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K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) Imputation:

Technical Details and Results

1. Introduction
K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) is a non-parametric, lazy learning algorithm primarily used for
classification and regression. In the context of imputation, KNN can predict and impute
missing values based on its similarity or 'distance' to known data points. Given its ability to
capture patterns in the data, it's often chosen for datasets with significant missing values.

2. Technical Details
KNN imputation works as follows:

a. For each data point with missing values, KNN identifies 'k' number of data points that are
closest to the point in question. The 'distance' or similarity between data points is typically
computed using metrics like Euclidean distance.

b. The average (or median) of the 'k' neighbors is then computed and used to impute the
missing value for the data point.

It's essential to choose an appropriate 'k' value. A small 'k' can be noisy and susceptible to
outliers, while a large 'k' can be computationally expensive and might smooth out the data

3. Results from the Analysis

The dataset provided had missing values in several columns. Using KNN imputation with
k=5, the missing values were estimated and filled. This method ensured that the imputed
values were consistent with the dataset's trends and patterns.

Post imputation, the dataset was ready for further analysis, such as PCA, without the
challenges posed by missing data.

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