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Bundle 3: Organisms Change over Time

Third Grade – Bundle 3

Organisms Change over Time
Dear Parents,

Your child is about to begin a new journey as he or she explores what fossils can tell
us about how and where organisms lived, what traits they had to help them survive,
and how they might have died. Your child’s mission will be to design a poster that
includes what the fossil looked like when it was living, the habitat where it lived, traits
that helped it survive, and what might have caused it to die. As your child works
toward this goal, he or she will be exploring many phenomena while learning the
following concepts:

● Fossils give us information about the types of organisms that lived long ago.
● Fossils give us information about the types of environments in which
organisms lived.
● Organisms had differences in characteristics to help them survive, find mates,
and reproduce.
● Fossils can give us information about why organisms might have died.

We will do many investigations in class over several weeks to help your child learn
these concepts from firsthand experiences. Encourage your child to share these
experiences with you and to teach you what he or she has learned. Ask your child to
identify examples of what he or she is learning in everyday life.

Thank you for your support as your child begins this new learning adventure.


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