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Mabini, Batangas

Date: December 12-13 (Tuesday-Wednesday)

For: Grade 5- Garnet (9:30-10:30 & 8:30-9:30)
Subject Matter: Female Reproductive System
Lesson Focus: Parts and Function of Reproductive System
No. of Days: 2

The learners demonstrate understanding on how the parts of reproductive
system work.

The learners should be able to practice proper hygiene in the care of the
reproductive organs.

 The learners should be able to describe the parts of the reproductive
system and their functions;
 The learners should be able to describe the changes that occur during
 The learners should be able to explain the menstrual cycle;
 The learners should give ways of taking care of the reproductive organs.

At the end of the discussion, the learners should be able to:
1. Identify the different parts and function of Female Reproductive System
2. Appreciate the importance of the parts of Female Reproductive System in a real-
life situation; and
3. Enumerate the different parts of Female Reproductive System through labelling it
on a picture.



EXPLORE (10 minutes)

 Call two pupils in front, a boy and a girl. Let their classmates identify
their physical appearance that enable them being called as boy or

Activity: Guess What?
1. Rearrange the set of letters to form five words associated with the female
reproductive system.


Female reproductive system

 consists of internal and external organs. It creates hormones and is responsible
for fertility, menstruation and sexual activity.
 the body parts that help women or people assigned female at birth (AFAB):
a) Have sexual intercourse
b) Reproduce
c) Menstruate
 female reproductive system provides several functions. In addition to allowing a
person to have sexual intercourse, it also helps a person reproduce.
External parts
 The function of your external genitals to protect the internal parts from infection
and allow sperm to enter your vagina.

 is the collective name for all your external genitals. A lot of people mistakenly use
the term “vagina” to describe all female reproductive parts. However, your vagina
is its own structure located inside your body.
 the female gamete always carries an X chromosome.

Internal parts
 consists of the ovaries (which produce eggs or oocytes), fallopian tubes, uterus,
cervix, and vagina:
a) Ovaries- main organs of the female reproductive system. Oval and are in the
lower part of abdomen. They produce, allow for the maturation and provide
storage for egg cells and also produce female sex hormones.
b) Fallopian Tubes- also called oviducts; are two tubes connecting the uterus
with the ovaries (site of fertilization). It is a passageway that conveys the
ovum moves along the fallopian tubes, the union of egg cell and sperm cell
can happen.
c) Uterus- a hallow, fist-sized organ located between the bladder and rectum
(where the zygote implants and the embryo develops).
d) Cervix- the lower portion of the uterus; where the vagina and uterus meet
(dilates for the delivery of baby). It produces fluids to help sperm cell travel
and also produces mucus plug to keep out germs during pregnancy.
e) Vagina- also called the birth canal, a tube leading from the uterus to the
outside of the body (where sperm enters).

 Your ovaries produce eggs. These eggs are then transported to your fallopian
tube during ovulation where fertilization by a sperm may occur. The fertilized egg
then moves to your uterus, where the uterine lining has thickened in response to
the normal hormones of your menstrual cycle (also called your reproductive
cycle). Once in your uterus, the fertilized egg can implant into the thickened
uterine lining and continue to develop. If implantation doesn’t take place, the
uterine lining is shed as your menstrual period. In addition, the female
reproductive system produces sex hormones that maintain your menstrual cycle.

Physical changes for girls around puberty

 Body shape - Your hips will widen and your body will get curvier.
 Height - You will grow taller.
 Acne - You may develop acne. This is a condition of the skin that shows up as
bumps most commonly on the face, neck, shoulders, upper back and chest.
 Breast growth and tenderness - The first stage of breast growth is called
‘budding’. Sometimes the breasts are different sizes. The breasts may be tender
during this time. This is normal, but speak with your doctor if you are worried.
 Hair growth - Hair will start to grow around the pubic area and under your arms,
and hair on your legs and arms will darken.
 Vaginal discharge - You may start to get a clear or whitish discharge from your
vagina. This is a normal, natural self-cleaning process.

What happens during the menstrual cycle?

- Women or people AFAB of reproductive age (beginning anywhere from 11 to 16
years of age) experience cycles of hormonal activity that repeat at about one-
month intervals.
- The flow of blood that lasts 3-7 days and is called menstruation.

 Periods - Your menstrual periods will start. Periods are part of a monthly cycle
where the lining of the uterus (womb) thickens as the body gets ready for
pregnancy. Once a month, the lining is shed over a few days, if a pregnancy has
not happened.
 Period irregularity - Even though periods work as a cycle, that cycle can take
different amounts of time each month. For example, you might get your period
after 24 days one month and after 42 days the next. These are called irregular
periods. Irregular periods are very common, especially in the first few years of
getting your period.
 Period irregularity - Even though periods work as a cycle, that cycle can take
different amounts of time each month. For example, you might get your period
after 24 days one month and after 42 days the next. These are called irregular
periods. Irregular periods are very common, especially in the first few years of
getting your period.
 Menopause- the female reproductive system gradually stops making the female
hormones necessary for the menstrual cycle to work. At this point, menstrual
cycles can become irregular and eventually stop. You’re considered to be
menopausal when you’ve gone an entire year without a menstrual period.
How many eggs does a woman have?
 You’re born with all the eggs you’ll ever produce. During fetal development, you
have about 6 million eggs. At birth, there are approximately 1 million eggs left. By
the time you reach puberty, only about 300,000 remain. The number of eggs you
have continues to decline as you age and menstruate each cycle. Fertility also
declines with age due to the decreasing number and quality of your remaining
How to Take Good Care of Your Reproductive System:
 Eat a balanced diet that is high in fiber and low in fat.
 Drink plenty of water.
 Get regular exercise.
 Maintain a healthy weight.
 Get enough sleep.
 Avoid using tobacco, alcohol, or other drugs.
 Manage stress in healthy ways.

Activity: Matchy Machy!

1. Main reproductive organ of females. A. Ovum

2. Carries the female chromosomes. B. Vulva
3. Refers to as the womb. C. Ovary
4. Passageway of ovum to uterus. D. External Parts
5. Short canal in female. E. Uterus
6. The function of it is to protect F. Cervix
the internal parts from infection and allow sperm G. Vagina
to enter your vagina. H. Menstruation
7. The lower portion of the uterus. I. Fallopian Tube
8. Flow of blood that lasts 3-7 days. J. Menopause
9. The female reproductive system gradually stops
making the female hormones.
10. the collective name for all your external genitals.

Project: Make it possible:

Direction: Make a creative representation of Female Reproductive System

 Materials:
a) 1 box of clay
b) 2pcs. Small empty C-2 bottles (represent the two ovaries)
c) String (shows the connection or pathway of egg cell when being released
from the ovary)
d) Cutter
e) 1 empty cup of noodles (represents the uterus)

1. Short Quiz
Directions: Label the parts of Female Reproductive System.


1. Illustrate the male reproductive system

2. Give the functions of each.

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