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Galande, Danica M.


Reading Process

Explore their new

Pre-reading Applying

Take the new

Prepare themselves knowledge they have
to read learned and do more
with it.

Reacts to what they

have read

Actual reading part Responding

According to the reading process is "Steps that most children go through as they
read are pre-reading, first reading (of fiction), re-reading, and extended reading. Process of
constructing meaning from written texts. Complex skill requiring critical and creative thinking
processes to pull together a number of interrelated sources of information."

Good readers understand the processes involved in reading and consciously control them. This
awareness and control of the reading processes is called metacognition, which means "knowing
about knowing." Some students don't know when they don't know. They continue to read even
though they do not comprehend. Poor readers tolerate such confusion because they either don't
realize that it exists or don't know what to do about it. Poor readers focus on facts, whereas good
readers try to assimilate details into a larger cognitive pattern.

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