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Exercise 1

Name: Raven Von A. Dizon Date: 11/12/21

Name of Professor/Instructor: Ma’am Gydabelle Martin-Olaya Score: ____________

1. What are the main arguments of the authors in the manifesto?

-The main arguments of the authors in the manifesto is the hardships and the experience
of being Filipino during it was invaded by different nations Specially the war of Spain and
United Sates. It also tells the effect of war to our country before the war, during the war and
after the war and the outcome of war until now.

2. Describe briefly the setting and the context of the article.

2.1 When was it written?
-it was written during the review and recalling the happenings to our country in war
between Spain and America in the 28th day of April year 1898.

2.2 Why was it written?

-it was written to enlighten us about the history and so that the people will not forget the
history specially during the important events in our country that layed to its foundation

3. Being the reader, how do you understand the manifesto?

-I able to understand the manifesto by reading it carefully and analyzing by sentence and I
find the important details in manifesto like its setting, the main topic in manifesto and the
importance of manifesto.
4. What is the historical importance of the manifesto as a primary source?
-Manifesto is a written statement declaring publicly the intentions, motives, or views of
its issuer. Thus, you can publish a manifesto about history and they are the most direct
evidence of time or event like historical event because they are written by the people who

are present or witness the said event so it serves as a primary source document.

5. How do you relate/link the primary source in understanding the present situation?
-in my opinion, the primary source like primary source that contain the story of history can
enlighten us and help us to understand the situation of the present. We can observe things on
how it is happened to a certain situation which is written as primary source and we can use
that data to predict, solve and understand situations in present time.
Exercise 2
Name: Raven Von A. Dizon Date: 11/12/21
Name of Professor/Instructor: Ma’am Gydabelle Martin-Olaya Score: ____________


Election is nearly come again. Old senators, Vice President, Mayors, Councilors,
Congressman, and even actress and actors filed their Certificate of Candidacy on this coming
2022 elections.
All of them already planned on what strategy they will use to persuade Filipino citizens to
choose them as their leaders. Some are already started their campaign, they conduct motorcades
and meetings about their platform, their projects if they will win and their promises to citizens to
get their attention and their support.
One of the biggest strategy of every political candidate is brainwashing Filipinos to get
their support, they promise everything just to get them to their desired position in government.
They even use some bible verses on their campaign materials like banner,signages and tshirts
that they give. Other will tell their hard life, their experience before they reach their position to
get the feelings of the voters who will relate to their stories. They even use money as a bribe I
exchange to the vote of Filipino citizen.
They use politics not to help Filipinos but they use it as an advantage to take all the funds
for the citizens in our country. Greed take them to politics. They didn’t even fear god about their
bat habits as long as they have all the power and money.
But I just want to make it clear that there are still a honest politicians out there who will
serve us right and get what we deserve as their countrymen.
Exercise 3
Name: Raven Von A. Dizon Date: 11/12/21
Name of Professor/Instructor: Ma’am Gydabelle Martin-Olaya Score: ____________

1. Author’s Background
- McCoy graduated from the Kent college in 1964. He attained his BA from Columbia
College, and his Doctor of Philosophyin Southeast Asian history from Yale University in
1977. McCoy served on the school of the University of latest South Wales for eleven
years. In 1989, he joined University of Wisconsin-Madison. He makes a speciality of the
history of the Philippines, policy of the United States, European organization of
Southeast Asia, embezzled drug trade, and Central intelligence service covert operations.
maybe his most well-known work was his 1972 book The Politics of Heroin in Southeast
Asia, that documented the involvement of the CIA in the production of drugs within the
Golden Triangle of Burma, Thailand, and Laos. Situation and Conditions of the Times (of
the caricature)

2. Situation and Conditions of the Times (of the caricature)

“War Against Speculator”
-The Filipino kid is hungry so he stole some food and angry American chase him.

“Uncle Sam riding a Chariot”

-Filipinos are being controlled or ruled by Americans.
3. The Content
“War Against Speculator”
- It depicts a Filipino child who stole a skinny chicken because he had nothing to eat. The
police officer was relentlessly pursuing the said child. A man wearing a Sialkot named
Juan de la Cruz was grabbing the officer, telling him to leave the small time pockets and
thieves and to turn at the great thieves instead. He was pointing to huge ware house
containing bulks of rice , milk and grocery products.

“Uncle Sam riding a Chariot”

-Uncle Sam riding a chariot which is being pulled by Filipinos who are wearing school
uniforms and they carried some American things like boxing gloves, whiskey and
baseball bat. Mc Coy said this cartoon was based on real event that happened in 1907
when William Howard Taft was brought to the Manila pier riding a chariot pulled by
students of Lycia de Manila which condemned by nationalist at that time.

4. Your OWN analysis.

“War Against Speculator”

- For me, Americans discriminated Filipinos by seeing them as poor people,
uncivilized and a thief without even thinking their wrong doings.
They harass Filipinos and act like they are the one who own the Philippines.

“Uncle Sam riding a Chariot”

- Since Americans controlling Filipinos, Filipinos doesn’t have choice only to follow
what Americans desire. They treat Filipinos as a low type of people like animals,
they didn’t even care if Filipinos die from hunger they only care for themselves
they are inhuman. Even some innocent students ordered them to pull it’s chariot.

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