop from coming too fast.

Or when Lisa had been so deep in the haze, focused on nothing but the sounds Chaeyoung had
been making, on hearing her cry out again and again and again, that she hadn't heard the faint
buzzing in the room, until Chaeyoung had pushed her away and she was flipped over, and Jisoo
pressed the vibrator to her clit, already slick with her own cum.

It’s been days of burning with anticipation, waiting for the little blinking in transit to change to
delivered. Lisa feels like she’s doing something illicit when she picks up their order, thanking all
the gods in existence for discrete packaging.

Stepping into the harness in Jisoo’s room, she feels more than a little exposed, what with the two
pairs of eyes boring into her.

“How does it feel?” Chaeyoung asks, hunger naked in her gaze.

She’s splayed out on Jisoo’s bed, already stripped down to lingerie, a pretty lace set she brought
out for the occasion.

“Weird,” Lisa says, honest. “Not bad.”

She tugs a little at the silicone appendage, feels the way the harness moves against her clit in
response, the little jolt of pleasure it gives.

Weird, but not bad. Definitely something she can used to, especially with the way Chaeyoung is
staring at her, like she wants to eat her alive.

Hands circle around her waist, and Lisa turns her head to meet Jisoo’s eyes, shivering at the
intensity in them.

“Are you comfortable?” Jisoo asks seriously.

Lisa shudders out a breath. “Yes,” she says, taking a moment to actually think about it, because
Jisoo said that was important. “I just–”

The words escape her, but Jisoo only slides her hands up and down her torso, letting her take the
time to find them.

“I want it to be good for you,” she admits finally, giving voice to some of her nerves. “I don’t
really know what I’m doing with this.”

Jisoo’s face softens. She raises a hand to cup Lisa’s jaw and brings their mouths together for a kiss
that leaves her swaying on her feet.

“You don’t have to worry about that,” Jisoo promises. “You just be good for us, and I’ll make sure
we’re all taken care of.” Her lips curl in a smile. “Assuming Chaeyoung can be patient enough for

“We’ll have to see,” Chaeyoung says leadingly, in that sweet pretend-innocence she loves.

“Brat,” Jisoo chastises, but the affection is unmistakable in her tone, and Lisa breathes in it.

The banter assuages most of her nervousness, but there must still be something of it showing on her
face, because Jisoo goes stern again when she looks at her.

“Is there something we can do to make this easier for you, Lisa-yah?”

It’s a demand phrased as a question, and Lisa finds the words dropping out of her mouth almost
without her permission.

“Can I eat you out first?”

Jisoo’s jaw slackens for a moment, her eyes wide, and then she nods, and Lisa sinks gratefully into
her knees in front of her.

She’s pretty sure Chaeyoung makes some sort of complaint, and Jisoo responds with something
else about patience, but it’s cut off when Lisa’s tongue makes contact with her cunt.

Over the past few days, Lisa has learned Jisoo’s body the same way she’d learned Chaeyoung’s.
Between careful reverence and dizzying, rushing passion.

She sinks into it now, into the scent of Jisoo’s pussy, the feeling of her wetness smearing around
her mouth, her moans and praises, washing over her, sending her to that soft, hazy place.

“Just needed to taste my cunt a little so you could calm down, right, Lisa-yah?” Jisoo gasps.
“You’re so good at this- fuck- it’s like you were made for it.”

'I was,' Lisa thinks foggily, 'Made for you.'

Her mouth is otherwise occupied, but Lisa is just fine with that.

If she hadn’t been slipping this much already, she might have heard the rustling of bedsheets. As it
is, Lisa’s world is reduced to the cunt she’s pressing up against, the thighs beneath her hands, the
fingers carding through the her hair, the delicious ache in her knees.

She forgets about the piece of silicone attached between her legs, right up until Jisoo tugs her up to
her feet again and it flattens between their bodies.
“I think that’s enough of that for now,” Jisoo breathes, eyes dark, and Lisa stumbles after her to the
bed, feeling like she’s walking through water.

Jisoo has her lie face up on the mattress, and Lisa watches as this gorgeous, goddess of a woman
straddles her hips, reaching down to tug at the dildo.

“Such a nice toy,” Jisoo whispers, and- she’s talking about the strap-on, of course she is, but-

This heated, shattered feeling must show on Lisa’s face, because the glint in Jisoo’s eyes turns

“Such a nice fuck toy I’ve got here,” she says, and Lisa moans, the sound ripped out of her.
“Gonna let me use you, right, sweetheart?”

She lines the cock up with her pussy and sinks down on it with a groan, closing her eyes like- like
Lisa isn’t ruined beneath her.

She doesn’t know why she was nervous about this before, now that she’s got Jisoo sliding up and
down her cock, thrusting her hips up every time she comes down, a little awkward at first, but
growing more confident by the minute.

Her hands are stuck on Jisoo’s hips, watching as she rubs her own clit, because toys don’t get to
touch, they just get to be used.

Eventually, Jisoo speeds up her movements, until she’s babbling, keening, and Lisa has the
privilege of seeing her come apart – eyes closed, back arched, cunt sure to be fluttering around the
cock still inside her, and Lisa wishes she could feel it, suddenly.

Every nerve is electric. Lisa needs- she wants to fuck Jisoo until her legs shake, wants to make her
scream, wants to beg until she can hear her cry out again and again and again-

Jisoo slips off of her, and Lisa sits up, already reaching for her when Jisoo laughs, still breathless,
and gently bats her hands away.

“As much as I’d love you to pound me into the mattress, I think Chaeyoung might actually die if
you don’t fuck her next.”

That’s when Lisa realizes she’s been babbling this whole time. And sure enough, when she turns
her head Chaeyoung’s face has a wanting that borders on desperate.

She’s flushed, red all the way down to her breasts, still covered by pretty pink fabric, and her eyes
are glued to glistening silicone, the strap-on covered in Jisoo’s cum. Her tongue peeks out to lick
her lips, and Lisa’s throat dries, desire burning all over again.

Slowly, glancing up once to meet Lisa’s gaze, Chaeyoung closes the distance between them, then
bends down to take the cock into her mouth.

Lisa inhales sharply, mouth dropping open, soundless she watches the vision that is Chaeyoung;
sucking, moaning around the toy.

Chaeyoung bobs down on the cock, taking more of it, and Lisa feels the pressure against her clit,
can't help the sharp buck of her hips.

Chaeyoung gags on it, just a little, and doesn't pull away, keeps sucking the strap as if she could
actually feel it.
"Chaeng- Chaeyoung-ah-" Lisa gasps, more aroused than she thought possible now, barely
stopping herself from rocking her hips up– she doesn't want to choke her, doesn't want to- but fuck,
she sounded so pretty gagging on her cock-

Chaeyoung moans, eyes closed, takes it even deeper into her mouth. Lisa feels every movement on
her clit.

"Chaeng- fuck, baby, I-" She could actually come like this, oh, fuck–

There is a hand in Chaeyoung's hair then, gently pulling her up, even as she tries to stay where she

Jisoo's grasp is firm. Chaeyoung whines as she's pulled off the cock, and an equally pathetic sound
slips from Lisa's lungs.

She looks so, so pretty like this. Wide, glassy eyes, pink lips parted, glistening with spit and the
remnants of Jisoo's cum. Stray blonde strands falling into her face as the rest is still pulled by Jisoo
as the older woman tugs her upright.

"Don't want to ruin your pretty throat, Chaeyoung-ah," Jisoo cautions airily.

Lisa drags her eyes away from Chaeyoung's face and looks at her, and there is something caught
off-guard beneath her composure.

"I didn't know you would like dick so much," Jisoo says, and she sounds like Lisa feels, for a
moment. Like she wants to let Chaeyoung down to see her wrap her lips around the toy again.

Chaeyoung swallows, throat bobbing, and Lisa twitches, remembering how it looked sliding along
her cock. "I didn't either," Chaeyoung breathes, pupils blown wide, eyes still locked between Lisa's
legs, looking so hungry Lisa can't help bucking her hips again.

Jisoo catches it, by the curl of her smirk, even as her attention remains focused on Chaeyoung.

"I guess I shouldn't be surprised," she says. "You are a good little slut."

Chaeyoung lets out a little moan, twists her head so she's straining against Jisoo's hold again,
forcing her to tug her hair to keep her in place. Jisoo laughs, presses a kiss to the side of her head.

"You'll take whatever we give you, won't you?" She makes it into both praise and a challenge,

Chaeyoung shudders, blinking repeatedly. "Yes, unnie."

Jisoo hums. "Did you touch yourself? Or did you manage to wait?"

Chaeyoung flushes, more than she was previously. "I- you just looked so good, unnie, both of

A sigh, more affectionate than chastising. "So impatient, our Chaeyoungie." Fingers detangle from
golden hair. "Lie back like a good whore now."

Lisa watches, waiting, as Chaeyoung settles herself on the pillows, as Jisoo leans over her to steal a
kiss, drawing back quickly even as Chaeyoung chases after her lips.

"Did you make yourself come watching us?" Jisoo's voice is a whisper, low and raspy, and yet it
echoes in the room.
"No, I-" Chaeyoung's eyes flicker to Lisa, her cheeks a pretty red. "I wanted to come with her
inside me."

Something snaps. Desire clicking into place.

"Besides, voyeurism is more your thing."

Jisoo's eyebrows raise, a touch disbelieving, and then she turns to Lisa.

"You know how to be patient, right, Lisa-yah?"

Lisa blinks slowly. Her tongue is heavy in her mouth.

Jisoo's face turns serious. "Lisa?"

Lisa feels her mouth open, no words coming out.

"Jisoo-yah," she finally manages, hearing herself through water. "Please, can I-"

Jisoo's palm is soft on her cheek. "Whatever you want. Whatever you need, Lisa."

She closes her eyes, lets the caress ground her. It helps a little.

“I need you to tell me, Lisa-yah,” Jisoo coaxes, and that does get through.

"Wanna ruin her," she rasps, "wanna fuck her 'til she cries."

"Fuck, Lisa, I want that too." That's Chaeyoung, all needy and breathless and so so lovely.

She feels Jisoo's breath on her face. "Want you to tell me what to do."

She feels that same breath hitch, and Jisoo’s hand retreats from her cheek.

Lisa opens her eyes, and finds Jisoo’s gaze darker than she’s ever seen it. “I can do that, baby,”
Jisoo breathes, and she sounds like Lisa has given her something.

The reassurance is all she needs, and Lisa slips.

Jisoo's hands are on her hips, directing her movements, as Lisa kneels on the bed over Chaeyoung.

She guides the cock into Chaeyoung's pussy, and it doesn't feel as foreign, when Chaeyoung is
looking at her like that. When she wants it, wants her inside her.

Chaeyoung moans as the first inch slides into her, and it's only Jisoo's grip, her quiet command of
"Slowly, baby," that keeps her from snapping her hips forward.

Instead she moves slowly, as instructed, until she bottoms out, her hips pressed to Chaeyoung's.

Lisa leans forward, covering Chaeyoung's body with her own, and kisses her, letting their tongues
slide together.

Chaeyoung sighs into her mouth, and Lisa sinks into her, feels her own breath be stolen.

Her world is soft skin under her hands and a warm mouth moving against hers, the heady scent of
sweat and body wash and Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung, Chaeyoung.

Faintly, she feels Jisoo's hands sliding away from her hips, hears the shifting of the bedsheets.
Lisa sucks on Chaeyoung's tongue, drawing a mewl from her, and Chaeyoung's hips buck, jolting
the toy inside her.

She moans, surprised, and Lisa preens at being the cause of it.

"Feels good, baby?" she murmurs, kissing Chaeyoung's jaw, mind soft and hazy.

"Yea- yeah, fuck, Lisa, move." It's a plea and an order in one, and Lisa is nothing but eager to

She raises her hips, dragging the cock out until only the tip is still inside Chaeyoung, and then
slides in again, picking up a rhythm.

It's a little awkward, a little uncoordinated, at first, but Lisa has always been a quick study, and she
is particularly motivated, in this.

"You're taking me so well, Chaeyoung-ah," Lisa says. "Such a whore for my cock." The words
spill easily from her mouth, and they make Chaeyoung whine, make her clench just that bit harder
around the strap.

"Wish I could feel you," Lisa pants. "You looked so good sucking me off, wanted to feel that too."

Chaeyoung cries out. Shudders, shatters. Comes all over the strap-on, but Lisa doesn't stop
thrusting. Can't, with the way the harness is rubbing on her clit, providing delicious friction until
she topples into her own orgasm.

She hears a muffled curse, and a distant part of her registers it as Jisoo's voice.

"Shit, Lisa," Chaeyoung breathes. "That was…" She looks a mess, blissfully fucked out, with that
glint in her eye that always succeeds in driving Lisa out of her mind.

"We should have gotten one of these earlier."

Lisa hums, bending down to kiss her again. "Guess we'll have to make up for lost time." She still
has the cock inside Chaeyoung.

Chaeyoung's eyes widen, and Lisa pulls back to face the third occupant on the bed.

She feels more settled into her skin, now, but the fire is hardly extinguished.

Jisoo meets her eyes with a chuckle, her low voice caressing something dark within Lisa.

"'Til she cries, was it?" Her gaze turns to Chaeyoung. "Think you can take that, sweetheart?"

Chaeyoung's mouth is open, but words seem to be failing her. Lisa is endeared as much as she is

Chaeyoung looks from Jisoo to Lisa, her face flushed. She nods.

Lisa smiles.

"On your hands and knees, princess."

Chapter End Notes

fun fact, that scene with lisa and jisoo talking about the strap-on, and more specifically
the little flashforward to them telling jennie about it has been in my head since i started
writing heady liaisons. it was really nice to finally get to write it, it's probably like
70% of the reason this fic even exists tbh

anyway, only two chapters left guys, look how far we've come!! as always, i make no
promises in regards to update schedule-- for good reason, lbr

take care of yourselves!

End Notes

and so it was.

hope you guys liked this first chapter! this story is planned to have 9 in total, but we'll see
how well i can stick to that.

to be honest, this whole 'chaeyoung has a wet dream about the unnies and lisa walks in on
her in the middle of it' is something i read in a fic here on ao3 last year, but i can't seem to
find it anymore. so, if anyone can, let me know so i can say it inspired this

next chapter we'll have a bit more chaelisa, and maybe (???) jisoo will be making an
appearance as well...

comments and kudos are always welcome! i appreciate all of them immensely!

take care of yourselves!

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