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Hello I'm
and I will be your student nurse for today
How would you like me to call you? Ok that's great
Let me just check somehow few of your information
So how old are you?
Where do you live?
When is your birthday?
Are you married? Ok great
So uhm let's get on with the interview is it okay if we start now?

History of present illness

So, what brings you here today? Headache
When this headache starts? 2 days ago
If you are to point the area where it hurts would you please point it? so it hurts in the middle right here
So, it does only occur in that area? Yes
Does it hurt in anywhere else?
So, if you were to describe the headache for me how does it feel like? Is it like throbbing, constant or
sharp? Sharp
Okay so if you were to rate the pain from scale of 1-10, 10 being the most painful and 1 being the
least? Uhm what number would you rate? 8-10 so it ranges from 8-10
How long does this head ache last? Around 5-10 minutes
Does your headache come and go or is it persistent? It comes and go
What were you doing in that moment when it hurt? Like what triggers it? When I'm using my phone
So, may I just ask how long do you usually use your phone? 5-6h
Ooh so do you rest in between those hours? Yes
What are the things you do to ease the pain do you rest?
Do you take any medication?
Besides from headache do you feel any discornfort? You don't have any cough, runny nose any
Ok so thank you for that

Ok so (name of dient) for the next part of these interview is about your past self, just aah few
questions about your past, is it okay to you?
So as an adult do you recall back your childhood, about your childhood illnesses, like your chickenpox?
No, I don't know
Okay so you don't recall
So, have you asked your parents before if you've had immunization or vaccine as a child?
So, do you recall the immunization and the vaccines?
Okay so do you have any medications that you take every day? Only Vitamin C
Okay so do you recall any surgeries, do you have any? No, I haven't
So, do you have any serious injuries that needed you to go to the hospital or seek medical care? I
Okay that's good
So, have you ever been to the hospital again besides when you were born?
Are you up to date on your vaccines, immunizations?
So, are you allergic to anything else, any food, drinks?

Okay so now I'm gonna, ask few questions about your family background or if there are any diseases
present in your family?
Do you have a family member that has any diseases or any illnesses?
So, they don't have like diabetes, tuberculosis, how about someone with asthma, how about cancer,
any mental disorders, hepatitis, heart diseases?

How do you feel about yourself today?
Do you feel any discomfort besides your (concern of the patient)?
May I know who you are living with?
Do you have any problems doing any activities?
How about moving around, do you have any difficulties?
So, do you exercise?
Have you never try doing exercises?
How do you find doing exercises?
Can you sleep with ease, do you have any problems sleeping at night?
Do you eat regularly? Like times a day, you don't skip meals?
What type of food do you usually eat?
Do you smoke?
Do you drink any alcohol?
How about work, do you work?
Do you still go to school?

May 1 know what your hobbies are?
May I know the languages you speak?
Are you in a relationship with someone, intimate relationship with someone?
How about any organization participation in the community are you in any of those?

I'm just gonna ask a few questions about your Home
Do you own a house? Does it have any restroom? How about the water supply is it deep well?
But you don't have any trouble about the water? You don't drink from it?

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