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Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs


Content Exceptional Solid Adequate Limited

Knowledge understanding understanding understanding understanding
and and clear and and
demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration
of the salting of the salting of the salting of the salting
technique. technique. technique. Some technique.
Accurate and Information is inaccuracies. Significant
detailed accurate. inaccuracies.

Creativity and Highly creative Creative and Some creativity Limited

Presentation and engaging engaging in presentation. creativity.
presentation. presentation. Adequate use of Minimal use of
Effective use of Good use of visuals, graphics, visuals, graphics,
visuals, graphics, visuals, graphics, and narration. and narration.
and narration. and narration.

Clarity and Clear and Mostly clear and Some clarity Unclear
Demonstration concise concise issues. explanation.
explanation of explanation. Demonstrates Demonstrates
the salting Demonstrates some steps few steps
technique. most steps effectively. effectively.
Demonstrates effectively.
each step

Use of Tools Skillful use of Competent use Adequate use of Limited use of
and Equipment video recording of video video recording video recording
equipment, recording equipment, equipment,
editing software, equipment, editing software, editing software,
and any relevant editing software, and tools. Some and tools.
tools. and tools. issues. Significant

Overall Outstanding Good video that Adequate video Below-average

Impression video that adequately with some video with
effectively teaches the shortcomings in significant
teaches the salting teaching the shortcomings in
salting technique. salting teaching the
technique. technique. salting


Criteria Excellent (5) Good (4) Satisfactory (3) Needs


Preparation Demonstrates Well-prepared Adequately Shows limited

and Planning thorough and organized. prepared with preparation. The
preparation. Provides a clear some plan is unclear.
Clearly outlines plan for the organization.
the steps and demonstration. The plan is
materials needed. somewhat clear.

Clarity of Clearly explains Mostly clear Some clarity Unclear

Explanation each step of the explanation of issues. explanation of
salting technique. each step. Explanation is steps. Difficulty
Provides Addresses somewhat clear. in answering
additional questions with Struggles to questions.
insights and satisfactory address
answers responses. questions
questions effectively.

Demonstration Skillfully Competently Adequate Limited

Technique demonstrates the demonstrates demonstration demonstration
salting technique. the salting with noticeable skills. Significant
Each step is technique. Minor errors. Some errors in
executed errors in steps are execution. Steps
precisely. execution. unclear. are unclear.

Time Manages time Mostly manages Some issues Poor time

Management effectively, time well, with with time management.
completing the minor deviations management. Significant
demonstration from the Parts of the portions of the
within the schedule. demonstration demonstration
allotted time. are rushed or are rushed or
extended. extended.

Overall Demonstrates Mostly Adequate Limited

Confidence high confidence confident, with confidence, but confidence, with
throughout the minor moments some hesitation frequent
demonstration. of hesitation. is noticeable. hesitation.

Overall Outstanding live Good live Adequate live Below-average

Impression demonstration demonstration demonstration live
that effectively that adequately with some demonstration
teaches the teaches the shortcomings in with significant
salting technique. salting teaching the shortcomings in
technique. salting teaching the
technique. salting


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