Teach Film Notes and Guide For Discussion 1

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Characteristics of teacher effectiveness:

Some questions we will be exploring as we view the documentary

TEACH: It’s not a job, it’s a mission.

*Who are teachers and what do they do?

*How might a teacher change - both personally and professionally - over the
course of one academic year?

Before we view the film, consider how teachers:

*Evaluate: explore the needs of the students and identify learning objectives

• Plan: devise and map clear and innovative lessons to achieve objectives

• Implement: teach the lessons to the class

• Assess: through formal and informal assessments, gauge how successful the
lessons were in achieving learning objectives

• Reteach/Differentiate: revisit the objectives that were not met based on the
results of the assessment. This usually involves devising new lessons and
differentiating instruction to accommodate students at various levels of

• Reflect: how successful overall was the unit? What could be done differently?
What impact did your teaching have on your students and on yourself as a
reflective practitioner in the classroom?

View the documentary: TEACH and note moments in the film when the teachers implement each step
that is listed- evaluate, plan, implement, assess, reteach, reflect.


4th Grade Teacher at McGlone Elementary School

Evaluate: Needed to get reading scores up to grade level
Plan: Planned to focus on reading with books that he had based on curriculum they had
Implement: Gave students the books and did not pan out as planned.
Assess: Students were not improving in their reading
Reteach: Got students books that they enjoyed reading and could relate to based off their own passions.
He listened to his kids and found out what they wanted to listen to.
Reflect: Went very well and motivated the students to continue to read and enjoy it. Reading levels


7th and 8th grade math teacher at Kuna Middle School. Kahn Academy
Evaluate: Needed to get math scores up to grade level
Plan: Planned to focus on math through Kahn Academy
Implement: Gave students Kahn.
Assess: Students were struggling while doing it individually and so was teacher.
Reteach: Grouped students together so that the higher skilled students were teaching the lower skilled.
Reflect: Went very well and motivated the students to continue use Kahn Academy. Math score went up

9th grade algebra teacher at MLK Early College
Evaluate: Needed to get math scores up to grade level
Plan: Planned to focus on math by having white boards all around classroom.
Implement: Set up the white boards and started using them
Assess: Students were struggling while doing it individually and so was teacher, could not teach them.
Reteach: Grouped students together so that the higher skilled students were teaching the lower skilled
around the room and they were able to grow together.
Reflect: They did not do well in the areas they did not cover but in the areas that they did they excelled
in them.

10th grade AP World History Teach at Garfield High, Los Angeles.

Evaluate: Needed to get students to be able to think critically and be able to use their own ideas.
Plan: Lecture heavy class
Implement: Gave the students the information they needed
Assess: Students were struggling and not learning, it did not mean anything to them.
Reteach: He flipped the classroom and started having the students teach, he took them around the LA
area and they did their own research project.
Reflect: Everyone passed the class and lot of his students passed the standardized testing for the AP test
at he end of the year. He learned a lot through his students that year and how to involve them more.

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