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Read the following sentences and choose the best answer for the blank.
1. As forests are cut down, it affects the atmosphere and as trees play a large part in the
water cycle.
A. ecosystem B. habitat C. biodiversity D. sustainability
2. Considering the world is getting hotter, it would be a good idea to harness the extra heat by
increasing the amount of we use to generate electricity.
A. renewable energy B. non-renewable energy C. solar power D. nuclear power

3. I tried to persuade him to change his mind but he wouldn’t give .

A. at B. in C. out D. up
4. I don’t think he’ll ever settle . He likes travelling too much.
A. down B. on C. up D. in
5. We’ll have to stop at the supermarket. We’ve run of bread.
A. over B. with C. up D. out
6. More should be done to improve the air quality by reducing carbon dioxide from cars and
public transport.
A. emissions B. Pollution C. Power D. Conservation
7. One of the worst natural in human history was the 1556 earthquake in Shaanxi Province,
A. floods B. droughts C. problems D. disasters
8. He decided to step from his job and take golf.
A. down/ with B. off/ up C. up/ on D. down/up
9. University find difficulties to find a job nowadays.
A. graduates B. majors C. students D. tutors
10. Li always gave money to a beggar, and one day the beggar saved him from a mugger.
It's certainly true that: “ ”.
A. what goes around comes around B. where there’s life, there’s hope
C. every cloud has a silver lining D. nothing venture, nothing gained’
11. Sue lost her job recently but and now she's got a better one.
A. what goes around comes around B. where there’s life, there’s hope
C. every cloud has a silver lining D. nothing venture, nothing gained’
12. We may fail but we won't know unless we try. As they say: ' .’
A. what goes around comes around B. where there’s life, there’s hope
C. every cloud has a silver lining D. nothing venture, nothing gained
13. If we buy a car we may not be able to afford a holiday but let’s that bridge when we
to it.
A. cross/go B. climb/go C. cross/ come D. climb/come
14. They only caught two students cheating but I'm sure many more do. After all, .
A. where there’s life, there’s hope B. where there’s smoke, there’s fire
C. every cloud has a silver lining D. nothing venture, nothing gained
15. The company has survived previous disasters. So .
A. where there’s life, there’s hope B. where there’s smoke, there’s fire
C. every cloud has a silver lining D. nothing venture, nothing gained
16. A: Did you eat snake in China? B: Yes, you know what they say: when in Rome the
Romans do.
A. do as B. do like C. do the same D. do so
17. A: You should buy your new phone online. B: No, last time my card details were stolen. .
A. What goes around comes around B. Once bitten, twice shy
C. Every cloud has a silver lining D. Nothing venture, nothing gained

18. I'm not opera. I like pop.
A. that keen on B. keen on that C. keen that of D. that keen of
19. An academic year can also be split into two periods, each called a(n) .
A. termB. semester C. course D. credit
20. One positive of the availability of electronic media is a decrease in the amount of
paper used.
A. breakup B. breakdown C. outcome D. outlook
21. I'm really reading anything by Stephen King.
A. fond B. into C. keen D. favour
22. What I like best is that lots of different people to the forum.
A. build B. manage C. contribute D. run
23. I can't Mango or other types of comics.
A. get in B. let in C. let into D. get into
24. She was along the beach to relax after a hard-working season.
A. strolling B. working C. pottering D. slinking
25. The starfish which had been washed onto the beach by the tide seemed sure to die
when the tide went out.
A. stranded B. dried C. moved D. rushed
26. It seemed clear to her that his efforts were _. It is pointless. Most of the starfish were
doomed to die.
A. feasible B. febrile C. fertile D. futile
27. The transistor was a major in the development of electronic devices.
A. barrier B. breakthrough C. prevention D. hindrance
28. I that I didn't get the job. I am so disappointed about that.
A. am having second thoughts B. with hindsight
C. am gutted D. am a pity
29. My mother looks young . She is 54 but people think she is in her early forty.
A. on her age B. than her age C. for her age D. in her age
30. Every time I remember that, I for not having jumped at the chance.
A. kick myself B. miss myself C. kick around D. miss around
31. - What’s the of your car? - It’s a Honda.
A. make B. brand C. logo D. slogan
32. Sports celebrities who products earn millions.
A. place B. enhance C. promote D. improve
33. The cleverest I remember was ‘Go to work on an Egg’.
A. make B. brand C. logo D. slogan
34. Multi-million dollar advertising are often seen as unethical.
A. makes B. brands C. campaigns D. agencies
35. Commercials our choices more than we realise.
A. place B. influence C. endorse D. promote
36. My brother still sings 1970s .
A. jingles B. brands C. logos D. slogans
37. The film didn’t contain any surprises. It was very .
A. weird B. predictable C. strange D. controversial
38. Once I turned fifty, I started experiencing age at work.
A. obligation B. distinction C. difference D. discrimination
39. She earns more money, but the of the new job is that she spends more time away from home.
A. downside B. outcome C. income D. pros
40. When you feel positive and negative about something at the same time, you .
A. have a mixed feeling B. are dreading
C. are upbeat D. are cynical
41. My children’s school doesn’t bullying. They are always very helpful if a child has
A. enhance B. promote C. place D. endorse
42. Although the play was a bit , I quite enjoyed it.
A. brilliant B. interesting C. obscure D. amazing
43. Do you eat much chocolate? What of chocolate do you prefer?
A. make B. brand C. logo D. slogan
44. There’s nothing better than your own business.
A. jogging B. setting C. making D. running
45. The last time we saw them, they were in the .
A. peach of age B. peach of life C. prime of life D. prime of age
46. I didn’t get the message. There was a in communication.
A. breakdown B. drawback C. cut down D. cut back
47. I wish he wasn’t so gloomy. He never looks on the side of life.
A. light B. bright C. pink D. blue
48. He shouldn’t have his motorbike so fast.
A. driven B. ridden C. cycled D. all are correct
49. The film was totally . I nearly walked out. I couldn’t understand what was going on.
A. weird B. predictable C. brilliant D. explicit
50. What does an image of an apple with a bite taken out of it mean to you? What other do
you know?
A. slogans B. logos C. brands D. makes
51. An obsession with computer games can give people a(n) view of reality.
A. distorted B. enhanced C. dreadful D. perfect
52. A: ‘I'm going to play on the swings.’ B: ‘ your age. They’re meant for kids.’
A. Become B. Be C. Behave D. Act
53. A: ‘Mina seems very sensible for sixteen-year old.’ B: ‘I'm continually surprised by her .’
A. oldness B. age C. maturity D. maternity
54. Long before the barcode, the use of conveyor belts in supermarkets greatly speeding up the
processing of customers at the counter.
A. check-in B. check-out C. registration D. enrolment
55. A: ‘I think Hugh is too young to become a manager. B: ‘Careful. That could be seen as age ’
A. judgment B. discrimination C. distinction D. balance
56. A: ‘I can't believe what he just said!’ B: ‘Yeah, he’s so . He really needs to grow up.
A. grown-up B. immature C. mature D. outgrown
57. The product has been in many game shows and films.
A. placed B. manufactured C. enhanced D. made
58. The biggest of the development of electronic communication has been that people see
less each other in person.
A. judgment B. pro C. drawback D. benefit
59. The use of automated telephone response system often leads to a communication
between customers and providers. It’s not easy to understand each other clearly.
A. breakdown B. breakup C. breakthrough D. breakaway
60. The rise of drug abuse fills me with . I feel so worried now.
A. optimism B. despair C. gloominess D. excitement
61. There was a in the tasks at the very last minutes and an agreement has been reached.
A. breakdown B. breakthrough C. trade off D. drawback
62. When the movie started I already knew how it was going to end. It was so _ .
A. obscure B. clear C. inevitable D. predictable
63. Only students who are on this course may enter the classroom.
A. enrolled B. semester C. revised D. retaken
64. We in the market for low-cost pensions and we made a lot of profits.
A. looked a gap B. saw a gap C. looked a vacancy D. saw a vacancy
65. To protect the environment and preserve limited fossil fuel source, solar- _ appliances
should be used.
A. activation B. electricity C. authority D. power
66. At what age do people generally age in your country: seventeen; eighteen; twenty-one?
A. come of B. grow to C. come to D. grow of
67. Thanks to the development of technology, all the households have the chances to use high-
TV sets.
A. definition B. proof C. image D. standard
68. All the divers are equipped with a water- watch.
A. roof B. efficiency C. proof D. prevention
69. It looks like an ordinary pen, but there is a tiny built- camera inside it.
A. to B. on C. up D. in
70. For long journeys, it is advisable to use long- batteries.
A. life B. use C. time D. term
71. Are there any events in your country that make you feel hopeful? That means it fills you with _?
A. despair B. optimism C. pessimism D. cynicism
72. What’s one experience coming up soon that you are really worried about? I mean you are ?
A. upbeat B. optimistic C. dreading D. looking forward to
73. Their relationship sometimes goes well and sometimes doesn’t. They have .
A. it up and down B. mixed feeling
C. mixed sensation D. step back and forward
74. Can you remember an event in your country that made you feel pessimistic? It fills you with .
A. despair B. optimism C. enjoyment D. hopefulness
75. The best thing is you appreciate your friends and family and every moment you spend with
them, you don't take anything for .
A. nothing B. free C. granted D. appreciation
76. One thing I appreciate now is how comfortable I feel in my own . I really feel confident.
A. look B. case C. face D. skin
77. Audio email has blind people’s ability to communicate via the Internet.
A. prevented B. enhanced C. altered D. endorsed
78. I cannot make a choice. I’m between studying abroad and in our country.
A. considering B. torn C. born D. chosen
79. ‘How do you feel about Talk2Me?’ ‘It doesn’t me.’
A. sound to B. catch C. grab D. track
80. I've the need to seek other people's approval - I guess that's part of the maturity that
comes with age and experience.
A. outgrown B. grown up C. overgrown D. been old
81. My twelve-year-old son wanted to his ears pierced.
A. do B. make C. let D. get
82. They both refused to speak until the other apologized, and so they never spoke again.
The situation was totally .
A. unrealistic B. hazardous C. absurd D. general
83. People sometimes make a of knowing more than they really do.
A. preference B. pretence C. reference D. interference
84. You have a for expensive things and a high level of comfort.
A. preferenceB. pretence C. reference D. interference
85. For young school students, from parents and teachers is particularly important.
A. pretence B. discouragement C. interference D. encouragement
86. What do you say when someone you in the evenings to persuade you to buy his product
or service?
A. cold calls B. ad calls C. promotion calls D. recalls
87. The Internet has the way people access information.
A. revolutionized B. transformed C. changed D. All are correct.
88. The overuse of antibiotics has had a effect on people’s resistance to disease. People
should be more careful about using it.
A. positive B. detrimental C. good D. beneficial
89. Sometimes companies have to consider a _ between increased production and a
reduction in quality.

A. trade-off B. composition C. breakthrough D. breakdown
90. The mobile phone has had a effect on elderly people’s quality of life. It has helped
them a lot especially in communication.
A. negative B. detrimental C. beneficial D. bad
91. The boy was from school for smoking in class.
A. allowed B. suspended C. abandoned D. adopted
92. A good example of a famous landmark is .
A. Elvis Presley B. Vietnam C. the Eiffel Tower D. the moon
93. In some countries, blowing your nose in public is considered .
A. respective B. polite C. subdued D. vulgar
94. The office will be closed down the end of next month.
A. as for B. as of C. in advance D. as well as
95. Can you look at the movie and tell me what time that film is on?
A. menu B. schedule C. content D. review
96. Tombs are made to contain .
A. dead people B. passengers C. rich people D. famous people
97. Accidentally killing someone while trying to yourself isn’t usually considered murder.
A. attack B. fight C. attract D. defend
98. My grandfather was awarded a medal for her brave in World War II.
A. warrior B. weapons C. martial arts D. combat
99. The fridge was too heavy to lift so I had to it across the floor.
A. wind B. press C. slide D. lift
100. This expensive restaurant serves a lot of drinks that I’ve never heard of. They are
imported from other countries.
A. domestic B. homemade C. exotic D. isolated
101. One family of cats managed to all the birds on that island.
A. get on B. appeal C. fight D. wipe out
102. To stop the enemy from reading it, the message was written in .
A. drama B. pretend C. genius D. code
103. The police are still trying to the gang who robbed the bank.
A. impersonate B. track down C. wipe out D. meet
104. Jeans are usually clothing for a formal wedding.
A. flashy B. subdued C. inappropriate D. customary
105. Nostradamus was a fortune-teller who was famous for his of the future.
A. thinking B. visions C. showing D. genius
106. At a price of only two hundred dollars, the airplane ticket was .
A. a steal B. a profit C. over the top D. expensive
107. If I’m free this weekend, I’ll and see you.
A. die out B. track down C. give way D. drop by
108. This bookshop is very . It only sells books about Russian history.
A. specialized B. unique C. general D. famous
109. In theory, working only four days a week is a great idea, but in reality, it just isn’t .
A. diplomatic B. practical C. sophisticated D. complicated
110. Even if you don’t agree with people, you need to be or you might sound rude.
A. diplomatic B. daring C. serious D. shallow
111. The firefighter ran into the burning building to save the child in a(n) rescue.
A. controversial B. daring C. indifferent D. messy
112. I know many people believe in ghosts, but personally, I they are real.
A. prove B. am superstitious C. skeptic D. doubt
113. Unless something is done to help them, many species in South America will die out
A. famous B. valuable C. global D. endangered
114. I don’t like our new boss, but we’ll just have to him.
A. communicate to B. fight against C. put up with D. wipe out

115. The birds on the island had never seen cats before, and had no to their attacks.
A. experiences B. remedies C. ideas D. resistance
116. After Meg’s parents were killed, she was _ by her uncle and aunt.
A. given B. run C. adopted D. harvested
117. There is a great film in the newspaper, whose reviews I read every week.
A. actor B. director C. critic D. activist
118. The medicine eventually cured the disease, but the were terrible.
A. remedies B. therapies C. influences D. side effects
119. The long rainy season the number of tourists.
A. had an impact on C. was worse off B. appreciated D. had a tendency to
120. The new system of government quickly in the society.
A split B. combined C. took root D. settled
121. Have you seen my keys? They’ve .
A. scratched the surface C. vanished into thin air
B. taken root D. seen the big picture
122. In 1993, Czechoslovakia into two countries, the Czech Republic and Slovakia.
A. split B. absorbed C. revolted D. conquered
123. The new tax plan was announced by a government .
A. activist B. president C. linguist D. spokesperson
124. Over 500 people _ when the boat sank.
A. committed suicide B. drowned C. mourned D. accused
125. In order to save the patient with cancer, doctors had to his leg.
A. commemorate B. split C. sacrifice D. put off
126. The French Revolution began as a(n) against the King in 1789.
A. sacrifice B. activist C. conquering D. uprising
127. There has been a tendency over the last century for many countries to be transformed from
societies to urban ones.
A. rural B. conservative C. isolated D. domesticated
128. I hope you all the hard work I’ve done for you.
A. congratulate B. appreciate C. trace D. absorb
129. As a rule, of the law is no defense in court.
A. interference B. ignorance C. sacrifice D. accusation
130. This job offer is on your passing the language test.
A. conditional B. compatible C. influenced D. adopted
131. So many witnesses have that it will take days to interview them all.
A. come forward B. come up with C. come along D. come across
132. The government is thinking of a law to allow on-the-spot fines for hooligans.
A. breaking out B. looking into C. bringing in D. hold up
133. A robber has three banks in town last week.
A. broken out B. looked into C. brought in D. hold up
134. A solicitor is a specific type of .
A. lawyer B. bystander C. burglar D. judge
135. The spy was to life imprisonment.
A. accused B. imprisoned C. sentenced D. arrested
136. If you the law, you deserve to be punished.
A. obey B. follow C. damage D. break
137. He said it was an accident, but I know he did it on .
A. purpose B. aim C. goal D. reason
138. Suddenly, someone shouted, “Thief!” and the man quickly on a motorbike.
A. took in B. made off C. came forward D. handed in
139. The sign says that all shoplifters will be .
A. persecuted B. disproved C. prosecuted D. prohibited
140. My doctor said I have to stay in bed and gave me a(n) _ for some medicine.
A. prescription B. description C. examination D. operation

141. You must give me the for that wonderful chocolate cake you made. I want to make it
some day.
A. receipt B. recipe C. remedy D. therapy
142. Many rock stars seem to end up in drug .
A. remedy B. cure C. treatment D. therapy
143. Two people have been slightly in an accident on the M1.
A. injured B. damaged C. hurt D. wounded
144. Half an hour after taking the pill, I began to feel the .
A. results B. effects C. signs D. affects
145. Being an injection wasn’t as painful as I thought it was going to be.
A. given B. done C. made D. taken
146. The doctor the cut on my knee and said it had completely healed up.
A. investigated B. researched C. examined D. looked up
147. I was shocked when I crashed the car, but at least I wasn’t .
A. injured B. damaged C. broken D. spoilt
148. Some drugs produce bad side .
A. consequences B. products C. results D. effects
149. You should try to an alternative to all those sugary snacks you eat.
A. make B. find C. take D. do
150. I particularly like Mexican and Indian .
A. kitchen B. cooker C. cuisine D. menu
151. A(n) is a long essay of between 8,000 and 12,000 words.
A. assignment B. dissertation C. paper D. seminar
152. I got the from my doctor, so I went to the next pharmacy to get the pills.
A. diagnose B. prescriptionC. treatment D. symptoms
153. Boil the eggs for three minutes in a saucepan on the .
A. grill B. hob C. oven D. kitchen
154. the onions in cooking oil until they’re golden brown.
A. Boil B. Bake C. Fry D. Grill
155. Pre-heat the to 200 degrees.
A. oven B. kitchen C. hob D. cook
156. If food , it’s not safe for us to eat them.
A. goes over B. goes in for C. goes off D. goes up
157. Once the has boiled, pour the boiling water over the jelly cubes. They’ll melt within seconds!
A. kettle B. teapot C. mug D. pan
158. I would prefer to go to university and do a in astronomy, rather than start work.
A. certificate B. degree C. diploma D. research
159. The exam come out today and I’m really nervous. I hope I’ve passed.
A. results B. remarks C. questions D. findings
160. Following a national emergency such as earthquake, clean water must be restored quickly
to prevent the spread of a(n) .
A. infection B. epidemic C. breakdown D. recovery
161. An academic year can be split into three periods, each called a(n) .
A. term B. semester C. course D. credit
162. With a little hard work, I’m sure you’ll a lot this year.
A. reach B. succeed C. achieve D. qualify
163. Lee didn’t do so well in the test because he hadn’t hard enough.
A. written B. studied C. read D. learned
164. I think you need to your ideas more clearly so that readers don’t get confused.
A. dawn on B. get on with C. set out D. give in
165. Dinosaurs have been for millions of years. There are no dinosaurs now on the earth.
A. endangered B. extinct C. threatened D. disappeared

166. There’s been a in Germany and a village was completely destroyed.
A. flood B. drizzle C. shower D. smog
167. The main of measles is little red spots all over your body.
A. virus B. infection C. symptom D. diagnosis
168. Do you know what CFC ?
A. sets in B. does up C. stands for D. gets down
169. As towns grow, they tend to destroy the surrounding areas.
A. urban B. commercial C. land D. rural
170. Jill put her wellington boots on and, as soon as it stopped raining, went out to play in the .
A. reservoirs B. lakes C. puddles D. ponds

Read the following sentences and choose the best answer for the blank.
1. When I was young I I could do anything.
A. used to believe B. would believe C. 'm used to believing D. believe
2. My supervisor had me the morning taking inventory.
A. to spend B. spent C. spending D. spend
3. Paychecks .
A. are twice distributed a month B. twice a month are distributed
C. are distributed twice a month D. a month are distributed twice
4. The company by an immigrant.
A. was found B. found C. was founded D. find
5. If our candidates _ elected, we’ll have a strong board.
A. were B. are C. have been D. will be
6. If only I my flared trousers - they're back in fashion now.
A. threw B. could keep C. didn’t throw away D. hadn't thrown away
7. Are you used spicy food?
A. eat B. to eat C. to eating D. ate
8. I’m sorry you didn’t like what I said, but it!
A. get over B. getting over C. to get over D. have got over
9. Jason and Zena together again after their very public row.
A. won't probably work B. probably won't work
C. won't work probably D. work won’t probably
10. When the leaflet, can you email it to me immediately?
A. you finish B. you will finish C. you are finishing D. finished
11. We’re getting worried because they yet and it’s getting dark.
A. didn’t turn up B. haven’t turned up C. turned up D. have turned
12. Then that microwaves cause the food to vibrate quickly and produce heat.
A. the thing happens B. the thing is C. what happens is D. thing happens
13. They living with the constant heat.
A. didn’t use B. weren’t used to C. didn’t use to D. used
14. the photo, you can adjust it on your computer.
A. After you've taken B. After that you've taken
C. After that you take D. After you’re taking
15. When we shared a room, Zoey my things. It was so annoying!
A. was always taking B. always took
C. had always taken D. had always been taking
16. By the time he died, Beethoven nine symphonies.
A. wrote B. has written C. was writing D. had written
17. There a cinema on this corner, but they knocked it down.
A. used to be B. were C. would be D. had been
18. When I went to get the tickets, I realized that I any money.
was not having B. had not had C. did not have D. did have
19. According to timetable, the train for Oxford at 10.15.
A. would leave B. leaves
C. will be leaving D. will have been leaving
20. I dinner by the time you get home and then we will have it at once.
A. was cooking B. am cooking
C. will cook D. will have cooked
21. They the house for an hour when it starts raining.
A. painted B. had painted C. have been painting D. paints
22. Neela felt relieved because she the speech and could send it off to be checked.
A. was writing B. had written C. had been writing D. wrote
23. move your money to another bank?
A. Are you thinking B. Are you hoping C. Are you planning to D. Are you enjoying
24. I’d get her some flowers on her birthday because she’s chocolates.
A. not that keen B. not a big fan of C. can’t stand D. favor
25. bitten shy.
A. Once/twice B. When/always C. Once/always D. once/when
26. I like about the colour is that it’s so vibrant.
A. The thing what B. What C. It’s what D. The way
27. How many actors before you chose Rob?
A. had you seen B. had you been seeing C. were you seeing D. saw
28. Before the invention of _ people paid for everything in cash.
A. the credit card B. a credit card C. the credits card D. card
29. There will be a bonus paid to all managers _ they meet their targets.
A. unless B. provided C. as long D. but
30. Did you much?
A. practise B. practiced C. practical D. practising
31. I think we're the wrong track here.
A. in B. on C. along D. out
32. Children under thirteen _ join social networking sites but they often do.
A. aren’t supposed to B. don’t have to C. aren’t allowed D. must
33. Don't phone me until the afternoon. I _ to our Washington office by then.
A. will be spoken B. will speak C. will have spoken D. will be speaking
34. your headphones today? I've broken mine.
A. Will you be using B. Will you use C. Will you have used D. Would you use
35. A third runway has been approved at the airport. What for local residents over the next
few years?
A. will that be meaning B. will that mean
C. will that have meant D. would that mean
36. buy the property we would need to charge a high rent.
A. If we will B. Unless we C. If we were to D. Provided we
37. unfair that wealthy people pay a smaller proportion of taxes than those with less money?
A. Don't you think B. Isn’t C. Doesn’t it seem D. Doesn’t it
38. So that no-one knows the answer, they're just guessing?
A. what you're saying B. what you're getting is
C. in other kinds of words D. what happens
39. He won't play in the World Cup completely fit.
A. unless he’s B. if he’s C. until he’ll be D. as long as
40. Would you consider a consultant?
A. hiring B. hire C. to hire D. hired
41. If I get high enough grades, I'll start next September.
A. the university B. university C. a university D. an university
42. Last Tuesday for the first time scientists communicate with a patient in a deep coma.
A. could B. were able C. managed to D. would
43. is like jam - you can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself.
A. The happiness B. A happiness C. Happiness D. Happy

44. So what you’re getting _ is that they should be banned completely?
A. at B. into C. to D. on
45. So, in words, they don’t listen to what people say?
A. your B. other C. another D. the other
46. If I’ve it right, you want to adopt my grandparents?
A. had B. thought C. got D. reckoned
47. So what you’re is that they’ll have a longer lunch break.
A. meaning B. telling C. point D. saying
48. I your point is that our employees are overworked.
A. hear B. feel C. gather D. tell
49. obvious you’re one of those slow drivers that hold up the traffic on the roads.
A. Clearly B. Sure C. It D. Of course
50. My son be home by now. Where can he be?
A. have to B. would C. should D. could
51. I think your thumb is broken. You go to the emergency room.
A. might B. could C. ought to D. can
52. If you are interested in losing weight, you try this new diet.
A. could B. mustn’t C. don’t have to D. had to
53. Johnnie’s fallen down the stairs! I call an ambulance!
A. will B. might C. may D. am going to
54. You come too early. We won’t leave until 9 o’clock.
A. has to B. must C. needn’t D. can’t
55. Children be accompanied by an adult at the zoo. It is an obligation.
A. ought to B. must C. would D. mustn’t
56. You talk during tests. It’s forbidden!
A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. couldn’t D. ought to
57. I can feel the heat. We be near the fire.
A. can B. would C. must D. have to
58. They hear him because he was whispering.
A. wouldn’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. couldn’t
59. You’ve never heard of Britney Spears! You be serious!
A. must B. had to C. can’t D. shouldn’t
60. you like to have dinner with me tonight?
A. Could B. May C. Should D. Would
61. You let him hear about the party tomorrow. It’s a surprise!
A. mustn’t B. wouldn’t C. couldn’t D. can
62. I speak to the Chief of Police, please?
A. Must B. May C. Would D. Need
63. He has arrived late. He _ missed the bus.
A. must have B. should have C. could have D. must
64. If Jake to go on the trip, would you have gone?
A. Doesn’t agree B. didn’t agree C. hadn’t agreed D. wouldn’t agree
65. you, I’d think twice about that decision. It could be a bad move.
A. If I had been B. If I were C. Should I be D. If I am
66. You can use my car you drive carefully
A. Whether B. until C. unless long as
67. George won't lend you any money you promise to pay him back.
A. Providing B. unless C. provided D. as long as
68. If only I him now!
A. See B. saw C. have seen D. seen
69. A: I need to pick up a pack of cigarettes from the store. B: I wish you smoking
A. Would stop B. stop C. have stopped D. stopping
70. I wish I you some money for your rent; but I am breaking myself.
A. Can lend B. would lend C. could lend D. will lend

71. A: Would you like to go to the movies tonight? B: I wish I .
A. Had B. could C. would D. did
72. She wishes she a movie star.
A. has been B. were C. will be D. is
73. He wishes his mother him much money tomorrow.
A. gave B. will give C. would give D. gave
74. She has freckles, she wishes she them.
A. doesn’t have B. isn’t having C. didn’t have D. hadn’t have
75. Do you agree that successful people are those seize opportunity and take risks?
A. who B. which C. where D. whose
76. Mandela, is often considered to be the greatest statesman of our time, has the most of
the qualities a successful leader has to have.
A. where B. that C. whose D. who
77. The assertiveness training workshop, starts next month, is designed for anyone
is or will be a team leader.
A. who/which B. whose/who C. which /who D. whom/that
78. He lent me many picture-books, most of I had read.
A. Whom B. who C. whose D. which
79. Joyce Bews, was born and grew up in Portsmouth on the south coast of England,
she still lives was 100 last year.
A. That/in which B. who/where C. that/where D. whom/where
80. According to the research, the time at most road accidents happen is early evening.
A. when B. which C. whose D. that
81. It was windy that I couldn’t stand up!
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
82. Everybody had _ a good time when we went bowling that we agreed to go again.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
83. Emma and Karen used to be good friends that I am surprised they don’t get on now.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
84. I hope I have got money to pay for this meal.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
85. I am sorry but I have got much work to do to come to the beach today.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
86. My mum was angry that I knew I’d better disappear for a while.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
87. They were beautiful shoes that I decided I had to get them.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
88. The earthquake was powerful that the town was destroyed.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
89. The shot was quick for the goalkeeper and the ball hit the back of the net.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
90. I had a bad headache that I went to lie down for a while.
A. so B. such C. enough D. too
91. I have a look at those shoes in the window please?
A. Must B. Would C. Should D. Could
92. We pay for the tickets as Jolie won them in a competition.
A. mustn’t B. didn’t have to C. couldn’t D. hadn’t to
93. You really make such a mountain out of a molehill!
A. can’t B. won’t C. mightn’t D. shouldn’t
94. You won’t to connect to the internet once you have got broadband as you are online
twenty four hours a day.
A. need B. must C. ought D. able
95. I hope we find the cinema easily.
A. could B. may C. might D. can

96. We couldn’t find a hotel room so we sleep in the car. It was awful!
A. must B. should C. had to D. could
97. We’d love to afford to go on a round-the-world cruise.
A. can B. be able to C. will have to D. have to
98. Fiona can’t about the meeting. I reminded her this morning.
A. forget B. be forgetting C. have forgotten D. have been forgetting
99. She could in the garage when we came around, which would explain why she didn’t
hear the bell.
A. work B. be working C. have worked D. have been working
100. You’ll tell the police that your house was broken into.
A. have to B. must C. had to D. should
101. I have joined a gym but in the end I decided to exercise at home.
A. must B. could C. will D. may
102. “I have been feeling under the weather recently”. “You more exercise.”
A. should get B. should have got C. would get D. would have got
103. “It was hard work getting back from the hospital with my leg in plaster.” “You should
me. I’d have picked you up.”
A. call B. be calling C. have called D. have been calling
104. write with your left hand when you broke your arm?
A. Did you had to B. Did you have to C. Needed you to D. Must you
105. You have huge muscles to look good, you know!
A. don’t have to B. mustn’t C. can’t D. shouldn’t
106. That be Ted at the door. He’s in bed with chicken pox.
A. hasn’t to B. oughtn’t to C. mustn’t D. can’t
107. You must thrilled when the doctor said it wasn’t serious.
A. be B. have been C. be being D. have being
108. Colin’s got to stay in bed for eight weeks! I’d hate to do that.
A. will have to B. must C. have to D. will
109. Why don’t you get a doctor at your arm?
A. to look B. looked C. look D. be looking
110. My teeth were a little yellow so I by a dentist.
A. had cleaned them B. have them cleaned C. was cleaned them D. had them cleaned
111. Peter’s thinking of having !
A. shaved his head B. his head shaving C. his head shaved D. shaved to his head
112. My sister her ear pierced last weekend.
A. made B. got C. did D. took
113. Mum and dad didn’t fancy cooking, we got a pizza .
A. be delivered B. to be delivered C. delivered D. deliver
114. You should a professional to check your house for earthquake damage.
A. have B. make C. take D. get
115. Sam wanted to have a live band at her wedding.
A. to be played B. play C. played D. been playing
116. Can we this summer?
A. get installed air-conditioning B. get air-conditioning to install
C. have installed air-conditioning D. have air-conditioning installed
117. We while we were on holiday.
A. were burgled our house B. had our house burgled
C. had burgled our house D. got burgled our house
118. I didn’t expect our history teacher us so much homework.
A. giving B. give C. to give D. to giving
119. Do you remember to school for the very first time?
A. go B. to go C. of going D. going
120. I started doing my homework when I got home from school but I stopped my favorite

A. watch B. to watch C. watching D. from watching
121. Please don’t forget your essays during Friday’s lesson.
A. handing in B. to hand in C. hand in D. to handing in
122. Our teacher made the whole class after the lesson because we had been so noisy.
A. staying B. to stay C. for staying D. stay
123. ‘What was Derek’s reaction to the accusation?’ ‘Well, he denied anywhere near the
house at that time.’
A. being B. to be C. be D. of being
124. Oh, I am sorry! _ disturbing you?
A. Do I B. Have I C. Should I D. Am I
125. Did Sam you about the meeting on Friday?
A. told B. tell C. has told D. tells
126. hot when you were in Spain?
A. Was it B. It was C. Did it D. It made
127. Tony, got time to call Mrs. Julia?
A. do you have B. you have C. are you D. have you
128. When your boss arrived, finished the report?
A. you had B. did you have C. had you D. were you
129. I know Jane’s pretty, but seen someone spending so much time in front of mirror like
A. do you ever B. you have never C. have you ever D. ever have you
130. It is raining, so _ cancel the concert?
A. will they B. they will C. do they will D. are they
131. pass me the salt, please?
A. You could B. Are you C. You are D. Could you
132. Sir, repeat what the homework is, please?
A. do you B. are you C. you D. can you
133. the couple you met in France last year staying at the same hotel?
A. Did B. Have C. Were D. Could
134. I know how to pronounce “controversy”, but what ?
A. does it mean B. it means C. is it mean D. means it
135. It is a great idea, but it will work?
A. are you think B. do you think C. you think D. you do think
136. Why did you get the bus to work? I am having my car at the moment.
A. servicing B. serviced C. to service D. to be serviced
137. I got my little brother my bedroom for me.
A. tidied B. having tidied C. to tidy D. tidy
138. Most fast food to be unhealthy but I am not sure that is true.
A. said B. it is said C. has said D. is said
139. Maybe that is Stan at the door. No, it be. He’s gone to Trevor’s for the weekend.
A. can’t B. mustn’t C. shouldn’t D. wouldn’t
140. Mary could before she leant to talk properly!
A. have sung B. sing C. be singing D. have to sing
141. Those books I ordered should by now.
A. be delivering B. have delivered C. have been delivered D. have been delivering
142. It is very kind of you to bring some cakes with you but you really to.
A. didn’t need B. needn’t have C. needn’t D. not need
143. Eating so much chocolate really isn’t good you
A. to B. at C. for D. with
144. I can’t help that Mary would look better if she lost some weight.
A. to think B. thinking C. to thinking D. think
145. Did you remember Susan to bring her CD player tomorrow night?
A. to ask B. asking C. to asking D. ask
146. It’s been a really hot summer, ?

A. wasn’t there B. hasn’t it C. didn’t there D. wasn’t it
147. The company spends more on advertising to increase sales.
A. order B. so C. so as D. for
148. Don’t you think Sam just like his father?
A. looks B. is looking C. has been looking D. had been looking
149. Shall we meet at 7 o’clock? No, I‘ll still then.
A. work B. have been working C. be working D. have worked
150. Call me as soon as you _ your test results.
A. get B. will get C. will have got D. will be getting


Part I: Read the passage below and decide which answer A, B, C or D best fits each space.

Passage 1
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
George O’Keeffe is another famous woman artist. (…..1…..) Frida Kahlo, she is known for her
bright, colourful paintings. O’Keeffe was born in 1887 in Wisconsin, but as a teenager she studied art
in Chicago and New York City. After graduation (…..2…..) art school, O’Keeffe taught in Texas for
five years. (…..3…..) her time in Texas, a well-known photographer (…..4…..) Alfred Stiegliz noticed
her work and showed it in his gallery in New York. Later, in 1924, the two married. Five years later, in
1929, O’Keeffe visited the desert in New Mexico and was (…..5…..) by the beautiful flowers there.
Large paintings of flowers (…..6…..) typical of her art. Critics congratulated O’Keeffe for her flower
paintings that showed a great deal of detail. They (…..7…..) appreciated the bright, clear colors she
used. In the 1960s, O’Keeffe’s work was influenced by airplane flights. The sky and clouds really had
an impact (…..8…..) her. She created huge paintings of sky scenes, (…..9…..) one that is eight feet
high by twenty-four feet long. Although she died in 1986 at ninety-nine years of (…..10…..), her work
is still popular today. The best place to see it is the Georgia O’Keeffe Museum in Santa Fe, New
1. A. Likely B. Like C. Similarly D. As
2. A. for B. by C. of D. from
3. A. For B. Since C. During D. In
4. A. named B. given C. presented D. made
5. A. appealed B. inspired C. targeted D. attacked
6. A. turned out B. worked C. became D. recognized
7. A. especial B. special C. specialty D. especially
8. A. on B. in C. for D. with
9. A. consisting B. containing C. including D. composing
10. A. old B. years C. time D. age

Passage 2
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
Many people change countries during their life, but one man has made a name for himself by
establishing his (…..1…..) country. During World War II, England built a number of artificial
platforms off the coast of England (…..2…..) weapons to fight off invaders. After the war, soldiers left
these platforms and they were forgotten – (…..3…..) 1967. In that year, a British man, Roy Bates, took
over one of the platforms and announced he had started his own country, called Sealand.
This (…..4…..) as a surprise to England, who believed they had the rights (…..5…..) the
platform. Bates, (…..6…..) renamed himself Prince Roy, and the small community on the island (his
family), faced a great (…..7…..) of pressure from England to leave the platform. However, in 1968 an
English court decided that (…..8…..) Sealand was over ten kilometers off the English (…..9…..), it
was in international waters, and England had (…..10…..) power there. Today, Sealand, which even has
its own stamps, coins, and passports, is controlled by Roy’s son and heir, Prince Michael, and is home
to a large Internet business.
1. A. private B. own C. personal D. individual
2. A. for contain B. containing C. contain D. to contain
3. A. for B. since C. until D. in
4. A. came B. gave C. presented D. made
5. A. for B. to C. with D. about
6. A. which B. that C. who D. whose
7. A. range B. choice C. rank D. deal
8. A. because B. so C. but D. or
9. A. sea B. beach C. coast D. ocean
10. A. none B. not C. non D. no

Passage 3
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
It's acceptable to eat fast food occasionally, but it is high (……1……) calories. So, if you often
eat hamburgers and chips, you can easily become obese. You had better eat homemade food because it
is healthier. Everybody knows that fast food is cheap and quick; (……2……), it is not as tasty as
homemade food. Young people prefer to eat pizzas, hamburgers and French fries, but they should eat
soup (……3……). Fast food companies spend lots of money (……4……) people believe that fast
food is cool. The (……5……) American eats three hamburgers with French fries a week. Is it
surprising that 14% of American teenagers are obese? Health (……6……) is devoted to create new
eating habits (……7……) we can have a healthier generation. Obesity can lead to other (……8……)
such as diabetes and heart strokes. This is why America is now starting to fight back (……9……) the
fast food companies. They are stopping (……10……) fast food in school cafeterias, and restaurants
serving traditional food are opening now.
1. A. on B. in C. with D. about
2. A. moreover B. therefore C. as a result D. however
3. A. for example B. for instance C. instead D. including
4. A. making B. doing C. persuading D. promoting
5. A. typical B. average C. special D. abnormal
6. A. look B. consideration C. care D. attention
7. A. so B. so as to C. in order to D. so that
8. A. diseases B. viruses C. bacteria D. bugs
9. A. again B. for C. against D. from
10. A. reserving B. preserving C. observing D. serving

Passage 4
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
How many languages exist in the world today? It’s difficult to know exactly, but most (…1…)
generally agree that there are probably about 6,800 unique languages spoken in the world today, as
well as a number of dialects. (…2…), many of these languages are endangered, and many scientists
doubt that more than half of them will (…3…) until the end of this century.
There are many (…4…) why a language may die out, but one thing endangered languages all
have in (…5…) is that they are spoken by a minority of people in that country, and then usually as a
second language. Also, for many reasons, parents don’t pass these languages on to their children, (…
6…) there are too few speakers to sustain the language. Some of the languages in (…7…) danger of
disappearing have only one living speaker. Often a language becomes endangered as a result of
government (…8…), which made speaking the endangered language illegal.
Some people think that it doesn’t (…9…) if languages completely disappear. They think that
the world would be better off if everyone spoke the same language. (…10…), the problem is that as
languages die, there is a side effect that the culture that is tied to that language tends to be affected as
1. A. archaeologists B. linguists C. businessmen D. politicians
2. A. Luckily B. Especially C. Generally D. Unfortunately
3. A. exist B. disappear C. survive D. develop
4. A. reasons B. results C. causes D. effects
5. A. popular B. common C. famous D. well-known
6. A. as B. because C. so D. since
7. A. severe B. strong C. weak D. upbeat
8. A. incentive B. investment C. process D. policy
9. A. make B. play C. matter D. do
10. A. In conclusion B. Consequently C. Also D. However

Passage 5
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
Today for most people, studying martial arts is a sport, rather than a job, but this hasn’t always
been the case. Perhaps the ………(1) famous arts experts in history were the ninjas of Japan, Ninjas
have been featured in so many TV shows and movies ………(2) it is hard to know what is legend and
what is true.
One of the main things which ………(3) them apart from other martial artists is that rather than
their main ………(4), the sword, they also had great knowledge of many other kinds of weapons. And,
if they found themselves without a weapon, they could use whatever they found ………(5).
Ninjas warriors were also geniuses ………(6) impersonating other people, they would ………
(7) themselves as other people and pretend to be ………(8) in order to gain access to secrets. This
………(9) made them useful for the authorities, who would use them as spies. Even though ninjas
have almost entirely died out today, they are as popular as ever. There is ………(10) a ninja museum
in Japan that attracts visitors from around the world.
1. A. best B. most C. worst D. least
2. A. what B. which C. when D. that
3. A. make B. give C. set D. put
4. A. weapon B. costume C. device D. tool
5. A. essential B. available C. existent D. potential
6. A. for B. about C. at D. with
7. A. discover B. distract C. dismiss D. disguise
8. A. harmless B. harmful C. hopeful D. hopeless
9. A. possibility B. certainty C. ability D. responsibility
10. A. however B. but C. so D. even

Passage 6
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
The fighting arts that started in East Asia have spread beyond that ……….(1) and are now
popular throughout the world. Matches and competition attract large audiences, but even more people
watch martial arts on television. In addition, films by Bruce Lee created martial arts fans everywhere.
Kung fu started in China more than 2,000 years ago while karate developed in Japan about
1,600. Both martial arts originally came about when people tried to protect or ……….(2) themselves
from attackers. When karate first started, warriors could not use.....(3) such as swords, so they had to
rely on the ……….(4) of their bodies alone. Anther thing that karate and kung fu have in..............(5) is
that in combat fighters strike out to hit their opponent with their arms, legs, feet, or even their head.
……….(6), if someone gets hit in the head, they must suspend their participation for a while to make
sure there is no damage.............(7) the brain, eyes, or ears.
Kong fu has a gentler version..............(8) tai chi. In many Asian countries, people can be seen
doing tai chi together in large groups as a form of daily exercise. Tai chi movements are done very
slowly, requiring a lot of strength. Perhaps this is............(9) people who do tai chi everyday have
stomach muscles. People who do tai chi also believe that thinking about the flowing movements helps
the mind. They.............(10) it relaxing.
1. A. position B. region C. location D. basement
2. A. offend B. pretend C. suspend D. defend
3. A. appliances B. devices C. weapons D. tools
4. A. strength B. weakness C. power D. authority
5. A. popular B. common C. known D. famous
6. A. As a result B. Therefore C. However D. In addition
7. A. for B. with C. about D. to
8. A. called B. made C. given D. chosen
9. A. what B. where C. why D. when
10. A. think B. reckon C. guess D. find

Passage 7
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
On average, Americans ………(1) an hour a day commuting to their workplace and driving
home again. Since 1945 when the baby boom generation started, people have preferred to live outside
cities in
………(2) neighborhoods. Now some people live even further away from the city, in rural ………(3).
In fact, some people live beyond commuting ………(4) from the city. They live in isolated regions and
work alone at home. They communicate with coworkers ………(5) the internet, faxes, and cell phones.
These ………(6) have transformed work hours so that time that used to be spent driving a car or sitting
in traffic jams is now ………(7).
This way of working is ………(8) telecommuting, but not everyone agrees that telecommuting
will transform work for everyone. Some sociologists think that new technology will ………(9) a major
change ………(10) how everyone works, while more conservative scholars think that most workers
will continue to work in urban areas, just the same way they have for ages.
1. A. take B. spend C. save D. lose
2. A. rural B. urban C. central D. suburban
3. A. locations B. positions C. areas D. countryside
4. A. distance B. space C. length D. dimension
5. A. having B. using C. logging D. surfing
6. A. machines B. goods C. devices D. equipment
7. A. produce B. product C. production D. productive
8. A. called B. made C. given D. chosen
9. A. bring in B. bring out C. bring about D. bring back
10. A. about B. for C. with D. in

Passage 8
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
Does the climate of a country really (1) the behaviour of the people who live in it
and help to (2) its culture? Have you ever heard of people from hot countries being described (3)
‘warm and friendly’ while those from places with low temperatures and grey climates are
sometimes called ‘cold and distant’?
The people who live in colder climates tend to spend much more time at home (4)
television or wondering what colour to paint the living room. As a result of their being ‘shut in’ at
home for (5) of their lives, perhaps they also develop personalities to match. Maybe they tend to be
(6) expressive in their everyday lives.
In (7) , we see that people who live in warm and sunny countries spend much more
time outdoors. In squares all (8) southern Europe, for example, we can see hundreds of
(9) the day drinking coffee in cafés and chatting. It certainly seems as if climate affects
behaviour, (10) _ you have to be careful not to generalise too much.
1. A. result B. make C. affect D. build
2. A. do B. create C. be D. invent
3. A. as B. while C. like D. during
4. A. viewing B. looking C. watching D. seeing
5. A. most B. lots C. many D. rest
6. A. least B. less C. little D. few
7. A. opposite B. addition C. contrast D. similarity
8. A. in B. into C. under D. over
9. A. while B. during C. when D. as
10. A. although B. however C. despite D. otherwise

Passage 9
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to live away from home while you attend
school? Would you like to have the (1) of living and studying with students from different countries
around the world? Cranbrook Kingswood School is one of the few schools that can offer you this kind
of remarkable opportunity! Cranbrook’s green, wooded campus is a beautiful and safe living and
learning (2) . A freshwater lake and (3) sculptures by the famous artist Carl Milles
awaken the imagination! The many buildings of Cranbrook were designed by world-renowned
architect Aliel Sarineen and are both beautiful and (4) . In fact, all of the furniture, woodwork,
window glass and tapestries at the school were specially designed for the school and made by hand.
Each room and building was created to please and (5) _.
The students of Cranbrook Kingswood are very (6) . Their studies are (7) and prepare
them for some of the best universities around the world. But it’s not all hard work at Cranbrook!
(8) in a rich programme of athletics, music and art courses. Clubs and other activities keep the
students happy and busy during the year. If you are (9) boarding school, consider Cranbrook.
Call now to arrange a visit and we’ll be happy to show you the school.
1. A. need B. experience C. subject D. exploration
2. A. expression B. environment C. attitude D. surround
3. A. few B. lots C. very D. several
4. A. unique B. unfit C. united D. usual
5. A. inquire B. intend C. invest D. inspire
6. A. jealous B. selfish C. competitive D. mean
7. A. impressive B. challenging C. depressing D. hardworking
8. A. attend B. study C. follow D. participate
9. A. thinking B. wondering C. considering D. going
10. A. around B. to C. at D. off

Passage 10
Choose the best word or phrase that best completes the blank in text.
We are probably all (1) _ at some points in our lives of not caring for the
environment as much as we should. Perhaps we drop litter without thinking, or (2) _ pollution by
using our cars when it’s not necessary. However, the real environmental (3) are those big
businesses which ignore the law. For many years now, politicians have attempted to (4)
the environment by making businesses responsible for (5)
sure that the chemicals they use don’t add to the destruction of the
environment. The problem for businesses is that the (6) of the environment costs
money, and businesses will always try to (7) their costs if they can. Some of them do
this by simply putting chemicals into rivers when they have finished with them, (8) to the
creation of major problems. (9) _ government may try to catch them doing it, it can be very
difficult (10) to get that a particular business is responsible for an environmental problem.
1. A. responsible B. guilty C. innocent D. accountable
2. A. cause B. make C. prevent D. avoid
3. A. outlaws B. gangsters C. terrorists D. criminals
4. A. protect B. foster C. explore D. provide
5. A. feeling B. making C. sounding D. seeming
6. A. provision B. care C. protection D. prevention
7. A. pay B. cover C. estimate D. lower
8. A. resulting B. leading C. linking D. directing
9. A. In spite B. However C. Although D. But
10. A. proof B. establishment C. findings D. confirmation

Part II: Read the passage below and choose the correct answer for each question.

Passage 1
Beijing in Guangdong province, South China, government officials have started to remove the
number four from the list of numbers that can be assigned to new license plates. The number is
considered unlucky because it sounds so much like the word for death in Cantonese and Mandarin
dialects of Chinese. People tend to avoid any number sequences that include four. For example, it is
common for buildings to lack a fourth floor and cell phone owners try to obtain a telephone number
without four. In fact, people who agree to have a phone number ending in four get a special bonus,
although the money (500 yuan) doesn’t seem to make them more enthusiastic about the number.
Newspapers and other media have criticized the new policy of removing the number four from
license plates as superstition. They say that it is bad to encourage people to believe in things that are
untrue. Government officials reply that it is important to see the big picture. In recent years, road
accidents have become a major problem. They think that anything that helps motorists to drive more
safely could be helpful in reducing traffic deaths and injuries. From their point of view, removing four
from license plates is just a practical step because people will feel more positive and confident and
therefore drive more safely. As long as drivers have a four on their license plates, they feel that their
driving is the hands of fate.
1. What is wrong with the number four in South China?
A. It is common in cell phone numbers.
B. Too many people live on the fourth floor.
C. It sounds like the word for ‘death’ in local languages.
D. Traffic police arrest cars with this number.
2. What do people get as a bonus for cell phone numbers ending in four?
A. extra calling time B. some money C. more enthusiasm D. a new cell phone
3. How do the media feel about the new plan?
A. TV stations think it’s daring. B. They believe it’s too ambitious.
C. Newspapers are superstitious. D. They are very skeptical.
4. What does the underlined word ‘their’ refer to?
A. Chinese newspapers B. Traffic accidents
C. Government officials D. Motorists in Guangdong
5. Where does this reading passage probably come from?
A. a driving rule book B. a newspaper
C. a numerology website D. a travel guide to China

Passage 2
Throughout Asia, Mid-Autumn festivals take place during the full moon. For example,
Thailand’s Loy Krathong occurs precisely during November’s full moon. According to King Mongkut,
a royal scholar who traced the history of the festival in 1863, the first lunar festival happened about
700 years ago during the era of King Phra Ruong. This king has a beautiful young wife named
Nopamas who made a small boat from banana leaves to float at night on the canal. The container had a
candle, some flowers, and incense sticks. When the candle was lit, it glowed softly and was reflected in
the water. The king was so impressed that he ordered all his people to follow the tradition. The
tradition took root and is still very popular today. People all over Thailand light candles in their leaf
boats and gazes at them until they vanish out of sight.
The ceremony was held to celebrate the end of the agricultural season, a busy time of working
in the fields. People wanted to thank the Water Goddess for giving rain so their crops would produce a
good harvest. These days, people think that bad luck floats away with the leaf boats. As they light the
candles, they make a wish for good things to happen to them. If the candle continues to burn as long as
they can see it, they think they can get the wish. Sometimes people put a little money in their leaf boat
for extra luck. The sight of thousands of floating lights under a night sky lit by the full moon is a
spectacular thing to see.
1. When does Loy Krathong take place?
A. During rainy weather B. Before the harvest season

C. At the November full moon D. Precisely when autumn starts
2. Which king started the ceremony?
A. Nopamas B. Phra Ruong C. King Mongkut D. The present king
3. Which of these is NOT put in the floating boat?
A. bananas B. flowers C. a candle D. incense sticks
4. Do people have to take the day off from work to attend the festival?
A. No, it’s always on a weekend. B. Yes, because no one wants to miss it.
C. Yes, they have to travel to the river. D. No, the festival is held at night.
5. Which opinion would the writer agree with?
A. The holiday really puts people off. B. Loy Krathong has an impact on you.
C. Loy Krathong tends to be very expensive. D. The celebration was better in an earlier era.

Passage 3
Pollution is any contamination of the environment which causes harm to the environment or the
inhabitants of the environment. There are three main kinds of pollution.
Air pollution can be caused by liquids, or gases that make the air harmful to breathe. There are
two main types of air pollution: primary and secondary. Primary pollutants enter the air directly, like
smoke from factories and car exhaust. Secondary pollutants are chemicals that mix together to pollute
the air, like mixtures of emissions from vehicles and factory smoke that change to form more
dangerous pollutants in the air and sunlight.
Soil pollution can be caused by pesticides, leakage from chemical tanks, oil spills, and other
chemicals which get into the soil by dumping or accidental contamination. Soil pollution can also
cause water pollution when underground water becomes contaminated by coming into contact with the
polluted soil. Water pollution can be caused by waste products, sewage, oil spills, and litter in streams,
rivers, lakes, and oceans. Some scientists believe that water pollution is the largest cause of death and
disease in the world, causing about 14,000 deaths in the world each day.
It is not possible for anyone to predict the exact timing and effects of global pollution and
global climate change brought about by pollution. There is general agreement by scientists that the
global climate will continue to change, the intensity of weather effects will continue to increase, and
some species of animals will become extinct.
1. According to the passage, what is the most suitable title?
A. Solutions to pollution B. Environmental issues
C. Causes and effects of pollution D. Environmental impacts
2. What kind of pollution is considered as the cause of the most death and disease?
A. Air pollution B. Water pollution C. Soil pollution D. None of the above
3. What is NOT a cause of soil pollution?
A. Chemicals B. Exhaust fumes C. Pesticides D. Oil spills
4. What kind of pollution may oil spills cause?
A. Air pollution B. Water pollution C. Soil pollution D. Noise pollution
5. According to the agreement of scientists, what is NOT environmental effect caused by pollution?
A. Global climate change B. Intensity of weather effects
C. Animal extinction D. Disappearance of the rainforests

Passage 4
Making schoolchildren take tests is harming students' interest in science, as well as having a
negative impact on kids' natural curiosity. This is the conclusion of a British university report into
science teaching and testing in primary schools. Researchers from Durham University warned that too
many schools were teaching science just so students could pass tests. There is a lot of pressure for
students to get to better schools. The experts said there was very little real science teaching going on
encouraging students to find out things for themselves. Learning by doing, experimenting and seeing
should be at the heart of all physics, chemistry and biology lessons. The Durham University team
found the opposite; that there was little hands-on, practical work taking place in Britain's schools.
Lead researcher Professor Peter Tymms said it was important to develop new approaches to
primary school science. He compared today's teaching with that of the past sixty years and found that

testing was harming children's natural desire to ask questions about science: “We suspect that the
current national approach to science in primary schools is not impacting on children's scientific
thought and curiosity as much as is possible,” he said. Professor Tymms made it clear what schools
and science teachers need to focus on, saying: “The purpose of science in primary schools should be to
foster a sense of curiosity and positive attitudes in the young child. It should also guide the child in
solving problems to do with the physical, natural and human world.”
1. What does the report find out about teaching science in primary schools?
A. Students have to do too much work.
B. Students are encouraged to find out things for themselves.
C. Students now have a lot of pressure and they don't have time to study science.
D. Students are taught to pass the test and that destroys their interest in science.
2. What is a good way of learning and teaching science according to the report?
A. Making students take tests.
B. Put a lot of pressure on them to encourage them to find things for themselves.
C. Learning by doing, experimenting and seeing to inspire students.
D. Teaching by harming students' natural curiosity.
3. What does this passage imply about teaching science in the past?
A. It encouraged students to ask questions about science.
B. It was worse than today's teaching because it harmed students' interest.
C. It had negative impact on students' scientific thought and curiosity.
D. It helped to create new teaching approaches.
4. According to the writer, what is the purpose of science in primary schools?
A. To increase kids' curiosity and positive attitudes, and to guide students to solve problems.
B. To focus on testing students' knowledge and get better school.
C. To help students pass the test and to answer the questions teachers give.
D. To solve students' problem with the physical, natural and human worlds.
5. What does the writer recommend about current science teaching?
A. It should be like the teaching approach in the past sixty years.
B. Schools and science teachers should focus on the purpose of science teaching.
C. It should not influence too much on children's scientific thought and curiosity.
D. It should have little hands-on, practical work taking place in schools.

Passage 5
There was a time, only a decade ago, when reality TV was an innovative new format that soon
gathered an army of fans who wanted to see into the lives of other people. But with endless new shows
coming out all the time, it’s a format that has really suffered from overkill. Have we had enough of it?
When reality shows first appeared on our screens, it was simply the novelty factor that kept us
hooked. We had never had programmes like them before. The format was simple, they were easy to
make, and audiences lapped them up. Everyone was talking about them at work and with friends or
family. With ratings numbers sky high, the production companies knew they had hit on a winner with
this kind of programme.
The problem is that over the years the television companies have had to come up with more
and more bizarre ideas in order to keep the programmes fresh and appeal to new audiences. So, how
realistic are the programmes these days? Is there any ‘reality’ to them anymore? On the whole, they
seem to be rather artificial and unnatural. It isn’t just real people being filmed going about their daily
lives. Most of the scenes are set up and planned.
Yet the shows still seem to get high ratings. One reason for this appears to be that people don’t
really mind if they are more fantasy than reality. For most of us, television is a way to escape reality.
We don’t want to see too much of it on the shows we watch. What people seem to want is glamour,
excitement and a chance to point and laugh at the people on the TV screen. The new breed of reality
shows manages to do all these things.
But how long can TV companies continue to keep us watching? They will have to come up
with a lot of creative ideas to keep audiences interested. And there’s no doubt they will keep trying to
do just that. Reality shows are very profitable because they are cheap to make, get large audiences and
lots of
money from advertisers. The production companies aren’t going to spend lots of money making
programmes if they can get away with making shows that are cheap.
1. The writer says that reality TV
A. is a new type of television. B. doesn’t have as many fans as it used to.
C. first appeared about ten years ago. D. isn’t produced as much as it was.
2. When reality shows first came out,
A. they became popular very quickly.
B. it took a while before they got large audiences.
C. the TV companies weren’t sure they’d be successful.
D. people talked about them more than they watched them.
3. The writer claims that reality shows nowadays
A. show ordinary people going about their lives.
B. don’t appeal to modern audiences.
C. aren’t as real as they pretend to be.
D. are made by people with odd ideas.
4. The writer thinks most people
A. want reality shows to be realistic. B. don’t watch as much TV as they used to.
C. enjoy comedy more than other programmes. D. don’t mind if reality TV isn’t very realistic.
5. Production companies keep making reality shows because
A. advertisers encourage them.
B. it’s easy to come up with new ideas for them.
C. they cost very little to make.
D. they aren’t interested in what audiences think.

Passage 6
Movements and gestures by the hands, arms, legs, and other parts of the body and face are the
most pervasive types of nonverbal messages and the most difficult to control. It is estimated that there
are over 200.000 physical signs capable of stimulating meaning in another person. For example, there
are 23 distinct eyebrow movements, each capable of stimulating a different meaning.
Humans express attitudes toward themselves and vividly through body movements and
postures. Body movements express true messages about feelings that cannot be masked. Because such
avenues of communication are visual, they travel much farther than spoken words and are unaffected
by the presence of noise that interrupt, or cancels out speech.
People communicate by the way they walk, stand, and sit. We tend to be more relaxed with
friends or when addressing those of lover status. Body orientation also indicates status or liking of the
other individual. More direct orientation is related to a more positive attitude.
Body movements and postures alone have no exact meaning, but they can greatly support or
reject the spoken word. If these two means of communication are dichotomized and contradict each
other, some result will be a disordered image and most often the nonverbal will dominate.
1. Which part of the body is not used to send body message?
A. faces B. legs C. hands D. stomachs
2. Face gestures .
A. can help us control our feelings. B. are the most difficult to control
C. cannot express our feelings D. do not include eye brow moments
3. Body communication is .
A. visual B. verbal C. very few D. uncommon
4. According to the text, body movements cannot express .
A. feelings B. status C. attitudes D. desires
5. Nonverbal communication .
A. may be interrupted by noise
B. has no relation to verbal communication
C. dominates words
D. is less common than verbal communication

Passage 7
The nuclear family, consisting of a mother, father, and their children, may be more an American
ideal than an American reality. Of course, the so-called traditional American family was always more
varied than we had been led to believe, reflecting the very different racial, ethnic, class, and religious
customs among different American groups.
The most recent government statistics reveal that only about one third of all current American families
fit the traditional mold and another third consists of married couples who either have no children or
have none still living at home. Of the final one third, about 20 percent of the total number of American
households are single people, usually women over sixty-five years of age. A small percentage, about 3
percent of the total, consists of unmarried people who choose to live together; and the rest, about 7
percent are single, usually divorced parents, with at least one child. Today, these varied family types
are typical, and therefore, normal. Apparently, many Americans are achieving supportive relationships
in family forms other than the traditional one.
1. With what topic is the passage mainly concerned?
A. The traditional American family B. The nuclear family
C. The current American family D. The ideal family
2. The writer implies that _ .
A. there have always been a wide variety of family arrangement in the United States
B. racial, ethnic, and religious groups have preserved the traditional family structure
C. the ideal American family is the best structure
D. fewer married couples are having children
3. The word ‘current’ could best be replaced by which of the following?
A. typical B. present C. perfect D. traditional
4. According to the passage, married couples whose children have grown or who have no children
represent about
A. 30 percent of households B. 20 percent of households
C. 7 percent of households D. 3 percent of households
5. Who generally constitutes a one-person household?
A. A single man in his twenties B. An elderly man
C. A single woman in her late sixties D. A divorced woman

Passage 8
Many people think that we can learn a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by
living in that country. However, this is not necessarily true. Often, the longer we stay in a foreign
country, the more we realize how little we actually know about the culture of that country.
Books and talks about other people’s culture can even be dangerous because they concentrate
on cultural differences and exaggerate national character, and sometimes a lot of information they
contain is untrue.
In a study recently carried out in Britain, people were asked to make a list of anything that they
thought was typical of Britain and would interest a foreign visitor there. Most mentioned Shakespeare,
the Queen, village inns, English folk dancing, English castles, and fish chips wrapped in newspaper.
Although all of these characters can be found in British culture, they do not show the real interests of
ordinary British people themselves as representing their culture. If people have such a wrong
impression of their own culture, how much false would their impression of other culture be!
1. If we stay a long time in a foreign country, .
A. we will sometimes forget about culture of our own country
B. we can often learn a lot about the culture of the foreign country
C. we will usually realize our own ignorance about its culture
D. we can seldom find out anything at all about its culture
2. It is hard to learn about a country’s culture from books because such books .
A. Concentrate on the dangers of the foreign culture
B. Exaggerate national character
C. Take no notice of culture difference
D. Contain little information about culture

3. When asked about their own culture, many British people .
A. Argued they know little about British culture
B. Said they themselves were not typical of British people
C. Gave incorrect answers
D. Were surprised by the question asked
4. It can be inferred from the last paragraph that it’s easy to .
A. Know a lot about your own country’s culture
B. Know the culture of other countries
C. Give exact information about your own country
D. Describe stereotypes of your country
5. Which of the following is true?
A. The culture of a foreign country cannot be learned by reading books.
B. It’s easy to assimilate the culture of a foreign country.
C. Visitors to a country are soon assimilated into its culture.
D. British people understand their own culture more than other culture.

Passage 9
People used to know more or less how their children would live. Now things are changing so
quickly that they don’t even know what their own lives will be like in a few years’ time. What follows
is not science fiction. It is how experts see the future.
You are daydreaming the steering wheel; is it too dangerous? No! That’s no problem because
you have it on automatic pilot, and with its hi-tech computers and cameras, your car “know” how to
get you home safe and sound.
What is for lunch? In the old days you used to stop off to buy a hamburger or a pizza. Now you
use your diagnostic machine to find out which foods your body needs. If your body needs more
vegetables and less fat, your food-preparation machine makes you a salad.
After lunch, you go down the hall to your home office. Here you have everything you need to
do your work. Thanks to your information screen and your latest generation computer, you needn’t go
to the office any more. The information screen shows an urgent message from a co-worker in Brazil.
You can instantly send back a reply to him and go on to deal with other matters.
1. The passage mainly discuss about .
A. what the life is kike in the future B. food that people will eat in the future
C. the pace of life in the future D. the role of the computer in future life
2. According to the passage, people in the future .
A. Usually have daydreams while driving
B. Won’t need to work for living
C. Will always have a balanced diet for their meals
D. Will be much lazier
3. The word “its” in the second paragraph refers to _ .
A. the future B. automatic pilot C. the steering wheel D. the car
4. With the help of high technology, you can .
A. work and travel quickly B. have everything you need to do your work
C. work at home without going to the office D. deal with a lot of matters at the same time
5. Which of the following is NOT true about life in the future?
A. There’s no need to concentrate much when driving.
B. Eating is a problem because food contains too much fat.
C. Getting information is a matter of just a few seconds.
D. Contacts between people are almost instant.

Passage 10
Most people think of deserts as dry, flat areas with little vegetation and little or no rainfall, but
this is hardly true. Many deserts have varied geographical formations ranging from soft, rolling hills to
stark, jagged cliffs, and most deserts have a permanent source of water. Although deserts do not
receive a high amount of rainfall – to be classified as a desert, and area must get less than twenty-five
of rainfall per year – there are many plants that thrive on only small amounts of water, and deserts are
often full of such plant life.
Desert plants have a variety of mechanism for obtaining the water needed for survival. Some
plants, such as cactus, are able to store large amounts of water in their leaves or stems; after a rainfall
these plants absorb a large supply of water to last until the next rainfall. Other plants, such as the
mesquite, have extraordinarily deep root systems that allow them to obtain water from far below the
desert’s arid surface.
1. What is the main topic of the passage?
A. Deserts are dry, flat areas with few plants.
B. There is little rainfall in the desert.
C. Many kinds of vegetation can survive with little water.
D. Deserts are not really flat areas with little plant life.
2. The passage implies that .
A. the typical conception of a desert is incorrect
B. all deserts are dry, flat areas
C. most people are well informed about deserts
D. the lack of rainfall in deserts causes the lack of vegetation.
3. The passage describes the geography of deserts as .
A. flat B. sandy C. varied D. void of vegetation
4. According to the passage, what causes an area to be classified as a desert?
A. The types of plants B. The geographical formations
C. The amount of precipitation D. The source of water
5. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage about cacti?
A. They have deep root systems.
B. They retain water from one rainfall to the next.
C. They survive in the desert because they do not need water.
D. They get water from deep below the surface of the desert.

Passage 11
(Center City) The Metro Airport Authority (MAA) announced at a news conference today that
it has reached a long-sought agreement with Great Lakes Airways to increase flight service at both
local airports. MAA spokesman William Henry James told reporters the airline had agreed to add two
new weekly departures for and one new daily arrival from Chicago to its existing City Airport
schedule, and that County airport would see one new daily round trip to Chicago and one more daily
departure for Buffalo. Though the starting dates for the new flight service have yet to be formalized,
James said that he and Great Lakes representatives had an understanding that all new flights would be
on the airline’s schedule by the end of November or early December. Making the announcement at city
hall this morning, James said that the schedule changes should be especially welcome news for local
business travelers, many of whom have criticized the MAA for its inability to persuade airlines serving
the area to expand their schedules.
1. According to the information given, which of the following will be the result of the flight
schedule changes?
A. City Airport will be busier than County Airport.
B. Prices for airline tickets in Center City will decline.
C. There will be one more daily flight to Buffalo from County Airport.
D. Criticism of the Metro Airport Authority will cease.
2. When the changes take effect, how many new flights will be departing from County Airport each
A. One B. Two C. Four D. Seven
3. What have business travelers criticized MAA for?
A. Its poor management
B. Its long-sought agreement
C. Its slow service
D. Its failure to convince other airlines to expand their flight service.

4. What is true of William Henry James?
A. He works for the Metro Airport Authority. B. His office is at City Airport.
A. He works for Great Lakes Airlines. D. His office is at city hall.
5. What is true of the increase in flight service to the Center City area?
A. It will begin in January. B. It will increase local taxes.
C. It was desired by local business travelers. D. There will be new flights to several cities.

Passage 12
Debbie’s Restaurant Seminole Recreation Supply, Inc.
5243 Milford Drive Western Avenue Suite 2B
Westmere, TX 44770 Colony Business Park
Houston, TX 45684
Dear Debbie’s Manager,
Generally, when I find myself sitting down to write a letter to a business, it is to complain about
a poor product or service. This time, however, I have the pleasure of writing to commend all those at
your restaurant for a job well done.
Last Wednesday evening, I was suddenly asked by my company to treat a group of prospective
clients to dinner. Though I had never eaten at Debbie’s before, I had always heard good things about
your restaurant, and thus decided to give it a try. To my pleasant surprise, everything I had heard was
true. The food was excellent and reasonably priced, and the service was prompt and impeccably polite.
I was particularly impressed with the patience and friendliness shown by one waitress – Junia, I
believe her name was. My guests were seven business people from Asia making their first trip to our
country. As it was their first time in an American restaurant, they required some extra time and
assistance to make their meal selections. Julia was very pleasant and helpful; carefully explaining the
items on the menu and making appropriate suggestions.
So, thank you for a very pleasant dining experience. I will certainly be bringing future clients to
your establishment.
Rodrigo C. Mendez
International Account Manager
1. What aspect of his experience at Debbie’s did Rodrigo Mendez NOT mention?
A. The cleanliness of the restaurant B. The cost of the food
The performance of an employee D. The quality of the food
2. Why did Rodrigo Mendez decide to take his guests to Debbie’s?
A. International foods are served there. C. It is near his office.
C. His guests wished to go there. D. He had heard it was good.
3. What is the purpose of the letter?
A. To complain about service B. To praise the restaurant
C. To recommend Debbie’s D. To confirm a reservation
4. What is true of the people Rodrigo Mendez treated to dinner at Debbie’s?
A. They were European businessmen.
B. They are good friends of his.
C. They are employees Seminole Recreation Supply, Inc.
D. They were unfamiliar with American restaurants.
5. What was true of Junia?
A. She was one of Rodrigo Mendez’s clients.
B. She was Rodrigo Mendez’s colleague.
C. She was an employee at Debbie’s.
D. She was one diner at Debbie’s.

Passage 13
Do you enjoy street performers? The tradition of wandering entertainers goes back for almost a
thousand years to the Middle Ages in Europe. Then they were called “troubadours,” but today most
people call street performers “buskers”. Buskers are usually musicians, but some are actors, clowns, or

jugglers. In Singapore, hundreds of street buskers from around the world participate in an annual
festival. In other cities, you can run into buskers on busy shopping streets and near parks, but the most
popular places are subway stations. Passengers listen to musicians while they wait for underground
trains. In exchange for a few minutes of entertainment, they give the buskers some money before they
move on to catch their train.
In Boston, the government recently established a controversial new law to control buskers in the
subway. The authorities said that musicians were playing instruments so loudly that passengers
couldn’t hear the train announcements. The new law banned the use of amplifiers to make music
louder. Loud instruments such as saxophones, trumpets, and electric guitars were not allowed either. In
addition, the new law required performers to pay for a license and follow a dress code. These rules
came as a surprise to many buskers. Well-known musicians such as Tracy Chapman and Melissa
Etheridge made names for themselves singing in the Boston subway. The entertainers pointed out that
traditionally the subway was a place where humble young musicians could develop a reputation.
Thousands of people complained that the new law was unfair. They wanted to restore buskers’ rights.
1. What were street musicians called in the Middle Ages?
A. troubadours B. buskers C. clowns D. jugglers
2. What did the Boston authorities want to stop?
A. Dramatic announcements B. Etheridge’s singing
C. Messy passengers D. loud instruments
3. What do the passengers do in return for some minutes of entertainment in the subway?
A. They listen to musicians. B. They wait for underground trains.
C. They give the buskers some money. D. They move on to catch their train.
4. Why did the Boston government want to control buskers?
A. Because the authorities were very surprised at their music.
B. Because their music prevented passengers from hearing the train announcements.
C. Because the buskers wanted to develop a reputation.
D. Because the buskers felt unfair.
5. Which was NOT included in the new law of Boston’s government?
A. Buskers weren’t allowed to play saxophones.
B. Buskers weren’t allowed to use amplifiers.
C. Buskers had to pay the government some money.
D. Buskers had to dress according to the new rules.

Passage 14
The American type of football was developed in the 19th century from soccer and rugby
football. Played by professionals, amateurs, college, high school, or young children, football in
American is one of the most popular sports besides basketball and baseball. It attracts millions of fans
each fall and people are very supportive of their favorite teams. White lines are painted on the playing
field to mark off the distances to end zone. The game is divided into four quarters, each fifteen minutes
long. The first two quarters are known as the first half. There is a rest period between the two halves
which usually lasts about fifteen minutes. Each team has eleven players. Each team has offensive
players (play when the team has possession of the ball) and defensive players (play when the other
team has possession of the ball). Because of the body contact players have during the game, helmets
are worn to protect the head and face area, whereas pads are worn to protect the shoulders, arms, and
legs. Also, there are officials carrying whistles and flags to make certain that the rules of the games are
followed during the game. The football is made of leather and is brown in color. It is shaped much like
an oval and had white rings near each end of the football. These rings help the players see the ball
when it is thrown or someone is running with it. The eight stitches on the top of the football help
players to grip the ball when throwing and passing. The most famous football game of the year is the
Super Bowl that is played in January or February. It is televised around the world and is watched by
millions of people each year.
1. Which is the most popular sport in the US?
A. American football
B. Soccer
C. Rugby football
D. It is not mentioned in the text.
2. Why are there white rings on each end of the football?
A. To mark off the distances to the end zone
B. To help players score
C. To help players see the ball
D. To help players run
3. How long is the break between the second and the third quarter?
A. Exactly 10 minutes B. Around 10 minutes C. Exactly 15 minutes D. Around 15 minutes
4. What do pads help players to protect?
A. The whole body B. Their heads C. Their faces D. Their legs and arms
5. As mentioned in the text, who are most active when their team has the ball?
A. The fans B. Offensive players C. Defensive players D. The officials

Passage 15
West Side Story is a musical tragedy based on William Shakespeare’s play Romeo and Juliet. It
is set in the early 1950s, when gang warfare in big cities led to injuries and even death. West Side Story
transformed the Montagues and Captulets of Shakespeare’s play in to feuding street gangs, the Jets
and the Sharks, one consisting of newly- arrived Puerto Ricans and the other of native-born New
Yorkers. The plot, tightly choreographed by Jerome Robins, tells the story of the love Maria, a Puerto
Rican, for Tony who, while attempting to stop a street fight, kills Maria’s brother and ultimately kills
himself. Leonard Bernstein’s musical score is brilliant, and Stephen Sondheim, making his Broadway
debut, revealed a remarkable talent for writing lyrics. Among the hit songs of the play are “Tonight “,
“Maria”, “American” and “I Felt Pretty”.
The play opened on September 26, 1957. It ran for 734 performances, toured for ten months,
then returned to New York for an additional 246 performances. A film version was released in 1961,
and a successful New York revival opened in 1980.
1. The author’s attitude toward the play is generally
A. regretful B. critical C. emotional D. favourable
2. According to the passage, when does the action of the play West Side Story take place?
A. Shakespeare’s time B. The early 1950s C. 1957 D. 1980
3. The word “feuding” in line 4 is closest in meaning to
A. growing B. hostile C. organized D. criminal
4. I can be inferred from the passage that the Capulets and Montagues
A. were rival groups in Shakespeare’s play
B. were 1950s street gangs
C. fought against the Jets and Sharks
D. were groups of actors, dancers and singers
5. According to the article, the words to the song of West Side Story were written by
A. Jerome Robbins B. Leonard Bernstein
C. William Shakespeare D. Stephen Sondheim

Passage 16
As a teacher of whole-food vegetarian cookery, I do feel a certain sympathy with the “Men for
Meat” group. There is both confusion and just plain, unappetizing cooking in this area, when a whole-
food/ vegetable diet should and can be highly nutritious and utterly delicious. The words “whole food”
and “vegetarian” are not synonymous: vegetarians do not eat any “dish, flesh or fowl”. Most eat dairy
products. These who don’t are called vegans. I tell students not to turn vegetarian until they have
become knowledgeable about nutrition, and especially about protein. It is very easy to become a sick
And a whole -food diet just consists of eating the whole of food, with nothing added, and
nothing taken away. For example, you want whole wheat flour, not white flour, which has had had
bleach added. In all, no refined carbohydrates are eaten and very fatty and additive –laden foods are
avoided and the stress is on fresh products of the best quality. And that is all except you must then find

recipes which are both healthy and delicious because you will have to cook it all yourself. Very
few ready-bought meals fulfill both requirements.
1. “Men for Meat” is a .
A. cookery group B. group of Men
C. group of vegetarians D. group that eat all kinds of food
2. The writer of this article feels a “certain sympathy” for this group because
A. she is a vegetarian.
B. they don’t know much about vegetarian cooking.
C. “Whole food” and “vegetarian” are not the same.
D. her students do not eat meat.
3. A whole food diet _
A. has a lot of nutrition. B. is easy to eat.
C. is added with flour. D. is often fresh.
4. According to the write, what is wrong with ready bought meals for vegetarians?
A. They can’t be both healthy and delicious. B. They can be cooked easily.
C. They contain some additives. D. They have best quality.
5. What is not true about the writer?
A. She is a teacher. B. She is a vegetarian.
C. She supports the whole food. D. She dislikes ready bought meals.

Passage 17
If nobody in the United Kingdom smoked, what would happen to your pocket book? Everyone
in the UK would be richer. The diseases connected to smoking are a big problem. Doctors think that
the annual medical cost for lung cancer, heart disease, and other illnesses connected to smoking is
between 12 and 35 million pounds. And smoking cost society money in other ways, between 27 and 61
billion pounds are spent each year:
1. On sick days (when people don’t go to work)
2. On wages that you don’t get when you don’t go to work
3. On work lost at the company when you are sick
This money counts the wages from people who die of cancer at young age and stop paying
taxes. This does not count fife started by cigarettes, which kill fifteen hundred people yearly and injure
another four thousand. Smoking cost every man, woman and child in the UK from one hundred and
ten to two hundred and fifty pounds each year in the lost work and wages. When you add another fifty
to one hundred and fifty pounds yearly in insurance cost that comes to from one hundred and sixty to
four hundred and ten pounds. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have up to one
thousand six hundred and forty pounds a year or more.
Of course smoking is not going to stop overnight. And NOT smoking will also cause
problems, because people who don’t smoke will live longer, and so they will take money from the
government when they are old. But they will also work for more years and pay more taxes. In the end
the value of a non- smoking nation is not in pounds. The good health of the people is the true value for
us all.
1. If everyone stopped smoking, all United Kingdom
A. would have more money. B. would have less money.
B. would live longer. C. would have no more problems.
2. Every year companies lose because of the disease connected to smoking.
A. sick days B. wages C. work D. time
3. If everyone stopped smoking, a family of four could have more each year.
A. from 110 pounds to 260 pounds B. from 160 pounds to 410 pounds
C. from 1, 340 pounds to 1, 430 pounds D. 1, 640 pounds
4. The true value for the UK of not smoking is
A. more working people. B. more taxes.
C. good health. D. more money.
5. This text is about
A. taxes which are not paid by smokers.

B. diseases that smokers get.
C. how much smoking cost the UK.
D. how much the UK get if everyone stopped smoking.

Passage 18
The housing problem is a city problem and its acuteness varies directly with the size of the city.
Think of the physical difficulties of housing New York City’s nearly seven million inhabitants on what
remains of 299 square miles after providing for business and industrial sites, for streets and other
necessary appurtenances. Density of population may be relieved somewhat by adequate and cheap
transportation facilities, but these are usually lacking. Transportation facilities generally lag behind the
growth of population. It is to the interest of transportation companies to restrain population within
narrow limits, for the short haul is more profitable than the long one. The large number of people
creates a great demand for land, which in turn creates high land values. This involves intensive use of
the land by the owner in order to secure a commercial return on the investment. This means land
overcrowding, high buildings, multiple dwellings, high rents and congestion.
1. From the passage, housing problem can be inferred to be fundamentally caused by .
A. the remaining city area B. the explosion of population
C. the widening of industrial sites D. the delay of building more houses
2. Seven million New York citizens live on .
A. 299 square miles B. less than 299 square miles
C. more than 299 square miles D. None of the above
3. What does the word “haul” in line 6 mean?
A. distance B. route C. interval D. way
4. What does “This” in line 7 refer to?
A. the large population B. the great demand for land
C. the investment D. the high values of land
5. What can be done to solve the housing problem according to this passage?
A. decrease the land values B. build more dwellings
C. supply cheap transportation facilities D. use the land intensively

Passage 19
Preparation is a key to a successful interview. Does the idea of going to a job interview make
you feel a little nervous? Many people find that it is the hardest part of the employing process. But it is
not really true. The more you prepare and practice, the more comfortable you will feel. You should
find out as much as possible about the company before you go to the interview. Understand the
products that they produce and the services they provide. It is also good to know who the customers
are and who the major competitors are. Practice makes perfect. It will also make you feel more
confident and relaxed. So, practice your answers to common questions. Make a list of questions to ask,
too. Almost all interviewers will ask if you have questions. This is a great opportunity for you to show
your keenness, enthusiasm, and knowledge.
Make a great impression. The interview is your chance to show that you are the best person for
the job. Your application or resume has already exhibited that you are qualified. Now it is up to you to
show how your skills and experience match this position and this company. The employer will be
looking and listening to determine if you are a good fit. He/she will be looking for a number of
different qualities, in addition to the skills that you possess. To make the best impression, dress
appropriately, express your strengths, arrive early, by 10-15 minutes, be enthusiastic, shake hands
firmly, be an active listener, sit up straight and maintain eye contact and ask questions.
After the interview, follow up with a thank-you note. This is a chance for you to restate your
interest and how you can benefit the company. Your best bet is to try to time it so that the note gets
there before the hiring: decision is made. You should also follow up with a phone call if you do not
hear back from the employer within the specified time.
1. The pronoun it refers to .
A. the job B. the interview C. the interviewer D. the preparation
2. What does the writer advise you to practice?

A. Making and answering questions related to the job.
B. Making products that the company produces.
C. Providing services that the company serves.
D. Meeting some customers and competitors.
3. Which should NOT be shown during your interview?
A. punctuality B. a firm hand shaking
C. being properly dressed D. weaknesses
4. You can show your qualifications in the .
A. Dressing style and punctuality B. competing with the competitors
C. Resume and letter of application D. eye contact with the interview
5. Which is NOT included in the writer’s advice?
A. You should not communicate with the interviewer after the interview.
B. You should make the best impression in the interview.
C. You should write a note to say thanks to the interviewer after the interview.
D. You should telephone the interviewer for any information after the interview.

Passage 20
In 1986 Vietnam launched a political and economic innovation campaign (Doi Moi) that
introduced reforms intended to facilitate the transition from a centralized economy to a “socialist-
oriented market economy”. Doi Moi combined government planning with free-market incentives. The
program abolished agricultural collectives, removed price controls on agricultural goods, and enabled
farmers to sell their goods in the market place. It encouraged the establishment of private business and
foreign investment, including foreign- owned enterprise.
By the late 1990s, the success of the business and agricultural reforms ushered in under Doi
Moi was evident. More than 30,000 private businesses had been created, and the economy was
growing at an annual rate of more than 7 percent. From the early 1990s to 2005, poverty declined from
about 50 percent to 29 percent of the population. However, progress varied geographically, with most
prosperity concentrated in urban areas, particularly households living in poverty declined from 66
percent of the total in 1993 to 36 percent in 2002. By contrast, concentrations of poverty remained in
certain rural areas, particularly the northwest, north-central coast, and central highlands.
Government control of the economy and a nonconvertible currency have protected Vietnam from
what could have been a more severe impact resulting from the East Asian financial crisis in 1997.
1. The Vietnamese Doi Moi campaign .
A. has not interfered with politics B. has focused on centralized economy
C. is not in favor of socialism D. came into being in 1986
2. From the content of the text, the readers can learn that .
A. Vietnam used to have agricultural collectives
B. there used to be many foreign owned enterprises before 1896 in Vietnam
C. before 1986, the Vietnamese government did not control pries on agricultural goods
D. the Vietnamese Doi Moi campaign has not allowed foreign-owned enterprises
3. Which rate has decreased?
A. Poverty B. Population C. Economy D. Business
4. The development in Vietnam .
A. has been equal in every part of the country
B. has focused only on agriculture.
C. is more prosperous in big cities than that in the countryside.
D. is more prosperous in the countryside than that in big cities
5. According to the last paragraph, .
A. the Vietnamese government did nothing to overcome the East Asian financial crisis in 1997
B. the Vietnamese economy was not affected by the East Asian crisis in 1997
C. the Vietnamese government found it difficult to control the financial crisis
D. the Vietnamese government could not protect the economy from the East Asian
financial crisis in 1997

Passage 21
It has been thought that women are the second class in citizen, and men are the first. There is
not a real equality of opportunity for men and women. Years ago, people were living in a man-
dominated society. Women had to obey their husbands and fathers absolutely; women were not even
allowed to go to school. Women had no rights, even the right to choose husband for themselves. Men
usually occupied high positions in society so they thought they were more intelligent than women.
Men often considered women as their property. Sometimes, they were mistreated by their husbands
and suffered the problem as a fate. Many parents did not even want to give birth to daughters.
Despite the progress, there remain outdated beliefs about women’s roles, traditionally passed
down from generation to generation. Men are commonly seen as the strong bodies, bread-winners in
the family and key leaders in society, while women are restricted to being housewives and child
bearing and care, and housework such as washing and cooking.
According to social surveys many women in the 21st century still have to work over 12 hours a
day including working in offices and doing countless household chores without any help from her
husbands. In some religions, the labor of women is not recognized despite the hardships they endure to
support the whole family. Moreover, women are the direct victims of family violence, especially in
rural areas.
Thanks to the women’s liberation movement, nowadays women have proved that they are
equal to men in every aspect. An average woman has weaker muscles than an average man but she
may be as intelligent as he is. Women can do everything that men can, wand women can do one thing
that no man can: they produce children.
1. Which is not women’s role in the former days?
A. working in authority B. doing housework
C. doing cooking D. bearing and rearing children
2. Years ago, women were not allowed .
A. to work in the kitchen B. to go to school
C. to do housework D. to stay at home with her parents
3. What did women have to suffer?
A. Good schooling B. Choosing a husband themselves
C. Enjoy their housework D. Illiteracy
4. The outdated beliefs about women’s roles .
A. have been eradicated completely
B. disappeared soon after the women’s liberation movement
C. still exist at present
D. was forced to change after the women’s liberation movement
5. According to the text, women in the 21st century _ .
A. do not have to do housework anymore
B. are still the victims of family violence in some rural areas
C. get help from their husbands with all housework
D. spend less than 12 hours working outside the home and doing housework.

Passage 22
Throughout history, pigs have been useful to humans. Their bodies work much like ours.
Doctors have used chemicals from pigs’ bodies to help treat diseases in people. We also use pigs for
food. We even make objects from their skin, such as bags and balls. Domestic pigs live on farms.
These kinds are useful for people. Wild pigs live on the mountains and forests. They are causing big
problems in the United States.
In early 1900s, wild pigs – called boars – were bought from Europe to North Carolina. Boars
have two sharp horns, or tusks, on each side of their mouth. They are aggressive and mean. At first,
people kept the boars together in a forest. Hunters enjoy trying to shoot them. But by the 1920s, some
boars had escaped. Boars have lived in the mountains of North Carolina ever since. Problems began
when the boars entered a national park. They dug holes in the soil and destroyed plants that other
animals need for food.

California has the same problem. Wild pigs in that state are not just hurting national parks.
They are destroying the grass on golf courses and eating plants in people’s gardens. Some more of
these pigs came from North Carolina in 1925. Some hunters brought them. They built a fence around
the boars. However, several pigs escaped. Later, some of the wild pigs mated with escaped domestic
pigs. Today, the number of wild pigs keeps growing. They are ruining lots of land. A scientist found 2,
000 rare flowers in the stomach of one dead boar.
How can people stop these hungry pigs? There are no easy answers. One national park in
Hawaii built a 15-meter fence around its entire 28, 000 acres. Other states encourage hunters to kill the
animals. However, pigs are intelligent stubborn, and tough. We domesticated them for use on the farm.
Now, our challenge is to control them when they leave the barnyard.
1. All of the following are mentioned in the passage EXCEPT
A. How boars come to the US B. How boars got to Europe
C. The types of damage boars cause D. The characteristics of boars
2. How long have wild pigs been a problem in the US, according to the passage?
A. 50 to 55 years B. 70 to 75 years C. 80 to 100 years D. More than 100 years
3. What is the topic of paragraph 3?
A. Differences between domestic pigs and wild pigs
B. How California pigs are different from other pigs
C. The problem pigs are making in one state
D. Why people in California like wild pigs.
4. From paragraph 3, we can infer that
A. There are many farms in North Carolina.
B. Wild pigs first came from Europe
C. Wild pigs eat flowers
D. North Carolina is not very beautiful.
5. Which statement best reflects the author’s opinion?
A. Wild pigs are a necessary part of nature
B. All wild boars should be killed.
C. Domestic pigs are dangerous.
D. Controlling wild pigs is a difficult challenge.

Passage 23
When looking for love, people may go to some extreme lengths. They might go on blind dates
set up by family and friends. They might write personal ads to place in newspapers. Or they might use
a computer to help them in their search for a soul mate by joining an online dating service. Some
people have even tried to find their perfect match through game shows on television. Many of these
TV dating shows, including The Bachelor and Who Wants to Marry a Multimillionaire? have proved
to be ratings blockbusters, with millions of viewers watching each week to find out which of the
contestants will find true love.
Of all these game shows, perhaps the one with the most unexpected ending was Mr. Right,
which was shown in England in 2002. On the show, a bachelor, thirty-five- year-old Lance Gerrard-
Wright, dated fifteen women to find the one who was his ideal partner. The host of the show was
Ulrika Jonsson, an English celebrity originally from Sweden. For seven weeks on the show, Gerrad-
Wright took turns going on dates with each of the women, taking them to expensive restaurants and
exotic locations. He even met the women’s families and introduced them to his own. Then at the end
of each episode, he would choose between one and three off the contestants with whom he had left the
least compatible, and say good bye to them.
At one point during the series, one contestant volunteered to leave because she said she didn’t
find him attractive. After two dates, she said she had had enough, and she couldn’t see it working, “He
wasn’t my cup of tea.” In another episode the woman he was on a date with burst into tears when he
called her by another contestant’s name. “You called me by another girl’s name. I can’t believe you
did that. I really liked you, “she sobbed.

But in the final episode, the woman he eventually chose decided she didn’t want to marry him
after all. “I think you’ve chosen me because you have to choose someone,” she said. Maybe this was
because she already knew he had fallen in love – with the show’s host!
1. What is this passage mainly about?
A. How a famous couple met and got married
B. The best way to meet a husband or a wife
C. Why the show Mr. Right was a big hit
D. How to act on a date with a stranger
2. What happened after seven weeks of doing the show?
A. All of the women won the prizes.
B. Lance asked one of the women to marry him.
C. One of the women on the show started to cry.
D. Ulrika asked Lance to marry her.
3. The woman who burst into tears .
A. really liked him B. didn’t really like him
C. really disliked him D. extremely hated him
4. Finally, the man felt in love with .
A. the host B. the last woman C. the first woman D. none of them
5. Which of the following did NOT happen during the
series? A…Lance went on dates with several women.
B.The candidates went to some very good
C. Lance and Ulrika started dating each other.
D. The woman met Lance’s family.


PART I - Listen to the recording and choose the best answer to each question.

Recording 1
1. The name ‘Ig Nobel’ suggests ………
A. that the prize was started by Ig Nobel.
B. that the prize is for ‘ignoble’ or stupid work.
C. that the prize is similar to the Nobel Prize.
D. three meaning at the same time.
2. Many of the prizes go to the researches whose work ………
A. is criticized
B. might lead to a major breakthrough.
C. makes us laugh.
D. makes us think.
3. The alarm clock was awarded an Ig Nobel prize because:
A. it was good for the economy.
B. it helped people get up.
C. it meant people worked harder.
D. it can run and hide.
4. A Korean researcher won the Ig Nobel prize for ………
A. his translating device.
B. his invention of a business suit.
C. the washing machine for dogs and cats.
D. his invention of a teenager repellent.
5. Martha is doing research into ………
A. how to stay dry in the rain.
B. how people get wet in the rain.
C. whether an umbrella or a raincoat is better in the rain.
D. how to run safely in the rain.

Recording 2
1. The burglary took place at ………
A. a museum. B. the county hall. C. a local shop. D. the national park.
2. The burglary took place ………
A. on Sunday night. B. on Thursday evening.
C. at the weekend. D. on Saturday morning.
3. The clock is ………
A. one of a pair. B. very valuable.
C. the work of an unknown clockmaker. D. invaluable.
4. In the painting of Sir Foxton, he is ………
A. standing by a horse. B. standing by a house.
C. riding a horse D. sitting in a house.
5. How did the burglars get in?
A. Through the window. B. By the front door.
C. The police don’t know. D. Through the roof.

Recording 3
1. Amy needs a good book for ………
A. her long flight. B. her assignment.
C. her friend’s birthday. D. her children.
2. The book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is ………
A. a thriller. B. a detective.
C. a fantasy. D. a cross between a thriller and a detective.

3. The main character of the book The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo is ………
A. very violent but kind-hearted. B. brilliant but really messed up.
C. courageous and powerful. D. indifferent and unsociable.
4. Life of Pi is written about ………
A. a boat trip.
B. a dangerous animal.
C. an Indian kid getting stuck on the ocean.
D. a flock of different animals living together.
5. The book Pride and Prejudice maybe not for a plane journey because ………
A. it is a bit serious.
B. it is too long.
C. its writing is terrible.
D. it is difficult to understand the language used.

Recording 4
1. The headlines in the newspapers seem to suggest that antibiotics ………
A. will be used commonly.
B. will no longer work in a decade.
C. will be replaced by other medicine.
D. will be banned.
2. Now most hospital staff and visitors almost automatically ……… when they enter and leave the
patients wards.
A. use antiseptic gel to make their hands clean
B. put on the hospital clothes
C. put all their footwear outside.
D. keep silent or speak quietly.
3. NDM-1 makes some bacteria highly resistant to almost all of antibiotics and it is becoming
widespread because of ………
A. people’s carelessness.
B. international travel and medical tourism.
C. its strong development.
D. the cheaper cost of medical treatment.
4. Antibiotic research is very difficult because ………
A. people often take antibiotics for too long.
B. researchers don’t have enough money to do so.
C. people don’t take antibiotics long enough.
D. it takes too long to do the research.
5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as the necessary things for a better outlook for
A. Better hygiene.
B. More sparing and more careful use of antibiotics.
C. The issue of global health.
D. Discovery of new medicine.

Recording 5
1. When will both customers free to travel?
A. The first week of July.
B. The whole months except for the last five days.
C. From the first to the twenty-third of July.
D. From the seventh to the twenty-third of July.
2. Which country did the two customers visit last year?
A. Italy. B. France. C. Sweden. D. Portugal.
3. How long did the customers want for their holiday?
A. A week. B. Ten days. C. Two weeks. D. Four weeks.

4. Why don’t the customers want to go to Italy?
A. Because there are too many young people. B. Because it would be too hot.
C. Because they’ve been there. D. Because the dates don’t suit them.
5. Circle the reason that they don’t want to go to Sweden.
A. Too expensive. B. Too hot. C. No beaches. D. Not enough facilities.

Recording 6
1. Where is Peter presently working?
A. News Report B. Evening News C. News Update D. News Agency
2. Peter has had his present job ………
A. since 2002. B. for more than three years.
C. for three months. D. since 2003.
3. The reason he wants a new job is ………
A. for a change. B. to earn more money.
C. to get a promotion. D. to have a new challenge.
4. The thing he likes most about his present job is ………
A. the responsibility. B. good salary C. the colleagues. D. working conditions.
5. They are looking for someone who is ………
A. a clock-watcher. B. prepared to go business trip.
C. enthusiastic and creative. D. prepared to work overtime.

Recording 7
1. Where should people return their keys?
A. The reception desk. B. The front gate. C. Their own rooms. D. In front of the bus.
2. What should return to the session chair people?
A. Discussion handouts. B. Tape recorders.
C. Discussion records. D. Section recorders.
3. By what time does the speaker want people to gather to take the 3:30 buses?
A. 2:30 B. 3:15 C. 3:30 D. 3:25
4. Where should people gather to take the bus?
A. Outside the airport. B. Outside Room 203.
C. Outside the main building. D. Outside Room 302.
5. Who is NOT asked to collect reprints from the conference desk?
A. Professor Hurst. B. Professor Cole.
C. Professor Malnachurk. D. Professor Olsen.

Recording 8
1. What is the class on?
A. Learning English B. Listening C. Speaking D. Reading
2. What advice does Gloria give to her classmates to improve her listening skills?
A. She spends more time reading more texts.
B. She spends more time watching movies.
C. She spends more time talking with foreigners.
D. She spends more time listening to the news.
3. What is the benefit of listening and reading the book at the same time?
A. It helps my pronunciation. B. It helps to improve my vocabulary.
C. It helps my listening skills D. It helps my reading skills
4. What is the method of Min-hee to improve her listening skills?
A. Walking up to English speakers B. Taking tests
C. Watching movies D. Listening to English songs
5. How does Min-hee find listening to the news in English at first?
A. Difficult B. Easy C. Interesting D. Informative

Recording 9

1. What company did Patricia work for?
A. Q-Style magazine B. Publishing company
C. Picture shop D. French Company
2. What kinds of software can she use?
A. Design software B. Spreadsheets
C. Design Wiz software and Picture Shop D. Picture Shop
3. How is her French?
A. better at speaking than writing B. better at writing than speaking
C. better at reading than speaking D. better at listening than speaking
4. How many words can she type a minute?
A. 30 words B. 20 words C. 50 words D. 15 words
5. What does she have to learn more?
A. Words B. Excel C. Spreadsheets D. Spanish

Recording 10
1. What was Bangkok like?
A. safe and clean B. really interesting C. interesting and fun D. boring
2. What is Tokyo like?
A. exciting and modern B. exciting and fun
C. exciting and dynamic D. expensive
3. Where can you see Ginza in Tokyo?
A. In the old quarter B. next to the museum
C. In downtown D. in the park
4. How did he feel when he was out late at night in Seoul?
A. He felt sad. B. He felt safe. C. He felt unsafe. D. He felt scared.
5. What is Singapore like?
A. clean and nice B. clean and big
C. clean and convenient D. beautiful and fun

Recording 11
1. What inspired him to learn English?
A. His parents’ expatiation B. His aunt’s books
C. His private tutor method D. His materials at school
2. When did he become fluent in English?
A. By the age of 15 B. By the age of 50 C. By the age of 25 D. By the age of 5
3. What is his method of learning German?
A. Travelling to Germany B. Acquiring it naturally
C. Watching TV shows D. Reading old books
4. What is the attitude of Germans he met on vocation?
A. Unconcerned by his German ability B. Curious of his stories
C. Bored of talking to him D. Surprised at his German ability
5. What is the talk mainly about?
A. Preparation for language tests B. Techniques of language learning
C. Necessity of knowing extra language D. Advantages of extra language

Recording 12
1. When is the woman going to relocate to the US?
A. Next month B. Previous month
C. In the next two months D. In 2 months’ time
2. Where is her new address?
A. Settle B. Seattle C. Australia D. Beatles
3. When did she promise to give the landlord’s key back?
A. On Thursday B. On Friday C. On Monday D. On Sunday
4. What does she think of the prices?

A. Rather expensive B. Very expensive C. Very cheap D. Quite cheap
5. How long would she like to put her furniture in storage?
A. Two months B. A month C. A year D. A week

Recording 13
1. Where are most of London’s big department stores?
A. In Trafalgar Square B. In Oxford Street and Bond Street
C. In Oxford Street and Regent Street D. In Soho and Bond Street
2. Where is Nelson’s statue?
A. In the middle of Leicester Square B. In the middle of Trafalgar Square
C. Behind the National Gallery D. In the centre of Soho
3. Which country sends a huge Christmas tree to Britain every year?
A. Sweden B. Germany C. Denmark D. Norway
4. Where is the National Gallery?
A. Behind Nelson’s column B. In the West End
C. In the centre of Soho D. Next to Piccadilly Circus
5. How many theatres are there in London?
A. About seven-teen B. Over five C. Over thirty D. Over thirteen

Recording 14
1. How to keep track of the notes according to Chris?
A. By putting the lecture topic on the assignments
B. By putting a date and heading on the first page
C. By matching up the textbook notes and the lecture topic
D. By separating the class notes
2. Which is not mentioned for taking notes?
A. Use a separate notebook for each class
B. Use dividers to set aside different sections in one notebook
C. Use a spiral notebook
D. Use a loose-leaf binder
3. Why does Linda like to use a blue or black ballpoint pen?
A. Because it’s good for her eyes. B. Because it’s hard for her eyes.
C. Because it fades quickly. D. Because it blurs and soaks through the paper.
4. Circle the method that may speed up note-taking.
A. Use a good ballpoint pen B. Use some standard abbreviations
C. Use your own ways D. Make a key for your notes
5. Which helps remember notes easier?
A. Summarize the points in your own words B. Copy anything written on the board
C. Organize ideas in your own way D. Take note as little as possible

Recording 15
1. Which makes people want things?
A. Choice B. Advertising C. Hunger D. Colour
2. To make it so shiny, what has the food stylist painted the meat with?
A. Oil B. Ink C. Ketchup D. Mayonnaise
3. What time does a watch or clock nearly always show in adverts?
A. Twenty past eight B. Twenty to eight C. Ten past ten D. Ten past twelve
4. What is the percentage of young children preferring purple to all other colours?
A. Sixty-five B. seventy-five C. Seven-teen D. twenty-five
5. Why do you rarely see the color blue in a food commercial?
A. Because it is associated with risk and energy.
B. Because it doesn’t denote safety.
C. Because it stimulates the appetite.
D. Because it suppresses the appetite.

Recording 16
1. Josephine uses tomatoes as an example of a product which
A. isn’t sold in some supermarkets.
B. is the same in every supermarket.
C. is better in some supermarkets than others.
D. her supermarket doesn’t sell.
2. What does Josephine’s supermarket NOT do?
A. make products with the supermarket’s name on
B. buy products with the supermarket’s name on
C. sell products with the supermarket’s name on
D. purchase products from other companies at a good price
3. The example of the soup company shows that
A. labels aren’t important at all.
B. companies want to make money.
C. soup is better when it’s from a tin.
D. companies can sell their soup with their label on in very large quantities.
4. Why don’t supermarkets often buy from small food companies?
A. Because their customers don’t like the products.
B. Because big food companies own the supermarkets.
C. Because supermarkets need large amounts of a product.
D. Because they can sell their products in 300 supermarkets.
5. What does Josephine say about the ‘local produce section’?
A. It is only in one of her 300 supermarkets.
B. It contains products from smaller food companies.
C. It sells the same products all over the country.
D. It buys products from local food companies for one of their 300 supermarkets.

Recording 17
1. Compared to 20 years ago, people in Britain today
A. get less exercise. B. eat more vegetables.
C. get ill less often. D. spend less time using computers.
2. Doctors are especially worried about the health of
A. old people. B. young people. C. babies. D. middle-aged people
3. Many people in Britain eat too much
A. salt. B. sugar. C. meat. D. protein
4. The main influence on people’s eating habits is
A. medical experts. B. their school. C. their parents. D. their teachers.
5. The doctor’s campaign aims to get more people
A. taking their own lunch to school. B. eating food the school provides.
C. having breakfast before school. D. getting one meal a day.

Recording 18
1. What Paula finds particularly difficult about her work is
A. having to wake up so early. B. working on weekends.
C. the late nights. D. the constant travel.
2. Paula would like non-showpeople to realise that showpeople
A. have traditional dating practices.
B. only start relationships after the age of 18.
C. would like to socialise w ith non-showpeople.
D. allow their family to choose their partners.
3. As a schoolgirl, Paula
A. impressed her teachers.
B. dreamed o f going to university.
C. did her homework within a moving vehicle.

D. got into trouble for not completing assignments.
4. What kind of skills does Paula say showpeople have?
A. financial B. acting C. musical D. practical
5. What does Paula want to accomplish by talking about her life?
A. to clear up misunderstandings B. to demonstrate academic ability
C. to promote her family's business D. to improve her living conditions

Part II: Listen to the recording and fill in the gaps with the words you heard. Write NO MORE
THAN THREE words for each gap.

Recording 1
Money makes us worry
A new study from the BBC shows that looking after money isn’t easy. Over 109,000 people
took part in the BBC’s Big Money Test. It was one of the biggest ever studies on the psychology of
money. One of the (1) that money makes many people feel bad. Researchers say
forty percent of us always worry about spending money; a third of us constantly worry about money;
and the same percentage (2).........................................when spending money on themselves. The study
found that women like to go shopping to make themselves feel better about life, while men are more
likely to (3)...................................................Women are more generous with their money and are also
more likely to suffer from money problems. The researchers also looked at ways shops try and make
us spend our money. It showed how stores are continuously looking at new ways to make us buy
things on impulse. It asks why (4)................................are always by the checkout in supermarkets;
everyday essentials like bread and milk are at the back of the shop so you have to walk through as
many aisles as possible to reach them and why the perfume and jewelry sections are always at the front
of a department store. The test says that buying things on impulse can be bad for
our (5)...................................“People who bought goods impulsively were three times more likely to
bankrupt, and four times more likely to run out of money by the end of the week.”

Recording 2
Welcome to Crimestoppers. Police are investigating a robbery at a local supermarket. Thieves
(1) the Easystore supermarket on the edge of town in the middle of the
night. The security guard, who hadn’t noticed the robbers’ van parked at the main entrance, was tied
up while the robbers helped themselves to money (2) ……………………….……….. In addition, they
made off with expensive electrical goods, which police believe they are hoping to sell.
They escaped in a white Ford van, which was later found (3) the
town centre, and which is currently being searched for clues. Police have also searched the area around
the supermarket and believe that a mobile phone found near the supermarket could be vital in locating
(4) ……………………….……….. .
One witness who spoke to police said that they saw a man who they described as ‘tall and well-built’
running along the street at 2 a.m. in the area where the van was found. Police are (5)
……………………….……….. for further witnesses to come forward.
This is the latest in a string of similar robberies, two other supermarkets having been robbed in the
same way in the last month. Police suspect that an organised gang is behind the crimes, but the
criminals have yet to be caught. Police are advising members of the public to be careful.

Recording 3
An eight-year-old boy has been rescued by an enterprising Bangkok firefighter. The boy from
Thailand is autistic and had been..........................................(1) before his first day of school but
he seemed to be OK. However, during the first lesson his teacher was........................................(2)
something to the class when she realized that the boy had climbed out of the window. ‘He was sitting
just outside the window with his legs swinging over the edge.’
The...................................................(3) were called in when the boy’s mother had also failed to
get the boy down. Everyone was beginning to run out of ideas when one of the firefighters, Somchai
Yoosabai, overheard the boy’s mother talking about her son’s love of superheroes. The quick-thinking

fireman rushed back to the.................................................(4) and changed into his Spider-Man costume.
(Until then, Mr. Somchai had been using the costume to make...................................................(5) drills
more interesting.) ‘I told him, “Spider-Man is here to rescue you, no monsters are going to attack
you.”’ The sight brought a smile to the youngster’s face and he immediately walked into his rescuer’s

Recording 4
Maggie and Joe Smith lived in the same house for fifty years. When Maggie was 86 years old,
Joe died. The house was very big so Maggie (1)...................................................She sold the house to a
businessman called David Jones. A few weeks later, Maggie was at the hairdresser when she heard
someone say that the new owner, David Jones, had (2) her old house.
She contacted Mr. Jones. He told her there was $10,000 hidden in the wall. Then he said they could
share the money: $5,000 for him and $5,000 for her. She agreed. A few days later, Mr. Jones visited
Maggie Smith. He had a contract. The contract said that Maggie Smith should (3)
……………………………… $5,000 for any money found in or around the house. Mrs. Smith thought
this was very strange. She didn’t sign it. In fact, she took Mr. Jones to court. In court, Mr. Jones (4)
………………………………: there wasn’t $10,000. There was $150,000 in the walls, mainly in $50
or $100 notes. Joe Smith, Maggie’s husband, was putting money in the wall for
(5).................................................and he never told his wife. So what happened in the end? The judge
decided that Maggie Smith should get all of the money. David Jones got nothing.

Recording 5
Scientists have now worked out that you can live longer if you have a healthy lifestyle. They
did some research. They followed (1)...................................for more than ten years, and they looked at
the different lifestyles they had. The results are interesting. They showed that people who don’t smoke,
who (2)…………………………... and who eat five portions of fresh fruit and vegetables everyday
actually live longer. These people actually live about (3)................................longer than the people
didn’t have such healthy lifestyles. They lived longer and they didn’t have so many (4)
……………………………………….. . Doctors say that even making a (5)…………………………
to your lifestyle can make a big difference to your health. Also, don’t worry if you’ve got bad habit
now. It’s never too late to start.
So, does everyone agree that it’s a good idea to give up smoking, eat healthily, and do exercise
in order to live longer? We asked people on the street to tell us what they think.

Recording 6
Speaker 1
I don’t think there’s any hard and fast rule, so for me, any time is the right time. I began when I
was six, but then again I knew someone who started when they were almost fifty and she’s still
(1).............................................Now she’s over seventy. You’re never too old. I suppose the key is how
much time you have to practice and (2)...............................................My parents let me try out different
instruments and eventually I chose the violin. That’s important too. I’m not sure my parents were too
happy about my choice, though. They had to put up with years of me sounding like a (3)
……………………… .

Speaker 2
I think there’s actually a legal minimum age in some countries, something like 35, but in my
opinion it should be at least 50. Otherwise you just don’t have enough (4) do
it. But then of course you have to strike a balance between (5)..................................................You need
to be able to react quickly to events and survive sometimes on very little sleep. So yes, someone in their
fifties or maybe sixties could manage but no older than that.

Recording 7
Speaker 3
I couldn’t really give a number at all, since I can’t state what’s right for other people. I think it
has to do with giving yourself enough time to get to know yourself, and to (1)…………………...

……………………… together well enough so that neither of you will create an 2)……………
………………… for the child. Some people say there’s never a right time, but I think there’s
definitely a wrong time – too soon.

Speaker 4
Lots of people I know didn’t know what they wanted to do with their life when they were 20
and they still don’t know now they are (3)…................................But seriously, it’s OK to decide
if you have a real vocation, you know, you’ve always wanted to be a doctor or an engineer or
something like that. But most of us don’t have (4)....................when we leave school. So I reckon the
best idea is to try out lots of things to see what you enjoy and develop lots of
(5)...................................................................That worked for me, most companies need staff who can
get on with other people and can communicate their ideas clearly, and who have reasonable computer
skills and things like that.

Recording 8
Home Sweet Home
In many parts of the world, it is a (1) hold a “housewarming” party shortly
after you move into a new home. Party guests typically bring gifts for the person holding the party and
are treated to a meal and a tour of the new home. According to (2)........................, the friendship of the
guests “warms” the house, making the new occupants feel even more comfortable in their new home.
What are the customs associated with finding or (3).................................................a new home in your
Speaker 1: New homeowners in my country sometimes ask a priest to hold a ceremony to
(4)......................their house.
Speaker 2: Kitchenware or bottles of wine are among the most common housewarming gifts in my
Speaker 3: It is important to make sure the house has the proper feng shui or (5)…....................between
various elements like doorways and staircases.

Recording 9
Chinese Zodiac
The Chinese Zodiac- the roating cycle of twelve animal signs - was a folk method for naming
the years in (1)...........................China. According to tradition, all people born under the same sign are
said to possess a (2)…...............set of character traits. Find your animal sign in the chart in task 3. How
do you feel about the characyer traits (3)………………………with each sign? Are they accurate
descriptions? Do you believe in the Chinese zodiac?
Speaker 1: I was born in the year of the (4)............................but I’ m lazy , not hardworking.
Speaker 2: I am a Snake but I am not very serous at all. I am more of a fun-loving person.
Speaker 3: I am reliable like most Roosters. I’m also talkative and kind of (5)

Recording 10
Better late than never
In North America and many other parts of the world, it is not usually necessary to be on time
for casual social (1)………………..……. When invited to a dinner party for example, people generally
arrive “casually late”, which means about a half-hour later than the (2).............................time. On the
other hand, puntuality is considered essential when it comes to formal gatherings like weddings. What
is the (3)……………………. toward punctuality in your country? Are there any
(4) which it is Ok to arrive late? What about arriving early?
Speaker 1: Most people I know think punctuality is important but being late is not so bad.
Speaker 2: Being late for a business meeting is (5)..............................but for social events it is Ok.
Speaker 3: It is perfectly fine to arrive late for an appointment. People actually expect it.

Recording 11
What we always have to do is question what we see and hear in the media. Here’s an example I
like. More than 20 years ago now, (1).................................................., there was a very big storm in the
south of England that did enormous damage. Roofs were pulled off houses. Trees were blown over. Cars
(2) ……………………….………. It was a terrible storm. What many people still remember about it
today, though, is that the evening before, a BBC weatherman called Michael Fish told people not to
worry. They still show the clip on TV sometimes. He’s standing in front of (3)
……………………….………., and he says ‘Earlier on today apparently a woman rang the BBC and
said she’d heard there was a hurricane on the way. Well, if you’re watching, don’t worry, there isn’t’.
A few days after the storm, that clip was shown again and again on TV, and the question
……………………….……….: how could a weatherman get the weather forecast so wrong? Now, the
important thing is to question what we see and hear. Because it turns out that Michael Fish didn’t
actually present the weather that night. Another weatherman, called Bill Giles, did. And Michael Fish
claims he wasn’t talking about the UK at all. He says that on the lunchtime news just before he did the
weather, there was a story about a possible hurricane in Florida. He says he was referring to that. Now
I’m not saying whether he’s right or not, whether he’s telling the truth or not, but the point is that
we (5)
……………………….………. everything we see and hear. We have to question it, because the truth is
sometimes very different to what we think it is.

Recording 12
On one trip to the United States, Morse had an interesting idea. Later, this idea developed into
his famous (1) . Morse thought that it might be possible to use electricity to send a
message over a (2)...............................This message, he thought could be recorded at the other end. A
message could be sent with the (3) of electricity. Before the end of the trip, Morse
had drawn up (4) plans for an instrument. He called it the electric or magnetic telegraph.
Morse began to work out his idea as soon as he landed. He gave up his work as a painter. Instead, he
chose to work on his new idea. Almost 5 years later, his (5)________________were successful. He built
an instrument that made his idea work.

Recording 13
Fawlty Towers I absolutely love Fawlty Towers, I’ve seen this hundreds of times and it’s my
..........................(1). It always makes me laugh – in fact, it makes me cry with laughter sometimes …
can’t get enough of it. And the main character, Basil Fawlty, played by John Cleese, is absolutely
brilliant. It’s like a lesson in..........................(2); the more bad things that happen to this man the more
we laugh. My favourite scene is the scene with Mrs Richardson and Basil Fawlty. And, it’s very, very
......................(3). Mrs Richardson wears a hearing aid and Basil Fawlty hates Mrs Richardson – she’s a
terrible grumpy old complaining customer who he really doesn’t like. So he comes into the room and
he mimes at her – so he moves his mouth but he doesn’t make any sound – so that Mrs Richardson
turns up her hearing aid so that she can hear him. And then he mimes again and he moves his mouth
again not making any sound so she can’t understand why she can’t hear him, so she turns up her
hearing aid again. And then once he’s sure that her hearing aid is on .........................(4) he shouts at
her, ‘Mrs Richardson!’ – of course which deafens her and, it’s, it’s, it’s very, very funny and it’s
amazing because he gets his own (5) on her ‘cos she’s been awful to him so, he, you know, he kind of
in the end but...

Recording 14
I’m going to speak in favour of the statement: ‘Age discrimination should be illegal at work.’
The first point I’d like to make is that selecting a person for a job on the basis of their age is unfair. It’s
as bad as choosing someone because of their gender or race or religion. People should be selected for a
job because of their abilities and.........................(1) and not because they are a certain age. For
if a sixty-year-old person is able, physically and mentally, to do a job they should be judged on the
.........................(2) as a thirty-year-old.
I want to speak against the statement. I would like to start off by saying that I fully support equal
.......................(3) for people applying for a job. However, I would like to pick up on the point made by

Sarah when she said ‘if a person is able, physically and mentally, to do a job.’ I think we need to be
......................(4) here. As people age, this can affect their energy, their ability to react quickly and their
memory. In some jobs it may be vital for people to have high levels of energy, for example in a
creative industry such as advertising. Or people need to be able to react quickly, for instance if they are
a lorry driver, or be able to concentrate for long periods of time if they are an................(5). It is simply
a fact of life that, as we age, our mental and physical capabilities deteriorate and that, for certain jobs,
younger people are better.

Recording 15
As you can see, this is a beautiful and peaceful square, where locals and tourists alike (1)
……………………….……… in cafés: chatting, reading the newspaper or simply watching the world
go by. But there’s one day of the year when the peace is disrupted and the square takes on a completely
different character. And that’s the 15th of July and that just happens to be tomorrow. If you look over
there, you’ll see (2) ……………………….……… are already starting for the big event. So, what’s
going to happen? Well, it’s a tradition that goes back over 300 years. It used to be for the town’s men
only, but these days women take part too. Tomorrow evening, this square will (3)
……………………….……… over 3,000 people. About 60 of them will actually take part. The rest
will be watching and cheering them on. And what will those 60 young men and women be doing?
Well, here by my feet is a box. It’s usually used to (4)..................................Tomorrow, there’ll be lots
of these boxes. They won’t have anything in them, though. They’ll have been soaked in petrol all
night, and then they’ll be set alight. Each man and woman taking part will pick up a burning box, hold
it above their head, and run round the square. They do wear special gloves, but it can be a bit
dangerous, and over the years a few people have been hurt - usually people (5)...........................rather
than those holding the boxes. We’ll come back tomorrow to see what it’s really like. Let’s hope no-one
gets hurt this year!



PART 1: Rewrite the sentences. Use the word in brackets so that the meaning stays the same.

1. We stayed for dinner. It was our obligation. (OBLIGE)

We …………………………………………………………………………………………...
2. It’s a good idea for her to leave before dark. (OUGHT)
She …………………………………………………………………………………………..
3. The rule was to pay before going in. We didn’t pay at all. (SUPPOSE)
We …………………………………………………………………………………………...
4. The maximum age to enter this disco is eighteen. (NOT ALLOW)
Adults ………………………………………………………………………………………..
5. There is no obligation for the company to provide training. (HAVE)
The company ………………………………………………………………………………...
6. It is impossible to force kids to eat vegetables. (MAKE)
You …………………………………………………………………………………………..
7. We weren’t able to see the supervisor. (MANAGE)
We …………………………………………………………………………………………...
8. He was allowed to go after he’d been questioned for three hours. (LET)
The police ……………………………………………………………………………………
9. I’m afraid I can’t make the meeting. (ABLE)
I’m afraid I …………………………………………………………………………………..
10. The best thing for you to do is sit down. (BETTER)
You had ……………………………………………………………………………………..
11. It is advisable for you not to come to class late. (BETTER NOT)
You ………………………………………………………………………………………….
12. Maybe Peter won’t go to the cinema tomorrow. (MIGHT)
Peter …………………………………………………………………………………………
13. She can’t stand the way the press keep asking her about her private life. (STOP)
She wishes the press …………………………………………………………………………
14. I’d prefer to be at home right now; it’s too cold here. (HOME)
I wish ………………………………………………………………………………………...
15. Without more money, we can’t put an advert on TV (UNLESS)
We can’t …………………………………………………………………………………….
16. Could we get a discount by paying in cash? (SUPPOSING)
Supposing ……………………………………………………………………………………
17. Providing we are happy with your work, we’ll give you a full-time contract. (LONG)
We’ll …………………………………………………………………………………………
18. Suppose I accepted the job, how soon would you want me to start? (WERE)
If I ……………………………………………………………………………………………
19. If the band were to get back together, would you join it? (BACK)
Imagine ………………………………………………………………………………………
20. Supposing you didn’t go, is there a chance that you would regret it? (MIGHT)
Might ………………………………………………………………………………………...
21. If demand doesn’t increase soon, we’re going to have a bad year. (INCREASES)
Unless ………………………………………………………………………………………..

22. I regret not studying hard last term. (ONLY)
If ……………………………………………………………………………………………..
23. I wasn’t tall enough to reach the shelf. (TALLER)
I ………………………………………………………………………………………………
24. We don’t employ people unless they are flexible and keen to work hard. (IF)
We …………………………………………………………………………………………...
25. It is such a pity I didn’t see that film on television last night. (WISH)
I ………………………………………………………………………………………………
26. It was a mistake for you to insult Mike. (SHOULDN’T)
You …………………………………………………………………………………………..
27. Sarah asked me, ‘Are you still a member of the sports centre?’ (I)
28. Non-members cannot enter the sports centre without a ticket. (ALLOWED)
29. Trainers must be worn in the sports centre at all times. (WEAR)
30. Football is the most popular sport at the centre. (THAN)
31. Sarah thinks the sports centre is too small for the town. (ENOUGH)

32. None of my friends enjoy reading as much as I do. (MORE)


33. I borrowed a very good book from my teacher. (LENT)

34. It doesn’t matter to me if a book is long or short. (MIND)
35. My mother finished War and Peace in only three weeks. (TOOK)
36. I am often given books as presents. (GIVE)

37. Sebastian asked the manager where the showers were. (ARE)
38. Sebastian succeeded in putting up the tent on his own. (ABLE)
39. Sebastian and his friends went swimming every day. (DID)

40. The sea was warmer than they had expected. (COLD)
41. The park entrance ticket was cheaper than I’d expected. (EXPENSIVE)
42. A lot of people were there in spite of the rain. (THOUGH)

43. I liked the water slide best, and my brother did too. (SO)
44. ‘Who does this towel belong to?’ my mother asked. (WHOSE)
45. We stayed until the activity park closed (LEAVE)
46. After seeing an advertisement for Italian lessons, Daniel decided to go. (SAW)
47. There are fifteen other students in his Italian class. (HAS)
48. Daniel thinks that speaking Italian is easier than writing it. (DIFFICULT)
49. Daniel’s teacher is Italian, and her name’s Chiara Paolozzi. (CALLED)
50. The students are given two hours of homework each week by Chiara. (GIVES)
51. It’s six months since I last went swimming. (FOR)
52. The new pool is near to my home. (FAR)
53. If you can’t swim, you’re not allowed in the deep end. (UNLESS)
54. My friend Sam wanted me to go swimming with him. (DON’T)
55. I didn’t go swimming with Sam because I was very busy. (TOO)
56. Probably, no other painting is as famous as La Gioconda. (MOST)
57. Nobody is sure of the identity of the woman in the painting. (WHO)
58. People find the smile of the woman in the painting interesting. (INTERESTED)
59. It took Leonardo a long time to paint this picture. (SPENT)
60. Does anyone know what this picture is worth today? (HOW)
61. Nick was given a ticket to a baseball game by his friend Akio. (GAVE)
62. Nick had never been to a baseball game before. (FIST)
63. Nick wasn’t sure when the match would finish. (LONG)
64. In the game, the Dolphins team played better than the Giants. (WELL)
65. Now Nick can’t wait for the next game. (FORWARD)

66. Our favourite place to visit is the lake near our town. (MORE)
67. We hadn’t cycled into the countryside for several months. (SINCE)
68. I often go cycling with my friend Dan at the weekends. (GOES)

69. We only had a break when we got hungry at about 2.00. (DIDN’T)
70. It was the best ride we’d had for a long time. (SUCH)
71. ‘Why not a second-hand car, Ben?’ suggested Frieda. (SHOULD)
72. Ben couldn’t afford to buy a new car. (MONEY)
73. Ben got in touch with the owner of a car for sale after seeing an advert. (CONTACTED)
74. Ben decided he liked the car as soon as he drove it (IMMEDIATELY)
75. The car was less expensive than Ben had expected. (CHEAP)
76. It was several months since Jessica last went on a train. (FOR)
77. Jessica bought her ticket in advance online. (WAS)
78. It wasn't easy to find a seat because the train was crowded. (THAT)
79. Jessica asked what time they would arrive in York. (DO)
80. The journey wasn’t boring for Jessica because she had a good book. (FIND)
81. You can’t play Jotto unless there are at least two players (IF)
82. The game is called Jotto. (NAME)
83. I enjoy the game, and my parents enjoy it too. (SO)
84. My friend said that she had never played Jotto. (HAVE)
85. What about playing the game now? (SHALL)
86. Everyone in our family enjoys camping holidays. (US)
87. Camping is cheaper than staying in a hotel. (COST)

88. The campsite we’re going to is near the beach. (TOO)
89. The campsite has a swimming pool. (THERE)
90. I asked my friend if he wanted to go camping with us. (DO)
91. It costs nothing to attend a state school. (ANYTHING)
92. City schools are usually larger than schools in the country. (AS)
93. Uniforms must be worn by children in some schools. (WEAR)
94. Each class has about thirty children. (ARE)
95. Children can buy hot lunches at most schools. (POSSIBLE)
96. My parents think jazz is better than classical music. (PREFER)
97. On weekdays, my parents aren’t able to go swimming. (ONLY)
98. I can’t go out at the weekend unless finish my homework. (IF)
99. I don’t watch TV as much as my sister does. (MORE)
100. My parents said, ‘Why don’t we go out for a meal?’ (SUGGESTED)
101. When she has to walk to the supermarket, she finds it tiring. (TIRED)
102. She is often driven to the supermarket by her neighbour. (LIFT)

103. There are many types of coffee there. (A LOT OF)


104. She asked an assistant how much the Colombian coffee cost. (DOES)

105. The Colombian coffee cost less than the Kenyan coffee. (EXPENSIVE)

106. Nearly every seat was taken in the cinema. (LEFT)


107. Jane had a worse seat than Dave. (BETTER)


108. Jane couldn't see the screen very well. (HARD)

109. Dave said that he had seen the film before. (ALREADY)

110. They spent two hours watching the film. (LASTED)


111. Theatre tickets are more expensive than last year. (NOW)
112. The booking office telephone is often engaged. (IMPOSSIBLE)

113. Peter said, ‘Why don’t you go to the booking office yourself?’ (HOW)

114. Many theatres accept credit cards. (PAY)


115. You can’t smoke in the theatre. (FORBIDDEN)


116. My sister has borrowed the novel from me. (LENT)


117. She hasn’t read a novel by Joan Brady before. (FIRST)


118. The novel Is longer than Joan Brady’s other books. (LONG)

119. How much does the novel cost? (PRICE)


120. I hope my sister returns the novel to me soon. (SENDS)


121. Last year wasn’t as cold as this year. (WAS)


122. How much is it to go skiing? (COST)

123. Do you know who these skis belong to? (WHOSE)

124. James can ski well. (GOOD)

125. Driving in heavy snow isn’t easy. (MAKE)

PART 2: Write an essay of about 200 words about the following topics.

1. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words to compare the advantages and
disadvantages of globalization
2. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about an environmental problem in your
3. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about your favorite teacher.
4. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about the best stage or age in your life.
5. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about an important building or architecture
in your country
6. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast travelling by car
and travelling by train.
7. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast studying a language and
studying mathematics
8. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast traditional and modern
9. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast living in the country and
living in the city.
10. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast studying at home and
studying abroad.
11. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare the advantages and disadvantages of solar
power and wind power as sustainable energy sources.
12. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about your dream job.
13. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast studying online and
studying in classroom
14. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about the day you visited another country.
15. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast e-books and paper books.
16. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about a museum that you visited recently.
17. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast private school and public
18. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about the best television show.
19. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast family time and friend time
20. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast studying in the library
and studying in the room.

21. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast studying in the library and
studying in the room.
22. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast hobbies of the
young generation in the past and at present.
23. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about a situation where you had to make a
difficult decision.
24. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast eating at home and eating in
25. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast group study and
private study.
26. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about your favorite subject to study.
27. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast shopping online
and shopping at the store.
28. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about the best holiday you’ve
ever celebrated at school.
29. Write a descriptive essay of about 200 words about a person you will remember forever
30. Write an essay of about 200 words to compare and contrast working for your own
and working for a company.


TOPIC 1: Globalization

Part 1: Questions

1. What is your understanding of the term “globalization”?

2. Do you think globalization is a positive or negative thing?
3. Do you think globalization has enhanced international cooperation?

Part 2 – Topic: Talk about something that is globalized in your country. You should say:

 What it is
 When it began to be globalized in your country
 What people think of it
 And explain any advantages related to it

Part 3: Discussion

1. How has globalization affected your country?

2. What are some of the causes of globalization?
3. What are some of the positive effects of globalization?

TOPIC 2: Education

Part 1: Questions

1. What have you studied?

2. What is your major?
3. What kind of school did you use to go?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe a method of learning a foreign language you have ever used.

You should say:

 What you did

 How long you used this method
 How it compares to other methods of learning
 And say whether you will use the same method in the future or not, and why

Part 3: Discussion

1. Do you think age is an important factor in learning a language?

2. What are the advantages of learning English language?
3. What difficulties would a foreigner have when learning your native language?

TOPIC 3: Medicine

Part 1: Questions

1. How do you keep yourself healthy?

2. Are you careful about what you eat?
3. How important is a healthy lifestyle for you?

Part 2 - Topic: Talk about a time when you had to take some medicine. You should say:

 When it happened
 Who gave the medicine to you
 Why you took it
 And explain how effective the medicine was.

Part 3: Discussion

1. Do you agree that medicine is harmful?

2. In your opinion, why do some people dislike taking medicine?
3. What are the most significant recent breakthroughs in medicine?

TOPIC 4: The environment

Part 1: Questions

1. Is there much pollution where you live?

2. Do you take an interest in nature?
3. Are residents in your town good at recycling waste?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe an important environmental issue in your country. You should say:

 What the problem is

 Why it happens
 How it can be solved
 And explain what the effects of that problem on people are

Part 3: Discussion

1. What are the effects of human activities on the environment?

2. What can be done to protect the environment?
3. What would be the impact of global warming on the environment?

TOPIC 5: Architecture

Part 1: Questions

1. Do you like old buildings?
2. Would you prefer to live in a modern or old building?
3. Are historical buildings important?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe a building or construction you have seen that impressed you. You
should say:

 What it was
 Where it was
 How big it was
 And explain what you liked or disliked about it

Part 3: Discussion

1. What sorts of historical buildings are popular in your country?

2. Why do you think cultural and historical building should be maintained?
3. Why do you think governments like to create impressive buildings such as an art gallery
or a huge sport stadium?

TOPIC 6: Energy

Part 1: Questions

1. What do you use energy (fuel or electricity) for?

2. What are the main sources of energy in your country?
3. Should people be more responsible when consuming energy in the future?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe a source of energy you know. You should say:

 what it is and where you can find it

 what it is used for
 what its advantages and disadvantages are
 and explain why it is important.

Part 3: Discussion

1. How can technology development affect word energy consumption?

2. Do you think the way people use energy in the past and in the modern world is different?
3. What do you think of energy crisis?

TOPIC 7: Art and design

Part 1: Questions

1. Are you good at art? Is it easy to learn how to draw?

2. Do you think art classes are necessary? Why? / Why not?

3. What kind of paintings do people like?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe a memorable piece of artwork you have seen. You should say:

 What the artwork was

 Where and when you saw it
 How it made you feel
 Why it was memorable to you

Part 3: Discussion

1. In your opinion, why do people create art?

2. Are older people more interested in art than younger people?
3. Should the government provide support for art and cultural activities?

TOPIC 8: Aging

Part 1: Questions

1. Are you happy to be the age you are now?

2. When you were a child, did you think a lot about your future?
3. Do you think you have changed much as you got older?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe an important or happy stage in your life. You should say:

 How old you were at that time

 Where you were at that time
 What you did at that time
 Explain why it is important to you

Part 3: Discussion

1. What do you think is the best age in a person’s life?

2. Do you think there is a relationship between a person’s age and their happiness?
3. Is there a stage of life which is more difficult or easier than others?

TOPIC 9: The environment

Part 1: Questions

1. Do you believe that climate change is a serious problem?

2. What causes climate change?
3. Do you think recycling is important?

Part 2: Describe a time when you have caused pollution. You should say:

 When this was
 What it was
 Where it was
 And explain the impact which you think this might have caused.

Part 3: Discussions

1. In which way do people damage our planet?

2. What do you think is the main danger the world faces in terms of the environment?
3. Do you think that the environmental situation will improve in the nearest future?

TOPIC 10: Education

Part 1: Questions

1. When you were younger, did you enjoy your time at school?
2. What do you like about your major?
3. Would you prefer to study alone or with others?

Part 2: Describe a subject taught in your school.

You should say:

 What it was
 How it was taught
 What you learnt from the class
 And explain how you liked that subject.

Part 3: Discussion

1. Are there any differences between the traditional and modern educational systems?
2. How teaching methods have changed in recent years in your country?
3. How do you think technology has affected teaching and learning system?


Part 1: Questions

1. Are you a successful person?

2. What do you think success is?
3. Is success important to you? Why or why not?

Part 2 – Topic: Talk about a successful person you know well. You should say:

 Who the person is

 Why he/she is successful
 What they have achieved
 What makes you specifically mention him/her

Part 3: Discussion

1. What qualities do you think are necessary for success?

2. Can we succeed in our life without education? Why or why not?
3. What can be the major differences between successful and unsuccessful people?


Part 1: Questions

1. How do you understand the saying, “Money doesn’t grow on trees.”?

2. Would you like to be very wealthy? Why or why not?
3. What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Why?

Part 2 – Topic: Talk about an experience in your life that illustrates the saying “Lend your money and
lose a friend.” You should say:

 When this happened

 Who involved in the incident
 What happened
 What moral lesson you can learn from the experience

Part 3: Discussion

1. How important is money to you?

2. Do you agree that money is power? Explain your opinion.
3. What things do you think are more important than wealth? Why?


Part 1: Questions

1. Is it important to learn a foreign language? Why?

2. Do you find it easy or difficult to learn English?
3. What other foreign languages would you like to learn? Why?

Part 2 - Topic: Talk about your English language studying. You should say:

 How long you have been learning English

 What you find the easiest to learn about English
 What seems to be your problems or difficulties when you learn English
 What you have done to overcome your problems or difficulties

Part 3: Discussion

1. How do you understand the French proverb “A man who knows two languages is worth two
2. Bilingual or multilingual people have better job opportunities? Can you explain why?
3. Why have you decided to choose English as your major?


Part 1: Questions
1. Are customs the same or different among countries?
2. Is it important to know about a country’s customs before going there? Why?
3. Have you ever got a culture shock? What was it about?

Part 2 – Topic: Talk about a custom from your country that might surprise a foreign visitor. You
should say:

 What the custom is

 What it is about
 Why you think this custom might surprise a foreign visitor
 What advice you would like to give foreign visitors about that custom

Part 3: Discussion

1. What does culture shock mean to you?

2. What is the biggest culture shock have you ever faced?
3. What should we do to avoid culture shock?


Part 1: Questions

1. Do you often use different products in your daily life?

2. Can you name some products you often use every day?
3. Which product do you think is the most useful and the least useful for you?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe your favourtie product. You should say:

 What product it is
 How long you have had it
 What its functions are
 Why it is the favourite product for you

Part 3: Discussion

1. Why do you think people make different products for daily use?
2. Do products always help us in daily life?
3. Would you prefer life about 50 years ago without many modern products or life at the
moment? Why?


Part 1: Questions

1. Do you enjoy travelling to different places? Why or why not?

2. Which one do you prefer? Package tours or planning your own vacations? Why?
3. What are the most attractive tourism destinations for foreigners when they visit Viet Nam?

Part 2 – Topic: Talk about an invention that you think is the most important. You should say:

 what it is
 when it was invented and who invented it
 what it is used for

 and explain the significance of this invention.

Part 3: Discussion

1. What is the significant impact of modern inventions on life?

2. Do you think it’s necessary to develop modern invention in the countryside?
3. Why should we invest more in research?


Part 1: Questions

1. Are you a health-conscious person? Why?

2. Do you do exercise or play any sport? How often do you do it?
3. Which do you think is more important: health or wealth? Why?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe an activity you do to stay healthy. You should say:

 What the activity is

 How often you do it
 Where you do this activity
 How it makes you feel

Part 3: Discussion

1. What other things can you do to stay healthy?

2. Do you think people start worrying more about their health as they become older?
3. How can people be encouraged to stay healthy?


Part 1: Questions

1. Have you ever been stressed? When was that?

2. What can cause your stress?
3. What do you usually do to cope with stress?

Part 2 – Topic: Describe a stressful situation you’ve experienced. You should say:

 What the situation was

 How things went wrong
 Who were the people who were involved
 Why it was stressful

Part 3: Discussion

1. Which would you choose: A stressful job with very high pay or a relaxing job with
considerably low pay? Why?
2. Do you think people are more stressed today than they used to be? Why?
3. What stress-reducing techniques do you think are popular with young people now?


Part 1: Questions
1. Do you like advertisements? Why or why not?
2. Why do you think there are so many advertisements now?
3. What are the various places where we see advertisements?

Part 2: Describe an interesting advertisement you watched on TV. You should say:

 What it was
 When you watched it
 What it was about
 Why it was interesting

Part 3: Discussions

1. Are there a lot of advertisements in your country?

2. Do you find them helpful? Why?
3. Why do many people not like these commercials?


Part 1: Questions

1. What do you most enjoy shopping for?

2. Do you prefer to buy things for yourself or for other people?
3. Do you like to shop alone or with other people? Why?

Part 2: Describe a shopping centre/mall that you have visited or that you know about. You should say:

 Where the shopping centre/mall is

 How people travel to the shopping centre/mall
 What kind of shops it has
 What is the best thing about the shopping centre/mall

Part 3: Discussion

1. Which is the most popular place for shopping in your hometown?

2. Do you think we will stop using paper money in the future?
3. How do companies encourage the consumer to spend their money?


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