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ENGL 1301 Genre Analysis Outline Assignment

Instructions: Following the example of Dr. Nelson in the Genre Analysis Outline Demo video, organize your
analysis of the genre and rhetorical situation of your written text. Complete each chart with information from
your genre analysis notes worksheet in order to plot what you need to discuss in each section of your essay.

Section 1: Introduction

a. Identify the community that uses the written text you have analyzed:
Community Tamiu Students it says “Dinning services”

b. Identify the written text, its genre, and facts about the context of its production:
Written Text Advertisement for a affordable and easy meal plan for students at Tamiu
Genre Flyer
Author Tamiu Dinning
Audience Anyone at tame looking for a meal plan.
Date September 2023

c. Identify (1) why the community uses the genre of the written text and (2) how the written text demonstrates
the community’s purpose in using the genre (this will be your controlling idea):
Purpose Why: To advertise a meal plan to students.
How: They do this by listing the benefits on the flyer as well as trying to persuade the

Section 2: Body Paragraph 1

a. Describe the main point for body paragraph #1 that helps you prove your controlling idea (genre element +
community purpose):
Point 1 How the flyer is promoting a meal plan for students.

b. Identify the quoted evidence from the written text that supports the above point:
Quoted “Eating made easy”
Evidence 1

c. Explain how the quoted evidence supports the above point:

Explanation 1 It is promoting a easy meal plan for busy collage students.

Section 3: Body Paragraph 2

a. Describe the main point for body paragraph #2 that helps you prove your controlling idea (genre element +
community purpose):
Point 2 How this flyer is targeted to help relieve the cost of food for students.

b. Identify the quoted evidence from the written text that supports the above point:
Quoted “Flex Plans”
Evidence 2

c. Explain how the quoted evidence supports the above point:

Explanation 2 This shows the affordable options for students.

Section 4: Body Paragraph 3

a. Describe the main point for body paragraph #3 that helps you prove your controlling idea (genre element +
community purpose):
Point 3 How is meant to help with stress.

b. Identify the quoted evidence from the written text that supports the above point:
Quoted “Choose less stress”
Evidence 3

c. Explain how the quoted evidence supports the above point:

Explanation 3 It is advertising and showing how it will help with stress.

Section 5: Conclusion

a. Reiterate (1) why the community uses the genre of the written text and (2) how the written text demonstrates
the community’s purpose in using the genre:
Purpose Why: To promote a helpful meal plan to students.
How:By providing a dress free meal plan to them.

b. Describe why your insight about the community’s use of the genre / written text is important / significant:
Importance It informed them on there ability to have a stress free meal plan.

c. Describe what readers should do with this knowledge:

Implications Go get a meal plan.

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