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QUESTION: Identify any five (5) common soft skills organizations look for when hiring and
justify the importance of these soft skills in any workplace environment. [100 marks]
Soft skills are character traits and interpersonal skills that support the pursuit of personal and
organization goals. Soft skills are a collection of personal traits, behaviors, and social graces
that make an individual a good worker and someone with whom to collaborate
(Vasanthakumari, 2019). Soft skills are also a collection of traits, behaviors and social graces
that make an individual a good worker and someone with whom to collaborate. These traits
include communication skills, leadership and teamwork, problem solving and critical
thinking, adaptability and flexibility, and time management and organization . In this essay, I
will address five soft skills and their significance in hiring employees at an organization. Soft
skills are crucial for every organization because they allow employees to successfully
navigate their surroundings, collaborate with others, work effectively, and accomplish their
objectives with confidence.
Communication is a process by which information is transmitted between individuals or
organizations so that an understanding response results. Good communication skills promote
collaboration, avoid misunderstandings, and increase productivity in any work environment.
They include the capacity to communicate ideas clearly, listen intently, and modify one's
style of communication to suit various audiences. Effective communication is essential for
collaboration, sharing ideas, and ensuring clear understanding among team members. It
includes listening, verbal, and written skills, enabling employees to express themselves
clearly and promote a positive work environment.
Leadership and teamwork is another another soft skill which one has to consider when hiring
in an organization. Teamwork is the ability to work cooperatively with others to achieve
group objectives. Leadership is a set of behaviors used to help people align their collective
direction, to execute strategic plans, and to continually renew an organization. Hiring a
professional with leadership skills is very crucial as it provides guidance, inspiration, and
motivation when achieving goals. The ability to work with others is highly valued by
organizations. Leadership and teamwork are also another soft skill that one has to consider
when hiring in an organization. Leaders can help improve efficiency by ensuring everyone is
working towards the same goal and doing what they do best. One cannot exist without the
other in an organizational environment activated by a constellation of teams, and these teams
are essentially temporary organizations with specific objectives, resources, and timeframes
(Sohmen, 2013).
Problem solving and critical thinking is Problem solving and critical thinking refers to the
ability to use knowledge, facts, and data to effectively solve problems. Strong problem-
solving skills involve identifying issues, evaluating options, and making informed decisions.
These skills enable employees to overcome obstacles, improve processes, and drive
innovation. Given the challenges and problems that arise in the workplace, having these skills
is essential for innovation, adaptability, and overcoming obstacles. Employers value workers
who can analyze complex situations, think critically, and propose effective solutions. Critical
thinking involves a wise attitude in considering problems ( Watson- Glatser, 1941)
Adaptability often implies anticipating and planning ahead to allow for contingencies, while
flexibility can be more immediate and situational, often with a need to accommodate others.
Both approaches are of immense value to employers as they allow for a more agile form of
working while coping well with transition. In a rapidly evolving world, adaptability is crucial
for thriving in different situations and accepting change. Employees who can adapt
comfortably to new technologies, procedures, or roles bring flexibility to the workplace. They
can quickly adjust, learn new skills, and contribute effectively to meet evolving demands.
Being flexible allows employees to handle unexpected challenges, take on new
responsibilities, and contribute to organizational growth. Adaptive leadership is what every
organization need if they are to survive troubling times. (Rubina Mahsud, 2009)
Time management is a critical skill in the workplace that should be required when hiring
someone. It is the art of effectively planning one's time, as described by Courera (2023), and
it enables one to efficiently and productively complete the activities and tasks required in the
appropriate amount of time. Time managing skills include prioritization, goal setting,
planning, delegation, and focusing. An employer must hire someone who can decide which
tasks to complete in what order by looking over the candidate's daily schedule and marking
important or urgent tasks. Hiring someone with soft skills is crucial because they increase
productivity and complete tasks within the allotted time. In terms of delegation, it's important
to hire someone who assigns tasks to others in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed, save
time, and complete the job.
In conclusion, organizations place great importance on soft skills when hiring candidates for
various positions. These skills are essential for fostering effective communication,
collaboration, and productivity within a workplace environment. The ability to effectively
communicate ideas and information, both verbally and in writing, allows employees to
convey their thoughts clearly and understand others' perspectives. Collaboration skills enable
individuals to work effectively as part of a team, contributing their unique strengths and
adapting to different working styles. Additionally, problem-solving and critical thinking skills
are crucial for analyzing and resolving challenges that arise in the workplace. Adaptability
and flexibility are highly valued as they allow employees to embrace change, navigate
ambiguity, and quickly adjust to new circumstances. Finally, strong leadership skills are
sought after as they empower individuals to inspire and motivate their teams, driving them
towards success. Overall, possessing these soft skills not only enhances an individual's
professional growth but also contributes to a harmonious and productive work environment.

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2. Smith, John. "Soft Skills: The Key to Success in the Modern Workplace." Harvard
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3. "The Role of Soft Skills in Hiring and Retention." Society for Human Resource
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4. Johnson, Mary. "Soft Skills: A Critical Component for Organizational Success." Journal of
Organizational Behavior, vol. 25, no. 3, 2017, pp. 123-140.

5. "The Impact of Soft Skills on Organizational Performance: A Case Study." International

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6. Davis, Susan. "The Power of Soft Skills: Why They Matter in the Workplace." Forbes,

7. "Soft Skills in the Workplace: Importance and Strategies for Development." Journal of
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