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Fill in the blanks with comparative or superlative

1. The flat where I am living now isn’t _______________________ (large) the flat I had in Rio. The bed-
rooms are____________________ (small) the ones in the other flat. The living-room is
____________________ (big) the one in the other flat, but the kitchen is _________________
(dark) the other kitchen. The bathroom is _______________ (clear) the one in the other flat. But I like my
flat in São Paulo very much, because it is in a ___________________ (good) district in town.

2. Mr. Paul Stevens has 4 children. Their names are Gregory, Nicholas, Glenda and Candice. Gregory
is___________________ (old) of the four, but Nicholas is _______________________ (tall)
Gregory. Candice is _____________________ (young) of the four, and Glenda is
______________________ (pretty) Candice. Gregory is ________________________ (organized)
Nicholas. Nicholas and Gregory play football very well, but Nicholas is
______________________ (good) Gregory, because he is ________________ (fast) Gregory.
Glenda is ____________________________ (funny) of the four and her marks are _______________
(bad). Anyway, I think they are _____________________ (nice) family in the city

3. Carol thinks Math’s is _________________ (easy) Portuguese, and she considers English
_____________________ (good) subject at school. She also thinks that History is
_______________________________ (important) Geography, and, for her, ___________ (bad) subject is
Sciences. She believes that History isn't ________________________ (important) Art History because
it is a general knowledge subject. Carol’s marks in Math’s are _____________________ (good) her marks
in English. Her ____________________ (good) mark is in History and she has______________________
(bad) marks in Sciences. She thinks Sciences is ________________________ (difficult) subject at school.

4. Women think that ___________________ (bad) of the house chores is washing. There are women that
consider ironing ________________________ (difficult) cleaning, but my wife believes ironing isn’t
________________________ (boring) cleaning. Dusting is _ _________________________ (easy)
polishing, and cooking is really ______________ (nice) gardening. Watering plants is also
____________________ (funny) darning. In fact, women think that sewing is
____________________________ (relaxing) knitting. Many women believe that setting tables is not
________________________ (tiring) making beds. Some women also think that serving tables is
________________________ (hard) preparing meals. For the women, in general
________________________ (good) thing about house-chores is seeing the house tidy and organized.

5. England, Italy and France are nice countries. Italy is _________________________ (pretty) England,
and France is _______________________ (lovely) of the three. Italian people are considered to be
__________________________ (nice) French, but they aren’t ____________________________
(traditional) the English people. The French cuisine is ____________________________ (good) the
Italian food and the English cuisine are considered to be ____________________________ (bad) of the
three. Going shopping in London is a must. The shops there are ____________________ (big) the ones in
Paris and Rome, and the clothes are ________________________ (cheap) the others.

6. What do you prefer - reading a book or watching a film based on a book? Some people think the book is
always _______________________ (good) the film, because the book has got more details. Some people
think books aren’t _________________________ (attractive) films, because you can’t see the
characters and they aren’t _______________________________ (colorful). I think watching a film is
________________________________ (nice) because you go out of home, see people and have a good

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