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Councll of Ministers
Ministry ofHigher Education & Sci€ntific Research
(urd istan Higher Councit of Medlcal Specjahtes
\rrce President Office

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Research title: prevalence of cataract in type I diabetic patients
:6ojajJjj-, r-jUirUj?
Research title: Prevalence and risk factors for cataract in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in
Sulaimanya city

e ul-+ 6Ja5a*c u..ri+-{ d (.r".a 6rr OroS)r$*bb 19or4i}.i JjS-F-Llr OU+lu d-.,rijdfJj4-.+ (y
:(Y . TY/t /Y \ ) ci:{ al (1 . 1) oltoj Oq9jSJKJl,u4! a; ojr.l5 os ,!(n
Research title: comparative study between flexible intramedullary nail versrr.,"rfl'Xi'-,i.,taH'"to'
cast for displaced diaphyseal fracture of both radius and ulna in children under 14 years of age

Research title: A comparative study Between plate osteosynthesis and Elastic Ndfiig?.;:fils:j
Fracture of Radius and Ulna in Adults

ojt"rs 09 .ruaa 35a!-5ra 6-)j+-,) aJ (-ra*- 1.r or-u)Jliiab r.s0J4..rjl-9 J;ti;rr o Ot-L:69rj dyriJ J)5r.,4-4r (y
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Research title: cardiac Troponins as outcome predictors in patients on tremoaiaryl6isry4r''jj-Jj
:6094,.,,,. i ilt-,l*rU -ii
Research title: Assessment of cardiac troponins status in patients on regular hemodialysis

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Address: Iraq- Erbil-Ziraah Square aet)jJt tbrij /JrJi / 6lJ'Jt :jtglilt @lJj !r!ai lilr!. /6lj..s :irlrieu
Po. Box:0845/32 www.khcms.edu.krd
viceores.admin.off ice@khcms.edu.krd
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Councilol Ministers
Ministry of Higher Education & Sci€ntific Research
Kurdistan Higher Council of Med ical Speciahies
Vice President Office

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Research title: tmmediate and intermediate outcomes of transcatheter us ,rrr,.;fli"Ti;: jr* '
secundum atrial septal defect at Erbil surgicalspecialty hospital cardiac center

Research title: lmmediate and short term outcomes of transcatheter VS surgical ;[::#T
secundum atrialseptal defect at Erbil surgical specialty hospital cardiac center
ojt E oe.ja.35.i,.+ cts+1 d (rJ:ts o!j-/r+s a*r,o)-r$_,ab sosaij:-s,
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Research title: Pattern of pregnancies and Their outcomes in a Group of Marrie, tf:'#J;'dff"'
More Than 45 Years, in Erbil.

Research titte: Family size and past obstetric History of Married women o*"0 or'fii*qlirdq'u,
Older in Erbil

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Address: Iraq- Erbil-Ztaah Square. a'trrl /J-ri / jtJ"Jt :i)te&Jt
ebuj altj \rlai 4.leda /JL.. :irt iY,eu
Po. Boxi 0845/32 www.khcms.edu.krd
viceores.admin.office@khcms.ed u.krd

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