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Republic of the Philippines


Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
No.2: GE Art - First Semester, 2021-2022

Raven Von A. Dizon

Lesson 2


1. Application of Critical Thinking and Higher Order Thinking Skills

a. Healing
-Art is an effective form of healing because if lets you connect your mind and
your body. Some medication uses art as their part of therapy because it lets you
think and to move your body in creative or productive way which relieve you
from stress, problems in life and to achieve your inner peace. Because of art some
of the people with disabilities are using art to express their feelings which can
help them to forget their disabilities for a certain period of time because they are
busy doing art.

b. Communication
- Art is an effective form of communication because way back to the history
people already using art to communicate without using any words they just draw,
making sculpture in stones or woods to understand each other’s perception.

c. Expression of human behavior

- Human behavior depends in the past events, experience if a man has succeed or
failed in what he is doing and his/her environment like family, friends, culture and
beliefs. Art is an effective form of human behavior because by means of art we
can already say what habit has the artist have.

d. Demonstration of belief and religion

- Arts can express every persons religious beliefs through making portraits about
God, drawings, and sketching or picture of human body. It is image making and
giving definitions in a creative way which match to human and divine glory.

e. Source of information through history

-We can use art to know the history by simply analyzing and restoring every piece
of it. By analizing, we can conclude their lives, beliefs, their behavior and on how
they communicate which can connect relationship to our present time. We can
distinguish on how they lived, what they used to be like Hieroglyphs in Ancient
Egypt which tells different kind of meaning and which give us hint to the
mysterious pyramids in Egypt.

Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
No.2: GE Art - First Semester, 2021-2022

2. Exploring Your Art Skills

1. I think they tortured and they punish those man who are lying and unconscious in
2. The two priest didn’t even suppress the guys who are pulling and toturing the man
lying in floor and they still chatting and pointing to the unconscious man.
3. They treated the man like an animal they didn’t even help them or pitied them and
they still chatting about the man and even pointing them.
4. They didn’t respect the right of the man as being a human being still they are enjoying
doing such things.
5. I notice the clothes of the mans lying is a clothes of a fighter or warrior and they
pulling them like a rag.

Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
No.2: GE Art - First Semester, 2021-2022

3. Discovering Your Skills in Representational and Non-representational Arts

a. Representational Arts

Art in Nature

When I go to places like this I feel so amazed.

I always ask how god can create such beautiful things like these.
Mother nature doesn’t failed me to love it’s beauty.
Beautiful clouds, cold breeze, dancing trees, blue mountains and green ricefields.
The clouds that gives a beautiful scenery on the top of mountains.
The swaying grass and trees that provides us fresh air to breath.
Sweet melody that comes from birds that give us nostalgic feelings
And the cold breeze of air that hits from your face that wakes your feeling and realize
how beautiful has nature have.

Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
No.2: GE Art - First Semester, 2021-2022

b. Non-representational or Non-objective Arts

Hidden Image beyond Figures

It is viewed with different patterns and styles.

You need a lot of imagination to picture out the image inside the artwork,
And it is commonly called Abstract.
Try to use your imagination trust me it is fun and it optimizes your brain which helps you
to improve your focus, imagination and critical thinking skills.
Do you see any portrait in first abstract painting?
For me I see a figure of a bird.
How about in the second image?
I see a man playing an instrument, I hope we see the same figure.
What about in third painting?
According to my analization, I see a sad and confused man.
See, Isn’t it fun and relaxing watching and analyzing artworks like this.

Republic of the Philippines
Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya
No.2: GE Art - First Semester, 2021-2022


Look for the meaning of the following (20 points):

a. Stages in Art Making
 INSPIRATION- when doing arts it is more exciting, interesting and enjoying
when you are inspired doing a painting, writing songs, sketching and many
other types of art. Inspiration comes from people, experience, past, love life,
beliefs and nature.
 PERCOLATION- this time is where you start on sketching or constructing
your ideas on how you perform your artwork.
 PREPARATION-is where you settled your inspiration, topic to your artwork,
preparing for all the materials you need, preparing yourself for making art in a
long period of time.
 CREATION- it is the most important and most tiring part of making an
artwork. This is where you perform your skills, creative thinking, and
finalizing your artwork.
 REFLECTION-is the feelings you felt when doing it, on how you understand
your art work and the perception of other people to your master piece.

b. Key Components of the Art Market

 The key components of the art market are the gallery, curator, dealer,
consultant, and collector.
The gallery is where the artwork displayed. The custodian of the museum are
called curator. The one buys an artwork and selling it is the dealer which is
he/she buy and sell artworks. The consultant is act as the connection and
communication of the artist and the buyer. And the person who collects
different type of artworks are called collectors.

c. Responsibilities of Artists vs. Artisans

 Artist are the one who create artworks like paintings, portraits, sketches,
illustrations and sculptures while artisans are the one who create artworks that
involves clay, glass and textiles like pots, statue and glass artworks.

d. The Process of Creativity and Imagination

 Creativity is the act of creating things like chairs, clothes, sculptures while
Imagination is where you construct your ideas, imagining your ideas that it is
work properly, imagining unreal thoughts that you want to happen.
I refer it as Expectation vs. Reality, the reality will serve as the Creativity
while the expectation serves as the Imagination.


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