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Hilal Gül



The concept of Turkish nationalism has been around for centuries. However, Turkish
nationalism continued to take shape as the Turkish states changed and new political concepts
and theories emerged. Turkish nationalists sided with communism contradicts the Republic of
Turkey clashes have lived for years. These conflicts were sometimes brought to judgment and
sometimes physically. It did not end with the establishment of new parties and their transfer to
parliament as a result of the conflicts that lasted for years. So how did these conflicts flare-up?
There were communist and Turkist groups that already had opposing views. As a result of the
conflicts, these concepts continued to take shape, and sometimes these situations had to be
brought to the judiciary. After a lawsuit that might be the most important of the judicial
processes, many names came together and public supporters began to emerge.
In the history of the Republic of Turkey, certain important events occurred in terms of
nationalist movements. One of them is the Racism-Turanism case where 23 people were tried.
this event is also referred to as the first wave of Turkish nationalism and Communism
conflicts. Nihal Atsız writes anti-communist letters to the prime minister of the period, Şükrü
Saracoğlu, in Orhun magazine. Upon these letters, Sabahattin Ali and a few people sued Nihal
Atsız. With the growth of these lawsuit events, 23 people were banned from September 7,
1944, to March 29, 1945. As a result of the lawsuit, 10 people are tried in detention while 13
are acquitted. Hasan Ferit Cansever, Fethi Tevetoğlu, Alparslan Türkeş, Nurullah Barıman,
Zeki Özgür Sofuoğlu, Fazıl Hisarcıklı, Hüseyin Nihal Atsız, Hüseyin Namık Orkun, Nejdet
Sançar, Saim Bayrak, İsmet Rasin Tümtürk, Cihat Savaş Fer, Muzaffer Eriş, Fehiman Altan,
Yusuf Kadıgil, Cebbar Şenel, Zeki Velidi Togan, Orhan Şaik Gökyay, Hikmet Tanyu, Reha
Oğuz Türkkan, Hamza Sadi Özbek, Cemal Oğuz Öcal, Said Bilgiç are the names tried in this
case. In this trial process, some people even marched to support the judged Turkists.
Moreover, the proceedings were followed by many supporters on both sides. The importance
of this case is the extraction of Turkish nationalism in Turkey revealed in the literally states.
This case was followed throughout the country, and after May 3, the day of Turkism began to
be celebrated. This situation was an important step in the history of modern Turkey names of
Turkish nationalism even three years after the case has begun arrangements Nationalist Party.
In addition to these, another important name that comes to mind when it comes to Turkish
nationalism is Alparslan Türkeş. He was also tried in this case and was imprisoned for almost
a year and released after the trial was brought to the higher court. Many names, especially
him, wrote books about the events of 1944 and both sides expressed their opinions in this
way. The events that took place after all prepared the ground for shaping Turkish nationalism
in the new system.
As a result, the Racism-Turanism case has an important place in the history of Turkism
because this case was the first step in terms of being shaped in the new Turkish state and in
the new order and meeting with opposing views.
Lecture slides, week 12

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