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Autodesk Fusion 360 Module

Table of Content

1.0 Introduction ------------------------------------------------------------------ 1

1.1 Workspace --------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1
1.2 Hotkeys/Shortcuts ------------------------------------------------------------------ 4
2.0 3D Modelling ----------------------------------------------------------------- 6
2.1 2D Sketching ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 6
2.2 Extrude/Cut -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9
2.3 Plane ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12
2.4 Revolve ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 15
2.5 Loft ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 18
2.6 Fillet/Chamfer ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 20
2.7 Mirror ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 24
3.0 Rendering --------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
3.1 Physical Material ------------------------------------------------------------------- 27
3.2 Appearance -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 29
3.3 Scene Setting ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 31
3.4 Render -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 34
4.0 Drawing ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
4.1 Drafting -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 36
4.2 Dimensioning ------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39
4.3 Text ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 41
4.4 Title Box ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 44
4.5 Export --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 45
5.0 Assembly --------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
5.1 Exploded Parts ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 46
5.2 Assemble ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 51

Prepared by Dimo
Autodesk Fusion 360 Module


There are a lot of interfaces exist in Autodesk Fusion 360. It is best to get a
little idea of each interface before we go further to the details.

1.1 Workspace

Workspace can be found at the top left corner of the Fusion 360 software.

Design -This workspace contains all the solid

modeling tools, which means that everything you
model could potentially exist as a real physical

Render -This workspace contains tools for creating

high-quality renders of your 3D models, typically for
presentation purposes.

Animation -This workspace lets you animate

assemblies to illustrate how the movement of a
machine (for example) will work.

Simulation -You can use this workspace for strength testing and stress-
analysis simulations.

Manufacture -Allows you to create toolpaths and program various computer

numerical control (CNC) machines.

Drawing -This workspace allows you to create technical drawing of your 3D

modelling object.

In this module, we will only cover about design, render and drawing.

1.1.1 Design Workspace

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Autodesk Fusion 360 Module


6 7

Each number’s function is as below:

1. You can choose to use Solid modeling, Surface modelling or Sheet Metal.
We will mainly be focusing on solid modelling.
2. This is the main toolbar where you’ll find the sketches and features for
creating solid models, along with a few other miscellaneous tools.
Generally, you’ll work left to right -starting with Sketch, moving to Create,
then Modify, and so on
3. The Component Browser shows you the views, planes, and other
construction geometry you’ve created—some are created by default.
4. The View Cube allows you to rotate your 3D model in space and quickly
orient the viewport to face a particular side of the model.
5. The Design History Timeline updates as you create sketches, features,
and construction geometry. This maintains a history of everything you do
and allows you to go back and make changes as needed.
6. Additional view tools for orbiting your model, fitting it to the window,
panning, and zooming.
7. Various display settings and options. You can use this toolbar to change
the look and feel of the workspace and model, to set up the view grid and
determine how it acts, and to divide the view window into multiple

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1.1.2 Render Workspace

1 2 3

1. Render setup - It is used to setup the object and the environment to get
the realistic rendering as possible according to our preferences.
2. In-canvas render - It acts as rendering process button to begin and stop
the rendering process.
3. Render - Alternative rendering method which uses cloud rendering.
4. Browser - Shows all the components existed inside the current file
5. Rendering gallery - All the cloud rendering results will be shown in this

1.1.3 Drawing Workspace

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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



1) Create – to place and project the components into a single view at one point.
2) Modify – move or edit the current placement of component, text, or dimension.
3) Geometry – to create the geometry of the component such as the centerline.
4) Dimension – to put the dimension of desired edge, radius, or circle.
5) Text – enable text or notes that is necessary in technical drawing.
6) Symbols – construct a symbol that is use in technical drawing.
7) Insert – put image, table, or numbering.
8) Export – plotting the completed drawing into PDF file.
9) Drawing Space – all the drawing and dimension will be visible in this space.
10) Title Block – To put the title, date, and any important information about the
technical drawing.
11) Drawing Tab – can add one or more tabs of drawing for multitasking.

1.2 Hotkeys/Shortcuts
1) View Cube
Using View Cube, you can customize the angle of your
object view.

Pan and Orbit can also be done easily using shortcuts. It is shown as below:

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Pan Click and Hold Center Mouse

Click and Hold Center Mouse +
Zoom Scroll Center Mouse
Fit to Windows Press F6

2) Shortcuts enable you to do operations quicker and easier. These are the
most used shortcuts in Autodesk Fusion 360.


Appearance A
Circle Sketch C
Sketch Dimension D
Extrude E
Fillet F
Hole H
Joint J
Line Sketch L
Move/Copy M
Offset O
Pull Q
Rectangle Sketch R
Trim T

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Autodesk Fusion 360 Module


2.1 2D Sketching

1) Click the Sketch Icon at the first from left of the tab section and specify the plane
you want to use – Top, Sides or Front. In this case, Top Plane is chosen.

2) After plan is chosen, specify the 2D sketches you want to use. It has various kind
of sketching from Line to Rectangle until Conic Curve. Using these simple
sketches, we can produce a lot of shapes.

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Autodesk Fusion 360 Module

3) Rectangle is chosen. Specify the dimension - width and height of the rectangle.

The dimension can also be adjusted by double clicking to the dimension value.

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4) After the desire sketch is done, click the Finish icon. This will enable the sketch to
become a single region.

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2.2 Extrude/Cut

1) Using the existing sketches earlier, click the Extrude icon as shown and select the
Sketches made.

2) After selecting sketch, specify the height. It is as shown as below:

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Autodesk Fusion 360 Module

3) Final shape is produced.

4) Extrude cut also can be done from the same feature. First, a sketch is made on the
desired position.

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5) Click on the same Extrude icon and change the operation into Cut extrusion. Select
profile and specify the distance of the feature.

6) Final shape, combination of Extrude and Cut features, is made.

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Different type of directions, extent types and operations are shown as below:

2.3 Plane

1) Plane is made to sketch a 2D shape at specific position, plane, or face. There are
many types of planes you can choose.

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2) Offset Plane is chosen in this case. Click on any face or any plane to construct a
new plane. Insert the value of the offset, which is distance of the new plane from
the selected face.

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3) Offset Plane is produced.

3) Click on the plane to sketch a 2D shape on it.

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4) Use the same method as previous Extrude features to create a 3D shape.

5) New Join Features is added from the Offset Plane made.

2.4 Revolve

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1) Create a 2D sketch on a plane. Create an axis, as center of rotation, where the 2D

shape will revolve



Finished sketch is as shown:

3) Click Revolve icon and follow the steps as shown:

Profile > Axis > Angle > Direction > Operation

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4) Final shape is produced.

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2.5 Loft

1) Loft is made from series of sketches. It can be two or more, depending on the
desired design. Use Offset Plane and create 2D sketch using the planes made.

2) Choose Loft operations as shown.

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3) Select the sketches made from starting sketch until final sketch.

4) Click OK after the desired shape is achieved. Hence, Loft shape is done.

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2.6 Fillet/Chamfer

1) To create Fillet, choose Fillet operation as shown.

2) Select the desire edges where the Fillet operations is wanted. Insert the value of
Fillet. You can simply preview the fillet edges by inserting the values.

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3) Click OK if the desired fillet edges are achieved.

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4) For Chamfer operations, click the Chamfer icon as shown.

5) Same steps as Fillet operation are used. Select the desire edges and insert the
value of the Chamfer operation.

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6) Final product of Fillet and Chamfer operations are produced.

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2.7 Mirror

1) Mirror is made to copy a feature, body or component using a plane as the mirror
plane. First, construct an object.

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2) Construct a plane at the desired place. Use Offset Plane and position the plane.
This plane will act as the mirror plane.

3) Choose Mirror operation as shown. The operation order is as shown:

Profile > Axis > Operation

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4) Click OK after the desired shape is achieved.

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To produce a high-quality rendering, it is very important to know the steps and

settings used. In Fusion 360, a high-quality rendering can be done. However,
there are a lot of limitations and basics rendering only can be produced.

3.1 Physical Material

1) Firstly, you need to click on the

Physical Material as shown.

It is important to select the most

accurate material of the object
to produce the closest and
realistic rendering of the object.

There are a lot of Physical

Material in Fusion 360. You can
simply choose the most
accurate one.

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2) Click on the object and choose the desired material. In this case, ABS Plastic is
chosen. Click and Drag the material onto the selected object.

3) Object with ABS Plastic material is done.

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3.2 Appearance

1) Appearance affects the look of an

object. Color can be assigned into
specific faces or body.

Same as Physical Material,

Appearance offers a lot of color
and material for the object. You
can add them into your object
according to your preferences.

2) Select the face you want to assign the color. Click the color and Drag into the
selected face. In this case, we use Paint Glossy Blue.

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3) Final result is achieved.

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3.3 Scene Setting

1) Scene setting is used to set the

environment and lighting for
the scene. This setting only
affects the Rendering

In this setting, you can set the

environment, ground, and

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2) Final result after all the scene settings is set.

3.4 Decal

1) Decal can be put on object using

Autodesk Fusion 360.

It places an image on a selected

face. You need to select a face
and then select an image from
your computer file.

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2) Select the face where you want to put your decal on. Size and position of the decal
can be adjusted.

3) Final result after decal is put on.

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3.5 Render

1) There are two render settings in Fusion 360 – Fast and

Advanced. It is a shown as below. You can choose
either one as it will resulting the same outcome.

2) Click In-Canvas render to start the rendering. Hold and drag the arrow until
infinite zone as shown below, to get a high-quality rendering.

before after

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3) Rendering will take a take a lot of time to achieve a high-quality rendering. After
quality image is achieved, capture the image of the rendered file, and save into
computer file.

4) Final Image of rendering is saved in JPEG format. You can also choose another
format as well. Final rendering is shown as below.

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4.1 Drafting

1) Go to Drawing Workspace and choose Drawing

From Design.

This will bring you to the drawing workspace and can

start your technical drawing.

It is important to produce a good technical drawing with

the correct method.

2) Create Drawing enable you to customize your technical drawing format. You can
change the standard, units, and sheet size of your technical drawing.

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3) You will be directed into Drawing Workspace and position the base view of your
component. In this case, we will be making the third angle projection. Drawing view
also can be customized as shown:

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4) Click Projected View as shown. This will

enable you to put the other angle of your

It is projected from your parent view

which is shown before.

5) The other angle of the component is positioned and click the tick icon to confirm
the 3rd angle projection made.

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4.2 Dimensioning

1) Dimensioning is made to
show the distance or length, radius,
or diameter of the component made.

2) Select the first point of the desired edge that you want to create the dimension.

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3) Select the second or final point of the edge.

4) Drag and place the dimension at the desired place. Repeat the previous step until
all the dimensions are defined.

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4.3 Text

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1) Text also can be added if it is

necessary in the technical

It creates a note for the

technical drawing.

2) Specify the first and the last corner of the where the text wanted to be positioned.

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2) Adjust the format of your text according to your preferences.

3) Adjust and position the text by hold and drag the appointed text.

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4.4 Title Box

1) Double click on the title box to customize them.

2) Double click on the current text where you want to make changes. Insert the
new text and click finished properties.

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4.5 Export

1) Exporting file is creating a new pdf format of

the technical drawing made.

Save the file into your computer folder and final

technical drawing is done.

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5.1 Explode Parts
1) To create exploded parts, we need to select a single part as the main part.
Our suggestion is to make the car body as the main part. This is mainly
because it is the largest part of our car.

2) From the full design, remove all unneeded parts until a single part is formed.
You can use all the 3D modelling technique earlier to complete this step. Save
As the file and rename the file.

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3) Open the Full Design again and insert the new Save As file earlier into
current design. The steps are shown as below:

4) Position the Save As file into the current file. Make sure it is at the original
place of the component where it should be.

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5) Use Combine operation to create vacancy on the Save As file place.

6) Start with selecting the Target Bodies which act as the primary component.
Then, Tool Bodies which act as the secondary component which will be
removed. Lastly, choose the Cut operation.
Target Bodies (Full Design) > Tool Bodies (Rear Wing) > Operation: Cut

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7) After the operation is done, isolate the Rear Wing from the Full Design by
clicking the eye icon.

8) Final result is achieved. Repeat all the steps until final body and all parts is

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5.2 Assemble
1) Create a new file and name the file Assembly. This will be the file that we
will combine all the parts together.

2) Final Assembly is done.

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