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Lecturer: MS. Ly Kieu Hanh

Group: 1
Class: 231_ENTH1511_33

Ha Noi, 2023
Topic: Environment
Group: 1
Class: 231_ENTH1511_33
Teacher: Ly Kieu Hanh
Leader: Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung

No Name Task Class Mark

1 Van Thi Quynh Anh Powerpoint K58U
2 Bui Thi Ngoc Bich K58U
3 Nguyen Thi Quynh Chi K58U
4 Nguyen Manh Cuong K58U
5 Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung Word, definition + causes K58U
of environment 1
Time: From 9PM to 10PM
Place: Google meet
Date: 25/09/2023
Members: All member in group 1
Content for discussing:
- Contributing ideas
- Dividing the task of searching for topics and information
Topic: Environment
Nguyen Thi Thuy Dung
1. Definition of the environment.......................................................................6
2. The roles of the environment.........................................................................6
3. Real situation and causes of environmental pollution...................................6
3.1. Water pollution........................................................................................7
3.2. Air pollution............................................................................................7
3.3. Global warming.......................................................................................8
3.4. Plastic pollution.......................................................................................8
4. The impact of the environmental pollution...................................................8
5. Ways to protect the environment.................................................................10
It's nice to imagine yourself in the center of a luscious, green forest, complete
with chirping birds and crisp, clean air. For the benefit of future generations, we
wish to preserve this lovely world. But at this time in history, the environment,
which is the foundation of life, is suffering the most significant problems. A
billion people and also millions of other animal and plant species are under
danger of extinction due to factors such as climate change, contaminated air,
natural disasters, storms, and floods. Not just scientists and environmental
activists care about the environment. It has a direct effect on how well our lives
turn out, how well ecological systems survive stress, and even how the earth
will fare in the future. Therefore, humans must ask themselves the question:
"Will we continue to destroy this planet, or can changes be made to protect it
for our future and future generations?” In this essay, our team will get
knowledge about the current state of our environment and suggest solutions to
create a greener planet.
1. Definition of the environment
Environment means what surrounds us. It may be living or non-living things. It
includes physical, chemical and other natural forces. In the environment there
are different interactions between animals, plants, soil, water, and other living
and non-living things.
2. The roles of the environment
Environment plays an important role in healthy living and the existence of life
on planet Earth. A clean environment is necessary for a peaceful and healthy
- For humans:
The environment provides fresh air to breathe, clean water to drink and food
for us to eat. It also creates green spaces and natural landscapes for relaxation
and stress relief. The environment affects our health and plays an important role
in our economic well-being.
- For animals:
The environment is what provides shelter, food and habitat for animals.
Biodiversity in the environment keeps animals alive and ensures ecological
- For nature:
The environment creates and maintains biological diversity. It provides
habitats and food sources for billions of species, from plants to animals, and
creates a natural balance in the ecosystem. It also contributes to determining the
planet's climate, influencing climate change and weather influencing climate
and weather changes while also carrying important cultural and spiritual values.
It fosters the human connection with nature, provides inspiration for art and
culture, and is an important part of the beautiful natural world that we have a
responsibility to protect and preserve for the future.
3. Real situation and causes of environmental pollution
The current environment is seriously polluted, surely this is something that
everyone knows. Especially air pollution, water pollution, ... that have been
threatening human life. In developing countries like Vietnam, the indiscriminate
exploitation of natural resources has depleted resources. And seriously affects
the environment. That means people's lives will be even more difficult.
Environmental pollution can exist in many different forms such as air pollution,
soil pollution, noise pollution, radiation pollution. For each type of pollution,
there are different causes that affect the lives of people.
3.1. Water pollution
Water pollution is the contamination of bodies of water such as lakes, rivers,
oceans, and groundwater. Water pollution can have many different causes. The
main reason for water pollution is the daily activities of everyone. The next
reason, disasters always happen to contaminate the water. Besides, the operation
of the plant also pollutes the water because industrial wastewater has not been
treated, it pollutes the water.
Water pollution can have a wide range of harmful effects on the environment
and human health. It can disrupt aquatic ecosystems, killing fish and other
aquatic life, reduce biodiversity and harm fragile ecosystems like coral reefs,
leading to contaminated drinking water, causing various health issues when
consumed, including gastrointestinal problems, diseases, and even long-term
health risks like cancer, destroy or alter the habitats of many aquatic species,
potentially leading to population declines or extinctions.
3.2. Air pollution
N Air pollution is contamination of the indoor or outdoor environment by any
chemical, physical or biological agent that modifies the natural characteristics
of the atmosphere. Household combustion devices, motor vehicles, industrial
facilities and forest fires are common sources of air pollution. Pollutants of
major public health concern include particulate matter, carbon monoxide,
ozone, nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. Outdoor and indoor air pollution
cause respiratory and other diseases and are important sources of morbidity and
An increased risk of heart disease, wheezing, coughing, and respiratory
problems and skin, nose, and throat irritation can be caused by high levels of air
pollution. Air Pollution affects human health in different ways. It’s may also
cause heart attacks, asthma, and other respiratory complications. Like humans,
animals can also suffer from a variety of health problems because of air
pollution, including birth defects, reproductive failure and diseases.
Besides the impact on humans and livestock, air pollution causes a variety of
environmental effects. Acid rain includes high levels of nitric and sulfuric acids
that are formed by the burning of fossil fuels by the oxides and sulfur oxides
released into the air. Acid rain kills trees and acidifies soils and bodies of water,
making survival difficult for fishes and other marine organisms.
3.3. Global warming
Burning fossil fuels, cutting down forests and farming livestock are
increasingly influencing the climate and the earth’s temperature. This adds
enormous amounts of greenhouse gases to those naturally occurring in the
atmosphere, increasing the greenhouse effect and global warming.
Increased ocean temperatures are melting glaciers and ice caps all over the
world. Melted ice increases the volume of water in our oceans. Warmer
temperatures also result in the expansion of the water's mass, which causes sea
levels to rise, threatening low-lying islands and coastal cities. Extreme weather
events like bushfires, cyclones, droughts and floods are becoming more frequent
and more intense as a result of global warming. Warming waters are bleaching
coral reefs and driving stronger storms. Rising ocean acidity threatens shellfish,
including the tiny crustaceans without which marine food chains would
3.4. Plastic pollution
Plastic pollution, accumulation in the environment of synthetic plastic products
to the point that they create problems for wildlife and their habitats as well as
for human populations. Because plastic is so widely used, it almost always ends
up in the environment, causing more plastic pollution.
The amount of plastic waste and plastic bags discharged into the environment
is increasing, while management, collection and treatment are not effective, so
the phenomenon of burning plastic waste and plastic bags in the environment
will create many types of toxic gases. In which dioxin and furan are extremely
toxic substances, capable of causing difficulty breathing, affecting the endocrine
glands, reducing immunity and disrupting digestive function... In particular,
people who are regularly exposed to toxic substances This means the risk of
getting cancer is very high. In addition, according to scientists, it takes 500 to
1,000 years for plastic bags to decompose in the natural environment. The waste
of plastic and nylon bags everywhere is also a favorable condition for diseases
to multiply and develop.
4. The impact of the environmental pollution
Environmental pollution is becoming one of the most serious issues for all life
on this planet. The impact of environmental pollution does not stop at one
aspect; it extends to various aspects of life, including humans, animals, nature,
landscapes, and the development of nations. This raises a series of questions
about the current and future state of this planet, and we need to be aware of
these alarming effects to take concrete action.
- For humans:
There is the impact of environmental pollution on humans. Environmental
pollution has a range of adverse effects on human health and life. Firstly, it
leads to health problems due to exposure to harmful substances such as
particulate matter, vehicle emissions, and poor water quality. People living in
polluted cities often face respiratory issues and health conditions related to
environmental pollution. Secondly, environmental pollution contributes to
climate change and increases the risk of climate-related disasters. Extreme
natural phenomena like tropical storms and more severe hurricanes have caused
and continue to cause serious consequences for human lives and property.
Furthermore, environmental pollution also affects the mental well-being of
humans. Polluted, bizarre, and stressful environments can lead to poor mental
health, threaten mental stability, and reduce the quality of life.
- For animals:
Environmental pollution also poses a significant threat to the existence of
many animal species. Habitat destruction and a decline in biodiversity have led
to the endangerment of many species. Changes in the environment can also
result in shifts in the distribution and abundance of animal species, disrupting
natural food chains and ecosystems. Additionally, environmental pollution
weakens the immune systems of animals, making them more susceptible to
diseases and infections. These consequences can extend to humans through the
transmission of diseases from animals.
- For natural and national landscape:
Finally, environmental pollution also leads to the degradation of the natural
environment and the national landscape. Dense forests and river systems are
being destroyed, and natural landscapes are significantly altered due to
increased emissions and urbanization. This not only affects the natural scenery
but also threatens crucial resources such as water, land, and minerals. Water
pollution leads to dirty water and the loss of clean water sources, affecting the
sustainable development of nations. The economic and social development of a
country is also affected by environmental pollution. It increases the costs
associated with treating pollution-related illnesses, puts significant pressure on
natural resources, and poses a significant challenge in ensuring sustainable
The impact of environmental pollution is a global issue and holds great
importance for our lives, our planet, and the development of nations. We are
facing a significant challenge, and only through global cooperation and
informed decisions can we have the opportunity to protect our planet and the
future of humanity and other living species.
5. Ways to protect the environment
We can see that environmental pollution will lead to a series of negative
phenomena, affecting the quality of life and survival of humanity in the future.
Therefore, we must join hands together to protect the environment. The
environment is our source of life. Protecting the environment is protecting life,
protecting the breath and life of each person. Here are some solutions:
- For individuals:
+ Save energy: Use natural light when possible and turn off lights when not in
use. Use energy-efficient electrical appliances and turn them off when not in
use. This helps reduce power consumption and carbon emissions.
+ Use cars and motorbikes less: Consider using public transport, walking,
cycling or car sharing to reduce carbon emissions from personal vehicles. When
it is necessary to use a car, consider choosing vehicles with high energy
efficiency or using electric cars.
+ Save water: Close faucets when not in use, reduce shower time and install
water-saving devices. Avoid using washing machines and dishwashers when
they are not full.
+ Waste separation and recycling: Separate organic waste, plastic, paper and
metal to ensure they are recycled. Avoid burning waste, as it causes air
+ Use recycled and organic products: Choose recycled and organic products,
including organic foods. This helps reduce waste and limit the use of toxic
substances in the production process.
+ Use environmentally friendly chemicals and materials: When purchasing
products such as paints, cleaners, insect repellents and foundations, choose
products with non-polluting and environmentally friendly ingredients. originate
from renewable sources.
+ Small daily actions: Use reusable cloth bags instead of plastic bags, use metal
or glass straws instead of plastic, and reduce printing by using email instead of
fax or post office.
These simple daily actions can help individuals protect the environment and
reduce negative impacts on the ecosystem.
- For the government:
- For the government:
+ Set environmental policies and regulations: The government needs to
establish strict environmental regulations and policies to monitor, control and
minimize negative impacts on the environment. In addition, it is necessary to
build effective drainage and waste management systems to protect water and air
+ Encourage the use of renewable energy: The government can create favorable
conditions and encourage investment in renewable energy sources such as solar,
wind, hydropower and bioenergy. Promoting the use of new technologies and
cleaner production processes can reduce carbon emissions and dependence on
fossil energy.
+ Protect and restore ecosystems: The government is responsible for protecting
and restoring important ecosystems such as forests, streams, wetlands and seas.
This can be done through careful management of nature reserves, implementing
measures to protect endangered flora and fauna, and strengthening land
+ Encourage the use of environmentally friendly means of transport: The
government can introduce policies to support and encourage the use of public
transport, electric vehicles, technology vehicles and bicycles. At the same time,
it is recommended to invest in efficient transportation infrastructure and regular
maintenance to reduce traffic congestion and emissions from personal vehicles.
+ Ensuring sustainable development: The government needs to set goals for
sustainable economic development and design policies to encourage
environmentally responsible production and consumption. This can ensure that
economic progress does not degrade natural resources and the climate.
+ International cooperation: The government needs to participate in
international agreements and arrangements to protect the environment. This
includes providing funding, technology transfer and collaboration in reducing
environmental impacts such as climate change and pollution internationally.
The above solutions are just some examples, the government can apply many
other measures to protect the environment and ensure sustainable development
in the future.
Humans account for only 0.01% of all life on Earth, yet our impact on the
planet is profound. Though unintentional, human activities like transportation,
manufacturing, and agriculture generate environmental pollution. The
environment is a precious and limited resource that requires our attention and
efforts to protect and preserve. Environmental sustainability is a critical issue in
the development of societies. Our actions today will have a profound impact on
the world we leave for future generations. By promoting global advocacy, using
renewable energy sources, reducing waste and promoting conservation, we can
minimize the damage to our planet. Every individual can play a role in this
important mission through meaningful actions in their daily lives. For the well-
being of all life on Earth, let's create a future that is more sustainable!


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