2023 Oral Presentation Task After Mid-Term Week

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ENG 102 Oral Presentation (20%)

This task requires students to deliver a single 15-20 minutes presentation on the proposal of
their research project and to participate 3 times as a jury member in which they will ask other
presenters to further explain and defend their ideas, or clarify aspects of their proposal in order
to aid the presenter in identifying strengths and weaknesses in their proposal and using this
awareness to revise their project accordingly.


Students are expected to:

● present their research question/problem/purpose

● justify their research question-arguability, connection to course topic and/or course texts,
significance of the question

● present a working thesis and that illustrates potential development for their project and
possible major sub topics or perspectives that will be considered in the paper

● present 5 main sources in detail by

○ summarizing main purpose and arguments of text relevant to the research paper

○ explaining in detail how this text connects to their question in terms of content,
author’s stance, etc.

○ evaluating the source in detail in terms of its potential use in reference to their
working thesis and in terms of its reliability

● identify meaningful anticipated future problems or areas in which they ask for peer support

● correctly create a works cited page and in-text references as needed

● make use of effective visual via Powerpoint, Prezi or similar application


Following each presentation, a jury of students will ask the presenter clear, relevant, accurate,
relevant questions for a total of 3-5 minutes, intended to provide meaningful feedback by
asking the presenter to analyze their proposal. Each student must participate on a jury 3 times.

Each student should participate on more than one day so they have to remain engaged over the
week as they will not know who will be called upon to be a jury member after each
presentation. If a student does not attend class or participate on an assigned day they cannot
make up the jury session and this will affect their grade under “Jury Participation” on the
criteria and they will receive a zero for that jury session.

After their presentations, students must submit all related slides/documents to the instructor.

PROVISO to be shared with students:

When grounds exist to suspect a violation of academic integrity, your instructor reserves the right
to hold a one-on-one interview to explore the authorship of your work. If your work is determined to be
not your own, you will receive a zero and be subject to further disciplinary action by the university.

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