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Ideas for IELTS Writing

 Topic 4: gender

 Gender and education

Men and women should have access to the same educational opportunities.
Males and females should be accepted onto courses according to their abilities.
Gender should be irrelevant in education.
It is wrong to discriminate against students because of their gender.
Student’s achievements should depend on hard work and individual merit.

 Gender and work

Men and women should have access to the same professional opportunities.
Both men and women should be able to pursue a career.
They should earn equal salaries.
Career success depends on individual merit.
Traditionally, women have been restricted to certain roles.
They were often employed as secretaries or receptionists.
Nowadays, a range of occupations is available to both sexes.
They should be employed according to their abilities, qualifications and experience.

 Women’s and Men’s roles in the Family

Some people argue that a mother should not work, they should stay at home and bring up her
children, and the father should be the breadwinner of the family.
Traditional gender roles are gradually changing.
Families can divide roles and responsibilities in the most convenient way.
Others believe that both parents should share these responsibilities.
Many fathers and mothers share their parenting and domestic responsibilities.
They contribute equally to childcare, cooking and cleaning.
Many women have better career prospects than their husbands.
Paternity leave and ‘househusbands’ are becoming more common.
Working women can take maternity leave during and after pregnancy.
Many mothers continue to work after this period.
In recent years, there has been growing interest in the relationship between equality and
personal achievement. Some people believe that individuals can achieve more in egalitarian
societies. Others believe that high levels of personal achievement are possible only if
individuals are free to succeed or fail according to their individual merits.

What is your view of the relationship between equality and personal success?

Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Throughout the history, people dream to live in a perfect society while they haven't agreed
how the ideal society would be like.
What is the most important element you think makes a perfect society?
How do people do to achieve an ideal society?


Some people think that men and women have different qualities. Therefore, some certain jobs
are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Ideas for IELTS Writing
Topic 4: Gender

1. 歧视 [v.] discriminate 10. 抚养孩子 [v.] bring up children
2. 不重要的 [adj.] irrelevant 11. 养家糊口的人 [n.] the breadwinner of the family
3. 个人优点 [n.] individual merit 12. 分担责任 [v.] share responsibilities
4. 追求事业 [v.] pursue a career 13. 休产假 [v.] take maternity leave
5. 赚取同等的工资 [v.] earn equal salaries 14. 怀孕 [n.] pregnancy
6. 局限于某些角色 [v.] restrict to certain roles 15. 更好的职业前景 [n.] better career prospects
7. 秘书 [n.] secretaries 16. 陪产假 [n.] paternity leave
8. 前台 [n.] receptionists 17. 家庭妇男 [n.] househusbands
9. 平等接受教育的机会 [v.] have access to the same 18. 养育子女和家务的责任 [n.] parenting and
educational opportunities domestic responsibilities

Practice 2:
1. 因为性别而歧视学生是错误的。 (It is adj. to do sth.)
It is wrong to discriminate against students because of their gender.

2. 一些人认为妈妈不应该工作,而另一些人则认为父母双方都应该分担这些责任。
(Some people ..., while others ...)
Some people argue that a mother should not work, while others believe that both parents should
share these responsibilities.

3. 很多爸爸和妈妈共同承担养育子女和家务的责任,在照顾孩子、做饭和打扫方面贡献均
(现在分词 contributing to 作状语)
Many fathers and mothers share their parenting and domestic responsibilities, contributing equally to
childcare, cooking, and cleaning.

4. 一些女性可能比她们的丈夫有更好的职业前景,所以陪产假和“家庭主夫”变得越来越普
Some women may have better career prospects than their husbands so paternity leave and ‘house
husbands’ are becoming more common.

5. 幸福的两性关系与分担同样数量的家务活没有什么关系,即使女人和男人一样有全职工
作。Happy relationships have little to do with sharing the same amount of housework, even when
women like men have full-time jobs.

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