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Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

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Double-bounded diphenyl-contained fluorene polymers for Sc-SWCNTs

composite to ammonia gas sensors: Diphenylethene
or diphenylmethanimine
Pengwei Nie , Jieyun Zhang , Hairong Du , Xieraili Maimaitiyiming *
State Key Laboratory of Chemistry and Utilization of Carbon Based Energy Resources, College of Chemistry, Xinjiang University, Urumqi, 830046, Xinjiang, PR China


Keywords: Semiconductor-type carbon nanotubes, renowned for their exceptional optoelectronic properties, are considered
Single-walled carbon nanotubes as the most promising candidates to replace conventional silicon-based semiconductors. However, the obtaining
Ammonia gas vapor detection high purity of semiconductor-type single-walled carbon nanotubes (sc-SWCNTs) is a challenging task. In this
Suzuki coupling reaction
study, the Suzuki coupling reaction was employed to synthesize two structurally similar alternating copolymers,
which effectively separated the sc-SWCNTs from commercially plasma single-walled carbon nanotubes. As result,
Surface the copolymers exhibited outstanding selectivity for sc-SWCNTs with 99.9% of purity. Generation of a complex
film at the surface. Employing these polymer/sc-SWCNTs composite materials, the ammonia gas sensing devices
were fabricated. The results showed that both devices demonstrated rapid and exceptional response towards
ammonia gas vapor. Test results revealed that when the ammonia gas vapor concentration of 20 ppm, the two
polymer/sc-SWCNTs-based sensors exhibited response values of 5.0% and 3.3%, respectively, and the calculated
limits of detection (LOD) of the sensors were 64.5 ppb and 53.5 ppb. These sensors demonstrated significant
advantages in response and selectivity towards ammonia gas vapor compared to previous studies.

1. Introduction severe cases, it can lead to pulmonary edema, brain damage, and even
death [4]. According to regulations set by authoritative organizations
Since the 21st century, global technology has been rapidly devel­ such as the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) in
oped, leading to a significant increase in the iteration frequency of the United States and the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) in the
various technological products, such as smartphones, tablets, and United Kingdom, the maximum exposure time for individuals in an
computers. However, this rapid technological development inevitably ammonia gas environment with a concentration of 25 ppm is approxi­
exacerbates the emission of industrial pollutants [1]. These industrial mately 8 h, and it should not exceed 15 min at 35 ppm. As the con­
emissions include numerous toxic gases, such as NH3, NOx, COx, H2S, centration of ammonia gas increases, the exposure time for individuals
and SO2. These toxic gases are considered secondary pollutants that are decreases rapidly [5]. However, lower concentrations of ammonia gas
harmful to both human health and the environment and can even cause are used in biomedical applications for the diagnosis of specific diseases.
acute respiratory diseases [2]. Among them, ammonia gas is a colorless In living organisms, ammonia-related substances are produced through
toxic gas that can further react to form other substances, such as amino acid metabolism, and their analysis in exhaled gas is crucial for
ammonium sulfate and ammonium nitrate, thereby contributing to the medical diagnosis and the assessment of biological diseases, such as
formation of particulate matter (PM2.5) and environmental pollution cirrhosis, renal failure, or Helicobacter pylori infection [6]. Therefore,
[3]. Ammonia has been designated a hazardous substance by the Na­ monitoring NH3 gas is of paramount importance to ensure health and
tional Fire Protection Association (NFPA) in the United States. High safety and to limit environmental pollution. Consequently, the devel­
levels of NH3 in the air severely impact human health. Its strong opment of efficient gas sensing technologies has become a focal point of
corrosiveness and toxicity cause intense irritation to the skin, eyes, and research worldwide due to their diverse applications. There are many
nose. Inhalation of high levels of ammonia gas can irritate the respira­ detection methods for NH3 concentration, and the selection of sensing
tory tract, causing headaches, nausea, and breathing difficulties. In materials with high sensitivity, selectivity, and stability is of significant

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: 380731363@qq.com (X. Maimaitiyiming).

Received 20 July 2023; Received in revised form 5 September 2023; Accepted 8 September 2023
Available online 9 September 2023
0143-7208/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
P. Nie et al. Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

importance in developing reliable NH3 gas sensors. of sc-SWCNTs. The sc-SWCNTs modified with organic conjugated
The main categories can be summarized as solid-state and optical polymers were utilized as composite materials for gas sensing applica­
methods [7]. The solid-state approach encompasses various types of tions. Generation of a complex film at the surface. Under the same
sensors, including those based on metal oxides (ZnO) [8], organic conditions, the responses of the two composite ammonia sensors were
polymers (PANI) [9], and carbon nanomaterials (SWCNTs) [10]. On the systematically studied at room temperature and humidity. Furthermore,
other hand, the optical method primarily refers to optical sensors uti­ the specific selectivity of the sensors to ammonia gas was investigated at
lizing tunable diode laser spectroscopy, which detect ammonia through ambient temperature and humidity. The results demonstrated that these
the absorption of infrared radiation [11]. Compared to the optical two polymer/SWCNTs-based composites exhibit high sensitivity, rapid
method, the solid-state approach primarily utilizes nanoscale structures response, and excellent selectivity towards ammonia under ambient
as the active components of the sensors. Due to their small size and large temperature and humidity conditions.
surface area, nanomaterials hold great potential for providing sensors
with low detection limits, high responsiveness, and cost-effectiveness. 2. Experimental
Thus, incorporating nanomaterials as substrates is an effective way of
achieving extremely high sensitivity and low power consumption. Metal 2.1. Materials
oxides, in particular, offer advantages such as broad gas detection, high
sensitivity, and low cost. However, their high operating temperatures 9,9-Dioctylfluorene-2,7-diboronic acid bis(pinacol) ester, 4,4′-
(above 200 ◦ C) limit their wide applications [12]. Conducting polymers, Dibromo-trans-stilbene, 4-Bromoaniline, and 4-Bromobenzaldehyde
owing to their large surface area and excellent conductivity, also possess were obtained from J & K Science Co.Ltd., Beijing, China. The plasma
significant advantages in gas sensing. Nonetheless, without surface nanotube powder RN-220 (batch number RNB781-220-210604) was
modification, their selectivity towards specific gases is relatively poor purchased from XFNANO Materials Tech Co. Ltd. Additional informa­
[3]. tion about the reagents can be found in the supporting information, and
Carbon nanomaterials present a promising alternative to chemir­ all chemicals used were of analytical grade.
esistive gas sensors due to their large specific surface area, excellent
chemical stability and high charge carrier mobility [7]. The thanks to 2.2. Synthesis of monomers and polymers
unique hollow structure, the single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs)
exhibit exceptional specific surface area and aspect ratios than other By referencing the improved methods described in the literature
carbon nanomaterials. Typically size of the SWCNTs ranging from 0.8 to [18], we synthesized the monomer 4-Bromo-N-(4-bromobenzylidene)
1.6 nm in diameter, which are comparable to certain target gas mole­ aniline (N-DTS). Through the Suzuki coupling reaction, we success­
cules [10]. This implies that individual molecules adsorbed on the fully synthesized poly[9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-4,4′-dibromo-trans-­
sidewalls of nanotubes can locally influence the electronic structure, stilbene] (PDF-DTS) and poly[9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-N-benzyli
leading to changes in the nanotubes’ resistance and enabling sensing deneaniline] (PDF-N-DTS). As illustrated in Scheme 1, it is evident
capabilities. that the two polymers are not entirely identical; they exhibit structural
Despite the respectable position of SWCNTs in the field sensing, there distinctions. PDF-DTS incorporates C– – C double bonds, whereas
is still a challenging issue that hinders their development. Commercially PDF-N-DTS features C–– N double bonds (for a detailed synthesis, refer to
produced SWCNTs tend to intertwine into bundles due to strong van der the “Supplementary Information").
Waals forces between the tubes. Moreover, they exist as a complex
mixture comprising metallic-type m-SWCNTs (1/3), semiconductor-type 2.3. Preparation of complexes
sc-SWCNTs (2/3) and small amount of catalystsand amorphous carbon
[13]. Catalysts and amorphous carbon directly affect device stability The 4 mg PDF-DTS was fully dissolved in 12 mL of toluene (TL)
[14]. Recent findings by V. Bezugly suggest that devices based on pure solvent using ultrasonication. The solution was then filtered through a
sc-SWCNTs exhibit superior sensitivity to NH3 compared to unsorted polytetrafluoroethylene filter and evenly distributed into four sample
SWCNTs, B-SWCNTs (boron-doped nanotubes) and N-SWCNTs (nitro­ vials. To each vial, 1 mg of pristine single-walled carbon nanotubes
gen-doped nanotubes) [10]. To address these challenges, it is crucial to (raw-SWCNT) was added. The mixture was subjected to temperature-
separate the semiconductor-type tubes to enhance the sensing perfor­ controlled (20 ◦ C) ultrasonication for 2 h, resulting in an ink mixture.
mance of sc-SWCNT-based ammonia sensors. Among these separation’ After centrifugation (10 ◦ C, 15000 rpm) for 0.5 h, the supernatant was
approaches, polymer encapsulation emerges as one of the most powerful carefully collected, followed by the addition of 10 mL of THF solvent to
and scalable strategies, offering advantages such as simplicity, shorter wash and filter the free polymers. This washing process was repeated
processing time and non-destructive treatment of CNT surfaces. Notably, three times, and the resulting filter cake was collected. Finally, the filter
conjugated polymers with larger conjugation systems, particularly cake was uniformly dispersed in THF solvent, yielding a well-prepared
diphenyl-contained fluorene Polymers, exhibit outstanding selectivity, dispersion of polymer/semiconductor-type single-walled carbon nano­
enabling the isolation of sc-SWCNTs with purity levels of 99.9% [15]. tube (PDF-DTS/SWCNT) composite. The preparation method for PDF-N-
Secondly, isoprene units were demonstrated to improve the sorting ef­ DTS/SWCNT composite dispersion was identical to the aforementioned
ficiency of SWCNTs in the study of Moses et al. [16]. And in Kanimozhi’s process. Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) filters with pore sizes of 0.45
study, it was revealed that the inclusion of –C– – N- in the molecular and 0.22 μm, made of nylon 66, were utilized for filtration. The ultra­
structure favors the separation of SWCNTs [17]. Following the previous sonic treatment was conducted using the KQ5400KDE slot-type ultra­
studies, the molecular structures of the polymers are incorporated with sonic machine located in Kunshan, Jiangsu, China.
–C– – C- and –C– – N- units, and we discuss the effect of the difference in
electron distribution between the two polymers on the separation of 2.4. Assembly of ammonia sensors
In this study, we designed and synthesized two structurally analo­ The utilized device in the experiment was an interdigital electrode,
gous conjugated polymers, poly[9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-4,4′-trans-stil­ as depicted in Fig. 1a. From Fig. 1a, the substrate of the electrode is
bene] (PDF-DTS) and poly[9,9-dioctylfluorene-co-N- made of quartz, which can withstand corrosion from various solvents,
benzylideneaniline] (PDF-N-DTS). Using them, the high-purity of sc- thus minimizing experimental errors caused by the substrate. The
SWCNTs was obtained through ultrasonic separation. The results sug­ channel width of the electrode is 5 μm, as shown in the Figure.
gested that the polymer PDF-DTS with –C– – C- has a more uniform The assembly procedure of the sensor device is as follows: Firstly,
electron cloud distribution, which is more beneficial for the separation immerse the interdigital electrode in toluene (TL) solvent at 50 ◦ C for 1 h

P. Nie et al. Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

Scheme 1. Schematic representation of the synthesis of monomeric N-DTS and the two polymers, PDF-DTS and PDF-N-DTS.

channel. After cooling, place the assembled electrode in a vacuum

drying oven for 2 h. Repeat the above steps until the resistance stabilizes
around 1–2 kΩ, indicating the successful assembly of Device 1 (Fig. 1c
and d). Generation of a complex film at the surface. Test the device
under ambient temperature conditions. Repeat the same method to
obtain Device 2.

2.5. Testing of ammonia sensors

Prior to measurement, the entire gas path and chamber were purged
with fresh air for approximately 30 min. Subsequently, the meticulously
Fig. 1. (a) Diagram shows the basic parameters of a quartz interdigital elec­ prepared sensor device was placed in the testing chamber, and air
trode (IDE). (b) Diagram shows the assembly of the device using the drop in­ continued to flow through, allowing the device to stabilize its resistance
jection method. (c) Diagram depicting the device with composite material under ambient conditions before commencing the testing (Fig. 2). The
deposited in the channel. (d) Figure provides a close-up schematic of the gas flow rate in the measurement chamber was controlled by two
localized zoomed-in deposition of the device composite. different-range mass flow controllers (MFCs). The resistance changes of
the sensor were monitored in real-time using a Keithley 2400, with an
to remove surface impurities. After removing the electrode, place it on a output current of 0.1 mA and a clamp voltage of 5 V. The response time
50 ◦ C hotplate for 2 min to quickly eliminate any remaining solvent on of the measurement setup was set at 50 s. During the recovery process,
the electrode surface. Rinse the electrode surface with deionized water, the MFC-2 (Q2 M = 10–3000 sccm) connected to the injection of
repeating the process 2–3 times, and then dry it in a 40 ◦ C vacuum ammonia gas vapor was disconnected, while another MFC-1 (Q1 M =
drying oven for 1 h. Next, using a microliter syringe, carefully drop the 10–1000 sccm) was used to purge fresh air, and the expelled ammonia
prepared dispersion of PDF-DTS/SWCNTs onto the channel (5 μm) of the gas vapor was treated with an exhaust gas absorption device. The con­
interdigital electrode (drop-casting), as shown in Fig. 1b. Anneal the centration of ammonia gas vapor was regulated by controlling the valve
electrode at 65 ◦ C for 30 min to facilitate stable deposition within the opening of MFC-1. The ammonia gas vapor concentration was moni­
tored in real-time using an ammonia gas vapor detector (SMART

Fig. 2. Schematic diagram of ammonia gas vapor sensor setup and testing method [19].

P. Nie et al. Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

SENSOR AR8500). The experiments were conducted in a fume hood diagrams for PDF-DTS and PDF-N-DTS, respectively. The energy of the
(ammonia gas vapor being an irritant) at a temperature of 25 ◦ C ± 1 ◦ C. highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) in PDF-DTS is − 5.40 eV,
while the energy of the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) is
3. Results and discussion − 1.78 eV and energy difference (ΔE) is 3.62 eV. In PDF-N-DTS, the
HOMO energy is − 5.53 eV, the LUMO energy is − 1.88 eV, and ΔE re­
3.1. Characterisation of monomers and polymers mains the same at 3.64 eV. This signifies that both possess notably wide
bandgaps, rendering them well-suited for applications in semiconductor
The structure of the monomer 4-bromo-N-(4-bromobenzyl)aniline materials.
(N-DTS), the polymer poly[9,9-di-n-octylfluorene-co-4,4’-(9-fluo­
renylidene)diphenylene] (PDF-DTS), and the polymer poly[9,9-di-n- 3.3. Characterisation of composite materials
octylfluorene-co-N-(methylenediphenylamine)] (PDF-N-DTS) were
characterized by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and infrared (IR) Vis-NIR absorption spectroscopy serves as a crucial method for
spectroscopy, confirmed their successful synthesis. NMR spectra are characterizing the types of SWCNTs. In addition to the ability of UV–Vis
detailed in S1 and S2, IR spectra are detailed in S3(c) and (d), and IR absorption spectroscopy to reveal their distinctive features, Raman
contrast spectra are detailed in S4. The average molecular weight of the scattering is also employed to investigate the vibrational behavior of C
polymers was determined using a liquid gel chromatography analyzer. atoms, serving as one of the most effective tools to assess the degree of
The specific spectra and analysis can be found in the supporting infor­ carbon nanotube defects [21]. The Vis-NIR spectrum was recorded using
mation. The following instrument specifications and parameters were the Shimadzu UV-3600 (UV-VIS-NIR) spectrophotometer, while the
used: 1H NMR and 13C NMR spectra were recorded on a BRUKER- Raman measurements were conducted using the HORIBA HR Evolution
AVANCE NEO 600 MHz spectrometer in CDCl3, using trimethylsilane (France) Raman spectrometer.
(0.1 vol%) as an internal standard. The infrared spectroscopy was per­ Fig. 3a displays the normalized Vis-NIR absorption spectra of the
formed using a BRUKER-VERTEX 70 RAMI instrument from Bruker PDF-DTS/SWCNT (red) and PDF-N-DTS/SWCNT (blue) composites in
Spectroscopy. The liquid gel chromatography analyzer (GPC) utilized an toluene solution, allowing for convenient comparison. Within the range
Agilent PL-GPC50 system equipped with three columns (HT3, HT4, of 400–2000 nm, four distinct regions can be observed [22]. Among
HT6), with tetrahydrofuran as the mobile phase at a flow rate of 1 mL/ them, three correspond to the spectral bands (yellow) of sc-SWCNTs,
min. namely S11, S22, and S33, spanning the intervals of 1400–1900 nm,
800–1150 nm, and 440–600 nm, respectively. The spectral band (blue)
3.2. Density functional theory (DFT) of a m-SWCNT, M22, is identified within the range of 600–750 nm. Both
PDF-TDS and PDF-N-DTS exhibit relatively shallow absorption features
The geometrical structures of PDF-DTS and PDF-N-DTS were opti­ in the metallic region of 600–750 nm, indicating the presence of mini­
mized using Gaussian 16 software, employing density functional theory mal m-SWCNT content in the two composites. Furthermore, the posi­
(DFT) calculations at the B3LYP-D3BJ/def2-SVP level of theory. The tions of the absorption minima for both composites are closely aligned.
simulations were conducted to mimic the experimental environment, We speculate two factors contribute to this observation: the similarity in
with toluene chosen as the solvent. From the electron density distribu­ the structures of the two polymers and the comparable energy level
tion maps (ESP) in Figures S5-(a) and S5-(c), it can be shown that both differences between the HOMO and LUMO obtained from DFT calcula­
polymers exhibit excellent π-π conjugatio n and are electron-rich sys­ tions. These results indicate a similar capability for selective sorting of
tems. The presence of electron-rich polymers contributes to the prefer­ sc-SWCNTs, consistent with the DFT calculations. In Fig. 3b, the purities
ential selection to sc-SWCNTs due to π-π stacking interactions [20]. (Φ) and yields of sc-SWCNTs in the two composites are presented [23].
Figures S5-(b) and S5-(d) illustrate the HOMO and LUMO energy level The specific calculation method and images for purity reference can be

Fig. 3. (a) Visible-near-infrared absorption spectra of

the composite dispersions of PDF-DTS/SWCNT and
PDF-N-DTS/SWCNT. (b) Purity and absorbance of sc-
SWCNT in the composite dispersions of PDF-DTS/
SWCNT and PDF-N-DTS/SWCNT. (c) Raman spectra
of pristine SWCNTs, PDF-DTS/SWCNT, and PDF-N-
DTS/SWCNT at an excitation wavelength of 633
nm. (d) Radial breathing mode (RBM) Raman spectra
of pristine SWCNTs, PDF-DTS/SWCNT, and PDF-N-
DTS/SWCNT at an excitation wavelength of 785 nm.

P. Nie et al. Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

found in the supporting information. It can be observed that the purity following formula [27]:
(Φ) of sc-SWCNTs in the PDF-DTS/SWCNTs composite reaches a
remarkable value of 0.42, while in the other composite, the Φ value is Sensitivity (%) = ΔR / R0 × 100% = ((Ra − R0) / R0) × 100% (1)
precisely 0.40(Figure S6). When Φ ≥ 0.4, it indicates that the purity of The resistance change (ΔR) represents the difference in device
sc-SWCNTs in the composite is as high as 99.9%. The magnitude of resistance before and during exposure to ammonia gas vapor, where Ra
absorbance indirectly reflects the yield of sc-SWCNTs in the composite, is the resistance during gas exposure and R0 is the initial resistance
where higher absorbance corresponds to a higher yield. The graph re­ before gas exposure. Resistor-type sensors respond to the increase in
veals that the PDF-DTS/SWCNTs composite exhibits a slightly higher resistance when exposed to NH3, as the electronic properties of single-
yield of sc-SWCNTs compared to the PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs composite, walled carbon nanotubes (SWCNTs) undergo changes. This occurs
primarily attributed to the strong π-π conjugation of PDF-TDS, which because charge transfer takes place from the analyte gas (electron
clearly observed in the ESP diagrams from DFT calculations. This finding donor) to the surface of the carbon nanotubes through π-π stacking,
suggests that an electron-rich system contributes to the selective sorting altering their density state [28]. Fig. 4a and c depict the dynamic
of semiconductor-type carbon nanotubes. response changes under continuous exposure to NH3 at concentrations
To further elucidate the results obtained from the Vis-NIR analysis of 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 ppm, respectively, under ambient temperature
and determine the purity of sc-SWCNTs in the composites, further and humidity conditions. The response intensity of the sensor increases
investigation was conducted using Raman spectroscopy. Fig. 3c and with higher ammonia vapor concentrations, consistent with the
d depict the Raman spectra obtained at excitation wavelengths of 633 response characteristics of p-type semiconductors. Upon exposure to air,
nm and 785 nm, respectively, for the PDF-N-DTS (blue), and PDF-DTS the resistance values recover, following the reaction mechanism previ­
(red). By comparing with the pristine carbon nanotubes, it was ously described in the literature [28]. Fig. 4a represents the sensor based
observed that at an excitation wavelength of 633 nm, the peak intensity on PDF-DTS/SWCNTs assembly, with 50 s of ammonia gas vapor in­
at 1320 nm remained almost unchanged, indicating a non-covalent jection each time (controlled by MFC). After each exposure, the testing
separation of the polymer from sc-SWCNTs without surface disruption chamber is flushed with fresh air for approximately 10 min to facilitate
or introduction of new defects, thereby minimizing experimental vari­ the recovery process, without applying any additional measures, such as
ables [21]. Additionally, two distinct regions can be identified between heating or UV irradiation to expedite gas desorption and avoid intro­
1480 and 1650 nm, with the pink region representing the metallic-type ducing other variable conditions. This sensor demonstrates excellent
carbon nanotubes (G- m) spanning 1480–1580 nm, and the blue region sensitivity and rapid response, displaying favorable responses at
representing the semiconductor-type carbon nanotubes (G+ sc) span­ different concentrations. At NH3 concentrations of 20, 30, 40, 50, and
ning 1590–1650 nm [24]. In comparison to the pristine carbon nano­ 60 ppm, the responses reached 5.0%, 5.2%, 5.6%, 6.0%, and 6.4%,
tubes, both PDF-N-DTS and PDF-DTS exhibited a significant reduction in respectively. On the other hand, Fig. 4c represents the sensor assembled
the intensity and smoothness of the G- m peak and a pronounced using PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs as the substrate, using similar experimental
enhancement and sharpness of the G+ sc peak, confirming the absence conditions and methods. While it also exhibits the same features as
of m-SWCNTs. The radial breathing mode (RBM) at an excitation Device 1, including fast response and high sensitivity, the response at
wavelength of 785 nm provided a more intuitive observation, with NH3 concentrations ranging from 20 to 60 ppm is 3.3%, 4.0%, 4.5%,
sc-SWCNTs resonating in the range of 240–300 cm− 1, the metallic-type 4.9%, and 5.4%, respectively. Compared to Device 1, the average
peak completely disappeared, and a slight increase in the response level is approximately 3/4, and it is unable to fully recover to
semiconductor-type peak. These characterization analyses unequivo­ the initial position as Device 1 does. This indicates that
cally demonstrate the complete separation of semiconductor-type car­ PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE shows a higher response at the same ammonia
bon nanotubes, the absence of m-SWCNTs. gas vapor concentration. The main reason for this might be closely
In this paper, the mechanisms underlying the separation of sc- related to the imine bonds in PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs [29], as explained in
SWCNTs by the two polymers are elucidated as follows: According to the mechanism section.
current research, the selective dispersion of semiconductor single- Fig. 4b and d represent the linear fitting curves of PDF-DTS/
walled carbon nanotubes (sc-SWCNTs) arises from the polarity SWCNTs/IDE and PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE sensors within the
disparity between semiconductor and metallic single-walled carbon ammonia gas vapor concentration range of 20–60 ppm under ambient
nanotubes (m-SWCNTs). In comparison to sc-SWCNTs, m-SWCNTs temperature and humidity conditions. From the figures, it can be seen
exhibit a polarization rate exceeding 103 due to their high carrier con­ that the gas sensing performance of both Device 1 and Device 2 appears
centration [25]. The strong polarization of m-SWCNTs has led theoret­ to exhibit a linear increase with the increment of NH3 concentration.
ical studies to suggest that m-SWCNT/polymer complexes entail a more Both sensors demonstrate excellent linearity, with correlation co­
robust charge transfer interaction when compared to their efficients (R2) of 0.9891 and 0.9897, respectively [30]. Due to experi­
sc-SWCNT/polymer counterparts [26]. Consequently, highly polar mental constraints, we could only conduct limited testing. However, the
m-SWCNT/polymer complexes tend to aggregate or bundle in nonpolar detection curves indicate that this is far from the detection limit of
solvents, resulting in precipitation upon centrifugation, whereas sensors based on sc-SWCNTs. Directly measuring the detection limit
sc-SWCNT/polymer complexes remain in the supernatant. Specifically, (LOD) of sc-SWCNT-based sensors presents challenges. Therefore, based
the PDF-DTS polymer, characterized by its even electron distribution on literature references [31], the combination of linear correlation co­
owing to the presence of C– – C double bonds, is more inclined to asso­
efficient and LOD detection limit calculation, taking into account a
ciate with metallic carbon nanotubes, leading to their precipitation. In signal-to-noise ratio (RMS >3), provides a reliable estimation of the
this manner, successful separation of semiconductor-type carbon nano­ lowest detection limit. The theoretical lowest detection limit for
tubes is achieved. PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE is 64.5 ppb, while for
PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE, it is 53.5 ppb (refer to table S1and S2 in the
3.4. Sensing response supporting information).
In practical applications, periodicity and reproducibility are also
To investigate the response and sensitivity of chemical resistive crucial factors for evaluating the gas sensors. To evaluate those, further
sensors based on PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE (Device 1) and PDF-N-DTS/ investigations were conducted. Under ambient conditions, the success­
SWCNTs/IDE (Device 2) towards NH3, the electrical resistance mea­ fully prepared Device 1 and Device 2 were subjected to five consecutive
surements of both sensors were conducted under identical environ­ tests in a 20 ppm NH3 environment. Fig. 5b displays the five-cycle
mental conditions. The sensor response of the devices was defined as the reproducibility graphs for both devices, with Device 1 exhibiting
relative change in device resistance (ΔR), which was calculated using the

P. Nie et al. Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

Fig. 4. (a) Dynamic response curves of PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE to ammonia gas vapor at various concentrations.(b) Linear fitting curve of PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE.(c)
Dynamic response curves of PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE to ammonia gas vapor at different concentrations.(d) Linear fitting curve of PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE.

Fig. 5. (a) Amplified response comparison of the two devices at the same concentration (20 ppm). (b) Response variations of PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE and PDF-DTS/
SWCNTs/IDE to ammonia gas vapor (20 ppm) under ambient temperature and humidity conditions.

response values of approximately 5.0%. It can be observed that this two composite materials possess effective detection capabilities for NH3.
device demonstrates excellent repeatability and stability, consistently In order to further investigate the specific response of the two devices to
returning to its initial state after each test. In contrast, Device 2 main­ ammonia and validate their selectivity towards ammonia, interference
tains a high degree of consistency with the aforementioned gradient tests with volatile organic compounds (VOCs) were conducted under the
curve, but fails to recover to its initial state. Despite its inability to return same ambient temperature and humidity conditions [32]. The selected
to the initial state, Device 2 still exhibits good cyclic stability, with organic volatile gases are commonly used experimental solvents that
response values fluctuating around 3.3%. For a more convenient and readily evaporate into the gas phase. These gases include dichloro­
intuitive comparison, the first set of data was magnified (Fig. 5a), clearly methane (DCM), methanol (MeOH), ethanol (EtOH), toluene (TL),
indicating a slightly higher slope for PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE, suggesting xylene (DTL), and isopropanol (IPA). The concentrations of these
a higher sensitivity for this device. Additionally, the recovery time is interfering gases were calculated based on the formula described in the
shorter compared to Device 2. Overall, these findings strongly suggest literature [33].
that Device 1 showed better performance than Device 2.
1000 × Vspl × dspl × ω × R × T
Above results demonstrated that the both PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE C= (2)
Vac × M × P
and PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE exhibit real-time sensitivity to NH3
under ambient temperature and humidity conditions. This means these In this formula, Vspl represents the chemical liquid injected using a

P. Nie et al. Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

microsyringe (in μL), dspl corresponds to the density of the sample liquid 4. Sensing mechanism
under examination (in g/mL), ω denotes the mass fraction of the sample
liquid, representing its purity parameter. R stands for the ideal gas In the realm of biotechnology and chemical sensing, sc-SWCNTs have
constant (0.0820574587 L atm mol− 1⋅K− 1), T denotes the laboratory demonstrated their potential as highly sensitive devices within nano­
temperature (297 K), Vac represents the total volume of the sensing materials. Their unique electrical properties, high surface-to-volume
chamber (in mL) (in this study, 350 mL), M represents the molecular ratio, and high aspect ratio contribute to their suitability for such ap­
weight of the volatile substance under examination, and P represents the plications [34]. Additionally, ammonia molecules tend to preferentially
atmospheric pressure in the laboratory (1.005 atm). Using the afore­ adsorb onto CNTs, primarily due to lattice mismatches and
mentioned formula, the concentrations of the interfering gases under strain-induced surface energy variations at the interfaces between CNTs
examination were calculated. For specific preparation details, please and other atoms. This phenomenon results in higher energy levels at the
refer to the supporting materials. Humidity (RH) also exerts a significant surface compared to the channel region, facilitating ready adsorption
influence on the device performance and serves as a critical factor in [35]. These characteristics endow the sensor with remarkable sensitivity
evaluating gas sensors. To investigate the impact of relative humidity towards specific analytes, enabling the detection of individual
(RH) on the previously reported sc-SWCNTs-based sensors, tests were molecules.
conducted at different humidity levels to examine the sensor’s response The sensing response of sc-SWCNTs relies primarily on their bandgap
to ammonia vapor. The ammonia gas vapor concentration was fixed at rather than their chirality, as it determines the availability of screened
20 ppm, and tests were carried out across various humidity ranges charge carriers at room temperature. Since the bandgap is inversely
(20%–40%). The effects of humidity on the sensing behavior of Device 1 proportional to the diameter of sc-SWCNTs, larger bandgaps are ex­
and Device 2 are depicted in Fig. 6c and d, respectively. pected to yield smaller currents and higher sensitivity [36]. The signif­
Fig. 6a and b reveals that for other organic VOCs, both devices icant disparity in sensitivity between sc-SWCNTs and m-SWCNTs is
exhibit extremely weak responses in an environment with a concentra­ attributed to the low resistivity of the metallic paths in the latter. Despite
tion of 250 ppm, which is significantly lower than that of ammonia gas the adsorption of a small number of gas molecules, m-SWCNTs generate
vapor. The concentration of organic interfering gases is 12.5 times that higher currents on the device, and the position shift of the Fermi level in
of ammonia vapor, yet the response is less than 1. In contrast, the m-SWCNTs leads to a completely flat density of states in the conduction
response to ammonia gas (20 ppm) is 5.0 and 3.3, respectively. This band, resulting in minimal impact on conductivity [37]. Therefore,
indicates a minimal interference to the devices’ specificity in detecting m-SWCNTs are not chosen as the active substrate material or composite
ammonia gas vapor, while the excellent selectivity and specific response for the sensor. Conversely, sc-SWCNTs exhibit a Fermi level shift from
of both devices towards NH3, indicating their significant potential for the middle of the bandgap to the valence band, contributing signifi­
practical ammonia detection. Regarding humidity, the response of both cantly to the conductivity through the generation of free charge carriers
sensors increases with the rise in relative humidity, consistent with the [38]. Specifically, upon contact with single-walled carbon nanotubes,
findings of this study. This can be attributed to the competitive charge transfer occurs when the analyte interacts with them. With the
adsorption between the target gas and water vapor on the sensing layer’s adsorption of NH3, this leads to a decrease in carrier concentration [37].
surface. During this process, electrons from ammonia are transferred to
sc-SWCNTs and received by the valence band of sc-SWCNTs (Fig. 7a),
reducing the number of holes and widening the gap between the valence

Fig. 6. (a) and (b) depict the selectivity tests of PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE and PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE towards different gases. (c) and (d) illustrate the response of
PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE and PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE at room temperature (20 ppm) under varying humidity levels.

P. Nie et al. Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

Fig. 8. Mechanism Diagram illustrating the influence of polymer structure on

the response of the device to ammonia gas vapor.

Table 1
Fig. 7. Simulated graph and mechanistic diagram depicting the response of
NH3 sensing characteristics based on various carbon nanomaterials.
carbon nanotubes to ammonia gas vapor.
materials Sensitivity(%) ammonia (ppm) refs

band and the Fermi level (Fig. 7a). As a result, a space charge region rGO 2.10 20 ppm [8]
forms on the surface of sc-SWCNTs, increasing resistance and enhancing ZIF8-ZnO 2.95 20 ppm [8]
ZIF8-ZnO/rGO 4.65 20 ppm [8]
the sensor’s response with increasing ammonia concentration [39].
B-SWCNT 1.06 20 ppm [10]
However, the PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE, i.e., Device 2, exhibited N-SWCNT 1.58 20 ppm [10]
irrecoverable behavior during the experimental investigation. All con­ rGO-ZnO 1.50 20 ppm [42]
ditions, except for the structure, remained the same without any other PDF-DTS/SWCNTs 5.0 20 ppm this work
variables. Therefore, we speculate that the primary cause of this dif­ PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs 3.3 20 ppm this work

ferential change is the imine group (Fig. 8).

The main mechanisms that could have influenced this phenomenon sc-SWCNTs, from which purity of the sc-SWCNTs reached to 99.9%.
are as follows: (1) according to the previously reported by researchers Subsequently, we employed a drop-casting method to deposit the PDF-
[40], imine groups (C– – N) in the nanocomposite materials can serve as
DTS/sc-SWCNTs and PDF-N-DTS/sc-SWCNTs composite materials onto
primary adsorption sites by forming hydrogen bonds with water mole­ interdigitated electrodes (IDE), and assembled two devices, namely PDF-
cules. (2) It is well known that NH3 readily dissolves in water, primarily DTS/SWCNTs/IDE and PDF-N-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE. Investigation of their
attributed to the reversible chemical reaction between NH3 and H2O performance for ammonia gas vapor sensing revealed that at a concen­
molecules. NH3 molecules at the same concentration react and absorb on tration of 20 ppm, the two sensors achieved response values of 5.0% and
the material surface due to hydrogen bonding with water molecules 3.3% respectively, with corresponding calculated LOD of 64.5 ppb and
[41]. The reaction can be represented as follows: 53.5 ppb. Both sensors demonstrated excellent response and selectivity
NH3 + ⋅H2 O ⇄ NH4+ + OH − (3) towards ammonia gas vapor, exhibiting notable improvements in
various aspects compared to previous works.
This precisely agreement with our experimental findings. Some
ammonia molecules, due to their absorption with water molecules, fail CRediT authorship contribution statement
to provide electron pairs, resulting in reduced charge transfer and
increased carrier concentration compared to PDF-DTS/SWCNTs/IDE, Pengwei Nie: Conceptualization, Validation, Data curation, Writing
leading to a deteriorated response. However, during the analysis pro­ – original draft. Jieyun Zhang: Data curation. Hairong Du: Writing –
cess involving 10 min of air purging, the adsorbed ammonia on carbon review & editing. Xieraili Maimaitiyiming: Supervision, Writing – re­
nanotubes easily desorbs, resulting in increased carrier concentration view & editing.
and decreased resistance. Simultaneously, due to the instability and
volatility of NH+ 4⋅OH− , reverse reactions occur, replenishing charge at Declaration of competing interest
the analysis sites of pristine carbon nanotubes with some of the released
ammonia. Consequently, the resistance of Device 2 remains unable to The authors declare that we have no known competing financial
recover to its initial position. interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influence
Up to now, the application of carbon nanomaterials holds promise as the work reported in this paper.
a prevailing trend for the next generation of ammonia gas vapor sensors.
A comparative analysis of the sensing characteristics of the successfully Data availability
assembled Device 1 and Device 2 with previously reported ammonia gas
vapor sensors was conducted (see Table 1). In comparison to the past, Data will be made available on request.
their sensing performance largely surpasses these ammonia gas vapor
sensors. Semiconductor carbon nanotube composites also serve as Acknowledgments
promising candidates for ammonia detection, offering valuable insights
for further extensive research in the future. This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation
of China (No. 51763021, 51363020, 21164012). The authors thank
5. Conclusion Haijiao Xie from Shiyanjia Lab (www.shiyanjia.com) for their help in
the DFT and ESP calculations of molecular structures.
In summary, this study involved the design and synthesis of two
structurally similar alternating polymers, PDF-DTS and PDF-N-DTS.
Both of the polymers successfully facilitated the selectively sorting of

P. Nie et al. Dyes and Pigments 220 (2023) 111690

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