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"he skirt .,. too short for her loare 21 were Bis 4. was A1,2 B)1,3 0/29 D)24 Ba,4 37. Choose the correct variant. The new dress... too tight. for her. 1. are 2. were es 4. was A)3.4 B13 ©)2,3 D)24 51,2 38. Choose the correct variant. Their neighbour ... very noisy. A) are B)is C) have been. D) were E) are being 39. Choose the correct variant. A number of travellers ... our town. 1. have visited 2. visit 3. has visited 4. visits A)3,4 8)2,3 C)1,2 D)1,4 —)2,4 40. Choose the correct variant, A number of people ... for different jobs. 1. have applied 2. has applied 3. apply 4. applies A)2,4 B)1,3 ©)1,4 D)2,3 63,4 ‘41. Choose the correct variant. A number of fights ... delayed because of snowstorm. 1. are 2. has been 3. have been 4is ‘5. were A)2,4,5 D)1,4 By 1,2 5)1,3,5 )2,3;4 42. Choose the correct variant. ‘There ... 12 months in a year, Ajare B)is C)was D)isn't E)wasn't 43. Choose the correct variant. A sack of flour... in the car. A) weren't B) are ©) were D) was E) aren't 44. Choose the correct variant. The pictures in this gallery ... very interesting, A) wasn't B) is (©) was D) has been E) are reement of the Predicate with the Subject 48. Choose the corre: et variant, f Our neighbours 2 V", Ogeeearttonotag > Ye 2. was f 3. are 4s 924 8219 O54 py 48. Choose the correct v Mu parents. on haay were 2. was Bare 4.58 AL2 B23 34 D132 go, 47. Choose the correct variant. ; . 6 chairs and a table in the roo A)There is B)There are ree D) There was E)There wasnt W2 Bay ‘Choose the correct variant, Aperiod of ten years... a decade, A)have been B)are D)is Bwil 49. Choose the correct variant. ‘The number of books in this Wbrary. to owe 3 milion. A)rise B) have risen C)has sen D)arerising ©) were rising OC) were 50. Choose the correct variant. Baby clothes ... sold in this shop. 1. was Q.are 3.were 4, will be ALS 8)1,2,3 14,5 D)2,3,4 62,3 51. Choose the correct variant. Many news programmes... shawn on is channel. oie BOR oa oe 4. was 5. willbe A)3,4 B)2,3 oss D)2,4,.5 1,35 2. Choose the correct variant. tahoe Very few information centres -~ sous el 1. are 2, were Anis Sill oa. 4.5 ALS B)2,4 , D)2,3 6)1,2,5 53. Choose the correct variant: inthe Some new furniture factories suburbs of the city. 1. have been 3. was 2, were shown ons aoe gt variant arable, served by that waiter, Bare : i a.wan Ne a2 0&3 B43 &2,4 ve correct variant | gh aren’ oom... Upstairs. Pag 2, are Be a was, SES ons O42 24 Bus | ovens correct vt | sous actors roles... enfayed by many je 2. were | alwas B12 O24 DLs B23 read with C)1,2,3 $8, Choose the correct variant. ‘The news about the Smiths ... spread quickly. Lwas 2, will be 3. have been 4. were 41,2 B)2,3 C)1,4 D)S4 E)LS 60. Choose the correct variant. ‘The results of Dr. Noll’s experiment ... published in a scientific journal. iis 2. was 3-mese 4, has been S.have been AL24 B)3,5 ©) 2,34 0)3,4,5 B18 1. Choose the correct variant, 1 4llthe windows in our house .». broken-in the B)2,4,5 deodsnetcs oe Ho as Prhets ft eens onthe mile hee be Bin -eyargg eS 64. Choose the correct vari correct variant. Ate Haber pire vue DOTY famous. wi are 3.was 4, were AV1,4 B)1,8 C)1,2" 02,9 E24 65. Choose the correct variant. That architect's designs ... very attractive. leis Qare 3.was 4.were A)2,4 B)1,3 C)1,2 0)2,9 E14 66. gaye te correct variant. “ofthe unemployed is _ have cready applied fora ob. boo A)A lot, The number B) A number, The number C) A number, A number D) The number, A number E)/Anumber, A lot “67. Choose the correct variant. vn: ofproblems have arisen. .. people has increased. ‘A)A lot, Anumber B) The number, A number C)Anumber, The number D)The number, A lot E)A number, Alot of homeless 68, Choose the correct variant, ‘As a result of natural disasters ‘he ruined cities and villages «= ant oose the ‘correct vari ssh Ghetmber ofropete® the ole it : pia O34 pe correct variant. ete oe eer ®B) the wave spinedish 6) the glass ne correct variant, the Sang o” trees. them, 5 ae) 1,23 nes BLA zo the correct variant. 18 Came cooperation with foreign countries ... reat ©) 2,3,4 miyantages to ensure muiilateral getigpment of national economy, 5. fave provided 4. are providing 12,34 B15 14,5 ba 53,5 48. Choose the correct variant. Your skirt... washed, and s0.... the trousers. A)have been, have were, were ()has been, have D) are, are Ej were, was 90. Choose the correct variant. What ... Jack's nephews like? Lis 2. does. 3. are 41,2 B)3,4 0)1,3,4 &)1,2,3 ©)2,4 Choosing Correct Sentences 1. Choose the correct variant. 1. The shirts are new. 2.All the programmes was dull yesterday. 3. These knives are very sharp. 4 This shorts is new enough. "3,4 8)2,3 C)1,3 D)1,2 2,4 * Choose the correct sentence. AThere are no chair in the room. There wasn’t any chairs in the room. here weren't any chairs in the room. Byte wereno chair in the room. There isn't any chairs in the room. a, White the voicoce dentane: ere were some wolf in our forests. here is some wolves in our fore: There was some wolves in our forests: ©) There So 82me woit, re are our forests 4. Choose i Wes in out for fights ie better Rly afew Pictee of furniuur in and his friend, the street Me Bare same were on the plate. 13° D)1,2 82,3 8 running in 5. choos 0088 the correct 2 RGU cltnead we on we cas ing two cups of mile dat eet artery tea ey A litle nice gil and her bro «Bove ea een tRote METE only some pieces of pape in NLS Bio) Cass Oj Ba's 8. Choose the correct sentences, 1. Tea is useful, . 2: Thee me ifn oc Tests on mathernadies sdf, 4, Dieent branches of mathe is 1 angie i one schoo. 7 B)2,3,4 0)2,3 52,4 ee 7. Choose the correct sentences. 1. Today there are more traffic inspectors on the roads than yesterday. 2, These are the latest traffic news. 3, Look! The traffic inspectors has stopped that car. 4. The traffic news was listened to with great interest. A)2,3 B)1,4 C)1,2 D)34 61,3 noose the correct sentences. 1. There was a few pieces of furniture in the room. F 2, There are some furniture shops in this treet : 3, all te furniture were broughtin the 4, I ew ploces of furniture have been sole lately. A)1,3 82,4 correct sentences oi cae gad Maths are my favourite jects. 2. wee the scissors? I need id 2 atiends lve een im Thee ee Chad Os FIRS A)2, ‘ 2,3 O42 O14 -1i- predicate with the Subject Agreement of the sa “46, Choose the correct sentences, ge correct SENN ye subject fOr {Hot chocolate was served to the guests, 0, Choose tbe Sortie most diffieuls $4 2. Hew many cups of hot chocolate were [ysicn wae the Ne Senet wil ave yaa venes ten? | or wana fw cope oh 9, Wheres the jeans? Have Simm a lot . ps of hot chocolate 3. His parents Mee deer in this forest the tray. oy meres Oh 2,3 4a. Reap afhot chocolate were put on th ces. A)1,3 8)2,4 ©)1,2 D)2, sflchoose ine correct @entOeehs a, , 52 D)23° 3,4 jae ey! 17. Choose the correct sentences. BA Perf honey were put into the cupboard: 1, How many lumps of sugar was there. 8) Same honey were served for SUpPeT saucer? an 5) Both the driver and the passenger was = vet lumps of sugar were Put into the cup hurt. a Ey there in big wheels, which take you 195 8, Two kilos of sugar were bought at the ‘metres high. ‘grocer’s. 4, Some more sugar were added into the 42.Choose the correct sentences. compote. 1. The proposals of the manager-were A)2,4 B)1,3 C)1,2 0243 H1, accepted at the meeting. is 48. Choose the correct sentences. 2. A few members of this club has heard about the incident. 3, A number of people are waiting outside, 4, The number of the people waiting outside 1. The sports news is usually on the back pages of the newspaper. 2. A number of soldiers was hurt in the were increasing. attack. A123 8) 2, 3,4 ois 3. A hundred soldiers has put down their | D)1,3 B24 ee 4. Both coffee and tea are served here. 13. Choose the correct sentences. A)3,4 B)1,4 C)1,2 0/23 B24 1, The number of the scientists taking part in. the conference were fifty. 2. A number of scientists have been awarded 49. Choose the correct sentences. 1, Alhundred soldiers was marching through | henunber of th recently. the snow. th Sale pest comenitnaliedny, | 2A aaaietatclnntetare wsedtone oe ' the wind. medicine. i 4, Different ways of learning English is 3. The British policemen does not normally taught all over the world. carry guns. A2,3 B)1,2 1,34 4. Both bread and milk are delivered ever” D)3,4 1)2p morning. ; ie ih AL - B)2,4 O18 414. Choose the correct sentence 0)1,2,3 £)2,3,4 1. There are two bottles of oil in the ‘cupboard. 20. Choose the correct sentence, 2, Some oil was used for making salad. ‘A) There was a lot of children’s teye!? 3. A box of sweets were bought at the shop. 9 the grocer's, B) There is a lot of children’s toys 4. How many kilos of sweets was bought? shop. Ss, aL tite A)2,3 B)1,3 C)1,4 D)1,2 &)2,4 €) There are a lot of children's 1° shop. . 45. Choose the correct sentences. D) ‘There were some children's te in the 1, There were two buckets of water on the ene the floor. E) There are some children's CY in 2. A lot of water were used to wash the dishes. 3. A few jars of honey was put on the table. 4, How many jars of honey were bought yesterday? A)1,4 B)1,3 ©)1,2 D)2,4 34 Ree Pare sere =I= t sentences okie ghee feo ge ot wwaday. (woe D)1,2 Bas e correct sentences, care ner ofthe damaged care were 1. Teed ater the flood. cruntfeand valeamen in welling goods at 2 Ae erade fir. «umber of tickets were 8old during a hort time 4. Ine use of mobile phones has become of hights were cancelled computers has become nowadays. are B34 O24 11,2 2,3 choose the correct sentences, B.Creewyiet of newly qualified doctors was fiially announced. 2 ne number of destroyed forests has 4.4 large number of research projects has been done. 4, The quality of delivered goods were high. 42.3 B14 ©)2,4 D)1,3 6)1,2 Choose the correct sentences. |. The number of the students is checked up. 2. The number of all the assistants are rey | certain. 3. The shop for babies have been closed. 4, Alarge number of houses have been recently. A)2,3 83,4 ©)2,4 D)1,9 E14 25. Choose the correct sentences. : 1. Many famous people wear these jackets. 2. Jack and David is moving back to Australia. Be 3. Someone has weighed our suitcases. da] | 4. There is workmen's lunch boxes in the | comer of the room. ei] | AL4 B23 ©)3,4 D)1,9 &)24 pe pet the correct sentences. eT Some people have very strange hobbies, 2. The hotel and the beach was nice: 3. Someone has torn the pages of the book 4, There is several children's shops in the street, 42,3 B)1,4 ¢)1,3 0)24 694 ‘The Agreement of the Preticn, le With the Subject 3.1wo toave 1 Dakergs * tOred were bought ar he Ay Bere wae aiterene mae Bia oy + SleoRe the correct ‘a sMrehitectute of Munich and Vienna is pi ftuimber of the unempi 8: A turnber of food pa food shi Products iw sold 2 {he furniture in the roome were aiive 02, 3,4 B12, 8 29, Sects the correct sentences. - Where are the boy's gloves? 2, Jack and Kevin were making Noise. tae 3. The list of exams ar the 4. These scientists’ success are ammasing Aa 82,3 C)2,3,4 D)i,2 £)1,3,4 30. Choose the correct sentences. 1. The bunch of flowers were on the table. 2. ‘These researchers’ discovery are very sorta of brend on ase 2 Dy2,4 3,4 tentincae loyed it tising, interesting. 3, Where are the child’s shorts? 4. The old man and his wife are sitting on the N23 B34 ‘Dy. B)1,2,4 31. Choose the correct variant. 1. All the answers to the question were 12,3 wrong. 2. The problems discussed at yesterday's ‘meeting were important. 3. Each of the children were asked lot of questions. 4, All the mistakes was corrected by the teacher. A)2,3 B)1,3 ©)2,4 0)3,4 B12 32, Choosé the correct sentences. 1. The pictures drawn by his son was colourful. 2, The vase with flowers was wonderful. 3, All the tests on Literature rey sical 4. The roads of the village was rebut A)1,3 B12 2,3 024 Ob4 , Choose the correct sentences. Rs time ‘ase of mobile phones are Hot he tted inside planes ved. ‘a, h lorry with large Boxes DANG jut cies, 3 The monument to the soldiers ee lined with trees: hill " 4, The streets of ne suse Ara 7. Choose the correct sentences: 1. How many loaves of bread was sold? 2. A loaf of bread was cut for lunch: A129 D)2,3.4 &)1,2 ‘The Agreement of the Predicate with the Subject 94. Choose the correct sentenc 3. The desks in the hall was 1. The answers to the exercive is on page books, Pian 102, cies 4. The difference between the two 2. The main sights of the city are visited by in great. SeNtieg ‘thousands of tourists, A3,4 02,34 gy All the tickets for the Concert were wold Dya.4 E14 ep ay 400A Rates on tis tab fo 41. Choowe the correct sentences, ULB Ro ran el of 1. The borders of the Sahara Des, A129 B28 ois over nine million square kilornect co" Daa Bie at 2, The bauket full of pears were browg, inside. i $5. Choose the correct sentences, e sentene 3.The number of Lal the goods were highly valiied, increased, ee ee ey hag . A number of jewels in the shop is 4. The popularity of . g hanainade, Aves ena one + All the sweets was eaten by the childien, )3,4 1,3 4 4 The list of exams was given to the ‘students. 42. Choose the correct sentences, A)2,3,4 Bis4 02,3 1. American sports are different from oy, D34 Bia iecctehte ere ‘$8. Choose the correct sentence. A) Different kinds of tea is sold in this store. 8) The number of the pupils in . the ae increased. eee The collections of toy cars was amazi ing, D) A lot of salt is found in sea water. 2. Everyone in our class has seen that 3. Buckets full of water was carried 4. Police in many countries carries guns A)1,3 B)3,4 C)1.2 D)23 52, 43. Choose the correct sentences. 1, Traffic signals are used on roads and 5) The names with all these endings still railways. exists nowadays. 2: Everyone in the room were questioned by the police. “ 37. Choose the correct ‘sentences. 3. Each of the answers is worth 20 points. 1. The bunch of flowers is on the table. 4. Poultry is kept for their meat or eggs bay 2. The price of the cottages is high. A)2.4 B)2,3 4 es 3. Both Paula and I am tired. es : = ewe ee = 4. Each of these computers are/often used. _| 44- Choose the correct sentences. Ee A)3,4 B)2,3 C)i,2 D)i,3 62,4 1, Both copper and gold has been foundin this mine. = 38. Choose the correct sentences. 2. The girls and boys in this school wear y Ais 1 The number of enterprises have rapidly uniform. h increased. 3. Everybody at the party were invited to 2. The mixture of new and old buildings is dance. te attractive. 4. The police officer was looking for thet! |e 3, All the flour in the sacks were used last A)2,4 B)1,2 C134 Ap week, D)3,4 2123 ae 4. The sudden rise in prices was surprising. | je eee < . Choose the correct 8. AYANE- E)AFG: sONe8 DENS y Fee 1, Both the house and the garagebasbes? |) 39. Choose the cortect sentences. destroyed by the fire. 5 2. The animals in the Safari park live” natural conditions. 4 ‘at 3; Everyone in the office were given *P* paper to write on. ee 4, "The police inspector was checking YP documents at that moment: oust A)1, 2,3 B)1,2 D b)3,4 2,4 1. The hairdresser for ladies works on the first floor. 2. The leaves of the tree has already fallen, 3. There was a lot of flour in the sack, 4, Were there any new furniture in the flat? / A)1,4 B)2,4 ©)1,2 D)1,3 &)2,3 40. Choose the correct sentences. 1. UK tobacco companies have increased their production. 2, The works of this writer is much talked about. ~174- lave rapidly suildings is 2 used last surprising 3 BE) a4 sof the yy sole” ick the pe A)? wee Ce i re a de toad 5 1¢ world value ms ia Sets Lote the cor 16 peoP le ation Tein menue ned 13 a better ife. a oer Pe i ‘ ages he ae oneceletee cay = a TB egal much fe ee A eo ag B23 cient = = canmenrat a, | Ss ere iti | oS spain er of eu ee Pi eee “fo ony. isto 62, Chico, 8)2, 5 a crease. Se : tence er =| telephe ae : nae ‘bor pele Wane : = ee aaa D)i,4 ae ee. |. The ais us i , ia he Oe | ae pie eats * Hats NE of foes Ps tay He . : 2 nog eon = | Tee ae ian | ae oe 3 re sae untry, ary col ‘Paintin 19. Chi d Das : 1 ee ieee Ballon oe ee ect sent ‘ u . = : present: OtlIGES were cd £ ee oe enn, Were used for the 4 si ‘sof : 2. Thi aon eee rage i = —— a ent has relate eee a eal — ofan wan id = , “ : He 8 oper | 3. re 80. Choose B)1,2. 02,3 ae = = fy L ead ; 7 : 4 se gal The new methods of ocr ee eee # 2A read rapic per sh os A)2,4 af Mersel tales oe asl D) a f 13 3 ty oct a oot s. Alic . 3 | aaa z i 1 56, Chi theo wel * te eee ne = 45, ch008? ee | exp members of th wer = Tiga [| Ana eye space | ese pad pee ee dest! se Choose th ee o> = the oh A arf goons see at io a The, bee cae | are : : for i 3. pet atogt, (as wit the wo es ve : e oul i oP it ity 4 4. tsb. plate fall of aes : = z = ae 4 me? onl® ath? the nu; grapes was lai : oh d us 8, ayineteai imber of ity ce eh Seco - et users emai | | = 2 3. The : e studer 1,3. D)14 aus’ aut: ove | »3 8)! -15-

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