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Ideas for New Year

Celebration At School
1. Time Capsule Creation:
Have students create a time
capsule with notes, drawings,
and small mementos reflecting
on the past year. Bury or store
them in a designated spot on
the school grounds to be
opened in the future.

2. Resolution Wall:
Set up a wall where students
and teachers can write their
New Year resolutions or goals.
It creates a positive and
inspiring atmosphere, fostering
a sense of community and
personal growth.

3. International Countdown:
Explore different New Year
traditions from around the
world. Create a "countdown
tour" where each hour leading
up to midnight represents a
different country's New Year.
Share information, play music,
and perhaps have a small
activity or snack related to
each culture.

4. Themed Costume Party:

Encourage students and staff
to dress up in costumes
related to their aspirations,
dreams, or favorite memories
from the past year. It adds
a fun and lighthearted touch to
the New Year celebration.

5. Collaborative Art Project:

Set up a large canvas or mural
where students and teachers
can contribute by painting or
drawing their wishes, dreams,
or highlights from the past
year. This collaborative art
piece can be displayed in a
prominent area of the school
as a symbol of unity and

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