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for Autodek Revit
1- Interface of the Plug-In 6
1.1- Login or Sign Up 7
2- Start Using Plug-In 9
3- Placing Electrical Panel And Transformer 11
4- Adding Feed Units Inside Project 12
5- Start Drawing a Busbar Line 13
5.1- Split 15
5.2- End Closer 16
5.3- Join 18
6- Edit 19
7- Elbows 21
8- Additional Elements 22
9- Feed Units 23
10- Switch Neutral 24
11- Switch Direction 26
12- Connect Element 29
13- Disconnect Element 31
14-Replace to Plug-In Feeder 32
14.1- Adding Top Of Boxes Into Plug-In Feeder 33
15- Rotate Line 34
16- Recolor 35
17- List 36
18- Shaft Design 38
19- Voltage Drop 40
20- User Guide 42
21- Account 42
22- Contact 43
23- Update 44
24- Collapse 44
25- Visibility Property of Families 45
26- Special Considerations in Plugin Usage 46

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
26.1- Current Direction Change in Busbar Lines with Special Elements 46
26.2- How to Add Top of Box? 46
26.3- Changing the Current Direction of the T Module 47
26.4- How do I add a T Module into the Busbar lines? 49
26.5- The Connection of a Shaft Design-created Line with Another Busbar Line 50
26.6- How to Make Physical Changes to the Elements? 53
26.7- Changing Id of the Busbar Lines 54

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team

Picture 1:Plug-Ins will place under the EAE Group tab inside the Revit 6
Picture 2: After clicking the EAE Busbar Plug-In button, the interface of the plug-in will
open. 6
Picture 3: Login Form of the Plug-In 7
Picture 4: Entering personal informations 7
Picture 5: Entering Activation Code 8
Picture 6: After Clicking the Build button 9
Picture 7: Busbar Design Form 9
Picture 8: Created Combinations 10
Picture 9: Selecting Created Combinations 10
Picture 10: Selection of Electrical Panel or Transformer 11
Picture 11: Placing Electrical Panel 11
Picture 12: Selection of Panel Connection 12
Picture 13: Placing Panel Connection on Electrical Panel 13
Picture 14:Start Drawing of Busbar Line 13
Picture 15:Start drawing from panel connection 14
Picture 16:Busbar Line with Electrical panel 14
Picture 17: Creating Bubsar Line 15
Picture 18: Using Split 15
Picture 19:Splited Busbar Line 16
Picture 20: Selecting End Closer 16
Picture 21: Select end of the Busbar Line 17
Picture 22: End Closer Updates it's Widht and Height Automaticly 17
Picture 23: Before Joining the Busbar Line 18
Picture 24:Joined Busbar Line 18
Picture 25: Using Edit 19
Picture 26: Selecting Busbar Line's new properties 19
Picture 27: Before Edit the Line 20
Picture 28: After Editing the Line 20
Picture 29: Selecting Busbar Line's New Combination inside the Plug-In 20
Picture 30: Selecting Elbows 21
Picture 31: Selecting an Elbow Product 21
Picture 32: Inserting Elbow and connecting Busbar Line 21
Picture 33: Selecting Additional Elements 22
Picture 34: Selecting Different Type of Additional Elements 22
Picture 35: Inserting selected additional element into project 22
Picture 36: Selecting Feed Units 23
Picture 37:Adding Transformer Connection 23
Picture 38: Placing a feed unit 23
Picture 39: Using Switch Neutral 24
Picture 40: Before Changing the neutral side of Busbar Line 24

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 41: After changing the neutral side of Busbar Line 24
Picture 42:Before changing neutral side of an element manual 25
Picture 43: After changing neutral side of an element manual 25
Picture 44: Using Switch Direction 26
Picture 45: Switch Direction DialogBox 26
Picture 46: Selecting element for direction change 27
Picture 47: New electrical direction of busbar line 27
Picture 48: Changing the electrical current direction of Busbar Element 28
Picture 49: After changing the electrical direction of an element 28
Picture 50: Using Connect element 29
Picture 51: Select first element message 29
Picture 52: Selecting second element message 29
Picture 53: Connected Elements 30
Picture 54: Show Disconnets 30
Picture 55: Selecting Show option for Ducts 30
Picture 56: Selecting Disconnect Element 31
Picture 57: Selecting disconnect element 31
Picture 58: After disconnecting element 31
Picture 59: Replace to Plug-In Feeder 32
Picture 61: Selecting Plug-In Feeder 32
Picture 60:Replacin Element 32
Picture 62: Selecting TOB inside of parameters 33
Picture 63: After selecting TOB 33
Picture 64: Selecting Rotate Line 34
Picture 65: Before rotating 34
Picture 66: After rotating 34
Picture 67: Selecting Recolor 35
Picture 68: Selecting Color 35
Picture 69: Selecting new color of Busbar Line 35
Picture 70: Adding products into List Form 36
Picture 71: Focusing the selected product 37
Picture 72: Export Message 37
Picture 73: Exported excel file 37
Picture 74: Selecting Shaft Design 38
Picture 75: Shaft Design Form 38
Picture 76: Entering Values into Shaft Design Form 38
Picture 77: Picking a point in Revit Project 39
Picture 78: Created Busbars for Shaft 39
Picture 79: Selecting Voltage Drop 40
Picture 80: Selecting first element 40
Picture 81: Coloring for voltage droped busbar lines 40
Picture 82: Voltage Drop value of element 41
Picture 83: User Guide 42
Picture 84: Login or Logut inside of Account Button 42

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 85: Account Form 42
Picture 86: Using Contact 43
Picture 87: Contact Form 43
Picture 88: Using Update 44
Picture 89: Update message 44
Picture 90: Collapse Button 44
Picture 91: Collapsed Plug-In's Interface 44
Picture 92: Changing Detail Level of Revit 45
Picture 93: Switch Direction at Bsubar Line which has a special elbow 46
Picture 94: Electrical Direction parameters of T Feeder 47
Picture 95: Electric current direction from right 47
Picture 96: Electric current direction from left 48
Picture 97: Electric current direction from middle 48
Picture 98: Selecting near point of Busbar Line 49
Picture 99: Drawing prependicular for line 49
Picture 100: Clicking any point of project and T Feeder creates itself 50
Picture 101: Graphic Display Options 50
Picture 102: Wireframe view of revit 51
Picture 103: Selecting center of busbar line 51
Picture 104: Selecting center point of other busbar 52
Picture 105: Aligned Busbar Lines 52
Picture 106: First Sample Busbar Element 53
Picture 107: Second Busbar Sample Element 53
Picture 108: Changing LineId or Line Name of Busbar Line 54
Picture 109: LineId and Line Name inside the Properties Window 54

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
1- Interface of the Plug-In

Picture 1:Plug-Ins will place under the EAE Group tab inside the Revit

The plugin interface can be found within the EAE Group tab. Simply click on the EAE
Busbar Plug-In button to open the entire plugin interface.

Whenever you install any Revit plugin associated with EAE, these new plugins will
likewise be conveniently situated under the EAE Group tab.

Picture 2: After clicking the EAE Busbar Plug-In button, the interface of the plug-in will open.

In the beginning, when you access the plugin interface, you'll notice that the majority
of buttons are initially disabled. To initiate the plugin's functionality, you must begin by
clicking the "Build" button.

Once you've clicked this button, and if you've previously logged into or registered with
the plugin, the most up-to-date versions of Busbar products from the Cloud will
seamlessly integrate into your Revit project. Simultaneously, all the buttons on the
plugin interface will become active. Furthermore, following these actions, the Busbar
design form will automatically appear.

However, if you're using the plugin for the very first time, you'll be prompted with a
Login form to get started.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
1.1- Login or Sign Up

Within the Login Form, individuals who have

previously registered with EAE Elektrik can
conveniently utilize the email address and password
associated with their registration. In the absence of any
prior registration, users should simply click on the "Sign
Up" option located within the form. This action will
trigger a pop-up window in their web browser, enabling
them to input their personal information.

Picture 3: Login Form of the Plug-In

Picture 4: Entering personal informations

Within the "Register" pop-up that has opened in the browser, the user should fill in the
required fields and click the "Send" button to complete the registration.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 5: Entering Activation Code

During the registration procedure, users should input the activation code they've
received at their registered email address into the "Email Activation" pop-up. To finalize
the registration, simply click the "Verify" button.

Once the registration process is successfully completed, users can then proceed to
enter their email address and password within the Login Form to gain access to the

For users who have previously logged into their plugin account, there's no necessity to
log in again when installing a new EAE plugin. As long as users remain logged in and
do not log out, all plugins across various Revit versions will continue to be active and
readily accessible.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
2- Start Using Plug-In

Picture 6: After Clicking the Build button

Upon successfully completing the registration and logging in, the next step for the user
is to once again click the "Build" button. Doing so will trigger the addition of Busbar
products to the project directly from the Cloud. Once all these products have been
seamlessly integrated into the project, the Busbar Line Design Form will automatically
appear on the screen

Picture 7: Busbar Design Form

Within this form, users are required to designate the fundamental attributes of the
Busbar Line they intend to establish. This involves entering the Busbar Line's name,
opting for the material type, indicating the amperage rating, selecting the Busbar code
associated with the product, specifying the number of conductors, and choosing the
desired protection level. Subsequent to these selections, users can initiate the creation
of a Busbar Line combination by simply clicking the "Create" button.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 8: Created Combinations

The combinations crafted by the user will be incorporated into the plugin's interface.
Thereafter, these newly created combinations can be accessed and chosen in the
following manner:

Picture 9: Selecting Created Combinations

Upon selecting the combination, the plugin will use the chosen busbar line
combination values to determine all the products that have been added to the project.
These values serve as crucial references for creating Busbar lines, which, in turn, play a
vital role in operations involving splitting and joining.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
3- Placing Electrical Panel And Transformer

Picture 10: Selection of Electrical Panel or Transformer

Inside the plugin, under the "Power Supply" option, there are Electric Panel and
Transformer models that are brand-agnostic and suitable for use in various projects.
Users have the option to pick these products from the interface and seamlessly
incorporate them into their respective projects.

Picture 11: Placing Electrical Panel

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
4- Adding Feed Units Inside Project

Picture 12: Selection of Panel Connection

By accessing the "Feed Units" feature, users can freely choose any feed unit of their

Various product options should be selected from the displayed on-screen form. To
complete the process, simply click the "Insert" button, and the chosen product will be
positioned within the project on an electric panel or transformer that was previously

The image below illustrates the installation of a chosen panel connection module onto
the electrical panel:

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 13: Placing Panel Connection on Electrical Panel

5- Start Drawing a Busbar Line

Picture 14:Start Drawing of Busbar Line

To initiate the busbar line drawing process, the user begins by clicking the "Draw"
button. The initial point selected is the center point of the panel connection module.
Given that the panel connection module is positioned at a specific height, it is
necessary to set a higher offset value for the busbar line to align correctly. As an
illustration, a value of 3000 mm is inputted as the "Middle Offset," prompting an
upward movement.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 15:Start drawing from panel connection

Subsequently, the user can continue along their chosen path, crafting the busbar line by
shifting it right, left, upwards, or downwards as required.

Additionally, the user can advance along their chosen route, forming the busbar line by
adjusting its position to the right, left, up, or down as necessary.

Picture 16:Busbar Line with Electrical panel

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Users have the option to begin creating a busbar line directly, without the need to add
an electric panel or panel connection module initially. They can initiate the drawing
process from any starting point by simply clicking the "Draw" button. Once the entire
design is finalized, the electric panel and panel module can then be incorporated into
the line.

Picture 17: Creating Bubsar Line

5.1- Split

To conform to production standards, the completed busbar lines in the drawing must
be divided. To achieve this, the user engages the "Split" button within the plugin and
designates the specific busbar line they wish to segment. The duration of this process
can fluctuate based on the length of the busbar line and the quantity of T Modules it

Picture 18: Using Split

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Although the plugin's special algorithms ensure high accuracy in determining the
direction of electrical current and the neutral direction in split busbar lines, it is
advisable for users to verify these aspects, taking all potential scenarios into account.

Picture 19:Splited Busbar Line

5.2- End Closer

You can establish connections between the ends of the split Busbar Lines and the End
Closer product by accessing it through the "Additional Elements" button.

Picture 20: Selecting End Closer

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 21: Select end of the Busbar Line

Picture 22: End Closer Updates it's Widht and Height Automaticly

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
5.3- Join

To reorganize a previously split Busbar Line, users can restore it to its original state by
utilizing the "Join" button. It's important for users to ensure that the combination they
select in the plugin interface aligns with the reference data of the Busbar Line they
intend to join. For instance, if the plugin interface selects a 2000-ampere Busbar
combination with code 20, the Busbar Line to be joined should also be 2000-ampere and
carry code 20 for compatibility.

Picture 23: Before Joining the Busbar Line

Picture 24:Joined Busbar Line

When Busbar Lines are joined, any End Closer products within them will be
automatically removed.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
6- Edit

Picture 25: Using Edit

By utilizing the "Edit" button, you can redraw a previously created busbar line with a
different amperage and adjust its unique attributes to recreate the line. It's essential for
users to be aware that the line they wish to edit must already be joined. After making
edits, if a new line combination is desired, the user should select the most recent
combination from the plugin interface.

Picture 26: Selecting Busbar Line's new properties

The new values of the edited line can be examined by clicking on any element within
the line, and you can access them through Revit's Properties Window. You can look at
parameters like "NominalCurrent" and "NominalCurrentCode" of the line to review its

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 27: Before Edit the Line

Picture 28: After Editing the Line

Picture 29: Selecting Busbar Line's New Combination inside the Plug-In

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7- Elbows

Picture 30: Selecting Elbows

Users can add special bend

modules to Busbar Lines
using the "Elbow" button. If
desired, the height and leg
lengths of these modules
can be manually adjusted.
After placing the product,
users can select it within
the project and modify the
parameters according to
their preferences.
Picture 31: Selecting an Elbow Product

Picture 32: Inserting Elbow and connecting Busbar Line

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
8- Additional Elements

Picture 33: Selecting Additional Elements

The products located within the "Additional Elements" button can be manually
selected and added to the project as needed. If the selected product has different
variants available, you can choose the desired format from the opened form and add it
to the Busbar Line in the project.

Picture 34: Selecting Different Type of Additional Elements

Picture 35: Inserting selected additional element into project

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
9- Feed Units

Picture 36: Selecting Feed Units

The products located within the "Feed Units" button can be manually selected and
added to the project as needed. If the selected product has different variants available,
you can choose the desired format from the opened form and add it to the Busbar Line
in the project.

Picture 37:Adding Transformer Connection

Picture 38: Placing a feed unit

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
10- Switch Neutral

Picture 39: Using Switch Neutral

The "Switch Neutral" function alters the neutral orientation of Busbar Lines that have
been divided. Once the "Reverse Neutral" button is pressed, it will automatically
highlight any component within the Busbar Line. Consequently, this operation will
invert the neutral alignment of the line.

In the context of Busbar Lines, the neutral orientation is represented by the color blue.

Picture 40: Before Changing the neutral side of Busbar Line

Picture 41: After changing the neutral side of Busbar Line

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
To ensure accuracy, it's advisable for the user to verify the neutral orientations of
elements within the Busbar Line following the execution of this action. In case of any
errors, it's possible to manually adjust the element with the reversed neutral
orientation. To make this adjustment, simply click on the "Neutral Inside" parameter
within the selected element.

Picture 42:Before changing neutral side of an element manual

Picture 43: After changing neutral side of an element manual

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
11- Switch Direction

Picture 44: Using Switch Direction

By utilizing the "Switch Direction" button, users have the capability to alter the existing
direction of a previously created and segmented Busbar Line. The duration required for
this task's execution hinges on both the count of T Modules within the line and the
overall length of the line. It is essential for the user to exercise caution when selecting
the initial element of the Busbar Line.

Picture 45: Switch Direction DialogBox

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 46: Selecting element for direction change

Picture 47: New electrical direction of busbar line

Users should exercise thorough diligence in reviewing the electrical current direction
of the Busbar Line, considering all possible scenarios. The electrical current direction is
clearly indicated by a red arrow on each element. In instances where an element
within the line has an erroneous current direction, users can manually rectify this by
adjusting the "Electric current direction" parameter located within the respective

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Picture 48: Changing the electrical current direction of Busbar Element

Picture 49: After changing the electrical direction of an element

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12- Connect Element

Picture 50: Using Connect element

Utilizing the "Connect Element" button enables users to establish connections between
Busbar elements. This process involves a two-step approach. Initially, you need to
choose the first element you wish to connect. Subsequently, select the second element,
and as a result, the nearest available connectors on these two elements will
automatically establish a connection.

Picture 51: Select first element message

Picture 52: Selecting second element message

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 53: Connected Elements

To verify if elements are interconnected within Revit, you can employ the "Show
Analyze" functionality within the Duct category. This feature provides a convenient
means to visually identify the connectors of elements that are not yet connected.

Picture 54: Show Disconnets

Picture 55: Selecting Show option for Ducts

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
13- Disconnect Element

Picture 56: Selecting Disconnect Element

The "Disconnect Element" button serves the purpose of severing all connections
associated with a Busbar element within a Busbar Line. This functionality facilitates
effortless modifications to the disconnected element, such as resizing, before
subsequently reestablishing its connection to the Busbar Line through the "Connect
Element" button.

Picture 57: Selecting disconnect element

Picture 58: After disconnecting element

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
14-Replace to Plug-In Feeder

Picture 59: Replace to Plug-In Feeder

The "Replace with Plug-In Feeder" button enables you to swap out a Busbar element in
a Busbar Line with a plug-in feeder unit. Users can choose between a single, double, or
triple outlet plug-in feeder and then simply click on the element they wish to replace to
execute the substitution.

Picture 61: Selecting Plug-In Feeder

Picture 60:Replacin Element

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
14.1- Adding Top Of Boxes Into Plug-In Feeder

To add a box to a Plug-In Feeder product, users should start by selecting the desired
product. Next, within the "Properties" tab, they should make a selection from the
available options within the "Box1" section. The chosen box will then be incorporated
into the product.

It's crucial for users to be aware that the product they're adding the box to should not be
currently connected to any other elements. After adding boxes to the product, users
should reconnect the product to the Busbar Line using the "Connect Element" button
found within the plugin.

Picture 62: Selecting TOB inside of parameters

Picture 63: After selecting TOB

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
15- Rotate Line

Picture 64: Selecting Rotate Line

The "Rotate Line" feature enables users to change the direction of movement for Busbar
Lines. This action reverses the direction for all Busbar Lines that do not include T
Modules. To utilize this functionality, simply click the "Rotate Line" button within the
plugin and subsequently choose the specific Busbar Line you wish to reverse.

Picture 65: Before rotating

Picture 66: After rotating

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
16- Recolor

Picture 67: Selecting Recolor

By using the "Recolor" button, users have the ability to apply various colors to either the
entire Busbar Line or specific products. Within the Recolor Form, users can pick their
preferred color and select the target for coloring, whether it's an individual element or
the entire Busbar Line. Subsequently, users should choose the products or the Busbar
Line they wish to color within the project.

Picture 68: Selecting Color

Picture 69: Selecting new color of Busbar Line

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
17- List

The "List" button facilitates the creation of a list containing Busbar Lines that have
been drawn and separated within the project. Upon clicking the "List" button, within
the displayed form, users have the option to either individually select and add lines to
the list using the "Add Line" button, or they can choose to import all the busbar
elements into the form simultaneously by clicking the "Get All Lines" button.

Picture 70: Adding products into List Form

By choosing items from the list within the form, you can access their respective
positions within the project. Furthermore, you'll be able to review the key attributes and
view representative images associated with these items in the form.

When an item is selected within the list form, it will also automatically become the
selected object in Revit's 3D project view, and it will be centered on the screen for your

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 71: Focusing the selected product

Users have the option to export the list of items they've added to the form in Excel
format to their computer's desktop. They can achieve this by simply clicking the
"Export" button located within the form.

Picture 72: Export Message

Picture 73: Exported excel file

Alternatively, by clicking the "Offer" button, the user can send the list of items to EAE
Elektrik as a discovery list.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
18- Shaft Design

Picture 74: Selecting Shaft Design

The "Shaft Design" button serves as a tool that instantly generates a busbar line
within shaft voids. Upon clicking this button, the user will be directed to a
"Level and Floor Design Form."

Picture 75: Shaft Design Form

In the form, individuals have the ability to input essential information about the
building, including floor height, floor thickness, and the total number of floors.
Once this data is provided, clicking the "+" button will generate a table within
the form that presents details such as floor heights, top and bottom elevation
levels for each floor, and floor thicknesses.

Picture 76: Entering Values into Shaft Design Form

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Within the table, users have the capability to fine-tune floor heights and floor
thicknesses for each floor. After all necessary adjustments are made, the user should
proceed by clicking the "Continue" button. They will then need to select a specific point
within the project where the design will be positioned.

Picture 77: Picking a point in Revit Project

Picture 78: Created Busbars for Shaft

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19- Voltage Drop

Picture 79: Selecting Voltage Drop

The "Voltage Drop" button enables users to generate predictions concerning voltage
drop in busbar lines. To utilize this feature, users should designate the initial element
where the energy initiates within the busbar line.

Picture 80: Selecting first element

Using the current values and internal resistance values of the chosen busbar element,
the system will calculate the voltage drop occurring within these busbar components.

Picture 81: Coloring for voltage droped busbar lines

The loss incurred by the busbar elements at 400 volts will be documented in the
Comments parameter within these elements. Moreover, the busbar elements will be

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
visually differentiated through a color spectrum ranging from green to red,
corresponding to their respective percentage of loss values.

Picture 82: Voltage Drop value of element

The Voltage Drop method computes voltage drop by considering the internal resistance
of busbar products. It offers insights into where the energy within the busbar line
should originate. In cases where the electrical room's precise location hasn't been
determined, this method can offer a predictive solution.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
20- User Guide

Picture 83: User Guide

The "User Guide" button guides users to access the plugin's user manual or video
tutorial. Users are given the choice between two options: Video and PDF, to explore
instructions on utilizing the plugin.

21- Account

Picture 84: Login or Logut inside of Account Button

The "Account" button encompasses both the "Login" and "LogOut" buttons, enabling
users to either sign in or sign out of the plugin as needed.

Picture 85: Account Form

Clicking the "Login" button triggers the opening of the Account Form, where users can
log in to their accounts.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
22- Contact

Picture 86: Using Contact

By clicking the "Contact" button, users have the option to send any issues or
suggestions they come across while using the plugin as a message to the EAE Elektrik

Picture 87: Contact Form

Furthermore, users can also access and review the messages they've previously
submitted through the Contact form.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
23- Update

Picture 88: Using Update

The "Update" button performs a check to determine if a newer version of the plugin is
available. If a new version is indeed found, the installation file for the update will be
downloaded and placed on the user's desktop. Users interested in installing this
updated version should ensure that there are no active Revit programs running on their

Picture 89: Update message

If the user's currently installed plugin version is already up-to-date, they will receive a
message indicating that they are using the most recent version of the plugin.

24- Collapse

Picture 90: Collapse Button

The "Collapse" button is used to close the EAE Busbar Plug-In panel where the plugin is
being used.

Picture 91: Collapsed Plug-In's Interface

When desired, this button allows the plugin interface to be minimized, making it

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
25- Visibility Property of Families

The families used by the plugin can modify their detail levels according to Revit's view

The images you have seen above are the rendered versions of the products in Revit's
Coarse, Medium, and Fine view options, respectively.

Picture 92: Changing Detail Level of Revit

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
26- Special Considerations in Plugin Usage

26.1- Current Direction Change in Busbar Lines with Special Elements

Elbow modules featuring customized leg lengths are designed to maintain the integrity
of the connection despite variations in electrical current parameters. This guarantees
the stability of the uniquely sized legs, ensuring they stay securely positioned even in
the face of changing current directions, a feat accomplished through the specialized
algorithms embedded in the plugin.

Picture 93: Switch Direction at Bsubar Line which has a special elbow

26.2- How to Add Top of Box?

To incorporate a Top of Box into an existing plugin feeder product within a line, follow
these steps:

1. Start by utilizing the "Disconnect Element" button within the plugin to detach
the plug-in feeder from the busbar line.

2. Subsequently, reselect the busbar element, and proceed to introduce Top of

Boxes to the element, specifying the desired values via the Properties tab (see
Picture 62).

3. Lastly, to re-establish the connection of the element to the line, make use of the
"Connect Element" button within the plugin.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
26.3- Changing the Current Direction of the T Module

The T Module encompasses two parameters that influence the direction of current
flow: Elbow current direction and Electric current direction.

Picture 94: Electrical Direction parameters of T Feeder

The electrical current flow direction within the T Module varies according to the
statuses of these parameters, whether they are in an open or closed state. You can
observe the shift in the electrical current flow direction within the element by referring
to the images below, which depict the open and closed states of these parameters.

Picture 95: Electric current direction from right

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 96: Electric current direction from left

Picture 97: Electric current direction from middle

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
26.4- How do I add a T Module into the Busbar lines?

T-Modules can be incorporated into busbar lines in two ways: either automatically
during the busbar line drawing process or manually via the 'Elbows' button within the
plugin interface.

When a user initiates drawing a line perpendicular to any busbar direction, an

automatic addition of a T-Module occurs at the point of intersection.

Picture 98: Selecting near point of Busbar Line

To begin drawing again, the user should first press the ESC key on the keyboard once while in
the drawing mode. Afterward, they can select a point that is perpendicular to a busbar to
resume drawing.

Picture 99: Drawing prependicular for line

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 100: Clicking any point of project and T Feeder creates itself

To incorporate a T Module into the Busbar line, the user can simply start drawing a
Busbar line perpendicular to the existing one at a nearby point. This action alone will
trigger the formation of the T Module.

26.5- The Connection of a Shaft Design-created Line with Another Busbar


To link the created busbar line with another line, the user should initially configure
Revit's Graphic Design Options to Wireframe mode.

Picture 101: Graphic Display Options

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 102: Wireframe view of revit

To align two busbar lines, the user can simply input the keyboard shortcut 'AL' for the
Align command. Then, they should proceed to choose the endpoint of the first busbar
line followed by selecting the endpoint of the other busbar line.

Picture 103: Selecting center of busbar line

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
Picture 104: Selecting center point of other busbar

Picture 105: Aligned Busbar Lines

Once the alignment process is finished, if the current directions and neutral directions
of the lines match, the user can establish a connection between the two lines by
utilizing the 'Connect Element' button within the plugin.

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
26.6- How to Make Physical Changes to the Elements?

The dimensions, specifically the width and height, of busbar elements can be modified
exclusively by adjusting the nominal current value and the nominal current code value.

Picture 106: First Sample Busbar Element

Picture 107: Second Busbar Sample Element

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team
26.7- Changing Id of the Busbar Lines

Users have the option to select all the elements within the Busbar Line and modify
their LineId and LineName parameters either individually or collectively. This
flexibility enables users to personalize the names of Busbar Lines according to their
preferences, and these changes will be reflected in the product list.

Picture 108: Changing LineId or Line Name of Busbar Line

Picture 109: LineId and Line Name inside the Properties Window

This plug-in designed and developed by EAE BIM Team

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