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De La Salle University

Gokongwei College of Engineering

Mechanical Engineering Department
Term 2, A.Y. 2022 - 2023


Pneumatics Report 2

Submitted by:
Acdal, Jericho Jose S.
Agustin, Raphiel Vincent C.
Montealegre, Theodore Allan II M.
Ortiz, Enrique Emmanuel S.
Villaruel, Kirk Patrick P.
Wong, Ludi Mae A.
Yabut, Jose Emmanuel D.

Submitted to:
Dr. Alvin Chua

Submission date:
April 4, 2023
I. Introduction
In this experiment, the students were tasked to complete 4 different activities. The first
activity enabled the students to create a pneumatic control circuit needed for a grinding machine.
The second activity enabled the students to understand the operation of sensor integrated control
circuits, build a similar circuit with a double-acting cylinder, and perform condition analysis. In
the third activity, the students were asked to build a control circuit without a reference layout as
well as explain the function of an automatic double-acting cylinder circuit. For the fourth and last
activity, the students were asked to build a control circuit that is simple, two cylinder control
circuit and used for operating a press as well as a safe, two-handed operating system.
Additionally, the students will utilize several operating components, which are vital in the
operation of a pneumatic control circuit. Pressure regulators in the Pneumatic workstation
PN-2001, to regulate the pressure of the compressed air being supplied to the pneumatic
workstation. Directional control valves will control the direction of the air through the tube going
to the cylinder that will allow the retraction and extension of the cylinder to take place. Lastly,
rubber hoses, which are essential for allowing the compressed air to flow, connecting the
directional control valves to the cylinders.

II. Experimental Procedures

This experiment builds upon a previous one, conducted on pneumatic systems. It involves
connecting various systems using pressurized air tubes, and the students are expected to observe
and recognize the outcomes of different configurations. Initially, the following systems are to be
linked in the manner described below:
1. A Grinding Machine Pneumatic Control Circuit

Figure 2.1. Grinding Machine Circuit

In Figure 2.1, there is a control circuit for pneumatic systems that includes
a T distributor connected to two 3/2-way roller valves with spring return(LV1 and
LV2). Additionally, there is a 3/2-way push-button valve(V1) that connects to the
remaining port of the T distributor, a 5/2-way double pilot valve. And a
double-acting cylinder (CY3) located at position C+.

2. A Sensor Integrated Control Circuit with a Double-Acting Cylinder

Figure 2.2. Sensor Integrated Control Circuit

The second circuit employs a double-acting cylinder (CY3) at position C+,
two 3/2-way roller valves with spring return (LV1 and LV2), and three valves
with manual buttons: V1 and V3 are 3/2-way valves with spring return, while V6
is a mushroom button valve.

3. Automatic Circuit with a Double-Acting Cylinder and Two Operating Valves

Figure 2.3. An Automatic Circuit with a Double-Acting Cylinder and Two

Operating Valves.
Figure 2.3 depicts a system that utilizes comparable equipment to the
second circuit, but with the inclusion of a T-distributor. The T-distributor is
connected to a port in LV2, the pressure source, and V6.

4. Operation of Two Cylinders, Used for Operating a Press

Figure 2.4. Circuit for Operating a Press

In Figure 2.4, there is a circuit that incorporates four 3/2-way valves with
spring return, two of which have roller actuators (LV2 and LV5), while the other
two have a mushroom button actuator (V6) and a manual valve (V1), respectively.
Additionally, there is a 5/2-way double pilot valve (V2) with the positive port
linked to a T-distributor. The circuit also involves two cylinders, a double-acting
CY3 and a single acting CY1, both situated initially at the C+ position.
III. Results

Figure 3.1. Pneumatics Exercise 1

Shown above is the pneumatic configuration of a grinding machine pneumatic control
circuit. As the name suggests, this type of circuit provides constant and accurate grinding
capabilities and is widely used in the automotive, metal fabrication, woodworking, and aerospace

Figure 3.2. Pneumatics Exercise 2

The image above shows the circuit configuration of a sensor integrated control circuit
with a double-acting cylinder. Based on the configuration of the circuit, the double acting
cylinder will continuously reach and return its extended (+) and retracted (-) states as long as
valve 1 and sensor 3 are activated. This type of circuit is commonly used in the packaging
industry, where continuous control over packages is required. Additionally, sensor integrated
control circuits are also used in the automotive and other industrial applications, where the
efficient movement of components from one position to another is required.

Figure 3.3. Pneumatics Exercise 3

The image shown above is the circuit configuration of an automatic circuit with a
double-acting cylinder and two operating valves. This configuration allows single cycle
operation and automatic operation. Moreover, automatic circuits with a double acting cylinder
and two operating valves are frequently used in applications that require efficient handling.
These applications include material handling, robotic industry, and packaging industry.

Figure 3.4. Pneumatics Exercise 4

The image shown above is the circuit configuration of an operation system of two
cylinders used for operating a press. This allowed for the double-acting cylinder to move as the
V1 and V6 valves were pressed simultaneously and not when pressed alternately. This type of
control circuit is often used in applications that involve opening and closing of gates, doors, and

IV. Discussion


1. Connecting valve LV1 to C- of valve V2 and valve LV2 to C+ of valve V2, will cause:
The control circuit not to function.
The piston to move to the C+ position and then stop.
The control circuit to continue functioning as before.
The piston to stop in the middle of its stroke.
2. Switching valves LV1 and LV2 will cause:
The circuit to function in reverse.
No change.
The piston to lock in the C- position.
The piston to lock in the C+ position.
To conclude, the conditions required for the correct operating cycle are:
1. Sensor V3 is activated.
2. Sensor V6 is deactivated.
3. Valve V1 is activated.
1. Valves V1 and V3 were connected in series. Why?
To prevent either one of them failing.
Each valve answers for one direction of movement.
To ensure that cylinder can be operated only when both valves are activated.
This type of connection does not effect the control circuit action.
2. Why was valve V6 connected opposite to the other valves?
No bearing on this circuit.
To act as a spare valve when needed.
To deliver air when valve V3 is inoperative.
To act as a safety valve.
1. The single cycle mode is enabled by:
The 3/2-way valve V3.
The 3/2-way valve V6.
The 3/2-way roller valve LV1.
The 3/2-way roller valve LV2.
2. Pressing both valves, V3 and V6, simultaneously will cause:
The piston to move to the C- position and stop.
The piston not to move at all.
The piston will perform a continuous cycle.
No change in circuit operation.
3. Can the piston be halted in the C- position?
Yes. Releasing valve V3 will stop the piston in any position.
No. The piston will always stop in the C+ position.
Yes. Pressing valve V6 will halt the piston in the C-position.
Yes. If both valves are activated.
1. Why are valves V1 and V6 connected in series?
Valve V1 is on standby in case V6 fails.
To ensure two-handed press operation.
Valve V6 serves as an air passage.
Valve V1 serves as a safety valve.
2. Cylinder CY1 is activated by:
Valve V1.
Valve V6.
Valve LV2.
Valve LV5.
3. Which one of the valves causes piston CY3 to move toward the C- position?
Valve V1.
Valve LV2.
Valve V6.
Valve LV5.
V. Conclusion
In conclusion, this experiment allowed students to explore the basics of pneumatic
circuits and compare them to logic circuits, where the flow of air is similar to the flow of
electricity. The lab manual provided diagrams for students as guides for the setups, but some of
the components had different orientations and appearances in actuality, making it challenging to
assess and follow the setups accurately. This experiment can be applied for industrial settings by
improving the productivity of the workplace. Additionally, a pneumatic control circuit provides a
reliable and efficient means of controlling a grinding machine that utilizes compressed air. In
performing this experiment, it should be noted that utilizing compressed air as a power source is
safer as compared to electricity or hydraulics. Moreover, utilizing directional control valves and
exhaust valves allows an even safer environment of the pneumatic control circuit. In practice, the
students should always be aware of the dangers of utilizing the pneumatic control circuit and to
have a better understanding regarding its potential risks. Safety precautions are also necessary,
while practicing these circuits, the complexity of the circuits increased with each assessment,
making it crucial to verify the accuracy of each setup, especially as the number of tube
connections increased. Overall, this experiment helped the students gain practical experience in
setting up and verifying pneumatic circuits.

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