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Fen | DCE ROE poe ow VE GOVERNMEND OF ANDHRA PRADESH AgsiRAcl | ‘ RAB Dofartment ~ Rosas «Inguieon = (ing UF works OF ordinary maintenance e : : rae Somes Paani hs .0.e.10.75, 2REB ARN Enpariment gated. 2504 2008. orton uridine G 0nd shen Government nereby eer eter yvione fot Krvei epeeiore under 8 thazd of account 2054 sd Bridges (Non Plan) Jot tno total locations 26% ie darmastnd i maini x lenanea ond 75% Pot ot tn for aenoeinl mainianace necel REP Programme 9; the 25% of aocatior earner i tllows a td ord maciacancecte zOme SEO 1) 22% of tetat abonanion, ander Non‘Pan \# Set aside tor omsinaty maintonarscy stro: calonce 2% of foal aleaton ander Non Plan se Drmergient ropaif Wor side for samenctigy rons tr ord vy rssntenanes shal BO ME fotos rafajinti contaga wage T Renae YM 12.006 por Kon | For retical of roads J orp rans rather ase fs. 6,000 per Ken cee abaeation at oade Enedepbioane B.T 19208 \ Re, 15,000 per Ken ie Fe ermal abe 8. TK ar jcgnigi-torapeate reas ta oe e088 Cs, Engineer (REB) Roads AD Ng emanate He SNE a ce be given, However PAD At estocatenoh220 ae perme Sates shad nat be exee0ues ¥ i ¢ 4) the-techsical-eonctions useey orca se ana meager sepoire shall a » pangs © la against \r @ bu Yation of the financial Year ne RNP ikea nea) Rome ona chine ag eae division Bora 218 (3) of AL opel ores Oxoariment COC oy ‘suspended ha pmnsnet ea to ete Cae age : Wipe He Stace Hote ah Chia! Engineet (RB) Roses MS Tie OG Sane 8) Torprevent incuring of yspenctre on unirurtul tems, en tupancture for various muh ten-esllbe us tefous, ”"™* Persaniage ot 5.8) Bet ypot hole tlig B.7 extge repairs. 55% {arg other iieins on-B.1 tariiogn wey, } pest OQ Buch as crack ssallng, minor surlace _igptieste. 5 "B) fied ahiguidor copair (arms + T% to 13% O . ingimainionencs ! J Ingidding Gravsling berms ©) ingle clearanua tree am. shevns teimuning: } 4% lo 6% @ a gopgitw vents mai ] Mere} em OD ‘parapets ete, t T painting Krovitm stones t > 9) Olnere Fao © ) Thejlotal ofall the: aor: teme e7alt not sncead the Kllometerage sates, Th: ae poicbnlage:oFindlviual dems'caly pe civered to other fruiful needy tems, onty bier comnpioting that particular vem in fut 7) Tha Exegitive Engines (i271) covewned shall ensure that the potholes, patch ‘ Work: Bf edga repair shou bw nv ably altende to immediately 8) Mainienaade jot tat be in ona; achaga per section. Where the gepgraphy of {he Sree diag rot peril ere packege par sect on, the Superintending Engineers 2318 competent to dhide tre work il 8 sec-on into two packages. %) Al least one odekaige in avmiy distr» shall be Igkun on “Performance Bases Contact 10) "The intainisnainve works shall be en -usted thrargh tenders only, 44) «No pait of maintenance work shall 2e antrusted through limited tender 6 Cquotations):gystem or through Fin ‘bils, Arlicle 125. instructions para: (9) of AP. . * "Floapciat Molumedt, stiouates'thal officers of (R&B) Department may adopt limited terider systim (Quotation vystem) lor purchase of stores and this provision Is net for acution of civi works. 42) Me P-AOs shail no; make any poyinente for civil works on quotalions system, or ‘bn fcr bills. system, 19) rap whch mpg. aterscrad 6 ba ottgnes trough fire, bijon pres Fee ee eT TNAT ropil/aion sumer ony tad be seceplad 6 ‘poperewilhout refer Wopemmenne snce to the resisiration shall net be accepted. PACS sienees itd ee ba ost. 15) 10) ‘7 18) wy ee fk oF oy sy be minimize. th cage 244, 92200) ancl 35 of recat a°mina Ho paymart ans for lho wore oe Std Boole sean tite oe £f Massuraments, etal sf cnc, naar Ui Ree a0 Page uber hi yoneck or crc oiele tou daties ere recanvos soe ymerg® " Setiicata on the bt to thai a The totowing lin achedstew ios tor entrust nam 9f all maintenance works 9 SeBsgbe amin ie amioses 2" Fb, of every your by WDesAest. Exe: Enginzerh @ 38)" f Assistant Mor. Bb) “SUB rifadien of ast by Ov. fae Be Lage Feb, of every yoor 31"Mareh of every year Ses : ©), “eivedten or wstntén Q Seaeeiea 5 #) Sthetos cisuintis tna rune V? we0k of Ap of Fanter Noticee bythe Eaeate vary yee ). Engineer (Rag; ©) Entrustment of work sree ter he tnancial ve bons. ne $08: 200 Batore 30 Ape of every year Ts TOCESS should be completed by 7 tows 8 conelderably reduced cue to FSrmond ota ream, Tone. be aet‘be mace taper fet? "Heelet St monty tatsrne wd ail 4 1&2 of alee Sfintar anion rs si ie ain hho Oly Chiat Engines a) at Pecuty Supenntending Engineer at 19 feu Cevilicutas a6 oreseribed above, wre Fet payment of tbiins ice adipuiy + Taare, 2 ei cer reer vsntenance, ine folowing guidelines sive LEngaiet shall end cu seua e¥shis:G 0. ro.ie4 uinr al sholl py et BA Lo the PAO within 7 days of unless copy of bls recewed a entertained:by PAO at 9 later date, ‘him walt 7 Gaye of regsipt of thie 6.0, 8) Soparatat; mo Execuave Ex near shall send ine Measurement books and + Bille te a,c sia wt shall super check ine wack moscuremen Belere a turing te hs Execute Ergmoa, whe eh tana tha Bio the BAS Tor payment © The QC stall shall comolete this tas: within 10 days of receipt by them of records fr2m the Exoeative Er glnenx earcemed 22) The Chie! Engineer {R&E) Rigsca:shail eersonally mentor the unplamental on aha keep government inturmar piviogiealiy 23) -Soighes of roads’ which are tickled under SR Programme shall no: re conaldered under Orainary Main snance suing the sbeervation period ve are yer. ® 24) The ato Bete on rene aniy 38 ef ll ws of roacEsAS! 9@ URdateD and ininte avaliabia brine to ) Lensutmar.l, DOWA and algo to PAO This orker sesves + sneit U.O.NG'03806/391 core wtence « finance ‘Exp PW) Depanmer: se APIS hued by HOC (BY CRDER AND IN THE WANE OF ft: SESERNOR OF ANOHR& PRADESH: BINOY KUMAR SECRETARY TO GOVERNME's To Thu Engineerio-Ch af (RAB)AamA BNALARO. Hy aR Nef EngineerRE8)Roads, Hyderbed : “Thu Advinor, Cuaty Convo for R&B Bid Adal LAS. IAC, NAC Campus Kondapur (Fost) Hyderbad 86 fp Pri.Seortdar . Fnace 2"), ore ys SECTION OFFICER SA Seat tb FBS hit sun zis GE Ke sunn 1 SupeTintenting Saginews (na) Cite! tet ean GOVERNMENT OF ANDHRAPRADESH Roads and Buildings Department Office of the Engineerin-Chief (RAB). ‘Administration, State Roads, RSW & Builings ‘Andhra Pradesh Emummanail, Hyserabad Giroular Memo, No, 39914/Annuat MaintenancolGran¥2016-16, Datod:25- 06-2016, Sub: R&B - Department — Annual Maintenance of Estimales and entrusiment of works = Certain instructions - Communicated ~ Regarding Ref. 1) This office Circular Memo, No. 33014/Annual Maintenance)Grant/2013-14, Dated: 12- 04-2019, 2) GO. Ms No, 182, Dt. 22-06-2005 of Transpor, Roads & Buildings (R 1) Department During the review mesting held by the Hon'ble Minister for Transport, Roads & Buldings Department and the Special Chief Secretary to Gow., T. R&B on 21-05-2018, it was categorcally Instructed to complete the Pot Hole filing before the onsat of ‘monsoon in Anda Pradesh. it was also instructed to remove any bolle necks coming In the way of the Field staf in completing these tasks. Accordingly in supersession of the Circular Memo issued vide fist cited tis instructed as follows, 1. It was alee suggested to creale larger maintenance packages to attract capable contractors for ensuring effective ordinary road maintenance which was ot found to be effective as the bigger contractors being held up in major works: have not concentratad.on the timely maintenance of the smaller jobs which was leading to the inordinate delay in complating the important works such as pot hole fing and Jungle clearance. As such, Nis directed that would be advisable to have at least two maintenance contractors in each soction to have an effective ‘aystom for the maintenance works, 2. The maintenance estimates in each division shall-be prepared in convenient ‘reaches of not exceeding 50 Km (excluding the non working Kme) each as 2 unit te attract capable contractors for ensuring effective ordinary road maintenance ‘and ensure pot hole fee riding surface on R&B roads, 3, Ensure that the proposed reaches in ostmales are not covered in any other Schemas. ie Pian / SRP/ RDF / 13" Finance / OPRC and the works already complted but within defect liability priod ote, 4. Tho list of such identified reaches in maintenance estimates shall be furnished to this offica by 20-05-2015 30 as to release the grant to the concerned (R&B) Division under ©.R for the current financial year to ensure the pot ole free road to the commuters atic ‘5. if more than one work is entrusted to @ contractor within the Division, the fiek! Engineers shal frequently monitor the works and ensure that the contractors shall take up and exeoute all the works awarded simultaneously. The Executive Engineers concerned shall bear the total responsibilty for the maintenance and keeping the roads pothole free. 16. The estimates should be prepared stity folowing the G.O. Ms No, 132, Dt 22- (06-2008 with the exception that the por Km rate of maintenance is enhanced from _Rs.12000iKm_ to Rs.25,000/Km for_a Two Lane Road and ftom RRs.10,000/Km to Rs.20,000/Km for Single Lane Road, ‘The Superintending Engineers (R&B) and Executive Engineers (R&B) shall acknowledge the receipt of this memo in he 1* instance, ppeversy for Engine - Chie (R86) ‘SR, RSW, Bldgs & Admin. To ‘The Superintending Engineers (R&B) dealing wth State Roads {Ail The Executive Engineers (R&B) dealing with State Roads

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