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We are pleased to present a proposal for the establishment of a Community Learning Hub within our
community. The Community Learning Hub aimed at promoting lifelong learning, skill development, and
fostering a sense of community within our community. The primary objectives of the Community
Learning Hub are, to provide accessible and affordable educational opportunities for students and
community members of all ages, to offer a safe and welcoming environment for students and the people
within the community to engage in educational activities and to enhance community’s unity and to
create a sense of belonging by fostering a culture of learning. This hub will serve as a central location for
a wide range of educational and skill-building activities, ensuring accessibility for all the students and the
people within the community. It is important because it is envisioned as a dynamic center for education
and skill development, designed to empower students and community members of all ages with
accessible and inclusive learning opportunities. Students and other members of society can study certain
things they would like to learn, develop their skills, and discover their talents with the help of the
Community Learning Hub.

II. Problem Statement:

Our community faces several challenges, including limited access to quality educational resources, high
school dropout rates, underemployment, and a lack of spaces that promote community engagement.
These challenges hinder the overall development and well-being of students and community members.
The Community Learning Hub seeks to address these issues by providing an innovative solution for
accessible, lifelong learning and skill development.

III. Methodology:

Target Population:

The Community Learning Hub will cater to a diverse range of community members, including children,
youth, adults, and senior citizens. Specific focus groups within the target population include:

 Children (ages 5-22) seeking academic support, mentoring, and extracurricular activities.
 Adults in need of skills development, job training, and personal growth opportunities.
 Senior citizens looking for social engagement, health and wellness programs.
 Disadvantaged and underserved community members who may face barriers to traditional
education and resources.


The Community Learning Hub will be strategically located at Brgy. Natividad, Pilar, Capiz, chosen to
maximize accessibility for the target population. This facility will comprise various spaces designed to
meet the diverse needs of the community, including:

 Classrooms for academic support and skills training.

 A library with a wide range of books, reference materials, and e-learning resources.
 Computer labs with internet access for research and digital learning.
 Meeting rooms for workshops, mentoring sessions, and community events.
 Recreational spaces for sports, arts, and hobby clubs to encourage community interaction and
wellness activities.


The Community Learning Hub will offer a variety of activities and resources to cater to the diverse needs
of the target population. These activities include but are not limited to:

 Academic tutoring and homework help for students.

 Workshops on vocational skills, job readiness, and entrepreneurship for adults.
 Health and wellness classes, exercise programs, and social events for senior citizens.
 Access to a well-stocked library with books, digital resources, and reference materials.
 Community events, such as cultural fairs, guest speakers, art exhibitions, and many more.
 Mentorship programs and peer support groups for all age groups.
 Recreational activities, including sports, arts and crafts, and hobby clubs to foster community
engagement and personal growth.

Time Frame:

The project will be implemented in several phases, with ongoing programs and activities. The time frame
for key phases is as follows:

1. Needs Assessment and Planning (February 5, 2028 to August 5, 2028):

 Conduct surveys, interviews, and focus groups to understand the community's specific
educational, social, and skill development needs.
 Collaborate with architects, designers, and community stakeholders to design the facility.
 Develop a comprehensive curriculum and program schedule.
 Recruit and train staff, volunteers, and mentors.

2. Fundraising and Budgeting (September 8, 2028 to December 8, 2028):

 Seek funding through grants, donations, and community partnerships.

 Develop a detailed budget to cover construction, staff salaries, and program expenses.

3. Construction and Facility Setup (January 10, 2029 to January 10, 2030):

 Construct the Learning Hub facility as per the approved design.

 Equip the facility with the necessary resources, including books, computers, and learning

4. Program Launch (Ongoing):

 Advertise the hub's opening through community outreach, social media, and local media.
 Start program activities and services in a phased approach, adapting to the specific needs of the

5. Evaluation and Feedback (Ongoing):

 Continuously assess the impact of programs on the community through data collection and
feedback mechanisms.
 Make necessary adjustments to improve the effectiveness of programs.

IV. Timeline and Budget

The proposed timeline for the Community Learning Hub project is as follows:

 Needs Assessment and Planning: 6 months

 Fundraising and Budgeting:3 months
 Construction and Facility Setup: 12 months
 Staff Recruitment and Community Engagement: 5 months
 Program Launch: Ongoing
 Evaluation and Feedback: Ongoing

The proposed budget for the Community Learning Hub project is as follows:

 Facility construction and renovation: P150,000.00

 Furniture (Chairs and Tables): P15,000.00
 6 pcs Computer, Computer Equipment’s and Printers: P100,000.00
 Library books and educational materials: P50,000.00
 Audiovisual equipment for classrooms: P10,000.00
 Initial utility setup (electricity, water, internet): P5,000.00

TOTAL: P330,000.00

The source of funding of this project are the private organizations, Non-Government Organizations,
Corporate Sponsorship, and private companies.

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