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HEYEAR-VS$ t COURSE CODE: 7BCHEIA ELECTIVE COURSE - I (A) - ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY i eal data analysis and Laboratory hygiene : cae ar lysis: definition for aecuraey precision and error. Sources of errors and elassiffeation of errors ~ systematic (determinate) errors and random (indeterminate) crrorg, Distribution of errors, Methods of minimisation of errors, 12.Data analysis: Mean standard deviation and coefficient of variance, S figure. 1.3.Reliability of results: Q = ction af experimental dat straight line graphs, 1.4, Laboratory Hygiene and Safety: Storag ~t Y corrosive, explosive. toxic and poisonous chemicals ~ general precautions for avoiding accidents = first aid techniques for acid in eye. alkali in eye, acid burns, alkali burns, bromine burns, poisoning, inhalation of gases. cut by glasses and heat burns ~ methods to avoid poisoning — treatment for specific poisons. ignificant st. Student — t= test and F-test - confidence limit and re rve fitting — methods of least squares — problems involving and handling of chemicals ~ carcinogenic. Unit I eparation purification and Chromatographie and Electrophoretic method: 2.1. Separation and Purification Techniques:Solvent extraction ~ Soxhelt extraction ~ Principles and applications of distillation, fractional distillation, steam distillation ~ crystallization and sublimation. 2.2. B ic principle of chromatography. Various types of chromatographic technique. Column chromatography. thinlay er chromatography. Paper chromatography. Gas chromatography. ion exchange chromatography and HPLC. 2.3, Basic principles of electrophoresis. Isoelectric point. Electrophoretic mobility. Electrophoretic separation of proteins, Unit UI Colorimetry and spectrophotometry 1.1 Theory of colorimetry and speetrophotometry: Beer ~ Lambert's law and its limitations. Standard series method and balancing methods. 1.2.Red ents. solutions and experimental procedure for the estimation of iron, lead nickel and tin. 1.3Basie principles of spectrofluorimetry. Reagen procedure for the estimation of aluminium, cadmium, . solutions and experimental alcium and zinc. Unit IV Gravimetry: 4.1. Basie principle. advantages of gravimetric analysi ALB p s. Solubility product. Super saturation. Co-precipitation and post precipitation, Digestion, Precipitation from homogeneous solutions. Precipitants . specific and sclective precipitant, sequestering agents. 4.2. Thermogravimetric analysis - Principle ~ instrumentation — characteristics of thermogravimetric curve ~ Applications of 1GA for calcium oxalate monohydrate. Dilferential Thermal Analysis - Principle ~ instrumentation ~ characteristies of differential thermal curve — Applications of DTA for calcium oxalate monohydrate nalytical techniques: 5.1. Blectro- gravimetry: theory of electro-gravimetry. Faraday’s laws. Ohm's law. Electrical units — ampere. volt, ohm and coulomb, Polarised and depolarised electrodes. Current density. current efficiency. decomposition potential and overpotential, Electrolytic separation of copper trom nickel and copper from lead. Estimation of antimony. copper. lead and tin in alloys. 2. voltammetry: principles of voltammetry. Experimental setup for polorograp! Types of polorographic methods. Determination of lead in tap water. 5.3 Electrochemical analytical techniques: Basic principles of voltametric analytical techniques. Potentiometric titrations and conductometric titrations. Irreversible electrode processes and overvoltage. Applications of overvoltage. Polorography and its applications. it V Electr analy Books for Reference: 1. R.Gopalan, P.S.Subramanian and K.Rengarajan, Elements of Analytical Chemistry, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi. 1995. 2. Douglas A.Skoog and D.M.West, Principles of Instrumental Analysis, New York. 1982. 3. Gurdeep Chatwal, Sham Anand. Instrumental Methods of Chemical Analysis. Himalaya Publishing House. Mumbai, 1998. 4. Vogel’s quantitative chemical analysis ~ 5th edition. -B.Saunders, * ede dede date de Skage Name : S$: PRADHEFPA sign S:PiaLd pn by unit - T 1 a Analytical data analysis ee wygiona Nod of “Aiatistical analysis + Patire fou Accufacy » precision are! FAOR Accusacy + Acumacy is tho difference bebwoen tho beuc value ard ¢ne valu obkatned . | Mathads of Empresaing AccuAacY : | Accuracy 4A gmpostd in bonmé Of abjelede Extor ard Zolakive sso. Te lowes these values ofe tho move will | be the ACCUIALY . | | Absolute. EAtOR : Tes \ Tho dibfosonce between the Kaue yaluo (x) and tho moatuted valuo (%) 46 Known % Absolute EAROR . Abpouike EAMOr = Xi —X, | | Rélative Egy: | The absolute Crvor @Nporacl oF A posconkage of Ho deur value is kKnoun 5 felative Ex08: Absolute Earor LED . A eee ee Relative ERR? Tio value (x) X100 l as say paocieu : proclaion 4s dotinal a8 the clogace ob agement id uo OR mose monsttod valews Of propaaty measured turdos Jdontical Conclition : Mothels of Empaowing precision » “Who pAgui“icn measusemen, tan be emporstel tn Hesms of pyorage devialion and Atandiasd doviadtéon. | | Avarage Meviation : | Average cloviodion 15 a monsusoment O§ a Sot 44 ike Tran o§ tho debference Of the individual maasusomoents . | | | | |B 9ek the Average Reviation : The average of tho givan Adk Of Values is Calculalec! | Tho cloviadion of cach Value grom the avesage 4s | Gleutated. | Tho Average of All those doviedi gives the Avesage | deviation . : | EGADA ! Tho Atbforence WkLen He moasurocd Values 8 psoperty ond its accurate value i Called Exxon. Clasaigicalion Ob Extoxs : The Cwm that Aue in a Chomical analysis are Classified enko +10 Hypos. ‘There ako. by Wetorminale error, W Mdoetosminate ERROR Metosminate Exo% : Determinate emo% have a derinite value and an assignable Cause . Those errors tan be avoided , Th (me i taxon. They ake unidisacttonal tovr0r%s will be mow to | Joss. Hen the accurate value ) ; Ketosmibrade erwr are Clorsibiad into iy Instrument ERxOW ‘tly Methed ERox ty porno)” EXKOR | Ghstaument Estos : Shataument EAsOR af intAcclinced by clobec tive indtauments. (£q) Wegeckive balanuws , woghts, pipettes » | buyettles dtc. | The pipette ix calibaated at got iB wed ak 30% Wil antxoduAd 2%%02 Lin volume The cA80%5 Whore avoidal by perreciic Calibsaticn O6 apparatus and waghts and also by changing -instaumont) Methed EAAO% : | Those essoas of2 intacduted by dobine Snpesimental Provedimes. (Eg) oi : , ° Andicatoa oe e Nie wate ee These aro dibéiculk bo Lcenk ify, Te avoid Hove ~ppaoas one mune bo Enaough with the theoretical part tho Omposi ments. Pessora) CARON + Thoxo ornoxs one inkxoclttced by pesKonal btects (or: Corelessnoss : (Eg) Human dobects in 2qos , mires » Oke, wixong Calculations , Wong Platernent 06 Chomitals , nothing wong Aings eke. Indekesminate ER%o2: Fpdoteaminate owvoms are CxOR Which AMAL In a MoasuAement, When alt Known Source of doteminate Es,0%. have boon idontisied and liminatat. ‘These essors ae also Called accidental x) mandam evvAs. (FQ) When Atuconis maasusing the boiling potnt 0 to liquil Succossvely Ropoats tre value AS 3 19.0, Hg g ) 1Q01°C. Those OXRORS AKL CAUSAL by b Intaeiments uncertadn ties th Mothod uncestainttes and ‘tit porsnol uncostain Les . Methods 06 Minimisation Grovss : . Aeterminate (syskematic vv» Aeterminate Ovross Are ‘oAsgrallo ; | Minune Hhose rors. Wwe’ will have +o une. intesnate Standard accepted instruments. aviiguments must be property maintained propos procedure must be Adoptecl to avoid metradic ORLOAE i To avoid poxsonal A025 me must bo CoAcBUI Ancf honest in Recording #ho obs atin “Grddesminate (Random exvor) | arcleterminate ovvors OA Luncobsllable | J minimize Lega evsors one muxt sepeak np Several times and apply Atatixtical techniques bo get | mamimum paocadon . | Blank omporimehis Ahold bo Conducted along with | | Fogular one. Coxe must be taken bo Avoid pessonal Crs0r- Whilo Baking Atadéngs one Mut bo voxy Corcéul | dD hoke the Corveck sanding’ The Onpesiment Ahowlel nok be done | without getting Panpos and Complete Anvtouction. thon ono become Eholad tho enpesiment must ba | Stopped in A convenient Place and Continusd abbey baking Subficienk Teast . ha; Mala analysis : Moan Atandard doviakinn . Tho Atandord cloviation ¢s) is tho squases ©8 Ho ditforonce bobwaen Hho individual Measuie! values @aiments| | and the mean of tho AnffniLe numbor of moortroment, Gum 0 SIU 06 fnelividual doviatiy, Sancasd cloviatico = Fxcm Eheir moan No-of moasuomons melo. T get Starchad coviation : | b The Avorage oF tho (x) Ob Lho meamuaemonl Cx<;) As calculated. 1 | ti) The individual cbviation of each meosuxoment Siom Hw average (x; -%) “tly Fach incdlividual cleviakion is squoxed (x; -X)? iv) Alb the fnclividual deviation swares ano ached | € (x,-X)2, i . The above Valuo is cividos by nows moasutemon | modo CAI), H@82 Ww meade oly Small number of measuremon! Thus Nen-l. ; viy The Syuoke Pod: OF the Valuo obtained abow Js Atandoad cloviation () f | Standard doviahion = = Og-X)2 | N-I Enample : | Find the Standate deviation fox a Subsot faving Ho Gollowing Gonz valuas 25:80, ABOF | BBG Qnd AS Rb 1) Calculate tho averago cloviation LX) az _ 2632 +Q5:0T + A518 + &6-Qb i ee eee 4 X = QQ ii Caleutate = 0 “%)® x; xj -X 0x, - KD? 95-32 — &GGa- AB go=ple 44% 107> &5 oT Q50T - 25:80 =0'18 Ibq x lo"? Q5 -N8 25-18 ~Q5-Go=0-02 0:04 x 10? 25+ db Q5 Ab —AbMO = Ob O:3bx{O7? £4 -¥)? = 3.53 x107? Ti) Howe N=4 and N-t =4-1 =a ZU; -X)® — 353 xo? Se N-1 3 = season = 09853 ity tv) Skandatd deviation [5). Skancosel cleviation (S) =0 -1084 CoAroladion Cooppictonts : de 16 A quantity Hat deni indicate Hho Oxton| O6 A given Abt Of chia. Tt wdlenotet by lx) Nexy — (éx) (ed rae: Banas dso aster 1Ose2 = (209) (eye (Ep 4 ‘er Wlhen x Ancl y OAD yortables : N-N? Ob fOlAS Ch chia ‘This Fest holes us’ to $fnd Whether Hove Linear splationshiy botwan Ewo pAoperties x and y Fam N. paies OF data, Sh this method the » value +6 disectty Avlated in Hie Following Kale of tordaticn valuos. Extallont toad Fas Rowe But valuo <2 100 O15 050 O85 ~ wDbo TSX" js 00 Howe is panfect Uinaneity Acleaticnstip botwean x and y. , THR" Is the bowen 099 and ons ik means excollent . | Them as a Convention to give the mansuted value as a Numbos | w Significant Biquar : They oo Siguaos in a number vohich Contains only digits known with tostainly plus the diart uncertainbly one. A measued value hos A Somo uncostaintly abounk i uch thor it Contains only ono Piguwe about which thos % Urertainly . The paactise Is Called Aignidicant Siguw Convenita Imposiance : Each of tho following bos Hmm Aignisicant, diguros 5830-934, bbT , 0-0098% and 65:4 ; Zon kk a Aignisiant Figure when ik UG OBA number. LEQ) 0.003bqg0. It has A four Aignificant sigue 2% The Koso used abior Q 45 Bigriéicank biqure . ow - mot Aignigicant Fiquwo when it is weed bo locate decimal points in vosy Small and vosy largo Numboxs | (Eq) 006870 at hos & Sour Significanls “Siquaes b8 10, Aew botove | | | | b’ is nok Aignigicant Siquee. Examples : NUDES Sanisicant Figure. 400.06 .— 5 oomxwh 4 —>0:000b030 Ti FF. go 10 = 3 —>0© 0000000007180 iV) ©: p2b40 = 4 Y) 328-0 rot (163) potiability Bb RosUlts - Rojoction of Mata OX G Tes. Tost 6 A ks Which has been widely Use by analysis to docide. whethes bo gotain (or) Aject He Suspect Aesutt . M @ Sek ob dala we Come ACHSS MMe (Or) Mow Valuns tha ao cowbttul wWhathes 30 Agjock such a data lev) not Would’ become clisgivult - Dh Such Causes we employ a tase (alted ost (Quationt test) In this bosk : The AVSAILA' Oh VoRUS ObAdsVatteNs in a Given “ek ORD Arkanget in the alecrensing orclos of tho numerical Valeo, Tho cibBerence between Hoe Suspect value and is namkest neighbor Is civiced by Sprcad 6% the entiho Sok (ciforonce. bobu2@N Fhe srinimum and Maximum valuo in ve entive Sek) 4D Jive Bomp » Ts Csuspicious Value - Its narkesk noeghbos> Bene she goread 0} He enti AoE ‘Tho Zotio Bexp 4s than Comparod with exitital valews of the sajetkion salios obtained statistically at App sopriatn. Congiclonce lovers and tabulated asa Sunckion $ , fs 2 ais Poe Hi o_ — tho humbes 0% absorvallons . Thowd xalivs ake Lovmed OS Acviti criti. gy BonpGesitical Value . The Suspects value i Apjectad | Fmample : Consiclon the Ompevimentally detesminect pascontage of Cao in | @ talelto Samplo Cre 66:46 , bb:00, 56-04 » 5b-08 15623, Now | Wwe auspock tha the leask value and so Wwe have to dacido whekhos to Aejock tt ©») NOE. The Aeyizical imtut ak gov Conéiconce level 4 O-bq. Recraaving orcs of emposimentot value 5b-3, 5b 03, 5b:04. , 5b-D8 , bb-4g .Q5 Guspicious Value = 55:95 (Suspicious valuc —TES, nepiast na) dox this Sot 06 data Gonp = Thp spect 68 tho one Ige@ SOb . =(5b ‘00 -55°95) + (5b: 83-56-45) | = 0:05 40-88 SOIT | Now lok ws Say wo want pux Xeswk Should be Qo% as wal bo bo cassect Value Hon we lock uncby ox Conpidionce Column o$ tho tobe. Since we have ‘6’ Obsvavations | We lock GOR Acrit aapinet number Of pbsesvatisn 5 art uray 90% Confidence the value 66 o-ba. : Since Bomp< Qeyt_ (Olt Can be vardily obtained . ‘The Ompesimenta) value of 't! @s Obtained Grom above equation is then Compared with critical value og ‘b’ gos tie game chasm of Sroodem . at tho Gnperimental valuos is los thon He eritical Value tf ¥ How Js no Aiqniticank cLiggorence between tho tuo methods . | shuclont F Tost ; | Student F twst js based on the masutement ob | Atoandard doviation ‘8’, Tho various steps involved in Pita | | dost aro as Sollows. Tho Standatel cleviatibn ts) is cletosmincd 4 wing | the Sollowing EMabon. Bae i -R* : AI When N-1 16 claqiao 0% Bavedom . The valuo of ‘N’i4 lage Labove go) Jw deviation obtainst by standoed mothed obnotor ly Seta . / The dogace ©$ $ecedem cotosmined sn nowly cloveloport Mothed js Amat Ceelow Bo) Jt denoted by Sp Aetosmirabin 0% F-value With Ho hele ob tho @mpxessicn- e = Stag Sh ‘ The Squme 08 Atandaid doviation 4s also known A variance . ; Comparing the value oR’ Dbtained orm tho Above | Oyuakon with Crikicod value (Table value cons roe sw as | inbinity ) 3§ the value 08 F< critical Vole + thoyo is no | atgnigrcane dbfovence in tho Prociawwn Of tho now mothe ang | He Atandard method. h r Congiconce Lint : T Caso Of Atandar? coviedicn we have a Joago Numbexs oF data % Soquired te get Adliable and acchate | empesimental Xesuts. | ty an ideal case mooure moan GH) Showld be ay | dD 220 mean (H), By using Atatinticad Lhoory we Can Qa Out the sango with in vohich tho taue value might fall Thus the Confidlonce limit 4s a limit Sob About the maaswie moan. (%) with in Which the tee moan jis Grpece 30 Gall With Covtain greeted 10 Fall with Coxtain onpesirn |-nkal valuos. These Limits axe Calkd Conégidonce Limik + The | Antesnal betuxon the Confidence Limits is Enown a5 Conbitln! | anbesnot: ; “bor emample : the boiling Point of omtesnal Fi between FF4°e and 18.4% tHiese two bompascetuvios ax | Sopresonting Ho Conpidonte Lim's , | | Empaosaion $02 congidence limit. the congidonce limit Onpressed as | | Consiclone Limits = ¥ +. [48 Whew - 7 £ - Statistical bactoa Mak depends oh Hy ‘numbe! Or aga’ of xoatom CN) and Congiclonco Henig 8&-Sandai) deviation N- Number of dlogracs 0% Fyoocom : i wz. de | | ARs wo fined by applying AlaLwtical motnecls we Can | Fin tho Congiderce Limit Enamples : A Sample 0f Soca ash is analyse by +ibabho roth Sahitasd Hel. The analysis 0§ Porsooming in pripiicale gave 43% Q3-b8 5 93-43%» SOclinm Catborote.. Find oUt the CONF idonte limit pith in tho ange q5y. + Tho Standexd deviatim is Bound fo be 0.075 . Tho Con$idonco level 4s 4+ 303%. Solution : Tho mean ‘oa analytical value ik = 99-50% The Standard doviatim &° is = = DOTS The Congiderce Jovel ik =4:303% tonéidore Limit = x + ES YN 41303 X0.075 =98.50+0:19 Vs Thus Ehe mean values Fall between 43:31 - 93.69», Cuave Sittings metheds 06 looxt squares proboms Involving Atsaight into Graphs. . H we want ko present a merc ©) relationship we chow a graph. A raph is oltaired by plotting Hico vatiables X Uindopendant Variable in hovixontal axis) anc y. (pendent Vsiawe in veattcal axis > | __The Qoaph gives the Aclaltonship botwwoenrand y_| “usually for tho data obtained. tn enperimonis Lincortty poi NOt bo AS Good . IN SUCh UsOS have to claaw a Low $ib Lin, TAU AS Called Crmve gitting. The Curve ‘$ittIng Was clone Ly Following 0 gx, sy-exy, and £x% aye calculated | i) The Above values are Substituted tn tho Following | Simuttaneous equations - @ bb iy AOL Sox the given VAlues 0 x.y values Ax? Calcul, using the aquertion . Veal = At by Tho Calculated y values “for value: of xteom ous cain ox Calculated . x Yeo) = 10:4 +081 x ' ha | 2 a4 3b 4:3 tv) By wring Calculate y values Tho graph is clzawwn Wwe got Hho bet Sit for our dota mene) Jaborrosy Hygiene anc Aokaky : A chomistoy laboxatory is place wWhow a Atuclont has 40 stoxe ard Handle Chemica. There are Several Chomical’ Which axe CoriSive Flammable , Omploxive , Foxte , (osetnogenic ancl Povenaus. 80 as Atucents Should Lnown Now bo Atove and handle Hak AUbAtaNce Corcbutty « By Hous (ovtain Conclition ancl Practices Aton, dees not Apcil ols health While deing anposimenk . i stonge and handing Chemicals | twacinogenit Chemicals. Chemical Which Cause Concer asia Called Carcinogonie! Chemica + LEQ) Napthy! amine ancl Ehein Salts , blupaene desivatives , methy) Ledete ben'xone (tausos blood Cancer) bonay) Phygone , thiourea , dioxzomethane , demethy) Aulphate , N- nikxeso Compounds , Ehioacekamice , Axtxicline ate. Stosage + : They Ahould be Stoaed in locked Container inticle dume Cup- boards. woaining labels Ahowing a Skull ancl a Raia Ob CroSé0d foes Ahouk be pastadl on tho Containg | Handing : | Toy must be handled only with gloves on. Tho vapours Show Not be intoled. They Should not be allowed bo Como into | Contact with tho Skin. They must bo handled in Sumo Cup boaids with the emhaust gan cn. Coaaowive Chomicala : Chemicals Which Covsede (ov) Cesteoy gracluclly Akig wood, Cloth , metal etc. ae Called Corrmsive Chomicals. | (Eg) Acids , Alkali , Chlosine, bgotine , Phenols ete | Stoxag0 : ‘ | ‘Thoty Ahould: be StoRed in Cosvosien goss tant Chamntass| (om ip Pits Containing send. | Handing : Acids Should nos be poused clitectiy: gum thoty Condaine i Sea A funng) must bo wed bo Eoanstox inom gun Heh Containess without Apilling thom cn tho Bloox is Table ey PeRSem- RUbbo gloves and apxon may be used £0 avoig acticental Apillage of acids on the bocly 0x) the Cloth. Secliem hycltoxide pettots, Should not be hanel picked » A pale of Pozlops js tbo wsnd gov this Pusposo chlogine and bsomine must be handled -in deme Cup-boasds only without allowing vapours bo Come, into | Contact With noAo eyes oA Akin . EMploaive Chomicak! Chemicals which omplode violently on heating , gxtinoling .los.. Pressing aie Callecl, enplosive Chemicals , (&g) Chlosates , Porchlorates , nitvates , Cbhovs , Pevonicos , Polyniteo Compounds etc . Skosage * thoy Should be kept in Auch A Way that those is ho @mpty Space above thom tn te Containes in whieh they of KepL . Thoy mUAt b2 Stoxed 4p @ COO) ~ Place Handing : . ‘ They murt be honclled with alt windows open . Orel with enhaust “ban On. They must bo vory Corezully heated © GXound. Toxic Chemicals : f a Chormicals whith Cano yi aborts croate - J : wy wi ~ health aren “ax clebtnodt as Tonic Chemica. Thay oxo :) * golatet 10 Poisons . | Eg: Bonfene , toluene , Chloxeorm toxbon toetrachlorcle | Naphthalene Cte. | | Stoaage' They must bo Stored in well A@led bottles Chlow dorm is Kkosedt in claik baown | blua bottles to prevent Eho doamaticn 06 highly Poisonous phosgene. CHClg + Yp0a- —) COCly + Hel Phosgene Handling : These Chemicals must be handled with all Winclows | OPan ard i Sume Cup-boarcls . They must nok be tnhaled olisoctty. Smelting best must clone by Keeping Hy LOst teibe Containing the $oxic Sebstance awwaty From tw Nose and | having bre vapours towards tho oso ancl Enhaling Slowly Ard én small Guontitios. They showH not%be handled by | Tokeel hanes. Grloves must be Used while handling thom. Potsonous Chemicals : Chemicals. wWhICh When Lntrcdiced ‘int ox ee] by o living paganism Causes oath ov tnjumy Ospeciatly one | thot Kill by Aapid action ven in Smatt*antity ax Collect Potsoneus Chemicals . (Eg) Benfono , koluene , xYlenes , Naphthalene , anili ie 5 ¢ Naphthalene , Aniunts Chlosegom Carbon betwachlosile DDT. hydranine salts oy loo? , Seloniem Compounds cynimiclos , Eellusiem CompPourcy chromium Compounds , Vanadium Compounds , arsenic Compounds etc. Storage : They must be Stozect én Well Scaled Hubes and Jabole} as poisons. | Handling : | Thoy must b@ hanclled only with gloves cn . The vapu Ahowld hot b2 Lnhalod . Thoy Should not be allowed to Come | Anko Contact with tho Skin, General Procautions Fox Avoiding Accidents’ . ' t) UO apzon 0s OVveDCoAt bp Minimixo CxpoAUIe €% -Chomicas to Skin. | Wi) Wlone. Safely goggles $0 Paovont eyo xrywns | by Aplashing o$ Chomicols. ii) A POR OF gloves must bo wad to handle Poisonous 0x boxte Chomials. | iv) To prevent biae haxaid Han of% , buones Gnd Clecisical haaters even’ bedove sca ee Contains of Slammable Chomicols . V) Always WO Aubbor bulb , When pipeting a Sdlubin Vi), Toxte Soluduims ancl. fongonts, which Produce eo Acwres Shot ba handled Gnly un tho $ume Cupboards. vity Smokurg cain king yanting anything inside the Laboratory Ahold be avoiclod | ‘ witty Spillage © Chemicals on the table of or tloox | must bo wiped and Washecl fimmodiotely with wates to prevent | ¢ontact with tho body lates. 1) AU Ehe apparatus Used Atoull be Cleaned ard the hank axe Warhol with Soaps ak the ond Ob Q prackical Clays - %) Alt Hho glass Aook and Hxbes Showid be $ro Polished Fiast Aid Techniques : Acid in Eye. | _ to Oyp is Warhod With Lol of wales. Waters Js disectod into Lhe eyp gonly With the help o Wah bottle of a tous cligectiy datm the wocer bap. Then the ye 3s Warthed with By Sodium bicerbonafe pluton, Aftos washing o MOP of Coxtor of] 95 AN Oyo Cin-mont Js applied thon tho Person 4s taken +0 tho doctor. Alkali in eyo: The oy ds wAshed with a Lot of wates. water is’ Abiocted into tne oye aently “Lolth the holp of wash bottiong J] % Hubo clitactty dyam tno water kop. ‘on tre oyo ts washed || With By. Bale acta olution . AFtey washing a crop ef eee a Castor oil ox an eye cintmant 1s applied . tho posse i, | taken $0 tho lector. | Acid Buans : | . The aBéected Part of body 4% Washed With a large | Fuantity of ater ant then with BY Splukion Of Secliiem biCAbonate . Buinol is applied in tho victim taken bo tip | cloctos : Alkali Busns : “Tho abbocted Port Of body ts Washod with a larg Cwantity of Wwates and ton with 5» Solution of acetic alid. vasotino applied and tho victim 14 taken Fo th | clottos. | Bromine Buans : Th bgomino alls on the Skin wash ela With quantity ob wales and then IWith hypo “ouiicn, Coconut cil ox vasoline Js appliod ond Hho victim ds +aKon to tho cloctor: ‘ Inhalation of Groxos : 1§ ony gas % Anhaled Hw victim shout be | akon to @ Place Whore ho Could bo breathing fish alk. ag ho xoports hoadache , patacetomal tablet may bo git” 5%. chlatine Of booming ¥% inhalec! ammonia os ‘alcohol vapoui'is tp be inhaled Conehutip.96 tos ox Hen 1s | Johalect ammonia: is to bo Anholed. AaEtBica! Ropixali may be given if Possible, ‘ atl ae - peepee cut by Glaxsos + ao | gy sho atels Oke Nok ASevore . with mill bleceling . the | glans ploces , dixt Qtc. Ax2 Removed Os Foxo Os POASiblo | with Cotton . Tho Wound 1s Sgoatecl With Spi. Tinckure | iodane (ax vodine dissolued in alcohol) \ Heat Buans : | punns xe Conwved by hot objets Uke nakik dlare , acids , alkalis , bsomine , Phono 2c. Apply busncl 0? Ccconut oll fos tho! Severo buatls ox Ack . But Arould not do tho Fellow ng. ' TF Clobhes ato Sticking bo the Wound ) thoy Ahold not be somoved by Foxe. Aon't coves the Wound with bandage . Poisoning : Th the Polson Ontos tho mouth accidently . dé muse po Spit immectiately without panicking . The mouth 4 washed Sovesa) timos With |arge quantity 08 water. Ip poisonous Auubstancos Ondex bo Stomach immediately $isst and must be given sinultaroously informing she clectox 4 peocoed tp Ehp Spot. With Omesgency kit kb tveatk Stomach poisoning, when acicls oxo Swarlowec milk , mexgnesia ov limo, wodes Us tp be Qiven ammoclictoly . The sixst aiot is Aptoctedt | @vexy ton minutes LU the cloctos Comes. Milk 02 white ob | 099 in Colo! water may be given. | Inching 06 Vomiting and using of Coatoratos | Should bo avoictec!: induced! by administesing taxtaxometic (potarsium antimony, vlhon alkalis Axo Swablewed By acbtic Alicl bx Ving, and milk ox White of 29g Ate given . HexD Also vomiting heyy, Not bo CNelticect. ualhen methy) alcohol 4 Awallowee) vomiting is Eartatate) ox Salt water. Agtes vomiting milk or White of ax Ln Cold twats may be givan. When Phenol ds drunk br alcohol may be giver, ‘Thon vomiting inctuced ilk og White OF 299 in water is giver Methals To Avoicl Polsoning + Never Pipette Poisonous Liqutids by moukh JOboxalory Apparatus Like boakos , SLandaid plas “=s0kc.., Shoruld never be wsdd bo koop food ox dninking wocor Avoid eating ox clainking anything in tho laboxates, Lunch bord Should nok be kept inSide the labosats. Solid Chemicals Showld bo take OWL by NicKol Spalus and liquict Chomiods by dagppors Chornita Shout het be harelted voith bese han TRontront foo Spocitic Powons: universal Antidote: & Paks O} pulverized charcoal ,1 part of Magnesium Oxtcle arch | Att of tannic acid axe micue- A Few grams Ob His mintwia is acHod boa Cup of wated Ard thon AtiAted WOLl And Given 40 tho vickinh , This univesst! KZ 1 & not Know, antidele is aclministorad vohen tho Spocigic andiclo+o Torxbarometic : Taxkoxemotic is propaxed by stiating O.00b g of Potowsiuum antimony toatordle Sn A5mL Cf wates ancl given | kp the Victim. USOS 1 TE U4 Unt} Os Meclicino in Small does +0 precduce Vomiting . eh wie . Q.Tt 45 QUsd wed aos tho -Xoatmont 06 60m Exopical | | | | | Acetone Trduce vomiting .6tive Universal antidote | | Podsoncus Aubstance __Anticloto Acicls Ronot tnoluee vomiting « Grive magnosiun Onicle , milk 0% magnesia Ov Ltmo wwoiles immoctiatoty. Ropaxt tho cloos Sox evesy | Sidteon Of Lwenty minutes. Give milk OF while Of 99 in Catd Wates - Catborales should | Nok bo givon Jo Pabiont. Give a Bow millililes © minosal oi! , fou oy Bive times Ovosy $i$toon minutos, Alkouis fo nok induce vomiting « Givo by. acetic : ACA OR VINeQAK Lon give Mik os White of 2g Arsenic , Boriuem , Mosel Troluce Vomiting. Give 49 hypo (sodium Hid Ons Joad Com ; ésulprate) in 450 ml wakoy 5m milk 0 agnosia » 1 glass mite or White of a9g. —— ) Finally giws 86 MI Of castos cil Bxomine and reine | gnduce vomiting and give a Soletton oh SPILLED. ~ | Atarch and BY) SecltuM biCasbonate _| Sottowed by mili ox volte. © By. anduce vomiting. Grive loom) OF Soctium | | hytogen Phasphate Koluticn » | Coppes compounds | Sperddy Piast alte Feeelod tndtide vomiting, \Grive Qho mi tates Containing Lom) of $4. [Hodes 08 SBD mi DB FAaShly Pxopaicd Scluuttin Containing 5» Fosty and 57 Naticos, amy! [Mitvite vapours to bo inhaled by tho viceem Cynicle S Give looml bf 8” acetic acid Solution |] Mityobenxang. [and thon laxge quantities 6 coatos "oxalic acid and Give trdeco Vomiting using mustarel omalates powdles 2n ho: wates (mustered emaric) Give milk ox Mmagnesiim omide parse. | docuce vomiting . Létive milk OX white | cwmongana®. — 08 29g Followed by BM) Ob $% Hanale | loo ML OF Way ALightly Aciclibied with acetic acich Grive Bp % jPuURXe ethane! And “en duce Vomiting. hen give milk ox whcte 3 LN Cold water. Phono!. SEPARATION URIFICATLON AND CHRomato = GRPHIC} AND FLECTROPHORETEC METHODS. &-1 Separation ant purttfcatfen Techniques. Solvent _Extyactien. D is a Soperyatien technique adlopbed to Sepevate A Getid oy Jiqufol Prosar ?o amMixture by extracting Fe with a goivent. PxfocFple !- ; Tho Substance to bo @xtYacted Should be goluplo 90 oO perkicutoY Solvent while all tha Ethoy Const tuent fo tho rotkture Shovid ba fnsoluble abbor extyactisn tho Solent Shoud be Costly Sopercbie . Seperation bechnique:- THO PRINCI pIe wed Nevst istry? bution Law. Aecos Consteunt temperetuyo a gol Ewo “Immisc? pio Yakio fo the Solvent oxtyaction fe cling to thks Jaw, ag ute fst yPbuto Ptsoth between SOLvens Ny fn Partieedoy yeutio. The 4% tho Conantyrations Fr tho Solvent % collec Pont tion — coothiciont or Afscy? bution Coehiciant: De Ch ancl cy ane tho Concentrations fo liqutels A arel @ then at Constant lemperatune. CA/cg - k. ASS k fs a Constant - Longe tho volo q, ky mora Coabbicione % the oxtyaction. Advantage @ Solvent extraction metnoct. (007. operation *8 achfevablo fro Solvent CXEVACHOD Motel. Tha practicar Pak fs Simple - The Smau amount 4 Solvent fs enough andl Ft fs Yecovered anol ¥ecyc teal. USes :- Solvent axtraction meinod % tked to Separte Dissowed Substanwe From theta Solution. one Constituent FIOM A olid MIXtUTe- Unwanted Impurities Faorm Cabstana- SOXhelt erxkvactor *s Used tw extract a SuUbstane which %s Soluble fn Particular Solvent while QU othoy Impurities ave insoluble. After axtyaction tho Solvent Shouid. 62 Casily Sepetabie. Procedure :- D Soliol to b2 oxtracted te Powotered anol it %s Kope 70 a porous thimble C$ porgy, Cover) Qte| tho extracting Solvent *¢ Faken @n Yount bottom plesk. A water Condlonsex fs axtochad ot the TOP. A posous Thimble Fs Placed at tho bottom "Gg, tho’ wetter ‘conctonser Tho Golvont ts boiled: AS vapours are YoRsod Through of phen C left @folo tube) Tho Vaphouy enter twatoy Conclongser are Conclonsed and Falls On the Phovous ‘thimble + “Tho Solid to be extracted 9 APssolvor hte OU Othoy Fmpurytties clo net. When phorouwsthemby | becoma full. Tho Solution Yeachos the youn! bottom Flask ‘through Cright Siclo). tothe » tho extracted Joti Yemafns (to tho Plosk Ps ffestled fo, IgavPrg balafnd the Ovgantc Substana. Suportort tg q Dxhalt oxtract?oo ever Other pachniquo IN Soxheit e@rtiaction motheol, Sra Guankity @ solvent fs enough to ontycict a maxfmumn amourt G Solid - vu Golvank used sagt [ ¥acyctaol This Ps a ‘continuous » wacko fn. PA0WSS: So tha Chbiclany Lr voatar fo |, Solvent abtoy axctyatton - Zs sAVOnt+ Q0t¥acteof SLBSANE. - O, extyaction fs mora tn “tafs method. ee This mMeihod ts Vapour used For the ayrrackion % O11 and foals FAOM Flower and ggaold and OUkelofolg FAO plants. LA os @)- Patnc?plo and Applecatton a Disttlatfeo DIise¥ lation 2% a PRowss cmmploggd! FOF Cho purifier & liquid From Nen-volaltia Impurities. The fepute Iiqutel 9s beled fo a Flask andl tha Vapours FOIMed one Collected and Con dongat to give back tha PUT Naufol fo © anothor Vessel. Tha nen-VOlatiia imMpuritizs cw lett behind %n tho Flask. Prindple:- OP heating uncler constant pressure , say curler Cemosphosic PAISsUI DR Liquid belles at a bemperctir ak Which THs total vapout pressure become azual to - tha akmosphar?ca prassura. Tha beroperctture % tho tiquidl Yernoing Constant till au tho Nauicl alfstillel Over. the Constant temperature Ps bevmed as tho boiling peens, Tha lfstilekien process ts Used POY tha purtfication q liqulols Fem nen- Volakite impurttias. = T ~ tA an eal Liquiel PpPlication:- Tres method 98 used t impetty liquiols Which de cloconpose near thetA befling points. For exempu, Ztyarot olacomposes at Ps befling PIM (Hqgic) but can be Afstilled ot (gdc Qk IQakm paassure. Ter Blaction olfsti lation pRincfplo:- : A mixture o wo 0% MORI VOlaLile lic ute} Gun bbe Seporcitad by PRacliooed alfsiflicttion » Whon thai, boiling pointe olffrey by mo%9 Ran Loc. thoy canbe | Sopercte. by Fractional Atstination. Tho moxo Volatiio | Inquid Powses Over Fiyse And f8 Collected fra Yocoives, Tho Samo Proceolervo toas Followed Fos tho Furthoy | alfseilcttion Thur tha olfstiltation Ps Collecteot 2 Fractions and the Pvocoss fs termol Fractional ol? lation . Application *A Poixture Fractionating cstumn . % béenzere ano mora bolueno can be cei Seperveted by thfs methool . STEAm Distr ATION . paxtoc? ple }- i Many Chamfoal Substance “thot oe Pa fo. water ans Volatilo 20 Steam ato be Sele by Altsti Nation fo a Curtone 9, System C Seam altstieti00). Tha neo- Volatiie inpurttios axa (2h behind to the clfstiieaion Plogk. liquid boiles Whoa at Vapour Pressure fs uct te the akmoasbhovie passsurve. 1 Sloam APStitlation a Mixtuye % woloy and an organic Navid 93 hocutod. The mextuyo boilg Whon the Corobined Vapour Paosguva 9 Wether (pi) aed “thel % RGAE NeyLict CPy) §S uc © “ho Atmosphere PYeSSUTe P- Naturally, tho beting tempore na ie) Pz PitPg. & tho MIX tue ,wovtdl be lowes “than tho boiling & pore oxgante Navid who , tha Vapour PA2ssure q tris Liquid. aleng wovid be oqual © tro atMOsPhan, PYCSsUI . TRUS 45 giaam oltsilation, ‘the [avid fs alPstitled ot o Lowey temperature th2o cay betting | POint ,» Whoo Fe Might lecomposa- It G2tves tho yodlucad =PASSU%, | Sama perrposa as affsrtitodfen undlor Solety tuto. cooley foe AfStillod PPP Li cotton - , ce ‘ Stoam Atstiation fe empleyad fo Foclustry ror the Ye2covery q varioes essention 6%) Fron pi ( ANd Plowers. 2 %9 culso Used in the mitncthacteare % aniline ancl turpentine ol. . Cryst allt z arien - Pxtnc? ple !- Crystarrration & Coremonly Ormplogad For the partyication % Godt Comportncls - tho *ropuns got te Afesoivad 8 tho Minimum Volvmo o a suitable Substance pars *nto gotutier while the Fnsolube ones oP (abe behind: tho fot Solution ?s than FR tered and allowed to Cool “turolfstybect bill Crystallzation 7s Complete: “the Crystals ore than Gopareted Faem the mother liquor by Filtyation and dried. The ofoiciang 4 tho PROMS % cwystali zation ee g sowont a) p72 Ratabeo q Solution 3) Filtyation 9, tie solutivo A) Crystaliization anot B) Separation anol drying 4 Crysrd- @chofco 4 Solvent A Jew ang 9 the Subst Rs bctkan Poa bese tube with a pew dyeps q sonent. Tf the solvent Complotety dfsmlves a Soebd at Yoor temporateow. Tt Fs Unsulteble + 2 tho Solvent Afssaives Solfa. On hooting ANd give mnaxImum Solio! OM COOling 70 Suftable Foy Cayst alization . The Pprowss ts wepbod wth ether OWene 491) tho mast GakfsFactory ons % Sorted out. © Proparation Q Solutio. A Suliabo amount 4 Arbstave % bakon a confeag Flask. Fittted w*th a teftux Conclensar. A sent! volume A Solont ot Rete Im above Step is as 4 Plask. =P ° placed In the AO) A quantity a goivent ghovid be Just CNUs to olf, the whole solid on bekling accorcting to tho boiling poj,, % tho Solvent. t 3) FRtration a tro solution “The hot Sotetion obtained atove fs theo Fits amg the piltex! pap peg te a gle Runnap. Hh cae P2Y Form fm tho PuNNA! during PiltYeuign, fo quantity “a tho golution fe Longe $f koueas Long fio Pravent thks, a hot-water Funnel may ba Ue. sh, het Solution CbtoFnef in tho Confad Plosr fs a Filtvote goputioo: 4) Crpstoli zation :. The hot Fiityate ebtafneg above process? then Allowed § cool. Undlstrtbad 1 beaker. The Pwe SOUP BUbSEADE Seperate as Crgstels. &) Seperatien anol abyfng a, CTYstau- “he caystal obtained Fem the above PRowss Ps Seperated prom the Mother liquor by Fiitevation - The Filtration %s gonortly oppected cuncter ryrodlui cd PRLSSWE. using Buchner Fonel- When the whol & tho rnetho Liquor has bean olrafnadl into the Filtyetion Plosk, the crysus AY2 wOarhal whth Senatt Guankies g tha pure Cotol golvent te, Yernove other Imparitios A ang the crystal ano thon dbriact by Passing betreen Pads g fritey Paper, fo an o8x oven, or %n Vaecum olostantos. oa te wy ypc 2a y papery ——> pa pump. mo thor [iqutdl Sublimation SuLbLimakt on AUbI2malkion °¢ a PROCS Ga SOCd getting dlfxoctly COMVertact nto 3 VAPOU on heating cofThout becomPng o Hacfol PxPnetpie:- Qubl?moation 18 aA PROM IM Which ceitokn Substoury whan hookecl paw olixoctly FRom Gold to vapour Stoke yoftheut melting « The Vapours When Cooled. give back the Solfol Substanm- This Prowss 78 “knows ab Sublimation Tho PROS gq Gublimation fs cuool fo the purification % Volatile getgol tka naphthalona comphor ec. FROM NEP Volakla gatd - ‘ates Applicattons: This technique ts Loqp pump Use For, tha: puntffaation D Sublimable Seffot tike ubisoft camphor, naphthaten?- A ele sone benzoic avid atc- oat — = NS oa 22. Basie prtoctple 4 Chromatography. \ CHvomatography Defenitien:- | fcon techniqng an analyticat Chrornatogyaphy ts Steen Fo¥ Separating Compound the. es ro thefts Cheingty por a gtationany Pnase thie Mebile Phase. the afpinity *Yove tho process & Gdlsorption ox partition. AD SOR 8 TLON CHROMBTO GRAPHY + - Adsoaptton %s tachrique % which thy binding G Compounds t the Surjac % tha S084 phase (01) Stoctioncouy Phase - Adlsorption Chromatography fg atechrique fn which Small olisjeyonts fn tha aolsorption behavtout @ substana fn mobilo phose Ch avid oF gas) anda Stationary phase oo used & S2par, ate trom & mobila Phose te fiquid and a Stati Phoso fs Sotfd ft fy Cathal - liquid- gored chromate. “graphy ox Adlsoaptter cotump chromatography, Pantt-+on chro matog saphy Partition Chromatgraphy ts a technique fo Which mixtures q SubStane ena Sopetate| by mean, % paatition Crotative SOLuBIIty BA Compouns SH two Phase) betwen metile Phase and Stationary tiquid. phase. Da mepit2 phase % gas and a Skekionany Phase 98 liquid rt fs caved Gas- liquid Chromatography | a Column Chromatography Column Chromatography %S Aegined as the untjoam Filtvatfon % a quid Through a Colum & Finely olivfolad Substanas - Princtplo!- B fs known that tho vate q absorption Various cotth 0 given ablborbons For offfyorent Motovial+ This pxtociple | Selective aclsoaption %s c&eel % Column Chvormatog raphy . IN thie method, the mixtuyo to be Separce fs aissolvad "02 a Saftable Solvent and allowed to Paw: * tirrough tho tube Containing tha aborbecl. The Compouncl which har. greater absaxrvirg power fs adsorbed $n the: upper part % the Column. The Next compound which has (esses absorbing power tho Past Compound %3, Aabsorbod fn tho lower pontition q the Column ow oltstinct bands Cchromatogiam) across tha ColuMN ss Tha Sepsratiem cf these Comper Colleetedt In | Seperate vessele. working Choice Q Aolsoxbent - Adaorbont used tn tho aclsoxption column Chromatsgraphy Should be Getivated . FI pluming ox Plumtntum | oxtole 4s Ubloly Used aNd activated by hacking it qhout Bove Ina CuTYent ofr oF Cop, Other georbont Usaol aro magndiium oxlolo or mognisia (ty ap Magnosiue qarbenate, Catefom carbonate, Caltfum SuutPhabe + Barium GmbOndke, Chericoal, Sucrose, tal Starch, Colletlosa and Fettler's earth. Adlsoxbont csodt %n tho poritian Cetumn Chaomatog raphy Should be tnatt- Pg Catlelase Skarch, Stlfca get, CalcPto, kiasolguhy cte- Chofce 5} Sofvent- 1D Chromatogyaphic Separation, AP forons may bo trad For Plactag tho Setuto on the Column, cloveteptng tha Chrorbatogram and atuting the & oso Xba matorial «thro Solvents must be pure. Non- Polay Solvents 26Ge0t ‘batter Separation heryg PrOparsd for olution mextuves, Denetopmont and elution were cariod out pth Polar Solar semo Commenty Used. Solvent Io the Wweraosing | Ordo g, Polarity . Potvoleye other 2 Ccly £ Cyctohoromne £ CSq Lothene Acatorn 2 eChiowfoam L alcehel 2 Hoo £ Pyrtols PR payFAkion o Cotern Pyrex glows Cong tubofs Usaol as column. oe ord 9 tho tube ts cfthr olrawn eutft Is clasay votes YabPeT Stopper. ~ smal Weol q cottsn % Pxossce clown on ts the Stoppor. “Thus portored Acksoxbant fs yotained and liquid porsos thiaugh Tha column 3% packing tb colurn woth AdsoRbenk by Wek Packing . TH. wos RAKING, the columa Fs placed in a vertfeal postion. trier SUNY, & tho Aolsortbent fn a suitable medtum % Pou veg] : SOlvents ne LORganie eet Through tha epen tho toP at tha Cowar ono %s thon eponod to allow tha liquid tm rub out unéfil ik Covers g the top: Tho efpictoncy og column Aoponcts en - The porticle Stzo A, the Sota absorbant: Bt Shovid be untfoam. % Shouts have hgh speclfPc anw - This fs b the Selution: attains aguilibxtum botwean Skoukfenceuy and mebila Phowse- : 5 we Shovid bo no ats Saps- APR gabe loodls to MIXING Q Separated zenes ancl allow tha Solution Q the mPxtano b pass through with Shhecting Separation xtho mixture - EX perimental Tochnie,ua: A Solution % the Mixturo to be Soporateacl fs Prepared in a yYatatively nen-petar Setvent. Tho Stepcolen at tw bottom is Opencof Slightly $0 allow tho elvant to Yount until % Smoue ameunt % tha golutien sormains tn tee column Covertng tho tep a tho Pactaol Material. WhO all the gotutien has ban Pociyad, ft to allowed bo Plow Skaoeling though tho Cotumo. Vavious & Zonas q Component ane Separated by posing Surtorble Solveng throughort tho Well Ac veloped chromatogram the Selvonts “Ysed\ FOY thB pexpose ans calld fluent | yaorieus SUbstene one Separated Pn the latin Thes prowss FS Knewn as dovelopment . tho J me ~ lneare olivatant mn 8 Cautod Chromatogram \ QD the Compononts ono coloured, AP{joront cota Zena cos get fo tho Cottunn. Tho eluent Shout be less Peer thon the Compenanty % to mfxtuw go thot it fs net maxa GEAO0g ly AbD Abo) | than tho Components of ta mixture - GD Shoutel olkssolve tha Components not abSozbent| The olfffovent otuents ane PaMec| thYough the Column © Collect ths Affotonge Zene tn clifferone Veo ssats Elution is cavviod gue Py the Seporetion °s Com plekea . A pplPcaction:- Comp€rnant, Packing Column Chromatography maberiad f8 csaof For TO 8 cue &tructurtcy Uae a Compenana | Womerts such a3 x- Carotene | land B- Carotend. fi) TO Beperata Jeomakicar Wwemers J Coyoreneits and Canboryfic Aefol . fiJTO Separate keto and ono; Eotutomars . soto Seporcue aunino qekd . wT Separato FProagantc fens suchas pp? 99° cxne) ZN" Fen. and mixture @, Fervie aluminlum ano} Cupsre Buyphous - Thin Layor Chromatography. (TLo) PRincfple. ThE Fs based on tho PalocPole & gotrotive Adsorption a ta Component 9 a Sample er tha Swapace 9, tho, Stationary phos. 9 Thin Layer @ Sema Sotd (ey silica got) dopasito ona gS Platte. Callod Chromato plate Serves astra Stationary Phase. Whon A Seeution Containing LF ¢212n¢ wor k?ng ae | componsnt-2 Componont | Choice 9 Advsorbons Chromepiate. SPlica QL, Alumina, kPeselgur, Ce2ilulose and Sema Comm ey Cfo! Potyambels poriolor, catofum Setphorto, Magnesium s%licahe And Pordaral glows ane Some Comnoenty uses) Cthsaxbonts | A Good Aolsoxbont shoutel Possess the Folleeoing Charocteristte . B must not veoot cotth Matevier ThA Aoltoxbent 'y COlouy Shouid the Colour 4 the ChYometogyeurn « D Shoutd be COlourhers. GQ Shovid bo Frsolublo Po Sent Usodd . Tho Physi? And Chemical propertian Shaul Li a RIUtoP Pd. ChomBeat | Mixture. Under Faves tigation NE Interfere wlth eee Canclitiens C Eee ‘monic Tae \ Nat Change exnoter tha experiro Chotco Q solvent - The Choice Solvent olepencls on the apa Sutbstcin@ (> be Seperated and On the aolsoxbont mn | | TRES can be Achived by matching isle, Eloi And Subsea. Mos peter sotvents Yesul! groator migration and otter Separettion: compingsion 4 Gio Solvents Alo give Qovch S2paratioo than Single Sven - Petreram ethos, benrzon, Pysiottne, Acetone, woertoy | CCly: ete: PYeparation q Chyomatogram . ( Chrometo plate) Square ov Feckangutar giass plates, Metal Faflo OY Plastic Plates ane tray % acbosrbhang Sup pores fn The Most widely ackosbone fs 88 lPea goo SlUNY » bockeon Ver tf actly Fox obugtag ih After drying Sstvent » oly Plates ane Sopmrata nyo FE +wo Chroma plate The crying piotas, dey plertay 2a Ub Oeuk ~ [8%'cPor Q-hours For Other Petar SOlveng. This is becca SOUVENAS attoor tag Olovetopriant. This process fs knecoo OY Activation. gampia 2PPlPeation . ALPS solvag ma Smat Volume %, A) Vototic soLenons Chenre: ane) | kopt 99 an Oven Tomoving waker oy 2 Water or Polay too For polar Samples Polar Sotvens ano WEI. (os, Polay Samples Shovid bo APYO\vad fo Suitable NON- AqUCE Sofvont - Bese [ino §s cbawn From Ona edge @ (ha Plato ths Sample AXsSolved In Volatilo Sotvons Sg ceppliad %o 9rncut 1S poks Solvent 88 evaporated. gbcrnclanad Substouncs if any may also be Appi ad by Siol 4, tho bast Sampo. oe 4 Chromatogyer . chromaty, Lone methad 99 @ gored once i canals Tha Chromatoplato % Plaad between tho glaxs Ploues and ‘through fs, Filled with the setvone. Tho Chambor % Closad Pixmed with Io. Afeor Covtafn time whan Sotvent Yorsovad Fem the tank ang tho Solvent Prom 78 Carefully racottac. Tha Solvent ts evaporated. Coloured Compount arn be folontifiod by visuat by Pnspection Physic? of Chomfccy mathoks aro acleptad poy Clourless Compeends . Hyol'to photo ( wate het Prasena ay woarey Chromatogyarn Ps box Compounds 2pP en ob ark Spots to I. Chromato pio #8 Plawel in Ihelino Chamber. & Fmpousa Agar bAGw Cotpuy t tro sporr A Simple %S Mixed with very Smatt amount 4% Yaolionctivo Psotopes and applic? entho Plate the Yack@etive ts moasured by GM Countot Qftar clovelepraandl 3) Compouncls 8 hovs Tiree a Swpertortty te over ethor tochniques- \ The = Th?n Loujes Chromatography CTLe) Yequtyo, | fmplo equpmene Lolontificotion otal Separcaior by The Can bo olen WiIhIN Qo-4o minutes & Can bo applicd to a whola Variaty 4 Carnpocerdy, both ©aganic anol foxgantc. The medium Tle fe a Thin Layar. the Portict Stzo Ps Very Smau- So wo got ?mpaoved Yesolution Gand Compact Spot. Qs pli ee QPPli cable bo Com poctndls \\nPeh ona olacompogs| Theis Sons bve And give Sharppot Zeng 8. A pplicatien: = pt The fs mally used % tra FolontifPcation and Seporrattion op alclohyolo , Katones, aleenal, Slycors Gnd Foley acfol . D ts CUM Used Fos tho fsotation She % essontial ett, anny Adiols, | Ppicts Storwids, SF1e acdls and atkeloiot . The a6 idoat toobniqua Por tro puri yteation ey Soumpies patoy t Find Crystalization Fo micvandlysts G fs appited & detect adultorants tn Pood and SOFE rinks - The f$ cased bo Chook the purity q samples Impurities Prasent aven %n bras Can bo cLotactod D %s used datoct by -prcoluct fo Chomicct Sgnthasts : Papey chromatog raphy . PxlncPpla:- elie Chromestograpiay % a typo Q poagition Chrommtepophy tin whch the Substaaney ao olistrPouted ig Ewo liquid mebtia Phose % a Solvent anol ancsthe Ore WS coottet choral ona StA% Q Whatman PFttor Paper eatlod Skakionaxy Phose. The poutHien Cozbp cian} %} Compound betwoan “ipa two: Pheug % 8tvan by. Kp = Conantyatien % COMPOLNA Fy tho Stakionony Concantastion % compound jy ——Preee PDOBbIIZ phaud Tho Soluta Po & rmaxteum mixture Moves along tha FRiter paper at clifferent yates Clopending upon thoes PaneFtion CookHicione andl gee Seporatag . workfng : - In paper Chromatography o Pilkey paper Serves ox madfum Fos partftien to tdko plow fotween a Skakionasy ligufd anol a mebiia liquid. Chota 3 Solvent. Paper Chromatagraphy fs focaad en paytftien F Substance betwen two liquid. We have to wo Suktabe Solvent for Stationary and mobile Phase - Tho Choi oy solvent Aoponct 60 tho Nature g ho Substane ts be Sopervatod Skationaig phoses. AFueEous solvant :- Waker PS Uredt as tha Skokienasy Phase. The Filter Paper %s Suspencted % caxtay placed ina Closed Champer - has: Mite Solvent aan be usec ay Sect Phaso. EX: methanet . Formarniols, Erlycoe, Alycoret otc. HY dvophebic Solvent: Hylyophebtc Solvent can ako be Ueaof koten, Hydrocarbons, dPmothyly Formamlalo . Mobile Phase :- Several Combination mixture a2 PORE BOWWONEs solution oO Souk, befger ete. EX: Ex. 73 OX ) Tso psopy alcohol, water anol Armenia. a) he butyt alosfor, uscbey GF Paatieacey _ Experimental tednique DiMolved Sehstenco ano Qppligol or Smet Spot &S Poamedt ia FTItoY peapoy. Tho Paper fs than ktpped into a Vasso} { containeng tho mobile phase. Tha mfxtuo ana partitioned betwen the Solvent held oy PAPE CS-akienocy Phase) anol Oxganke Solvent Cmebite phase) The Seperation %s atpeoboat by tho APtsorentiag Me gration a the mixture 9% Subscene . Ths 270 Lwo Poxcas Sparato tha FFitey papoy. | The propelling Porce: Tt oltogs tro Substens 20 the AAPraction 6 tho Flovo' 3 Sctvone. G-¥s clepert cpen the Solvent Flow ano Solubtlicy o Substerw to golvone. ‘tha COomPond 2 wrth highay SOCUBILity CaF) Move Yeupfolly al6ng tha paperl GP tho p (oss Solvable Orv thEe lool, | © a Seperation. Tho yakarting Force :-O Arags tho Stbstans bahtny Eovoarols Pts poine @ application: tha Tetancling eponst, On ts Aoboxrptten anol pantition. When & caspa, SluKg fs Evocutad pPth tha Solvent on tho StxFo Papor he rors Staengiy ABSORB 20} “Component Ww?) move along eee with the SeAvenk:Ca)iatase @ the Paper Contes MAL aameenel A tako Place betwoen Tame ne ae Sab se aa Solvent Cmebile Phase), 7h.25 ‘ahe aloes Grol the ORganke Subseane - ¢ M2 Sopoation q Deve2lepmane q, the Chromatogyam f) PSenoling teobnique . ) Desenclfng teahhique- ") Ragolbaat! Aavelepmant- AS eendling Tochrique. tn thie technique the Sefvent 9s plotied % bettem q EaRk anc tho paper % SUsPeNokid Frey Top a, wtth tha hap gq Clip. So that the lower enof Paper Containing tho Spot 29 Well Above the “ \ Sotvent Tho Sele 29 partitioned betnaean wates On tho Fritey Paper: anol the SOlvant aqu?lib stum %¢ ASECLB! %Shay betwean two Chases. gk vot Des écencdPag toch%ue. pPO se I) TRES tochtue the oe SHvont PS Placed at tro Top ssampu- % te tank ant tro Papey ts [hanged such thet getvene Flous closn the paper. Plawe at bottom g & ee ates ako with \epour & tho’ Solvang » ae PNSiclo hg Fmprover! wy, Mneveasing’ the loc SPRL OD be 2 Paper. spre Rall Derolepmane. ID thks techique eBreular paper ts MmaNkad wi tha Poway, AB we o an i "CR 8S Cou Pometla) 6 oe ens tho roolius pe joven 2, ‘Oro 3 tho pore urfenmly Wieck ki pring In tas Nerotes eon eS tho wick fo tho Contes. Tho paper %s obitad. MPs Plawd Over a patrid?sh containing tho clovoleping &tvory oth the wick dipping in tho liquid. The SOlVont Plows ThrOugh tho Wek tw tre Sample Spot APA Cortes thn Soluto with Thus tho obPffaront Compotinents G a mixtuss 09 Soparated. Th? technique ts aso culled CFACuLoK Chremettogvaphy . ae | Drying o% tho chromatog ram . | AFteY tho Solvent has Moved Corto cfistanw For A Cartan me, tho Chsematngyoun fs tokan OUL FRED tho | tank and tha position 4% tho Sefvert Faent fs Mctkad | wth a Pencfl. The chromatogram ts New obited by Blow ny het o& Fema hada obtyas Ok by any Mor Suivable | met nedt- | Applicati an . Papers Chromertogiap hy 28 cpp | Scgone |-Pectlon anol Seponation a oo ee Or £ cation ¢ pep Agi... and G12 ation Such as BIH ayn i | Estimation Gs 1% axtion hos CNI74 opt 34) “ tea mo) hos bean caanian Gut with this tooh . hig ue . Anien (Po F.ct BY, T° can bo abbtoata, 82Pcoacta} Papor Chromatog yap Clacl ny Papers Chromatography Ps Ve . FOY the Separation q amin, ne pte technique, csed BIS cupplied por tho ‘ 9, Anclsis Com Pocen | biotogicad OXg10 viz, Canbohypinato ‘ieee Ha m4 atkalotols , vitcurin. € £ SERNOL, GQ May ba Used & Chock tho Purfey Land Pood pen lucts 4 Phanmnncaticaty Lion” t \ BD may bo csed @ clatoot adutltorants to Pood anol SOGt clfnkg. Gias- | %qutd Chromatography C GLe) Prtrncfple:- Bras ~ Niguel Chromatography consists 4 Goaoous MObIe Phaso anol Uquiol Phaso Cpatod On tha SWIfao % an fnart Seti poking ox on tro m walt o, api lary tubo TH Sample mixtuto > goseou peym % YUN through the capilayy tuba with a Carrier gos Seperation can ba achfevad by to oltssevente fn tho olfstxi bution Iakio Sample betwen mebile Phoke, and Stationary Phase Astex elution, tho Sompla Componets Gn be giectocl by a Suitablo fotector at tho exit. J Sampio _colucon . > Fie het ae | “aa f olatector - Working Thora 970 Bix assonticd Port q Loboratoxg gos chromatography cacy A gos cyltocks containing a carries gos- A Sample fofection System - Colorn - tharmal | COmpPoouUMANe - ‘eo olactection Syste. dacorcler. agg z f- = 1) Carvrfor 9% gupply. Th most Commenty usec! CannPor Jos2 ona NG EROGRO Lyckrogea , AYYON, Cog, tha worker Jos Shovtd be puse. The Tow Yerba Shoold be censtant- Helium, ©§ Cha comer gous fi) Qcanple fnjectton Sys tam - A Sas Sma ameund 4 tha scrople ts introducad fneo caryioy gos wlth o Syringe. SOtof Scemple can ba alfssolved Po a suftablo Set vent curof intyoduad by a Syvinge- w) “tha Cotumn- Tho Columns, ana rade PROF StoFM055 tgot, Copper. gloss Ox plostfe. They may be Coflad oy bono! RV of WShup) PomtttiGn Columns we ccd ?O Ge |The Powkston Cotumns ana Poked (th an fnart Suppoee Nika gyeund Fao brick or glay basols . The Trove KSuppOsks Gray @ nen- Volatf\e Irqutol Phose- 7 Chola 9 Uquiol Phase onal upon tho Rattan @ the SUbSEAN GC -& be Separated, Sora tiqutols sed 290 Siticen Ol. Brecues ote- I) Thermo Compovitmene . sho temperature 4 tho Column canbe malo -Ealmd uniformly by He Use q vapous Jackor Contain, benzno, totuene otc. VW) Dekecting System Dekectors maasura efthoy the Conantrotion g tha solute %N mole FRackien in tho cowtey gow o4 the Plow ‘Yato @ tha Seletta - Somme Gq tho oletyctor Which ara commenty uso ana \ A) Tharmed Concluettvity datoctor b) Flame fenization oletector A) “Thermal concluctivity olatoer - { Dissoront gases have AFsovent Thomas Conolucti vitiay By changing the compasitian q tha gas tharmat Concluctivity — wrtl Change, thoyme! Conclototivity clatoctos ae bose On tho change tn-the thermal cencluctivity 2 NS Gas Steen - A enstramont eed Por this PUTpae Fs cella Katha motor. A current 78 posed through tha Instrument, tha ‘thaymat Conolucivity q tre Surrenoting gos Changes wits A Change %n tha tumparctuno | the eoheo . tho Tasistana g tho cofss 8S moasurod FROM thou tho thormedt Conclaetiv? ty 4% tho gas CaN ba Calculctec . b) Flame Tonfzation Dotoctog TES tecPnique %s basect on tha PXocfple thar OAganic compouncls ano py solyr! (thormes ol compasiti When Intwolued nto hyolrogen Oxygen Flame, Ponecos fe PAccluced- These 769 ana Coliocted Ard tha Yosutting curvyent %3 moasuasol AN oxygen Flama fentzction olatector es cesca Foy this purpase. “Tha cotumn Sphluene gos ts Mixed wits Hyde and purne ak A matal fet Coathelo Cylfnolor acts ob anoole. AS tho Composition % tho gas fn tho Plans Changes, the number & fens and oloetsery wit) ayo Current Flow Wi, also change with the o ) A lospg — f tho Change fo composition g tho gow oluted Fem goy Chromatographie colemn. Ths fs the most Popular ole tector: vi) Recoxrcor: Ail tho cloctootor gives yfso t Small and Won, eloctrtcod BPgnal: hare ane Posed through ao ampittiox and Fed Mto tha Yecordor. Th amplitied 8?gnau Ativo the Yecorol?ng Chat Staip: weget a Sarios Q Ponks & tha paper: Application: - Gic aseol For quantttive hobormination g asount e compenont Prasent?O a mixtewe- tho Sterdiol drugs sod by axhletes ?o Sports competitions cas oletectal by Gite- Thes technique is Useol For Anolyzing complex mt xture % Substance to Ielusy and Yesearth Forty actols, Benzona and toluon, Chloromathernad Components otth Simitoy belting point. bur LlfHevone POlas ChorvacterPstic CE Seporrcrtad by thts technfaue St FS Usecl For quantttotivo Ancllyks & mixtevo adso. Peak fBighbs, Peack anvas cTa Composed wth those g known substeure ana thats quantity Lotorminey Ge has bean Useol %n Clomentel Coban, Hyctregen And NPtz0Y"O andlysis 9 OXgANIc Compounols. Hazavolocs pollukants suchas Pormeuictohycte Bing CO can be fnonttoasd by GLc Glo is sed & ololect aldlahyte, arrol kateaes Whfeh Cause vancioltty % dotsg pxooluyots Ipka m?ikcnol bukter-anol 7 PI applicut 99 oluig analysts - J Jon exchange Chromatography « Pxtncf ple !- ; DY Tevowes exchange q tons woth IFko signs betwean A elution anol A SoG! iN Contool “ith ths Selution Types @ Yosins:. Lon exchange yestns ana granular *rseubo oxgaric compsenols with giant molecules With exchange -able fens. Ths Fen exthoume yostn aw q two types. Theyora 0D cation exchcoge ¥esin andl ii) arier oxchanp yestn A @LOD exchange Vein Can be yoprasental as CRESH)B* Whora Rog ts tha basic PEYMaY g the Yosiq bo which %s attached tha anton A ANd mebite cation Bt [Tho CatiG> OxXChanger exchanges Tos Mobile Cation uith tha cation Y Go Solution . Example - &(Res gag) Nal + co&t a Seg) Na ca (Resfo9\y, co + Not ° AD anien exchange Yasin Can ba Wepresented ov (Res Bt) a”. Antes exchanges exchanges fhs mebite anton With tho anion GG Selution- [Res NCNUs) 3 Jous Hey [Res NCWHa)* Ter + Ho. [ StvOngly acfolle extion axchange Yestne EQ: SutPhonated pelystyyoro vostno + Thay ome UBM Fr tho PH Younge 4 j-14. Lanthourfdls, vitamins, Peptfoles anol cumin Aciols ri) WeaARly acfalfe cation exchany2 Yastno . Fg: Com box epic Poly mathacrylabe wasta. Thay a2 Usehut °n tho PH yang Q 5-Ih. These ono Usehu to Sopercita cations, biochom&eal and Compounds. Eyansition laments, amtno ackls, ant?bioties and oxganic ae ant Ohe a ° en 2x fii) Sirengly bas?e exthange eens. Fg! Quaternary ammeniom pelyg tgyend -rasina. spose ane cusefert in tha PH ¥ange O-1a. Thesecos usa fo Zeparsate anton’, halopn, alKalebou. vitanén B Complex, Fatty aciols ate. IV) warkty bos?e anten exchange yostn. F9- Phono Fovmatdehycta and Peltyamina Polystyvora weston. Those dis Ub2SFot in ths PHWaNR oY O-g Those aa used © Seperate anionlo ComPlexes g motu anions % APtsovene voulone?, . ; Qh vitamFnos 3 adds ard amino Actten % fen exchange vastns:- Sen exchange yestng behave ads Q porow harwork- Camying A Surplus etecbr% Charge, Which fs Olt stributed over the Sure and throughoce tha pores. THEE AND Ceporwited Cations, Lnoxrganic Compeunds| |

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