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(civil Status 7 Single/Solo Parent __Martied __ Married, separated _ Widower _ Deceased _ Unknown whereabouts ‘Source of Income 7 Employment Name of Employer: __ Informal Employment (Tricyclefieepneylpedicab driver, manicurist, barber, et.) please specify _Micro/Small business (Sar-sari store, direct selling, etc.) please specify: _None (Gross Monthly Income Php 22,000.00 [Signature Ill, STUDENT APPLICANT'S GUARDIAN (LEAVE BLANK IF NOT APPLICABLE) Full Name Taghoy, Maria Cristina 7 Single/Solo Parent _ Married __ Married, separated _Widower _ Deceased __ Unknown whereabouts ‘Source of Income _ Employment Name of Employer: __Informal Employment (Tricyclesjeepneyipedicab driver, manicurist, barber, etc.) please specify: _ Micro/Small business (Sari-sari store, direct selling, etc.) please specify: None (Gross Monthly Income Php 0.00 Signature Thereby confirm that | am aware that any willful, unlawful, and untruthful statement or falsehood upon material matters stated in this affidavit and/or required by this voucher application, as well as other violations of the Guidelines on Eligibility and Application for the Senior High School Voucher Program in SY Page 2/3

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