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3/26/2014 SEQOHS

Please return this form to:

Oliver Campbell
SEQOHS Accreditation Manager
Accreditation Unit
Clinical Standards Department
Royal College of Physicians
11 St Andrews Place
Regent's Park
London,NW1 4LE

The occupational health service meets the eligibility criteria for accreditation

The occupational health service complies with all applicable laws and regulations

The needs for Public Liability Insurance have been assessed and appropriate levels of insurance are
provided for the services made available

All written and verbal information provided and yet to be provided regarding the accreditation process is
and will be accurate, true and not misleading.

I agree to update the information provided in this application should there be any substantive changes to
the information provided

I understand and acknowledge that providing falsified documentation or false or misleading information
for use in evaluating compliance with the Standards may be grounds for denial or revocation of
accredited status or may result in termination of the application

Valid notification in the register of data controllers

All public and private organisations are legally obliged to protect any personal information they hold, and
may be required to notify with the ICO. Notification is a statutory requirement and every organisation
that processes personal information must notify the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO), unless
they are exempt. Failure to notify is a criminal offence.
Notification is the process by which a data controller gives the ICO details about their processing of
personal information. The ICO publishes certain details in the register of data controllers, which is
available to the public for inspection. 1/2
3/26/2014 SEQOHS

Signed By:

Role: Managing Director

Organisation: ReSano Occupational Health

Supporting Comments: 2/2

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