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I>r.# l(~Icral (o,,Im~s S t l . Vo} o.

pp ~'~ >1 O~,¢~(I 12Rq 81)(I-IIII ()l):~SbItSI)ltll

c I>cr~illlh*n I'rc~s I t d , I~)SO P t l l l l c d Ill (it'c;ll ] l t i l l i l l l


A. N. HAYHURST* a n d 1. M. VINCE**
Dr'part OlC#tt e!! ('hcnlical I'Sil#ineerin~t and "Fuel Techmdo~l)'. Stlel#iehl I_'nil"ersit.v,
Mappin St.. Y,he[liehl S I 3JD. Emlland

I. I N T R O l i I ' ( ' T I O N in the combustion air, and nitrogenous fuel impurities

{leaving aside any exotic nitrogenous rocket fuelsl.
Two of the gaseous oxides of nitrogen, nitric oxide
Fuel-NO is per se outside the scope of this review,
( N O / a n d nitrogen dioxide (NO,I, collectively known
although much of the material presented below in
in a pollution context as NO,, are emitted from
Section 2.2 comes from experiments with fuel-N.
combustion processes as trace species. These oxides
Except in the case of rich ~equivalence ratio, q$ > 2).
are normally present in the atmosphere in low con-
cool ( T < 2000Kt flames or those doped with nitro-
centrations, as a rcsuh maml? of forest fires or
genous additives, the concentration of NO tdenoted by
lightning, and have a role in lhe fixation of nitrogen.
[NO]t measured in combustion gases is always below
However. the high local concentrations of NO., gene-
the equilibrium concentration at the hot-gas tempera-
rated in man-made flames have a variety of harmful
ture, commonly by several orders of magnitude.
effects on the environment. The oxides of nitrogen
However, equilibrium for ambient atmospheric
have proved to be the most intractable of gaseous
temperatures is greatly exceeded and the flame [NO]
pollutants from combustion. This is partly explained
is said to be "'frozen" by a rapid quenching of the
by the fact that they were the last to be recognized as
combustion gases. Clearly, kinetics are of paramount
a nuisance and the obvious steps customarily taken to
importance in characterizing NO~ formation and
reduce emissions of CO. unburnt hydrocarbons (HC)
destruction in flames, because the rate-determining
and soot tended to maximize NO~. In addition, an
reactions are too slow for equilibrium considerations
imperfect understanding of how NO, is formed has
to apply. As mentioned above, emission levels for
been responsible. In particular, a given mathematical
turbulent diffusion flames are also strongly influenced
model of NO~ formation has often proved useful in
by combustion aerodynamics.
some systems and yet has been most unsatisfactory in
several others. It is also fair to say that combustion
modifications designed to suppress NO., have, until 2.1. T h e Zel'dovich Mechanism
recently, fallen puzzlingly short. Fixation of nitrogen requires the breaking of the
Because the main way of producing NOx in flames unusually strong bond holding together the N2
(the so-called Zel'dovich mechanism x) is relatively molecule--its dissociation energy is 941kJmo1-1.
slow, the interaction between turbulence and chemical Several flame radicals could, in principle, achieve this
kinetics can be important. Nevertheless, this review at a reasonable rate. The "prompt" mechanism
concentrates mainly on kinetic effects. This is partly described below in Section 2.2. relies on hydrocarbon
because most light has been shed on the subject by fragments. Zel'dovich I discovered the following chain
observations made in simple non-turbulent systems, mechanism :
especially burners producing flames in plug flow, and
O+N,~NO+N (1)
partly because "'prompt" NO production, the central
subject of the reviews, involves chemical reactions N + 02 --* NO + O. (2)
which are much faster than the Zel'dovich ones, so
Reaction (1) is now universally accepted as the rate-
that turbulence-kinetics interactions are relativeh'
determining step in the formation of virtually all
NO in the post-flame gases, i.e. in the region where
radical recombination is almost complete and tempera-
2. FORMATIONOF NO~ 1N FLAMES ture well defined.2 The rate constant for reaction (1)
is commonly quoted 3"4 as approximately
In general, there are two sources for the nitrogen in
NO., emitted from combustion systems: these are N_, 5 x 1013 exp ( - 37,890/T)ml mol- 1 s- i.
Owing largely to the difficulty in obtaining reliable
* Present address: Depamaaent of Chemical Engineering, measurements of local [O], there is an uncertainty of
Cambridge L nixersity. Pembroke St.. Cambridge CB2 3RA. at least a factor of two in the pre-exponential term)
** Present address: Department of Chemical Engineering This is an important uncertainty, as there is con-
and Chemical Technolog.\. Imperial College. London SW7. troversy regarding the relative contributions of other
England mechanisms to NO formation: •
36 A.N.H..x3 HL ~ST and I. M. \'Ix('l

Kinetic inconsistencies in N2OH2 flames with where T is the time-mean temperature aud T' the
additives led to the suggestion by Fenimore and characteristic fluctuation amplitude. Jones :~" tbund
Jones 6 that reaction (2) might be bypassed, especially that allowing for temperature fluctuations would
in rich flames, by the reaction increase the calctlhlted yield of NO, from a turbulent
system by typically an order of magnitude. Thompson
N + OH ---+NO + H. {3} et a/., 25 applying coherent structure theory, and bearing
The effect of including reaction {3) in kinetic calcu- in mind the high diffusion coefficients of H and He.
lations is most pronounced when [NO] is high and suggested that in the vicinity of the reaction zone [ 0 ]
the reverse reaction becomes important. The forward was raised to approximately its equilibrium xah,e at
step is indistinguishable, in terms of NO formation the peak temperature.
rate, from reaction (2); in either case, two molecules It must be emphasized that. on account of the
of NO are produced from each N2 molecule ruptured complexity of turbulent combustion, it has not yet
in the rate-determining step. Minor roles have been proved possible to test the temperature fluctuation
ascribed to N_,O~ and also to HNO. s The former theories even semi-quantitatively. Semerjian and
has been found to be quite important in cold, lean. Vranos e6 altered combustion chamber configurations
well-stirred flames. 9 to damp their high amplitude temperature oscillations.
From the foregoing, it appears that NO formation but found no corresponding change in NO., con-
should be highly dependent on temperature, linearly centration, Sadakata and Beer 2; measured local NO
dependent on oxygen atom concentration, and formation rates in a swirling turbulent diffusion flame
independent of fuel type. Final levels of emission of methane in air. They made allowance for supra-
should be roughly proportional, for isothermal flames, equilibrium [O] and, up to a point, for temperature
to post-temperature residence times. Steps to minimize fluctuations ; turbulent diffusivity was determined from
NO~, emissions, based on these conclusions, have He-tracer experiments. In the main reaction zone. NO
succeeded up to a point {see Section 4 below), but formation was much faster than predicted by the
quantitative predictions of NO formation rates based Zel'dovich mechanism.
on the Zel'dovich mechanism have been generally In conclusion, it should be stressed that Gouldin's
unsatisfactory. criterion -'2 {mentioned above) completely fails to allow
for the fact that. for the rate of reaction to be affected
by temperature oscillations, the time constant of the
2.1.1. Supra-equilibrium reulicals chemical reaction concerned has to be significantly
The importance of allowing for supra-equilibrium less than the period of the oscillations.
concentrations of radicals when measuring NO.<
formation rates in and near the primary reaction zone 2.1.3. The role o l N 0 2
appears to have been first pointed out by Thompson
et al. ~° Assuming rapid balancing-" of radical inter- NO has a mean half-life of several days in the
conversions, these workers and others ~ - l ~ were atmosphere before conversion to NO2, the directly'
able to account, within experimental accuracy, for the harmful agent, which has generally been believed to
observed rates of formation of NO in a wide variety represent no more than 5°. of exhaust NO.,: on
of flames. Here it should be mentioned that the quenching, NO is frozen at a high concentration with
literature value for the rate constant of reaction 11) respect both to NO, and N2. Fairly recently, however.
is considered by some ~-" to be too low by a factor of very high levels of NOe have been monitored of up to
two. Other workers ~5.1o have measured [O] spectro- 80",, of NO.,. especially from gas turbines. -'s-3°
scopically and validated the extended Zel'dovich Cernansky and Sawyer 2~ haxe offered a plausible
mechanism. Despite such concordance, however, NO scheme lbr anomalously high [NO,]. hmgeing oll the
levels have consistently been found in excess of pre- temporary coexistence of high radical concentrations.
diction, whether m well-stirred, *~~ turbulent- high [O2], and relatively cold conditions a set of
diffusion, ~~''~9 or laminar premixed Ilames. z°'-' circt, mstances awlihlble in turbulent diffusion flames.
More problematical is the short-lived NO_, found in
high concentrations in tile flame and p#'dtame regions
2.1.2. Temperature fluctuations by Merryman and Levy 3~in laminar premixed CHa. 'air
For turbulent diffusion flames, the interaction l]ames 10.1 I bar. 1600 2000 K). with or without added
between chemical kinetics and aerodynamics com- fuel-N. Considering the axial NO and NO_, coll-
plicates the picture. Temperature Iluctuations have centration proliles reported, ~ highly tmequilibrated
been invoked '2'23 as a cause for the excess NO,-. As with respect to each other far downstream of tile
mentioned above, the rate-determining step of the flame zone, it is dilticult not to conclude that the
Zel'dovich mechanism is highly temperature-sensitive, NO2 is hlrgely a sampling artehict.-- In fact, Wendt
having a large activation energy of E~ = 314 kJ tool and Ekmann 33 failed to repeat Merryman and Levy's
Gouldin 22 evolved the criterion that for turbulent observations. Also, Fenimore, ~a on adding NO to lean
fluctuations to be neglected : premixed llames of CO and.'or He in air. found
[NOz]/[NO] much greater than the equilibrium ratio
{E,/R:I}e[IT'}'-/:I z] ~ I in the reaction zone. but the ratio fell to approximately
I>rompt nitric oxide 37

equilibrium level in the post-lhunc gases, in filet, only allow for supra-equilibrium [O], temperature fluctu-
in the coolest flames 17 < 12(X) K) was there ations, and various nitroxy compounds, have yielded
appreciable fl'eezing of NO2. Duterque, ~s m adding equivocal results. Fenimore, 2" obtaining axial [ N O ]
NO to a prcmixcd flame in quantities sullicient to proliles Ibr prcmixcd lhit Ilamcs, extrapolated the
double concentrations measured without additive, almost linear portions of these profiles in the burnt
found N O , levels unafl'ccted. For the purpose of this gases back to the burner head. A rapid generation of
discnssion, il is in some ways of no consequence NO in the reaction zone was in certain cases indicated
whether or not these measured high [NO.,] are by, positive intercepts, which he hibelled "'prompt"
spurious, because any reasonable scheme for the NO. This is shown in Fig. 1. The variation of the
formation of NO2 entails NO as a precursor, e.g. : intercept with fuel type, temperature, pressure and
stoichiometry was in each case inconsistent with pre-
N O + 1-lO2 -> NO2 + OH
dictions based on the ZeFdovich scheme alone.
NO+O+ M--+NO2 + M F'enimore 2° was led to postulate that prompt NO
arises from the attack by a hydrocarbon fragment
N O + 02 ---, NO2 + O.
on molecular nitrogen. The likelihood of such a
The fact that each of these schemes is likely to have a pathway is examined below, on the basis of
relaxation time larger than the residence time of NO Fenimore's:" and other workers" findings.
in a llame is a very' strong indication thal N O : plays
no part whatsoever in most flames. This has been
2.2.1. Effect <?[raryhlH comhustiml condilion.~
confirmed recently by Johnson et al., ~" who consider
N O , to be formed during sampling. At this stage Fuel t),'pe. Fenimore 2° found no prompt NO
then, the origins of N O remain to be fully elucidated, in H2 or moist CO flames, but did find it m ethylene,
because as stated above, the Zel'dovich mechanism is methane and propane flames. This distinction has
frequently inadequate to account for both the high N O been confirmed by many investigators, in premixed
formation rates in the primary reaction zone, and for flames,12.21 in a jet-st irred reactor,1 ~ and m turbulent
the final N O emissions from hydrocarbon flames. diffusion flames. 3~ NO formation, according to the
Zel'dovich mechanism, is independent of fuel type,
except in so far as temperature and [O] are affected.
2.2. Prompt N O
Now, for the same temperature and stoichiometry,
In the preceding section it was stated that the hydrocarbon flames display lower concentrations than
Zel'dovich mechanism often underpredicts N O forma- hydrogen flames of all non-hydrocarbon radicals,
tion rates, and that extensions of the basic system to such as H, O H and O. because hydrocarbon fragments
inhibit chain branching.
150 Temperature. In contrast to the highly endo-
MIX = 1 05 x STOICHIOMETRIC FUEL thermic reaction (1), Fenimore found prompt N O
T= 2300 K levels to be only weakly temperature dependent. Many
O O workers 3s-'~° have confirmed this. The finding is not
inconsistent with a rate-determining step involving a
hydrocarbon radical and a nitrogen molecule, as
discussed below. Pressure. The patterns of pressure depen-
dence for prompt N O levels found by Fenimore, 2°
and others "~m'~ are generally inconsistent with the
mE 100 0 0 T TM 21#397 Zel'dovich mechanism. Fenimore 2° found that, for a
flame of 0 = 0 . S and P = 1-3bar, prompt [ N O ]
varied approximately as P~ 2 This seems to rule out 39
supra-equilibrium [O] as the main cause of fast early
r~mo 50 =0 80 formation of NO. as higher pressures promote radical
recombination at the expense of chain propagation. Stoichiometry. Fuel-rich flames have been
found to give more prompt N O than lean or stoichio-
metric flames of the same temperatureJ ~'~s'2~ and
0~ i "[--2127 indeed Fenimore 2° found a peak at q5 = 1.4, as shown
in Fig. 2. This is perhaps the most compelling of
0 ~0 20 Fenimore's reasons for rejecting the Zel'dovich scheme
TIME MILLISECONDS as the source of prompt NO, since [O] decreases by
Fl(i. 1 Measured [NO] along lbur ethylene-air flames as a orders of magnitude in going from moderately lean
functior~ of reaction time: i.e. the distance of the point of to rich conditions. In contrast. CH and C~ both have
sampling from the burner face divided b} the calculated
xelocit> of the burned gases. The mixture strength and concentration maxima at (h = 2.5 in oxy-acetylene
temperature of each flame are as quoted IReproduced with flames) 2 Iverach et al., 2~ in repeating and extending
permission from Fenimore-'".t Fenimore's experiments, found that. in order for the
38 A.N. HA'¢Ht:rSTand I. M. \qxce

FLAME T = 2300 K stoichiometric flames, i.e. in most practical systems.

Yet Fenimore 2° found measurable prompt NO at
/ oh=0.8, as have Malte e t al. TM at 05= 0.7. and
o50 R
/ 2 lOO K Bachmaier et al. 4 at 05 = 0.6. Fenimore estimated -'°
z/4 that prompt NO can constitute ~30°o of the total
NO emission from a gas turbine under normal
&. operating conditions. This point is further discussed
One conclusion from the mutually supporting
observations outlined in the previous section would
seem at first glance to be irresistible ; there is indeed a
0 I 1 I 1 pathway, distinct from the Zel'dovich reactions, for
12 16
NO formation in flames, whose rate-determining, or
at least initiating, step is the attack of a hydrocarbon
2 -- fragment on a nitrogen molecule in the flame front,
and it remains merely to find all the intermediates
o and quantify the kinetics. The "'prompt" concept has,
O however, remained controversial, partly because the
'z'l -- O - © primary reaction zone is the most problematical flame
region, both chemically (temperature undefined, supra-
equilibrium concentrations of radicals, short-lived
species, etc.) and from the sampling point of view. But
an avoidable stumbling block has been the procedure
0.8 12 16 of extrapolating axial [NO] profiles from the near-
linear region in the burnt gases to the burner head.
Fro. 2. Upper plot: [ N O ] formed in or very near the and ascribing the intercept wholly to prompt NO. It is
primary reaction zone of ethylene flames, for various mixture clear from the foregoing that this procedure usually
strengths, qS. Lower plot: the same data with [ N O ]
expressed as a fraction of its equilibrium concentration in overestimates prompt NO, since reaction (1) is faster
the final burnt gases. (Reproduced with permission from in the flame zone. So how much of the intercept
Fenimore. -~o) is truly "'prompt", i.e. independent of reaction (1)?
Sarofim and Pohl, 1"*from work on premixed methane
Zel'dovich mechanism to account for N O generated in
flames, concluded that, except possibly for very rich
the reaction zone the O - a t o m concentration in some
flames, supra-equilibrium O-atom concentrations
rich hydrocarbon flames w o u l d be required to exceed
could account for all of the intercept-NO; these
its equilibrium value by a factor of several thousand,
workers also hypothesized that Fenimore's H2/CO
corresponding to two orders of magnitude above the
flames were subject to greater heat losses than his
concentrations actually encountered. In addition, the
hydrocarbon flames, thus depressing [O3 and the rate
supra-equilibrium zone would have to extend for more
of reaction (1). Recently, however, several workers
than 1 ms into the burnt gases. Both these require-
have actually measured local temperatures and [O]
ments are clearly unfulfilled according to Millikan.".3
(and [OH] too, by Malte e t a / . ~s) directly, and found
However, substantial hydrocarbon concentrations are
the Zel'dovich mechanism inadequate. For instance.
found in just those regions where the Zel'dovich
Blauwens et al. ~'~ calculated from results in hot. lean
mechanism proves inadequate. As a crude check on
ethylene flames that Zel'dovich-NO production in the
the validity of the above, lverach et al. "-~ also calcu-
flame front was negligibly slow. Bowman and Seery "~s
lated the ratio of [N]rcqt,ircd:[N]cquilibri...... assuming N
found no evidence in shock-tube studies for prompt
to be an obligatory intermediate in NO formation by
NO ; however, as Iverach et al. 21 pointed out, the high
any pathway, and thus, if anything, overestimating the
temperatures in these studies have a masking effect
ratio. Significantly. ratios greater than seven were not
(see below). Bowman et al, have since found evidence 17
encountered: the most common value was around
for prompt NO in a jet-stirred reactor. Gay et al., "~5
unity. As a final comment, one strong piece of evidence
using molecular beam spectroscopy, found that net NO
(discussed belowj in favour of the prompt route is the
production does not commence until the post-flame
detection of HCN and CN near the reaction zone of
gases; this conclusion was arrived at in spite of their
hydrocarbon flames. These species are likely inter-
recording a peak in the flame zone corresponding to
mediates in the production of prompt NO.
a molecular weight of 30, which they ascribed 'largely
to H2CO, and in small part to C~~O, an interpretation
2.2.2. 7he cml/ o r e r the e . \ i s t e m ' e ~![prompt NO
that brought criticism from Bowman and Seery. "~3
The general impression one gleans from the If the "'prompt" hypothesis is accepted, it remains to
literature is tha.t prompt NO need be invoked, if at isolate the components of intercept-NO. Its measure-
all, only in rich llames, while the Zel'dovich mcnt provides only an upper limit for the prompt NO
mechanism, after a certain anloun[ o f adjusting, concentration, even in rich. relatively cool ttames,
adeqtlalcly predicts It~rmation rales in lean and where tile inlercept is at least readily measurable,
Prompt nitric oxide 3u

owing to the sharp decline in NO formation in tile In the lean tlames, no HCN was detected. In flames
post-flame region: in hot, lean llames, timeerror in the with 4)= 1.1 1.35, HCN appeared in tile reaction
intercept can easily exceed 100",,. zone, and rapidly disappeared in the region of fast
One approach towards increased accuracy has been early NO formation, hi the richest flames ~4~> 1.5L
to study low-pressure premixed flames, thus spatially however, HCN was detectable, its concentration having
stretching timereaction zone. at'¢a'a~ This has led to tile attained a steady level, even after 15ms; moreover.
elucidation of the kinetics of various reactions [HCN] increased with ¢k, outstripping [NO] m the
supposedly revolved in prompt NO formationff8"5° richest flames. In a similar system, cyano species
In addition, Hayhurst and co-workers 4°'st's2 have (mainly HCN) were found in above-equilibrium con-
succeeded in experimentally separating in an un- centrations by Haynes eta/., 53 w h o corroborated tile
ambiguous way "prompt" from supra-equilibrium above findings, adding the observation that. for any
Zel'dovich NO in a variety of premixed H2 flames, series of flames, maximum intercept [NO] was
containing small amounts of hydrocarbons. The associated with the highest initial rate of [HCN] decay.
response of prompt NO to variations in temperature Morley s'L recorded another piece of important
and stoichiometry was very' much as expected from evidence, namely the near-independence of [HCN].
Fenimore's work. 2° corrected for N= and hydrocarbon concentrations
Though some of the evidence is indirect and (expressed as [CH~] in the burnt gases), on temperature
circumstantial, it seems lllal the simplest way' to and fuel type. This is a requirement which must be
account for the facts dependence of intercept-NO met by any pool of precursors of prompt NO. Again,
on fuel type. temperature, pressure and stoichiomelry HCN was found in hydrocarbon flames, but not in
is to accept the reality of prompt NO. In the following CO/H2 flames, by Takagi et al. 3v A very strong
subsections, possible pathways for NO formation in reason for invoking the cyano pool of HCN and CN,
line with this hypothesis will be examined in detail. with concentrations coupled by, a rapid balance of
It is worth noting at this stage that models'.8"53"s'~ HCN + H = CN + H> is its role as a near-obligatory
based on these pathways generally give excellent agree- intermediate in the conversion of fuel-N to NO. as
ment with experiment, in contrast with the several discussed below.
M hoc assumptions required if prompt NO is not The mechanism of HCN formation from N= is still
accepted. ~a..,6 open to debate, for three main reasons: there are so
many short-lived hydrocarbon radicals which might
2.2.3. T h e i b r m a t i o ~ oJHCN conceivably attack N> the kinetics of these reactions
are incompletely known, and the extent of equilibration
Supposing the attack of a hydrocarbon fragment
within the radical pool in the flame zone is, unlike the
on N 2 is indeed the first step on the road to prompt
case in hydrogen flames, obscure and variable. This
NO, it is natural to 10ok for simple cyano species
last point is well illustrated by the findings of Peeters
(CN. HCN. C=Nzl as intermediates. Bachmaier et al.'*
and Vinckier,5° who measured radical concentrations
used two methods of measuring [HCN] in a series of
with a quadrupole mass filter in low-pressure flames of
premixed flames of varying stoichiometry and tempera-
methane (or ethylene)/Oz/Ar. The results were in
ture in the range 1900-2250K: both methods yielded
accord with the assumption that CH and CH2 were
similar values and some results are shown in Fig. 3.
equilibrated with each other, but CH3 was only
partially equilibrated with respect to these. CH was
TIME, MILLISECONDS found not to be formed directly from CH~ (through
5 10 15 20
I I the seemingly plausible steps CH3 + O ~ C H 2
25 ~-- I 1
o + OH ~ C H + H2OJ. although CH2 was formed
1 mainly from CH3 in methane flames, but in ethylene
ones it came from CiH,, + O--* CH= + CH=O, The
destruction pathways for CH and CH= depended
strongly on stoichiometry, in line with CH + H
C + H= and CH + O2 ---,products being important.
It might be noted that Bulewicz et al. '*z found [CH]
and [Ca] linked via [OH], although they did reject
direct interconversion between the two.
A certain amount of reductio ad absurdum has been
attempted, despite the difficulties. Hayhurst and
McLean sx eliminated on energetic grounds all oxy-
genated fragments except CH30 as possibilities for
attacking N=, and noted that the transition state for
CH30 ~ N2 ---,HNCO + NH2 lacked plausibility.
0 10 20 30 40 50
HEIGHT, mm CHyO is, in any event, one of the less abundant
radicals present. The reactions
Flc;. 3. HCN profiles along tirol-rich propane-air flames of
different equi~alence ratios. O IReproduced with permission
from Bachmaier er ol.a) C2+N2-'*CN+CN AH½'gs= 34kJmol 1 (41
40 A.N. HAYHURSTand I. M. VL',CE

C2H + N2 "0" HCN + CN AH.~98= 93 kJ m o l - x

C + N2 --*CN + N AH~98 = 193kJmol - t (6)
are generally regarded as making insignificant con-
tributions : reaction (6) is presumably too endothermic,
while reactions (4) and (5) are four-centred reactions.
This latter objection does not seem sufficient grounds
to disqualify reactions (4) and (5) outright, as they are
not desperately endothermic (although, of course, e~
activation energies can exceed heats of reaction), and
C2 and CzH are present in appreciable concentrations
in a typical reaction zone (and beyond, in very rich
flames55). Besides, the credentials of the two remaining
candidates, 0 0.25 0.50 0.75 1.0
Volume '70 CH~ in unburnt gases
CH + N2 ---*HCN + N AH~98 = 13kJmol -~ (7) Flcl. 5. Dependence of the yield of prompt NO. adjustel
for any change in [N2], on the amount of methane added
CHz + Nz --* H C N + NH AH~g8 = 126 kJ m o l - t
to a flame ([Hz]/[O2]/[N2] = 3.0/1.0/5.7: temperature =
(8) 1900 K). (Reproduced with permission from Hayhurst and
are not unexceptionable: reaction (7) is spin-forbidden,
while reaction (8), like reactions (4) and (5), is sterically
hindered. Nevertheless, Blauwens et al., ~'3 using mass
molecule of the hydrocarbon additive. They argued
spectrometry to measure axial concentration profiles
that this must rule out a primary attack on N2 by
of C, CH, CHz, CzH and NO in the reaction zone
any species containing two or more carbon atoms,
of premixed low-pressure hydrocarbon flames, ruled
which in their view left CH and CHz as the only
out on simple kinetic grounds all but reactions (7)
plausible candidates for reaction with N2. Because
and (8). Hayhurst and Vince '~° burned premixed
of their stability, HCN (or CN) is inevitably one of
H2/O2/N2 flames and measured the yield of prompt
the products of this primary reaction, as seen in
N O directly from the increment in [ N O ] caused by
reactions (4)-(8).
trace additions of hydrocarbons (CH4, C2H4, C3H,0
To discriminate between CH and CHz, accepting
to the burner supplies. This is shown in Fig. 4, where
for the moment that the list has been legitimately
the final differences between curve 1, for no carbon
whittled down to these two, is difficult in the extreme,
present, and curves 2-5, with increasing quantities of
since there are too many variables for the number of
hydrocarbon additive, are amounts of prompt NO.
boundary conditions that can be experimentally
These were found to be proportional to IN2], the
imposed. There seems no way to distinguish between
quantity of hydrocarbon added (as demonstrated in
the products of reactions (7) and (8), owing to the
Fig. 5), and also to the number of carbon atoms in a
balanced reaction
NH + O H = N+H20
.sz,---.--5 operating. Morley, 5"* opting for reaction (7j, and
assuming equilibrium concentrations for oxygen atoms,
obtained a value for k7 of 2.4 x 10-1"~mlmol-ls -1
at ~2400 K, which is of the same order of magnitude
~. 3~ ~ 4 as that obtained from room temperature flash
eg photolysis. 56 Such a small temperature coefficient and
the low collision frequency implied by Morley's data

~ 3 support his choice of reaction (7); i.e. low A H " , but

z 20
spin-forbidden, as mentioned above. However,
• 2 Miyauchi et al.. "~8 probing the reaction zone of rich,
I low pressure methane fhtmes, and subjecting their
10 results to numerical analysis involving 27 reactions
for methane oxidation, and nine for NO Ibrmation,
found an almost quantitative agreement between
I 1 1 predictions and results, although the sole HCN-
5 10 15 forming mechanism included was reaction (8). Finally,
Axial distance from reaction zone (ram) Blauwens el ,I.. "~'*examining [CH] and [CH2] profiles
FI(;. 4. Measured concentrations of NO along the axis of a in low-pressure flames of various hydrocarbons, found
flame [[CH2]/[O2]/[N2] = 3.0/I.0/3.3; temperature=
it impossible to distinguish between reactions (7) and
2350 KI with various amounts of acetylene added : curve 1.
()['~i; 2, 0.987,i; 3. 3.02",, ; 4, 4.43,, ; 5, 6.(18",i. t Reproduced ~8), as [NO] was proportional to both radical con-
with permission from Hayhurst and Vince.4°l ccntrations. Their calculated upper-limit rate constants,
Prompt nitric o x i d e 41

k . = g × I011 e x p ( - 5 5 6 0 / T ) , Reactions (9a) and (9b) are usually presumed

balanced ~ in tile flame :
and HCN + H~---'~- CN + Hz
k~ = 2.8 x 10 I - ' e x p ( - l l . 4 O O / T ) m l m o l e - l s 1 ,tl 41 (ga)
were ahnost equally good at representing tile results. HCN + OH~--""-"~'CN + HzO (9b)
Clearly. any blend of reactions 17) and (8) would do so that there is an element of indistinguishability about
no less well, but Benson ~v has argued for a pre- H C N and CN. Plausible routes for HCN decay may
dominance of reaction (7)over reaction (8). therefore involve HCN a n d / o r C N : C_,N2 formation
In all of the above, it has been assumed that the involves termolecular collisions, so is doubtless too
immediate products of the hydrocarbon--nitrogen slow to be considered in this context. Haynes et al. s3"~v
reaction include a cyano radical or molecule, which found - d ( l n [ H C N ] ) , d t proportional to [ O H ] and
is probably HCN, but interconversions are possible, [H], implying either a direct attack on H C N (not via
as discussed in the next section. Eberius et al. "u reactions (9a) and (9b)) by O H or H. or else decay
found that H C N added to low-pressure flames first through C N
disappeared and then reappeared: they took this Fenimore ~2 opted for attack on HCN m
finding as evidence that a distinct nitrogenous inter-
mediate occurs before H C N formation in undoped HCN + H : O --, H N C O ~- H2 (10)
tlames. Their reasoning is. however, open to question, H N C O + H 2 0 ~ NH~ + ( ' 0 2 (11)
because in the doped flames H C N is subjected to
pyrolysis prior to the reaction zone. There are. of having found - d ( l n [ H C N ] I / d t proportional to
course, se\eral roundabout routes to HCN, some su [ H 2 0 ] 2 / [ H z ] in a variety of flames doped with
involxing N O itself, e.g. pyridine or NH3. Fenimore's reasoning is not
altogether convincing. Owing to the balanced reaction
C H ) + NO ---,CH,~NO --+ C H e N O H ---, H C N + H20. OH-rH.,=H + H 2 0 in the flame zone, we have
Even so. it is difficult to conceive of mechanisms [ O H ] proportional to
whereby a small hydrocarbon fragment might split a [H203[HI [H23.
nitrogen molecule without eventually producing H C N or
or CN. The importance of these two species is also
brought out by the fact that all the N O produced in [H 20]/[H2] 1 2)( [ H I ' [HI ~.qt,
combustion systems from fuel-N compounds is via or
one or other of them as intermediates. 54 Consequently,
([H20]/[H_,] 1.2}.
after the initial formation of H C N and CN, the
chemistry of the formation of prompt and fuel-NO is to a first approximation, for a given region of the
identical. flame, within which the degree of supra-equilibrium
does not vary very much. In other words, [ O H ] z
varies linearly with [HzO]Z/[H2], and little remains to
2.2.4. T h e destruction o / ' H C N distinguish Fenimore's mechanism 62 from Morley's 54
with a rate determined by reaction (12);
The xarious fates of N a n d / o r N H generated in
reactions 171 and (8) are discussed in the section H C N + O H --, CN + H 2 0 (gb)
below. It is sufficient to note here that H C N and C N 4- O H --, O C N + H
CN are clearly not obligatory intermediates in the
formation of all prompt NO, since, for example, N, OCN+Hi -* CO+NH~ (12)
produced in reaction (71. can yield an equivalent nothing, that is, except for a factor of [ H 2 0 ] arising
amount 5~ of N O via reaction (2), the much less from H 2 0 being on the right-hand side of the balanced
energetic Zel'dovich step. Nevertheless, there are reaction (9b). This ~as not varied much by either
competing pathways for reaction of NHi species, and worker, although Fenimore's data 62 lend some support
NO destruction is favoured in tile flame zone, so it is to his pathway above. In this context, Morley's
not surprising that H C N has been estimated to
comment s4 is pertinent; the H C N disappearance rate
interx ene in the production of ~ 90°0 of prompt NO. 3~
seemed to vary with the first power of [H], but,
Cvano species do not seem to form N O directly
because supra-equilibrium radical concentrations lead
under flame conditions, although the minor reaction
to a temperature lower than adiabatic, and hence to a
CN * O , ~ NO + CO has been documented 59 after
lower [ H C N ] decay rate, the dependence may well be
roona-temperature flash photolysis. Dechaux and
of higher order.
De Soete "° found tile initial rate of H C N disappearance
On energetic grounds, decay of the cyano pool is
to be noticeabl) higher than the initial rate of N O
more likely 51 through C N than HCN, even though
formation in H C N - d o p e d methane/oxygen/argon
the latter is usually more abundant by an order of
flame,,, suggesting the presence of an intermediate
magnitude. Thus, even H C N + O ~ O C N + H, with a
betu een .HCN and NO. Sexeral workers have suggested
rate coefficient 63 of
parallel or series roles for the NH~ species, as discussed
in the ,ection belou. 5.2 x 101-' exp ( - 4 0 9 0 T)ml tool- i s-
42 A.N. HAYHURSTand 1. M. Vlxce

is too slow 5"~ to account for the observed extremely leading to species of the type NH~. Overall then. it is
rapid rates of HCN disappearance. In contrast, the clear that the last word still remains to be said on
step the disappearance of HCN.
CN + 02 --. OCN + O (13)
2.2.5. The role o(NHi species i, the post:/tame ,qases
has little or no activation energy6. and is favoured by
The NH~ species ti = 0-3) interact in diverse ways
Mulvihill and Phillips,65 even for a fuel-rich flame.
with a flame's NO metabolism. Their fate in the flame
Their argument is perhaps the most compelling, relying
zone, where they usually react quantitatively, also
as it does on few assumptions, and not baulked by
belongs to a discussion of fuel-NO, as well as of
inaccuracies in kinetic data or measurements of trace
prompt NO. In the post-flame gases they may react
concentrations. A premixed hydrogen flame (4) = 2.25, with hydrocarbon fragments 69'7° to form HCN, e.g.
T = 1500K) was doped with up to 1% C2Nz, and
the products monitored with a quadrupole mass R + N--,HCN + . . .
spectrometer. [CO] was calculated after calibration CH + NH3 --* HCN + H2 + H
in the absence of cyanogen. Approximately equal
amounts of HCN and CO/CO2 mixture were found, or with an oxidant to form NO in the obligatory
indicating that the main primary reaction 66 final step in the generation of prompt NO, or with NO
itself, yielding N,. Temperature, stoichiometry, nature
H + C2N2 -~ HCN + CN of the fuel, and identity and concentration of the
is followed almost exclusively by reaction (13), rather nitrogenous species all have a bearing on the relative
than reactions (9); i.e. that CN disappears virtually importance of these roles. Thus, pieces of evidence
before equilibration of the cyano pool has begun. obtained by different workers, which at first glance
It seems from the above that temperature is possibly seem conflicting, may well turn out to be
the main factor in deciding which oxidant will attack complementary.
CN; in Mulvihill and Phillips' work, 65 at 1500K it is In the absence of hydrocarbons, i.e. in all but the
02, in Morley's,5. at 2500 K it is OH, while Haynes richest hydrocarbon flames, the post-flame decay of the
et al., 53 working in an intermediate region (~ 1800- NH~ species is quantitatively accounted for by the
2400 K), found COz the most likely candidate; production of NO and N,,. This fact is translatable
into the following widely accepted 53.54.62 scheme:
CN + CO2 -~ OCN + CO. (14)
NI + Ox ~ NO + ... (15)
However, this reaction was discounted later by
Haynes. 67 The progression (13), (14), (12) is probably NI' + NO --* N2 + '" ", (16)
in ascending order of activation energies, but the where Ox is an oxygen-containing species and NI and
effect of temperature on [OH] must not be over- Nl' are nitrogenous intermediates, which by default
looked. Finally, Haynes 67 has proposed an alternative consist of one or more of the NHi species. It is
scheme for fuel-rich flames, wherein reaction (12) sometimes assumed, TM possibly on insufficient grounds
prevails above 2300 K, but a parallel step, first-order (but cf. Haynes 72) that NI and NI' are identical. This
in [OH], possibly need not be so, as the NH~ species are interconvertible
by the (equivalent) reactions
HCN + OH ---,HOCN + H,
NH~ + IOjH = NH~_ t + H2(O)
or some kinetically-equivalent process, is more
important at lower temperatures I1950-2300K). whose rates are comparable with those of the ammonia-
Recently, Fenimore68 has concluded that the rate of depletion pathways, 7~ although indeed a steady state
disappearance of HCN is first order in both HCN may not always be achieved (see below). From reactions
and OH. which adds weight to the idea of OH 115) and (16), we have
attacking HCN or CN.
d[NO]/dt = k,5[N/] [O.\-] - kz6[Nl'] [NO]. (i)
Haynes 67 and Morley 54 agree on kinetic grounds
that OCN and HOCN must be rapidly removed, i.e. In rich flames seeded with nitrogenous compounds,
that the. rate-determining step in the oxidation of and in very rich, relatively cool, unseeded flames, a
HCN is the formation of cyanate, and not a breaking peak for [NO] occurs near the reaction zone, because
of the C - N bond a conclusion in line with the [ O H ] ( - [ O x ] , presumably, in these flames) decays
temperature effect noted above. Possible sequences s4.~'v and [NO] builds up. Here d[NO]/dt = 0, and
[NO] ...... = k~5[Nl] [Ox]/I,,6[Nl']. (ii)
OCN + H z = H N C O + H
Using axial concentration profiles of stable species
HNCO+ H~NH2 +CO and radicals in premixed Ilat flames, eqs (i) and (ii)
have been stretched and strained to imply identities
or for N/, N/' and 0 \ , as well as values for k~5 and
+11 k~6, in given systems. Table I summarizes the flame
conditions, assumptions, relevant results and con-
OCN + H ~ N H +CO clusions of several investigators.
lAmi I Summary ofrecenlatlemptstoclarifytheroleoftheNH~speciesinpr°mpt NOfl~rmation

Experm3cntal conditions Stated a s s u m p t i o n s Results Conclusions Authors

[NO],,, increased by added !-t20 or (-'02. NI'= NH2;Ox=OH; Fenimore 62

tt('andothcrfllels;7= 1525 2 1 4 0 K ; [ O H ] = [OHIo. in
burnt gases ; N14; lowered by inerts. NI probably = NH2. though
q~ 1.2 1.93; NIt3 or pyridine added
balanced [NO],, = 7 × 10 ~[O1-t] 2 e x p ( - 5 7 . 0 0 0 ; T ) (151 may not be single-step
al 1300 8700 ppm. Results of olhers
CO-l-dOlled mol ml '
NI N / ' consisls of N ~ NH Kuskan and I l n g h e s ' "
NII3/Oz Ilames: "1 = 2010 K ; q~ - 0.84; N 2 0 . H N O and N2Hi Nlli balanced; | O i l ] < | O H I o , ;
have no impact ; [NO] > [NO]~, and o r Nt12; [ O t t ] depressed
N i l ~, NH, NO, ()H concentrations
certain reaction rates. by very fast reactions:
measnred NIl, ~- OH ~ N H i ~ + H_,O
by analogy
NI = NI' = rain. 6 0 " . N. with | t a y n e s "2
('21-12 or ('211,, fuel; 7 = 1950 2350K ; NHi balanced ; With enough fuel-N.
HC fragments absent [NO],,*,/EOH] ...... = 1.2 + 0.2; [ N I ] varies possible contribution from
~/~ 1.5 or 1.7; NIl3. pyridine or N O
from post-flame gases ; with [ O H ] 3. (Results don't hold for hottest N H / N i l 2 . In hot llames.
added up to 2000 ppm. Radical cones.
H C N not formed in pfg and richest flames.) N O + H ---,N + O H becomes ...#
from measured [H]
important: in very rich flames.
HC fragments in pfg
|no]*=2 3 × [OH]~q O\- = O t t ; h , ~ . k l 6 = 2 3 |Tenimor e-5 =.
( ' , l t , , l l a m e s ; T = 1860 2 2 5 0 K , NI = N I ' ;
~k = 0.9 2.0; four N - c o m p o u n d s added [ O H ] = [OH]¢q, even F.
near flame front o
NI is composite: O x is Haynes el al. 53
Various t i c and other fuels; NI and NI' With sufficient fuel-N, LNO] ---,[ N O ] ....
indistinguishable, i.e. characteristic of flame. [NO],,, varies with probably O H ; k ~ k , 6 is of
T = 1830 2 4 5 0 K ; q S = 1.4 2 . 4 ; u p t o
[NO],. = k,~/kt6[O.x] fuel, T, the order of one in HC flames
5000 ppm pyridine added. Radical cones
from measured [H]
HC flames; three N - c o m p o u n d s added; NHI largely equilibrated Several overall rates and activation energiesNH~ pool disappears mainly De Soete 3s
T = 1800 2 4 0 0 K ; q ~ = 0 . 6 1.5 internally through N
None 2-step disappearance of N O ; Ist with 1 : I {161 probably consists of two D u x b u D and Pratt s
Shock-tube studies ; N H 3 / N O mixtures
very dilute i n A r ; l - = 1450 3250K; disappearance of NH3, 2nd with an induclion tast reactions involving
O t t and NH monitored period = that in t t 2 / N O system NH + NO and N i t , + N O
[ C O ] decay 1st order k,s/kl~ > 0.5; rain. value ifO.\ = O2 NI :~ N; NI probabl,, - NH Seery and Zabielski-'
('O/NII3/O2/Ar flames; T = 1400K;
4, = 0.23 in [ O 2 ] ; NI = N I '
Very fuel-rich combinations of None Estimates of rates of 115) and 116) N / ' - N I t , -115) is possibly Fenimore ~'~
either N H : + I t 2 0 or
N 20 /O2 /N2 /H 2/CH,, with measurements
NIt3 + O t l
of NO. NH~. HCN. CH,~ concs
Note: Flames premixed and laminar, except where stated. Values for k~5 and k,~, have not been included, being in all cases lenlativc. [NO],, refers to steady Icxcl of
[ N O ] far into burned gases: [NO],* = transient peak near llame zone. at lime t,,,. Subscript "eq" denotes the xalue of a quanlit~ for equilibrium in the burned gases.
44 A.N. HAYHL:RSTand [. M. V]NCE

A glance at the table should show the near- abov.e the measured [NO]. Figure 6 then. is the
impossibility of generalizing meaningfully about the most plausible scenario for prompt NO tbrmation in
post-flame role of the NH~ species; an exhaustive a moderately rich flame of say 4' = 1.5. Sho~n there
evaluation is in any case beyond the scope of this are pyrolysis reactions giving CH or CH= upstream of
work, although for our purposes weight should be the reaction zone. with subsequent steps leading to NO.
attached to Refs 8, 53 and 72. A few truisms may be From data obtained by' Hayhurst and Vince, s= it is
attempted, however: clear that the prompt mechanism in ~erv rich flames
is not completely as portrayed above. The x measured *°
(1) Reaction (16) is the only one which effectively
the yield of prompt NO generated b~ controlled
depletes the pool of nitrogenous pollutants.
amounts of a hydrocarbon added to a variet~ of
(2) Altering the balance between reactions (15) and
premixed flames of H_,, O z and Nz. as alreadx described
(16) may be the simplest way of controlling prompt
in Fig. 4. In very rich flames t~h > 2.5) the x found:
NO (and perhaps also fuel-NO) without compromising
measures against thermal NO. (1) Concentrations of prompt NO exceeding those
(3) The overall rate constants k~5 and k~6 are of for equilibrium by up to a factor of 20.
the same order of magnitude over a wide range of (2) When the amount of added hydrocarbon ex-
flame conditions. ceeded 18~ by volume, the total measured concentration
(4) Internal equilibration of the NH~ systems is rapid of NO rose in the region of the reaction zone to a
by flame-chemistry standards (see Kaskan and Hughes' maximum, followed by a sharp drop. Although NO
conclusions in Table 1, and also note the transient was accordingly disappearing from the burned gases,
effect on [OH] in propane flames with N-additive, it was possible to estimate the total prompt NO
noted by Puechberty and CottereauV¢). In hot flames, produced, by extrapolation back to the reaction zone.
however, where [OH] is very high and the Zel'dovich (3) The quantity of prompt NO produced in a flame
mechanism becomes important, depletion of N atoms was not only proportional to [N_,], but also to the
can be too fast for equilibration,v-" amount of hydrocarbon added, provided this latter
(5) Each of reactions (I 5) and (16) may involve more was less than 1%, as noted above in Fig. 5. Larger
than one of the NH~: thus, full equilibration may not concentrations restflted in a maximum, and subsequent
be crucial. The NH; system may itself act in parallel decline in prompt NO levels, as shown in Fig. 7. In
with the HCN-NH~ pathway, as shown semi- spite of these diminished prompt NO yields, e.g. for
quantitatively by De Soete, 3s since in generating a hydrocarbon additions of about 3",,, [NO] in fact
molecule of HC N an N atom is released, by reaction 17). remained above its equilibrium value.
(4) As seen in Fig. 7. the maximum prompt [NO]
2.2.6. Prompt NO in very rich .flames declined with increasing 4),
(5) It was noted above that the yield of prompt NO
For each CH-N_, reaction, up to two molecules of
was found "*° to be linear in the number of carbon
NO are presumed to be formed: one via HCN, the
atoms in a molecule of the hydrocarbon. Although
other in the ZeFdovich fast reactions (2) and/or (3).
this still held in these very fuel-rich flames, the lines
The relaxation time for the latter under conditions
no longer passed through the origin and the slope
in the flame is not more than a few tens of micro-
became smaller as 4~ was increased. These trends are
seconds, but prompt NO formation is sometimes
shown in Fig. 8, for both low and high C'.
incomplete after a period of several milliseconds, as
Hayhurst and McLean s~ have noted. As described If these rich-flame anomalies amounted merely to a
above, HCN and NH3 have been detected far into slowed increase of prompt [NO] with increasing 0
the post-llame region of hydrocarbon flames, in con- and C-content, one could try to rationalize them in
centrations above those for focal equilibrium and terms of Fig. 6. In this case, because o1 a dearth of


RH * H~ ~ ~ CHi * "'" I

CH i * N2 ~ HCN * NHi_ 1
I NHi_I , H ~ NHI-z* H 2
I N * O H I O 2 "-~" NO * HIO

I (H)CN * OH - - " " NCO ~ NHi • CO

NHi, OH~NO, ...

I"IG. 6. , ~ u n l n l a r y o f t h e m e c h a n i s m for producing prompt NO in a p r e m i x e d Ilanl¢ ~itll gas I l o w i l l g
from left to right. The fuel is a hydrocarbon R t l
Prompt nitric oxide 45

10 ~=25

~} = I 5, 1900 R
,z, a ~ go

J ~
•,~ 6 -- (3
Z 5, 1900 K i

3 O, }900 K
1 55, 2 350 R
~ 5


o I I
0 1 2 3

FIG. 7. Prompt nitric oxide concentrations (all normalized

on IN2] = 70'!o by volume) as a function of the amount of t
C:H2 added to three very rich flames of H2 + O2 + N2, 2
all at 1900K. The equivalence ratios of the parent Ha C ATOMS PER HYDROCARBON MOLECULE
flames are as shown. FIG. 8. The measured variation of the yield of prompt NO
(after correction for any changes in [N2] and [hydro-
oxidant radicals, H C N a n d / o r NH3 would survive in carbon]l with the number of carbon atoms in one molecule
appreciable concentrations, and normalized of the hydrocarbon, added to a series of flames with
equivalence ratios, (p, and temperatures, as shown.
[n]~.o~,,,~ = [ N O ] + [ H C N ] + [nI-13]

should still vary linearly with the concentration of Myerson 76 has actually succeeded in destroying the
hydrocarbon additive. That it is far from doing so, is major portion of exhaust-NO (up to 90°0) in a flowing
obvious from (2) and 13J above, since destruction of system of simulated combustion effluents by injecting
NO, or an intermediate in N O formation, is taking a mixture of hydrocarbon and oxygen in carefully
place in flames with more than ~ 1.500 by volume of controlled amounts. The most critical parameter was
hydrocarbon added. Since the observations are such the hydrocarbon : 0 2 ratio. If q~ of the oxidant stream
that the bulk of this destruction must have occurred was a little over 2.0, [ N O ] was minimized without
within or close to the reaction zone, CH~ as well as appreciable H C N appearing. The hydrocarbon : initial
NH~ may be responsible. Possible reactions, with N O ratio was also important, for, as this ratio was
reasonably low activation energies, include: increased beyond an optimum around unity, H C N
replaced N O in the exhaust. Myerson suggested 76
CH + N O --+ H C O + N (17)
(and no one has disagreed) that the 02 provides
CH + NO---, H C N + O reducing radicals such as CH, which then directly
N + H C N ---, N2 + CH reduce N O through steps such as reaction (17),
H C N + N O --+ N2 + H C O followed by reactions (18)-(20). The global reaction is
of the form
NH + N O ~ N2 + OH (18)
6 N O + 4CH ~ 4 C O + 2 H 2 0 + 3N>
NH2 + N O --+ N , + H_,O (191
Again, Yamagishi et al. ~7 were able to plot a monotonic
N + NO~N2 +O (20)
decline in total combined nitrogen
NH~ + CH ~ H C N + H~
( [ N O ] + [ H C N ] + [NH3]I
NH~ + NH~ ~ N_~ + H/H2.
from 50 ppm at ~b = 1.4, to 8 ppm at (a = 2.0: [ H C N ]
It is not sinapl3 because kinetic data for some of these
had peaked at 4~ = 1.7. The evidence in this paragraph
reactions are lacking or uncertain that the choice is
shows the possibility of eliminating N O without
bewildering: the main reason for diffidence is that
engendering H C N etc., and the way CH~ may bring
there is so little information available on the behaviour
of hydrocarbons in flames as rich as these--under- this about.
Iverach et a l } ' have outlined a situation wherein
standably, since if they were fuelled solely by hydro-
[ N O ] may briefly exceed [NO]m,x as defined in eq. (ii),
carbon, the sooting limit would long since have been
viz. in or near the reaction zone of rich, relatively cool
46 A.N.H.~,YHt_Rsr and 1. M. Vzx(E

hydrocarbon flames, where [NH/] is very large and 5 x l 0 1 ~ m l m o l - ~ s -~ at 2000K. Whether HCN
[Ox] ( - [ O H ] ) is supra-equilibrium. In the post-flame might thus react with NO in extremely' rich flames is
gases, however, [NO] drops back to [NO] .... this uncertain, but Haynes 6" found no evidence for such a
decline being perpetrated solely through the NH~ reaction at 4) = 1.66. De Soete. 38 from measurements
pool. It seems improbable, however, that the observa- of overall reaction rates in a hydrocarbon flame with a
tions catalogued above, especially (3), can be nitrogenous additive, suggests a rate constant for
interpreted without recourse to other reductants in
HCN + NO ---,N., + HCO
addition to the NH~ system. For one thing, HCN in
concentrations above that of NO has been shown ~ of 3 x 101-' exp ( - 30.000 Tlml mol -* s 1.
to survive far into the post-flame region of premixed
hydrocarbon flames of ~b = 1.5. The requisite high 3. THE POLLUTION SIGNIFICANCE OF PROMPT NO
[NH~] and supra-equilibrium [OH] are thus already
One important finding of Hayhurst and Vince*°-~-'
present at this equivalence ratio. Yet here, at 4' = 1.5
is that the amount of prompt NO produced in a
(and even 2.0), none of this axial decline, etc., was
premixed flame per N_, molecule and per C atom m
observed by Hayhurst and Vince. ~2 Secondly, [NO]
the burner supplies is virtually independent of flame
is supposed to fall to [NO] .... in the post-flame
temperature (at least in the interval 1900-2350K.
gases, a value that, under isothermal conditions, should
and probably up to 2500K as well) and also of
vary linearly with [OH], but be independent of any
stoichiometry, for q5 around 1.25-2.0. In lean flames.
other variable, if we assume that NI and NI' are
however, prompt NO levels fall abruptly when q5
either equivalent or balanced (see above). Now, our
decreases below unity. In contrast, thermal NO
observations 5z resist such a description, because the
formation is highly dependent on temperature
drop in [NO] is found to be very sudden--virtually
(activation energy = 316 kJ mol- ~) and on residence
over within the reaction zone itself--and is a large
time at high 7", and dwindles in fuel-rich flames.
one. These are facts inconsistent with any reasonable
Also, it is not supposed to respond directly to vari-
axial [OH] profile in similar H2 or C2H2 flames, s5
ations in fuel type. Finally, fuel-NO production has
Again, although [OH]~q falls by 14'.~'o, and
an effective activation energy which seems to be about
[OH]/[OH]¢q is also presumably lowered, in going
an order of magnitude below 3s that of thermal NO,
f r o m 2'~ o t o 3,! 0 C 2 H 2 substitution in a hydrogefl flame
while the yield Y {ratio of NO finally emitted to fuel-N
of q~ = 2.5, the corresponding fall in prompt [NO] is
fed to flame) is governed primarily by stoichiometry
over 8031, as shown in Fig. 7.
and fuel-N content. In lean flames containing ,~ I °o N,
In addition to Iverach et al.'s scheme, '~ which
Y is frequently 1 0 0 " , . Fuel type can be relevant, with
probably accounts for our observations of the post-
some stable nitrogenous compounds requiring the
flame-front decay of [NO], it is necessary to postulate
presence of a hydrocarbon for conversion to take
another sink for NO in the flame. The most likely
place, but for most fuel-N, including amines and CN
candidate is Myerson's,76 involving reactions {17) and
species, this does not strictly apply.
(20), i.e. :
From the foregoing, it is obvious that prompt NO
CH + N O + H C O + N ,N2 + O will contribute most m cooler hydrocarbon flames of
so-called "'clean" fuels, and less in flames that are very
although similar contributions from CHz and CHs
hot. very lean, contain substantial fuel-N, or are
cannot be ruled out. It appears, then, that while CH
partially fuelled by H2..CO. Much has been made in
disappears very early within the reaction zone in lean
the past of the fact that prompt [NO] peaks at fuel-
and moderately rich flames before appreciable NO
rich equivalence ratios, but the standpoint that it can
formation through HCN {or cognate N) has taken
therefore be ignored in most practical applications is
place, in extremely rich flames CH manages to survive
challenged by three facts:
long enough to attack NO. The reactionts) of CH~
with NO must be a good deal faster than the activation (I) Lean flames do produce some prompt NO.
energy of 84 kJ tool ~ suggested by Myerson v6 would Fenimore,-'° and others, 3"''~'~''~s have observed this.
allow, even accepting a value for the pre-exponential Moreover, his intercept-NO increased markedly with
factor of an order of magnitt, de higher than that pressure, particularly in lean flames, so that at 3bar
estimated for reactions {71 or {81 by Blauwens et al. ~ prompt [NO] was about the same at q5 = 0.8 and
Experiments with fuel-N have lent independent q5 = 1.4. Also, Hayhurst and Vince5-" found at 1900K
support s-' to the argument that CH~ + NO --,products that the yield of prompt NO per hydrocarbon molecule
must be very fast at 1900 K. in the burner supplies wits near its peak value at
No doubt CHi NHi reactions also abound, yielding q5 = 0.88. Furthermore, there was a strong tendency
HCN, and thus not merely retarding, but derailing for this peak to shift towards the fuel-lean with
prompt NO production, since NH~ is here acting as "decreasing temperature.
yet another competitor against molecular nitrogen for (2) Premixed flames, the vehicle for most research
available CHi. Again, the probability of two NH~ to date on prompt NO, are seldom encountered outside
radicals colliding to form N2 is enhanced when OH laboratories. Overall stoichiometry is irrelevant in the
is scarce. Halstead et al. TM found a surprisingly high rcaction zone of dilrusion Ilames, with or without
rate coellicient for CN + NO--, CO + N,, equal to turbulence. As is well known, this zone is regularly
Prompt nitric oxide 47

TABLE2. Prompt NO predicted in the exhaust of various overall-stoichiometric

flames burned in air

Prompt NO concentration
Fuel ppm as kg NOz/tonne ft,el as kg NO2/10 5 MJ

CH4 47 1.5 2.7

C2H¢, 55 1.6 3.1
C3H8 59 1.7 3.3
U.K. motor spirit 65-74 1.7 1.8 4.0 4.2
[C/H = 0.47-0.641
CzH4 67 1.8 2.9
CzH2 85 1.9 3.5
C6H6 85 1.9 4.6
CH 3OH 53 0.68 3.4

slightly fuel-rich. In a turbulent diffusion flame, flame whose burnt gases contain 70"0 by volume of
modelling is always precarious, so it is often a moot N2 and 1',,, of carbon atoms originally present as
point as to how much observed NO:, the Zel'dovich hydrocarbon. It is now a matter of straightforward
mechanism explains. Nevertheless, clear-cut results are arithmetic to construct Table 2 for atmospheric-
not impossible to obtain: e.g. Vince 19 probed a pressure flames burned at an overall q~ = 1.0. The
turbulent diffusion propane-air flame of overall final column in Table 2 was derived using calorific
~b = 0.84, finding up to 12ppm NO, although the time- values from Rose and Cooper. ~9 Also, this column
averaged temperature (measured with a thermocouple) contains data for methanol. It is more than doubtful
was around 1250 K. A practical flame can, indeed, be that methanol would behave as a hydrocarbon in
viewed as a slightly rich reaction zone promoting producing prompt NO, since the C atom is already
prompt N O formation, surrounded by a fuel-lean linked to an oxygen one. Even so, it appears that
region, which protects the N O from destruction by fairly high emissions of prompt N O are possible.
NH~; cf. the behaviour of fuel-NO yield with varying Neglecting any possible temperature dependence of
stoichiometry. prompt N O formation and that it strictly holds for
(3) It is misleading to compare emissions for different premixed flames only, Table 2 can be further developed,
stoichiometries in ppm, as is often done in the case of in making estimates of the prompt contribution as a
NOx, though for no other major pollutant nowadays. percentage of the total NO., emission measured from
The basis should surely be kg N O x / t o n n e of fuel various practical sources. The average emission data
burned. Due simply to air dilution, all hydrocarbons in Table 3 are as quoted by Perkins. s° In constructing
must yield an exhaust 70-80% more concentrated Table 3, the natural gas in the first three rows was
in N O when burned at ~b = 1.4 rather than ~b = 0.7, assumed to be pure methane. The contribution from
for the same N O output/weight of fuel. prompt N O in gas engines and turbines of course
depends on the gas composition, so that the final
Hayhurst and Vince 52 were able to develop a rule figures should be lowered if the fuel contains H2 or
of thumb to predict the amount of prompt N O CO. No allowance was made for the effects of pressure
produced in a premixed flame. The rute gives the on the entries for the last three rows: pressure effects
concentration of prompt N O per unit concentration have been investigated by Fenimore. 2° Data for
of N2 and per unit concentration of carbon atoms residual fuel oil, coal and waste disposal are available.
(added as hydrocarbon) in the burnt gases, as roughly However, it seems naive on the basis of the present
110 mol m l - 1 / ( m o l m1-1 N2) • (mol m1-1 C-atomst study to try to predict prompt N O levels in any but
when reduced to s.t.p, l l a t m . and 0°C). This corres- homogeneous flames. It may fairly be conjectured,
ponds to prompt N O levels of about 5ppm for a nevertheless, that, since these last-named substances

TABLE 3. Emission factors for nitrogen oxides : the role of prompt NO

° o estimated due
Source Average emission factor (as NO:) to prompt NO

Natural gas :
household and
commercial 116 lb/million ft 3 gas burned 57
industry 214 Ib/million ft 3 gas burned 31
utility 390 lb/million ft 3 gas burned 17
Gas engines 770- 7300 lb/million ft 3 gas burned 2- 21
Gas turbines 200 lb/million ft 3 gas burned 30
motor vehicle 113 lb 1000 gal. fuel 10
Diesel engine 222 lb: 1000gal. fuel 5
48 A.X. HAYHURSTand I. M. Xlx(E

are as a rule strongly contaminated with combined heat transfer is maintained adequate to prexent
nitrogen, the prompt mechanism is likely to be over- increased flame temperatures. Reduction~ of up to 30~'o
shadowed. If, say Y = 50 o for a fuel containing 1 ",, N are possible m some boilersY 3 Brox~n et al, s~ con-
by weight, then fuel-NO will account for 16.5 kg/tonne. sidered low excess-air combustion more effective in
and prompt NO is certainly going to be <5'~o. In reducing fuel-NO, especialb at high fuel-N levels.
this context, there is a piece of circumstantial evidence 8 than thermal NO. Prompt NO formation is likeb to
that, in a fluidized-bed combustor, NO levels were be promoted by any shift to the fuel rich. but ~ill m~t
found to be unaltered when nitrogen in the com- peak as long as any excess air is present.
bustion air was replaced by argon. Two-sta~le combustion, in which sub-stoichiometric
A striking feature of Table 3 is the entry under gas air is injected at the burner, and heat is removed
turbines. Through a quite different experimental and before the remainder of the combustion air is admitted.
calculation procedure, a similar estimate for a relative is capable of somewhat larger reductions. The first
contribution of prompt NO was obtained by stage commonly entails -95",, of stoichiometric air.
Fenimore. 2° Equally encouraging is the fact that, in but Turner and Siegmund ~' ha~e reported emissions
eight of the eleven hydrocarbon flames tested by reduced to about half when lirst-stage air was 70",
Bachmaier et al.ff intercept [NO] at q~ = 1.0 increased (15"0 excess air overall). The stratified-charge internal
with increasing C/H of the fuel@ust as in Table 2. combustion engine is being de~eloped primarily
For the most part, absolute values recorded here are because of the incentive to suppress NO~. The expected
within the error limits of Bachmaier et al. 4 All of this reductions have not been realized, at least not without
agreement provides confirmation of the above rule of incurring heavy penalties in elficiency. "~ Opponents
thumb. Although its approximate nature should not of charge stratification point out that if fuel-rich and
be forgotten, it does seem likely from Table 3 that fuel-lean regions exist side by side, a third (albeit less
prompt NO constitutes a large minority of the total extensive) region must also exist, i.e. stoichiometric.
NO in a variety of practical flames, and should be and this must be the chief source of NO in these
borne in mind when designing modifications for systems. However, Tabaczynski and Klomp 8° have
abatement. shown analytically that. even with a stoichiometric
region containing 20". of the fuel, significant NO
reductions should be possible, especially in the low-to-
medium load range. Turner and Siegmund s5 have
No serious attempt will be made here to provide found fuel-NO to be diminished as much as thermal
an exhaustive literature survey, but the most promising NO by staging. Nevertheless. prompt NO is likely to
approaches to the problem will be mentioned briefly, be increased by up to an order of magnitude, accord-
in order that their relevance to and effects on prompt ing to the arguments set out abo,,e in Section 2.2. For
NO can be estimated. In general, NOx emissions have although the choice
been combated by preventing their formation, by
destroying them in the post-flame gases or afterburners, +NO/N2 + ...
as well as by catalytic removal from the exhaust.
Owing to the insolubility of NO and the slowness of its
conversion to the more soluble NO,, gas washing has NH/
not been a subject for research, although NO, emissions
are reduced s° by about 20",, in the course of SO_,
removal. Removal of nitrogenous material from the
+O~~x NO+...
fuel is, as a rule, financially prohibitive, except in the will, with increasing 4~, be steered away from the
case of natural gases containing commercially recover- oxidative pathway (thus decreasing Y, the yield of
able quantities of ammonia. fuel-NO), this is overshadowed in the case of prompt
To date, combustion modifications for NOx control NO by the absolute reqtdremcnt for appreciable levels
have almost always been designed with thermal NO in of hydrocarbon radicals if NH; are to accumulate in
mind. The rate-determining step the first place. The effect of staging on HCN and NH 3
emissions should not be overlooked. Yamagishi et al. 77
O + N2--*NO+ N (I)
found both NO., and total nitrogenot,s emissions to
can be retarded by reducing one of three quantities: decrease steadily with increasing (/5 in the primary
peak temperature, residence time at or near peak stage, but HCN levels peaked at q5 = 1.7. Similarly,
temperature, and O-atom concentralion. It is beyond Martin and Dederick '~v obtained a minimum }" when
the scope of this section to comment on the fact that the primary Ilame was at (/5 = 1.2, but concluded
the above sounds like a recipe for maximizing hydro- thai most of their fueI-N (NH ~1 was passing through
carbon and CO emissions, but the encouraging con- t h e Ilame tlnreacted.
clusions ofTuttle et al. x2 are worthy of note. Cooled e.vhaust-~laS recircuhttion (E(IR) reduces peak
L o w excess-air combustion, first applied in oil-fired Ilame temperature and oxygen partial pressure in the
power station boilers as a means of combating SO3 initial part of the Ilame. as well as casting flame-
corrosion and emissions, is capable of cutting the generated NO, in the role of fueI-N, which, if Y < 1,
output of NO~ by O-atom starvation, provided thai leads to a "'geometric" decline m NO, emission. Not
Prompt nitric oxide 49

surprisingly, therefore, thcre is synergism between Thc potential savings in development cost and time
flue-gas recirculation and two-stage or low excess-air arc enormous, A broad experimental programme to
combustion, making NO., reductions of 90,,, feasible assess the feasibility of such an approach in aircraft
with present technology.~ Curiously, EGR has been gas turbines was undertaken by Shaw, 89 who tested
found s~ not to affect fuel-NO, even at recirculation approximately 70 fuel additives in Jet A fuel, falling
ratios high enough to eliminate thermal NO; tile into six categories:
effects on prompt NO are thus probably also minimal.
(I) Soluble organo-metallics which become hetero-
Water il!iection has been estimated s~ to afford the
geneous catalysts.
least reduction (~ 10%1 for the highest cost/tonne (2) Oxygen atom scavengers or recombination
NO., of conventional combustion modifications in a
1000 MW boiler, although the technique shows promise
131 Additives to reduce peak temperatures.
in spark-ignition engines. Shaw ~9 found some multi-
(4) Additives to delay ignition.
component H,O emulsions reduced NO~ from gas
(5! Additives (e.g. dissolved polymers) to change
turbines, while others merely increased the NOz,/NO.,
spray fluid dynamics.
ratio. Although the usefulness of water injection in
16) Additives to decompose NO or to inhibit the
NO, abatement in a given appliance is thus hard to
NO producing chain reactions, e.g. aniline (!1.
predict, it seems certain that its effects on the prompt
!7~ Synergism among the above categories was
mechanism are negligible, since water addition acts also briefly investigated.
merely be reducing the temperature in the NO
formation zone. '~° Similarly, reducinfl air preheat or Category (It allowed up to 30", reduction at an
combustion imensitv, admittedly effective against addition rate of 2.5 % by volume : other additives, some
thermal NO, cannot be expected to influence prompt not containing metals, reduced NO, by up to 15°o.
NO much. Synergism was found between antimony triphenyl and
The cooled porous disc burner is another purely carbon tetrachloride, a combination known to be
thermal device. 9~ shown to reduce thermal NOx by a effective in reducing the flammability of plastics. In a
factor of ten without affecting prompt NO. related study, devoted solely to category (1), Altwicker
Through rery./uel-leuJ1 (down to q) = 0.451 premixed, and Shen ~7 found Mn compounds to be the most
recircutatory combustion, Schefer and Sawyer 3° have effective of all. with 10o by volume reducing stack
achieved low NO~ emissions without compromising NOx by 20°°. No doubt compounds in category (1)
combustion efficiency : a drawback of their approach is do not discriminate among prompt, fuel-, and thermal
the high proportion of NO_, in the NO,, of around NO, since their target is the NO molecule itself.
50-10Wo, depending on the temperature. Even leaner This applies also to many heterogeneous catalysts in
flames, at flow velocities so high that normal flame the exhaust system, such as Cr=O3 (Refs 98 and 99), or
stabilization would have been impossible, have been SnOz/Cr203 and AI203/Cr203 (Ref. I00), or even
described by Hilliard and Weinberg;9= the flames quartz (Ref. 101). Such catalysts are at present mostly
were anchored to the wake of a small plasma jet, expensive, not very efficient and soon poisoned.
whose energy requirement was 4°0 of the chemical However, one notable exception, now commonly used
throughput. Considerable reduction of NO emission in the U.S.A., are the Pt/Rh catalysts, ~°= enriched to
was demonstrated with a car battery operated plasma up to around 2000 of Rh. Apparently, small amounts
jet tested in the exhaust system of a saloon car. It is of these catalysts can reduce [NO] by 93°,0, and
obvious from the above discussion that very lean unburnt hydrocarbons by 96°0. In addition, they are
flames must generate nearly zero prompt NO. relatively cheap, in that only small amounts are
There is an exceptional abundance of data concern- required and last for long periods. ~°2 As to the other
ing tile effects of raryi~Lq burner parameters on NO.~ categories, (2) and (3! probably leave prompt NO un-
emissions, although a search of the literature has failed changed, but {4)-(6) are worth investigating further,
to turn up any study on prompt NO in this regard. particularly as they do not cause metal pollution,
Heap et al.. ~~ for example, reported a four-fold although Shaw s9 found NO~ to increase with the
variation in NO from natural gas and PF flames addition of any nitrogenous compounds.
~hen xarying several factors, such as the method of Gas-phase decomposition of NO in the combustion
fuel injection, swirl and velocity of the combustion products was first described by Lyon a03. Muzio et al. ~o,~
air. type and angle of the burner quarl, the amount of achieved 80°0 reduction by the addition of NH3 (1 : 1
primary air. and type and position of the fuel injector. for initial NOt in the presence of 2°'0 excess air.
Comparable findings emerged from the work of Sakai Temperature was crucial ; below 1150 K the destruction
et al. ~'~ on the internal combustion engine, Bartok of NO was too slow, while above 1250K the NH3
et ,l. s~ on utility boilers, and Jones 95 on jet aircraft. reacted preferentially with oxygen. Attempts by these
kefebxre ~ offers a comprehensive review of advanced workers to u~e hydrocarbons in place of NH3 failed,
cornbustor concepts. At present, the likely effect of unless the addition rate was such as to render the
most alterations of burner parameters on prompt NO mixture fuel-rich. In contrast, Myerson ~6 has furnished
can only be guessed at. detailed instructions for reducing NO by the addition
The possibility of mod!tSin~l the luel to reduce NO., of hydrocarbon plus oxygen (!t to the post-flame gases,
emis,,~on~ ha> not attracted the attention it deserves. at 1200-1700K. Up to 90°o of the total nitrogenous
50 A.N. HAYHURST and I. M. VJxcrE

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