(Grammar) Pronouns & Possession

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Subject and object pronouns, possessive pronouns and adjectives

I. Fill in the gap with the correct subject pronouns or possessive adjectives to complete the sentences.

1. Harry is …………… friend. …………… has a nice house. (I / my - He / His)

2. …………… are very happy with …………… new dog. (They / Their - they / their)

3. We love …………… little dog. (our / we)

4. …………… wants …………… breakfast. (He / His - he / his)

5. We want to see …………… children. (ours / our)

6. Scotland is famous for …………… rainy weather. (it’s / its)

7. Susan lives on …………… street. …………… house is very near. (I / my - Her / His)

8. 'What are those?' ' …………… postcards.' (They are / It is)

9. I like this place and …………… special atmosphere. (it’s / its)

10. I love this place. …………… very special. (It’s / Its)

II. Choose the correct subject pronouns or possessive adjectives to complete the following sentences.

1. Go to _____ office.
A. you
B. your
C. yours

2. _____ six o'clock. Let's go home.

A. It's
B. Its
C. His

3. Our products are famous for _____ durability.

A. their
B. its
C. they

4. I'm very happy about _____ marks.

A. you
B. your
C. yours

5. Valeria is from Italy, but _____ 's in Ireland now.

A. his
B. her
C. she

6. These are my friends. _____ from Finland.

A. Their
B. They're
C. They

7. The apartment has _____ own private garden.

A. it's
B. its
C. his

8. Are _____ umbrellas here?

A. we
B. ours
C. our

9. Mark and Linda are in _____ caravan.

A. they
B. their
C. its

10. I need _____ tools, please.

A. your
B. you
C. yours

III. Fill in the gaps with the correct possessive adjectives: my, your, his, her, its, our, their.

1. Sally is in …………… room.

2. Paul and Benet always help …………… friends.

3. We live with …………… parents.

4. Is that …………… hat?

5. The police officers don't have …………… guns.

6. The best part of this car is …………… price.

7. Amanda lives with …………… boyfriend.

8. I don't like …………… new job.

9. These shoes are famous for …………… comfort.

10. Thomas is in …………… office.

IV. Fill in the blank with the correct subject pronouns or object pronouns to complete the following

1. What time can I call …………… ? (he / him)

2. (He / Him) …………… never listens to…………… . (we / us)

3. 'Do you like my new glasses?' 'Yes, (I / me) …………… love ……………. (they / them / it)
4. Tom loves his rabbits. (He / Him) …………… plays with …………… (they / them / it) in the garden every day.

5. Please, call …………… (I / me) soon; (I / me) …………… am very worried.

6. Look, Sara and Kevin. Can you see …………… ? (they / them / you)

7. Tell John that …………… (he / she / him / her) can meet …………… (they / them / us / we) at the canteen.

8. I like your earrings. Can …………… (I /me ) see …………… ? (they / them)

9. Look at that man. Who is ……………? (he / him)

10. That man over there is David. I work with …………… . (he / him / her)

V. Replace the underlined words with the correct subject pronouns or object pronouns.

1. I can't find my keys. ⇒ I can't find …………… .

2. Rachel helps the students. ⇒ …………… helps …………… .

3. I need to tell John the truth. ⇒ I need to tell …………… the truth.

4. My dad and I love chocolate. ⇒ …………… love …………… .

5. Suzan and Tom call their daughter every day. ⇒ …………… call …………… every day.

6. I like cooking for my children. ⇒ I like cooking for …………… .

7. Give the documents to Carmen. ⇒ Give …………… to …………… .

8. Tom often plays football with my friends and me. ⇒ …………… often plays football with …………… .

9. How old is Emma? ⇒ How old is …………… ?

10. I need the scissors to cut the paper. ⇒ I need …………… to cut …………… .

VI. Complete the sentences using the correct subject pronouns or object pronouns.

1. I'm not dangerous. Don't be afraid of …………… .

2. I don't like this music; …………… is boring. Can you stop …………… ?

3. That's my money. Can you give …………… to …………… ? I need it.

4. Susan is in trouble and …………… needs help. We have to help …………… .

5. Jack is very special. I think I'm in love with …………… .

6. We are going to the cinema. Do you want to come with …………… ?

7. I don't want to eat this cheese. …………… smells horrible.

8. Don't eat cookies. …………… are very unhealthy.

9. I can't find Sally. Where is …………… ?

10. …………… need help. Can you help us?

VII. Choose the correct subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives
to complete the sentences below.

1. Look at this picture. These are my daughters. …………… names are Jane and Laura.

2. John was born in Bristol but …………… father was born in Manchester.

3. I want to go to a Rihanna concert. I really like …………… .

4. I don't have my mobile phone. Can I use …………… ? (your / yours)

5. We need help. Can you help …………… ?

6. Carla and Ned have a really nice car. I love …………… car.

7. This T-shirt is not mine. Is it …………… ? (your / yours)

8. I am going to see the Rolling Stones. Do you like …………… ?

9. We live in a nice house but …………… neighbours are horrible!

10. I miss my parents. I want to send …………… a postcard.

VIII. Choose the correct subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, possessive adjectives
to complete the sentences below.

1. "Do you like pop music?" "No, I don't really like _____."
A. its
B. it
C. her

2. I hate peaches. _____ taste horrible!

A. They
B. Them
C. It

3. Look, Sally is there. I want to ask _____ if she wants to go out tonight.
A. she
B. hers
C. her

4. I never eat sweets. I don't like _____.

A. it
B. their
C. them

5. Ted is a good person. Stop criticising _____!

A. him
B. he
C. his
6. This is not your shoe. It's _____.
A. she
B. her
C. hers

7. "Whose medicines are these?" "They are not _____. Ask Sally, maybe they are _____"
A. me/hers
B. mine/hers
C. my/hers

8. Go away! I hate _____!

A. you
B. yours
C. your

9. You can ask Fred for money. _____ is very generous.

A. He
B. Him
C. His

10. I can't use _____ mobile phone. I think _____ is broken.

A. mine/it
B. my/its
C. my/it

IX. Fill in the gaps with the subject pronouns, object pronouns, possessive pronouns, and possessive
adjectives from the box.

her it its our she them they you you your we

Dear James,

Thanks for …………… email. It was very nice to have news from …………… . I was very happy to hear that
…………… are finally getting married to Maria. It's perfect! I think you will make …………… very happy and
…………… will make you very happy, too.

How did your parents react when you gave …………… the news? Aren't …………… excited? I'm sure they are
really happy. I'm really looking forward to seeing you all at the wedding.

By the way, do you remember that I wanted a dog? I already have one. It's a really cute little dog that I found in the
street. …………… name is Max. Sara and I found …………… under our car on a really cold winter day and
…………… decided to adopt that adorable creature right away. We are so happy with …………… new pet! Max has
quickly become one more member of the family.

Well, I hope to see you soon, James. Please call me if you need any help.


Whose, possessive ‘s – Whose is this? It’s Mike’s

I. Choose the correct option to complete the sentences.

1. George is _________ .
A. my sisters’ new boyfriend
B. my sister’s new boyfriend
C. the new boyfriend of my sister

2. All _________ are broken.

A. the toys of the boys
B. the boys’ toys
C. the boys toys

3. The _________ are yellow.

A. book pages
B. pages of the book
C. book’s pages

4. This is _________ .
A. Helens house
B. Helen’s house
C. the house of Helen

5. This is _________ .
A. my dogs collar
B. the collar of my dog
C. my dog’s collar

6. You need to clean _________ .

A. the house’s floor
B. the floor of the house
C. the floor’s houses

7. These are _________ . (= One car belongs to Tom and another car to Jenny.)
A. Tom’s and Jerry’s cars
B. Tom and Jerry’s cars
C. the cars of Tom and Jerry

8. This is _________ . (=Two people have one car.)

A. Tom’s and Jerry’s cars
B. Tom and Jerry’s cars
C. the cars of Tom and Jerry

9. _________ helps me with my homework.

A. My mums’ friend
B. My mum’s friend
C. The friend of my mum

10. I need to paint _________ .

A. the children’s playroom
B. the childrens’ playroom
C. the playroom of the children
II. Choose the correct option

1. _____ picture is this?

A. Whose
B. Who's
C. Whos

2. _____ is ill.
A. The father of Allan
B. Father's Edgar
C. Allan's father

3. _____ that man at the table?

A. Whos
B. Who's
C. Whose

4. The shop is at _____.

A. the end of the street
B. the street's end
C. the end's street

5. _____ is very expensive.

A. New car's Lucy
B. Lucy's new car
C. The new car of Lucy

6. I love _____.
A. the new book of Rowling
B. the new book's Rowling
C. Rowling's new book

7. _____ is this absurd idea?

A. Who's
B. Whose
C. Whos'

8. _____ the person in the photo?

A. Who's
B. Whos'
C. Whose

9. In this school, 100% of _____ are recycled. All the students recycle their textbooks.
A. the textbooks' students
B. the students' textbooks
C. the student's textbooks

10. _____ is next Sunday.

A. Sheila and Mike's wedding
B. Sheila's and Mike's wedding
C. the wedding of Sheila and Mike
III. Rewrite the sentences using the possessive ‘s as in the example.

EXAMPLE: The box belongs to Jane. ⇒ It’s Jane’s box.

1. The balls belong to the players. ⇒ They are …………………………… .

2. The computer belongs to Sara. ⇒ It's …………………………… .

3. I hate the moustache that belongs to my brother. ⇒ I hate …………………………… .

4. This car belongs to Sam and Pam. ⇒ It's …………………………… .

5. The money belongs to the workers. ⇒ It's …………………………… .

6. These bikes belong to Mike and John (one bike to each person). ⇒ They are …………………………… .

7. These documents belong to the women. ⇒ They are …………………………… .

8. This glass belongs to Mathew. ⇒ It's …………………………… .

9. This award belongs to the actresses. ⇒ It's …………………………… .

10. This suitcase belongs to Kate and David. ⇒ It's …………………………… .

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