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There once was a homeless kid, he never had any parents and grew up with no family.

He always secretly lived inside a

park and no one knew he was near the bush area. One day he saw a boy and he started following him, wondering what
he was doing. The other boy got lost and started crying, so the homeless boy asked “why are you crying?”
The boy turned in shock. After a minute he said “I… I think I’m lost.”
The homeless boy said “I know this place very well I can take you back there.”
The other boy said “that would be good, thanks.”
As they were walking the boy said “my names Dylan by the way.”
The homeless boy said “I don’t have a name.”
Dylan said “why didn’t your family give you a name?”
He said “I don’t have a family, haven’t had one for my whole 13 years of my life.”
There was a silence all the way until he was back in the park. He saw his mother and ran over and she hugged him and
said “where were you? I started to worry, are you ok?”
Dylan said “I’m fine mum, this kid helped me.”
The mum looked, and said “what kid?”
Dylan went and looked and couldn’t see him. The next day they went to give him food, they looked for 10 minutes
then found him. They just sat the food next to him and left. They did this for a week, until the homeless kid finally
woke up and saw who it was; he said “thank-you. I wish I lived like you, but I never have.”
They all have a silent moment then Dylan and his mum leave. That night there was a storm and the homeless boy knew
he had to find better shelter, but didn’t know where to go. The closest shelter is too far but he gets up and looks. He
finds a big hole in a tree and crawls through there and walks as far as he can in but decides to lie down, then falls
asleep. When he wakes up he sees light in the other direction. He walks there and sees a group of girls and boys lying
down and he notices they are all homeless kids who are surviving perfectly and have made a home there. They get up
and welcome the homeless boy and give him the name Eddie. Eddie loves it here and can finally talk to someone and
he can eat and live like the rest of them. They give him the tour and he knew he wanted to stay there. So now he lives
with another group that knows what he’s been through, knows how he’s felt and now he’s living with a group that has
been raised exactly how he has. He knows he can call this place home.

There once was a homeless kid, he never had any parents and grew up with no family. He always secretly lived inside a
park and no one knew he was near the bush area. One day he saw a boy and he started following him, wondering what
he was doing. The other boy got lost and started crying, so the homeless boy asked “why are you crying?”
The boy turned in shock. After a minute he said “I… I think I’m lost.”
The homeless boy said “I know this place very well I can take you back there.”
The other boy said “that would be good, thanks.”
As they were walking the boy said “my names Dylan by the way.”
The homeless boy said “I don’t have a name.”
Dylan said “why didn’t your family give you a name?”
He said “I don’t have a family, haven’t had one for my whole 13 years of my life.”
There was a silence all the way until he was back in the park. He saw his mother and ran over and she hugged him and
said “where were you? I started to worry, are you ok?”
Dylan said “I’m fine mum, this kid helped me.”
The mum looked, and said “what kid?”
Dylan went and looked and couldn’t see him. The next day they went to give him food, they looked for 10 minutes
then found him. They just sat the food next to him and left. They did this for a week, until the homeless kid finally
woke up and saw who it was; he said “thank-you. I wish I lived like you, but I never have.”
They all have a silent moment then Dylan and his mum leave. That night there was a storm and the homeless boy knew
he had to find better shelter, but didn’t know where to go. The closest shelter is too far but he gets up and looks. He
finds a big hole in a tree and crawls through there and walks as far as he can in but decides to lie down, then falls
asleep. When he wakes up he sees light in the other direction. He walks there and sees a group of girls and boys lying
down and he notices they are all homeless kids who are surviving perfectly and have made a home there. They get up
and welcome the homeless boy and give him the name Eddie. Eddie loves it here and can finally talk to someone and
he can eat and live like the rest of them. They give him the tour and he knew he wanted to stay there. So now he lives
with another group that knows what he’s been through, knows how he’s felt and now he’s living with a group that has
been raised exactly how he has. He knows he can call this place home.
Name :
Class :
1. Translate the sentence into Indonesian Language
a. There once was a homeless kid, he never had any parents and grew up with no family. He always secretly
lived inside a park and no one knew he was near the bush area.

b. When he wakes up he sees light in the other direction


c. He walks there and sees a group of girls and boys lying down and he notices they are all homeless kids who
are surviving perfectly and have made a home there

2. Did the homeless kid have a name?

3. What is the name of the boy who are talking with the homeless kid?

4. What is the given name of the homeless boy in the last story when He was in the Shelter?


Name :
Class :

1. Translate the sentence into Indonesian Language
d. There once was a homeless kid, he never had any parents and grew up with no family. He always secretly
lived inside a park and no one knew he was near the bush area.

e. When he wakes up he sees light in the other direction


f. He walks there and sees a group of girls and boys lying down and he notices they are all homeless kids who
are surviving perfectly and have made a home there

2. Did the homeless boy have a name?

Name :
Class :
3. What is the name of the boy who are talking with the homeless kid?

4. What is the given name of the homeless boy in the last story when He was in the Shelter?


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