CH 4 Chem Class 11th

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SECTION -A NCERT Based MCQs Which of the following options is/are true? INCERT Pg, 106] (1) loni¢ bonds have non-directional nature (2) Ionic bonds do not show any isomerism () Generally, ionic compounds have high melting points (4) Allare true Hypervalent species among the following is INCERT- Pg. 105] (1) BF, @) co, @) SF, (4) Xe, The ratio of o-bond and r-bond in tétracyano- ethylene, C,(CN), is INCERT Pg. 103] (1) 2:4 (2) 1:4 @ 1:2 @ 3:4 Covalency of chlorine atom after the excitation of two electrons will be INCERT Pg, 102] a2 Qs @) 3 a7 Number of 120° bond angles present in BF is INCERT Pg, 114] aa Qs @) 2 4) 3 In PO% ion, the average charge on the oxygen atoms is INCERT Pg. 105] ast Qa @) 0.75 (4) 40:75 Bond order of $ — 0 bond in'SOF" is INCERT Pg, 109] a2 @ 15 os $ 10, 12 13. In NO§ ion, the number of bond pairs of electrons around nitrogen atom are NCERT Pg. 115] m2 Qs @1 aa In which of the following molecules/ions, all the bonds are not equal? INCERT Pg. 108] (1) XeF, 2) BFF @ GH 4) SIF, Correct Lewis representation of O, molecule is INCERT Pg, 103] 4) A _ ® 6 Antibonding "2p, molecular orbital is represented by INCERT Pg. 128) 0 @D a2 ® = « «) > The hybridisation state of central atom in SF, is INCERT Pg. 125] S&S (1) spe? (2) spa? (2) dsp? (8) se The shape of CIF, molecule is [NCERT Pg. 115] (1) See-saw (2) Bent Tshape (3) Bent (V-shaped) (4) Trigonal planar ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 94 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure NEET 14. Intramolecular H-bonding is shown by INCERT Pg. 132] 9H No, 0 No, “i 00H ¢OoH (i) (1) Only (i) (@) Both (i) and (ii) (8) Both (i) and (i) @) (0. (i) and (iy 15. The compound possessing maximum covalent character among the following is INCERT Pg. 112] (1) Lie! @) Nac @) csci (4) Kel SECTION -B Objective Type Questions 1. Which of the following contain both ionic and covalent bonds? ) Ho (2) Neo @) GH,c1 (4) co, 2. Which of the following will have high lattice energy? (1) uel (2) Mac, @) Naci (@) csc 3. Compound having sp*d hybridisation is (1) BF @) PFS @) SF, (4) FF, 4. On hydridization of one s and one p orbitals we get (1) Two mutually perpendicular orbitals (2) Two orbitals at 180° @) Four orbitals directed tetrahedrally (4) Three orbitals in a plane 19, 1 12, 13, ‘An example of non-polar molecule is (1) BF, @) oF, (@ PC, (4) $0, The hybrid orbital used by chlorine atom in ClO; ion is (1) se 2) sp @) sp 4) spd Of the following, the compound that obeys the octet rule is (1) SO, (2) BCl, (@) Po, (4) SIF Bond order of carbon-carbon bond in benzene is 3 (2) 15 @2 ws Shape of XeF, is (1) Spherical (2) Trigonal bipyramidal (3) Square planar <—~ (4) Tetrahedral The planar molecule among the following is ec, 2) soci, (3) NH (4) NFS Bond angle in water molecules is 104.5* instead of 109°28' mainly because of (1). Lone pair-bond pair repulsion (2) Bond pair-lone pair repulsion (3) Lone pair-lone pair replusion (4) Bond pair-bond pair repulsion Percentage covalent character is higher in (1) NaF (2) Nac (3) NaBr (4) Nal The molecules BF, and NF; are both covalent ‘compounds, but BF, is non-polar where as NF, is polar. The reason for this is (1) B is a metal while nitrogen is a gas in uncombined state (2) B-F bonds are non-polar while N-F bonds are polar (3) BF, is planar but NF, is pyramidal (4) Atomic size of boron Is larger than that of Nitrogen ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 NEET Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | 95 14, AICI, is covalent while AIF, is ionic. This fact can 22. Polarisation is the distortion of the shape of an be justified on the basis of anion by an adjacently placed cation. Which of the following statoments is correct? (1) Valence bond theory (2) Crystal structure folowing statements is correct (1) Maximum polarisation is brought about by a (3) Lattice energy (4) Fajan rules cation of high charge 15. The hydrocarbon with variety of hybridisation of carbon atom 2) Minimum polarisation is brought about by a cation of low radius aA, (@) A large cation is likely to bring about a large degree of polarisation AY, (4) A small anion is likely to undergo a large degree of polarisation 16. Which of the folowing exists? 23, The acetone has (1) KHF, @) KHCI, (1) 9 sigma bond 1 pi bond and 2 lone pairs (3) KHBr, @) KH, (@) 8 sigma bonds, 2 pi bonds and 2 lone pairs 417. Which one of the following statements is not true? (@) 10 sigma bonds, 4 pi bond and 4 lone pair (1) Ortho nitrophenol is intramolecularly hydrogen (4) 9 sigma bonds, 2 pi bonds and 1 lone pairs: tlseeitlliaualaal 24, In a regular octahedral molecule of SF, the number (2) Para and meta nitrophenol are intermolecularly of F-S-P bonds at 180° is hydrogen bonded molecules (1) Four (2) Three 3) Ortho hydroxy phenol is intramolecularly @) Two (4) Six hydrogen bonded molecules 25.) The correct order of increasing C-O bond length of (4) Water is intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded 60, €0,, CO,* is ecu mone’ (1) Coz C0, < CO (2) CO, (1) Hel ter 28. “A-co-ordinate bond is formed when an atom in a @ 4 @) HF molecule has 19. 1 Debye is equal to (1) NO unshared electrons (1) 10% es. om (2) Allits valency shell electrons shared 2) 10-%e.s.u. em (8) Asingle unshared electron (@) 10-es.u. em (4) One or more unshared electron pairs (4) 10-8 e.s.u, om 27. Which of the following species not exists? 20. The observed dipole moment of HCI is 1.03 D. (1) BF, (2) NF, Bond length is 1.275 A then the percentage of ©) PF, (4) NF, tonic character is 28. H-bond is not present in (1) 16.63% @) 21% (1) Glycerol (2) Water @) 30.72% @) 14.21% @) HS (6) HF 21. The order of decreasing polarity in the compounds 2. Which one of the statements is not true for salicyl- Ca0, CsF, KCI, MgO is aldehyde? (1) Cad > CsF > KCI > MgO (1) tis intra molecularly hydrogen bonded (2) MgO > KCI > CaO > CsF @) Itis steam volatile (3) KCl > CsF > MgO > Cao (@) Have higher solubilities in organic solvents (4) CsF > KCI > CaO > MgO (4) Have high metting point and boiling points ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office ; Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 96 Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure 30. 31 32, 33, 36. 36, 37. 38. 39. NEET Dipole moment is zero for which of the following pair of molecules? (1) BF,, SO, @) BF, Col, @) So, CHCI, (@) CCl, So, In the formation of N,* from N,, the electron is removed from a (1) o orbital 2) orbital @) & orbital (4) orbital Which sequence correctly describes relative bond strength of oxygen molecule, superoxide ion and peroxide ion? (1) 0, < 07 <0, (3) 0,505 <0 @ 0,> 07> 0; @) 0, <0; >0, Bond order of B, and its magnetic property is (1) 11and Diamagnetic (2) 2 and Paramagnetic @) ‘and Paramagnetic (4) 2 and Diamagnetic The highest bond order is in (1) 0, @ Ny @) oF @¢ Which of these orbitals has two nodes? (1) ots (2) o°2p, ©) ‘72p, @) 2°20, ‘The maximum number of 180° angles between bond pair-bond pair of electrons is observed in (1) sp? hybridisation (2) _sp*d? hybridisation (3) dsp? hybridisation (4) sp%d?* hybridisation Highest energy molecular orbital occupied in case of N,* is (1) ‘2p, @) 0720, @) "72p, (4) 7*2p, Molecular orbital not having any nodal plane is (1) 02s @) o'2s (3) 72p, (4) "2p, Which of the following molecular species has unpaired electron(s)? (1) Ny @) By @ 0, @) All of these 40. 44 42 43 45, 47: Linear combination of atomic orbitals gives rise to (1) Hybridized orbital (2), Molecular orbitals (3) Non bonding orbitals (4) x-orbitals Which d-orbital is involved in spd hybridization? day @Q da @) dy (8) dee Which of the following has least bond angle? (1) CH, (2) BF, (3) HO (4) NH, Which of the following is most stable? () H @ (3) HE (4) HE In which of the following, resonance is possible? (1) cH, (2) NH, 8) 0 ) 0, Unit 6f dipole moment is (cm (@) esuom (@) Debye (4) Allof these The anion having highest polarizability is Oe @ cr @) Br @t Consider the following statements 1. Bond enthalpy increases as bond order increases I. Bond length decreases as bond order increases IL There is no effect of electronegativty on bond energy Select the correct statements) (1) 18 @ Wain 3) 1&ill (@ uaa Electron deficient molecule is (sit 2 HS (8) BH, IF, ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 NEET Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | 97 49, Match the column | and column Il Column 1 Column th (Molecule) (Dipole moment, D) a HO () 023 b. NH, i) 191 ©. NFS (i) 1.88 4. HF (wy) 147 (1) ali, bi, of), 0) (2) ativ), bai, eta), a) @) afi, Bw), e(), 6) (4) ativ), bi), c(i), ay 50. Which ofthe following would have maximum dipole moment? ol ol on 1 “ oy @ & a ci a ® ® & 1 SECTION - C Previous Years Questions 1. Which of the following Is paramagnetic? INEET-2019 (Odisha)} (1) 0, Qn (3) H, (4) Uy 2. Which of the following is the correct order of dipole moment? [NEET-2019 (Odisha)] (1) H,0 < NF, < NH, < BF, (2) NH, < BF, bond pair - bond pair > lone pair - lone pair (2) lone pair - lone pair > lone pair - bond pair > bond pair - bond pair @) lone pair - lone pair > bond pair - bond pair > lone pair - bond pair (4) bond pair - bond pair > lone pair - bond pair > lone pair - lone pair 18, 19 20. 21 23, Consider the molecules CH,, NH, and H,0. Which of the given statements is false? _[NEET:2016] (1) The H-C—H bond angle in CH, is larger than the H—N—H bond angle in NH, (2) The H-C-H bond angle in CH,, the H = N— H bond angle in NH, and the H ~ 0 —H bond angle in HO are all greater than 90° (9) The H - 0 — H bond angle in H,0 is larger than the H~ C -H bond angle in CH, (4) The H~ © - H bond angle in H,0 is smaller than the H —N —H bond angle in NH, Decreasing order of stabilly of 0,, 0,7, 0," and OF is [Ro-AIPMT-2015] (1) 0,> 0,* > 0,% > OF @) O5 > OF > 0," > 0, @) 0,7>0,>05>0% (4) 0,2 > 07> 0, > 0," In which of the following pairs, both the species are not isostructural? [Re-AIPMT-2015] (1),.NHg, PH, (2) XeF,, Xe0, @) Sicl,, Pci,’ (4), Diariona, silicon carbide Maximum bond angle at nitrogen is present in Which of the following? IAIPMT-2015] (1) NOS (2) NO, (@) NO; () NOs The enolic form of ethyl acetoacetate as below has [AIPMT-2015] H H HO rg a MO A on bon, & (1) 9 sigma bonds and 1 pi-bond (2) 18 sigma bonds and 2 pi-bonds (8) 16 sigma bonds and 1 pHbond (@) 9 sigma bonds and 2 pi-bonds OCH, Which of the following species contains equal ‘number of o- and r-bonds? [AIPMT.2015) (1) CHYCN), (2) Hoo, (3) Xe0, (4) (CN), ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 NEET Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | 99 24, The correct bond order in the following species is. 31. Which of the following is a polar molecule? [AIPMT-2015] INEET-2013] - . (t) SF, 2) Si, (1) 03 < 03 < 08 ©) xe @ BF, @) oF <0f<05 32. Which of the folowing is paramagnetic? INEET-2013] (3) 03" <03 < 03 (1) oF (2) CN ag (3) Not (4) co (4) 03 <3 < 03! 33. The pair of species with the same bond order is 25, Which of the following pairs of ions are TAIPMT (Prelims)-2012] isoelectronic and isostructural? —_[AIPMT-2015] (t) No, co 2) N,,0, (1) Clo,, SOF @) OF, B, (4) 03, NO* 34, Bond order of 1.5 is shown by IAIPMT (Prelims)-2012] @) C105, cor () oF 2 0, (4) ‘sof. No; @) 03 4) 0; 26. Which of the following options represents the 95, wich one of the following pairs is isostructural comect bond order? (AIPMT-2015] (iecftaving|the same shape and hybridization)? (1) (0;<0,>0; [AIPMT (Prelims)-2012] - (1) (NF, and BF) (2) (BF, and NH,"] (2) 0;>0,>0; (3) (BCI, and.BrOl,) (4) [NH and NO,7) @) 0;<0, <0; 36. During change of 0, to 03 ion, the electron adds (on whictr one of the following orbitals? (4) (0;>0, <0 [AIPMT (Mains)-2012] 27. The total number of -bond electrons inthe (0) orbitals (2) notbitals following structure is [AIPMT-2015) SY fortis arn H.C HH 37. Four diatomic species are listed below. Identify the correct order in which the bond order is increasing H.C in them [AIPMT (Mains)-2012] Hen HGH, (1) NO < 0; < CE< He? (1) 16 @Q4 @) 0; ‘The pairs of species of oxygen and thei magnetic behaviours are noted below. Which of the following presents the correct description? TAIPMT (Mains}-2011] (1) 0,°,0, — Both paramagnetic @) 0, OF — Bothparamagnetic (8) 03, OF — Both diamagnetic (4) 05, OF — Both paramagnetic Which one of the following species does not exist under normal conditions? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2010] (1) Bes @) Be, @) B, 4) Uy In which of the following pairs of moleculestions, the central atoms have sp” hybridization? IAIPMT (Pretims)-2010] (1) (NO; andNH, ——@) BF, and Noz (3) (NH; and H,0. (4) BF, and NHS In which one of the following species the central atom has the ype of hybridization which Is not the same as that present in the other three? [AIPMT (Prelims}-2010] @r @) Po, (1) SF, @) Spot 46. 47 49 60. 51 NEET In which of the following molecules the central atom does not have sp? hybridization? [AIPMT (Mains)-2010] 2) SF, (4) NH, Some of the properties of the two species, NO and H,0* are described below, Which one of them: is correct? [AIPMT (Mains)-2010] (1) Dissimilar in hybridization for the central atom with different structures 2) Isostructural with same hybridization for the central atom (3) Isostructural with different hybridization for the central atom (4) Similar in hybridization for the central atom, with different structures What is the dominant intermolecular force or bond that must be overcome in converting liquid CH,OH toa gas? IAIPNT (Prelims)-2009] (1) Dipole-dipole interaction ) Covalent bonds (9) London dispersion force (4) Hydrogen bonding According to MO theory which of the following lists ranks the nitrogen species in terms of increasing bond order? [AIPMT (Pretims)-2008] (ONE McI> MB > Mt (2) MF > MCI >MI>MBr (@) Mi> MBr> McL> ME (4) MCI> MI> MBr > MF ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 NEET Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | 101 52. Four diatomic species are listed below the diferent ‘sequences. Which ofthese presents the correct order of theirinereasing bond order? [AIPMT (Prelims)-2008] (1) He; <0; Na,O,> 0, (2) Na,0, > O,> O, (3) 0,>Na,0,>0, (4) 0, > 0, > Na,O, Which of the following has maximum covalent character? () uct 2) BCI, (@) Bec, (4) col, In which of the following ionisation processes the bond energy increases and the magnetic behaviour changes from paramagnetic to diamagnetic? (),NOS'No® 2 6,962 (3),Be, Be, (4) N,oN® Inlermotecuiar H-bonding is shown by (1) NH, (2) H,0 (3) HF (4) All of these Which of the following is correctly matched for hybridisation? ‘Column Column ) SESE gp? (2) @) oO AS ; spike ‘Aakash Educational Services Limited - Regd. Office : Aakash Tower, 8, Pusa Road, New Delhi-110005 Ph.011-47623456 NEET Chemical Bonding and Molecular Structure | 105 22, Which of the following is correct molecular orbital 25. Arrange the following in the increasing order of representation of n*-molecular orbital? (C-0) bond length Na,cO, co co® C0, ea Oa i) ivy a) CS (1) Gil) < Gi) < () < @) (2) (ii) < (ill) < (i) < (iv) . @ Ww CH, (CH) bond energy () (d) NH® > NH, Bond angle Pe Pe Incorrect match among the following islare (1) (@) & (@) only 2) (©) & (0) only (3) (c) & (d) only () & @) only 28. Correct order of bond angle is (1) OF,

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