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CHIN2344 – Short Stories: East & West

Instructor: Isaac Yue Office: 810 Email:

Tutor: Xinyue Zhang Email:
Time: Mon 9:30 – 11:30 Venue: CPD-2.14

Date Content Text
4/9 (Mon) “Introduction: Fiction and Translation” 魯迅:《孔乙己》
11/9 (Mon) “Literature and Society” Shirley Jackson: The Lottery
18/9 (Mon) “Violence as Art” 黃碧雲:《失城》
Tutorial 1
21/9 (Thur) Time: 12:30 – 13:20 Group Presentation
Venue: CPD-3.24
2/10 (Mon) Day after National Day (no class)
Charlotte Perkins Gilman:
9/10 (Mon) “Women and Feminism” (zoom)
The Yellow Wallpaper

16/10 (Mon) Reading week – no class

23/10 (Mon) Cheung Yeung Festival (no class)

30/10 (Mon) “The Problem of Cultural Identity” 白先勇:《謫仙記》

William Faulkner:
6/11 (Mon) “Gothic Tragedy”
A Rose for Emily
Tutorial 2
9/11 (Thur) Time: 12:30 – 13:20 Group Presentation
Venue: CPD-3.24
13/11 (Mon) “Decoding Colors” 張愛玲:《傾城之戀》
Katherine Mansfield:
20/11 (Mon) “Culture, Hierarchy, and Society”
The Garden Party
27/11 (Mon) “Dealing with the Past” Selection: 《話本小說》
Tutorial 3
30/11 (Thur) Time: 12:30 – 13:20 Group Presentation
Venue: CPD-3.24

Assessment: (Presentation: 50%) (Final Report: 50%)

Note: For your final report, discuss the translation problem of a short story of your choice. If
you have chosen a Chinese text for your group presentation, then your final report must be
based on an English text and vice-versa. The suggested word count is 3000.

Due Date: 10 Dec 2023

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