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Online Examination Form

 Profile  Exam Forms Re-Evaluation  Pay / Print


Examination Form (Session Dec-2023) Form No. : 48348 Type

:: Personal Details ::
 Student Name Jatin Kumar Verma
 Father Name MR. MAYA DUTT
 Adhar No. 832551845999
 Email ID / Login User Vjatin253@gmail.com
 Mobile No.: 8580918796
 College Green Hills Engineering College, Gandhi gram, Kumarhatti, Nahan
Distt. Solan (HP)
:: Form Details ::
 University Roll No. 21011003005
 Form Type: Regular
 Scheme CBCS
 Branch CSE
 Semester V
 Form Status Fee paid & Submitted
 Fee 2500.00
 Fine / Late Fee 0
 Total Fee Paid 2500.00
 Exam Centre Green Hills Engineering College, Gandhi gram, Kumarhatti, N
Bohli, Distt. Solan (HP)
:: Subjects Applied ::

SNo Subject Type Subject Code Subject Title

1 Theory CS506 Analysis and Design of Algorithm

2 Theory CS505 Software Engineering

3 Theory CS504 Artificial Intelligence & Expert System

4 Theory CS503 Computer Graphics

5 Theory CS502 Core Java

6 Theory CS501 Computer Networks

7 Practical CS-514 Industrial Training (Viva- Voce)

8 Practical CS-513 Computer Graphics Lab

9 Practical CS-512 Core Java Lab

10 Practical CS-511 Computer Networks Lab

Undertaking By the Student

I, hereby solemnly declare that the information furnished above is true to the best of my knowledge and b
also state that I have read the Ordinances & regulations of the university carefully and the provisions mad
are acceptable to me. I also declare that I will undergo such punishment as may be imposed upon me by th
Institute Authorities for errors and/or omissions including suppression of facts etc. I hereby declare that I
applied for any other examination of any other University / Body along with this examination simultaneou
further declare that I have not passed the Examination applied for here-in- before from any other Statutor

Date: 28/11/2023

Signature of Student

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