T2 Activity

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Cebu Doctors’ University

College of Nursing
#1 Dr. P.V. Larrazabal Avenue, North Reclamation, Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines 6014
Tel.+63(32)238-8746 Website: www.cebudoctorsuniversity.edu Email:cdu-cn@cebudoctorsuniversity.edu

Activity T2
From Concept to Hypothesis

Intended Learning Outcomes:

1. Access a research article based on pre-determined criteria.
2. Identify the research gap.
3. Evaluate the research problem.
4. Use appropriate literature search strategy.
5. Formulate a hypothesis based from a theory.
Time Allocation: 1 hour
Web Quest – Health Seeking Behavior
Instruction: Search and download an article which presents the relationship between
health- seeking behavior (specific types of behavior may be used) and another variable
(any variable associated to health-seeking may be used). Supply the required data
below. Submit this activity with the downloaded article.

Research Gap: Copy the sentence/s from the article which presents the research gap.
 Comparison of knowledge about CVD among different populations is challenging
because the studies are carried out with different designs and measurement
tools. There are no standardized, validated questionnaires to compare results
from different cultural backgrounds

 Data were obtained from participants in Dubai, so this cannot be generalized to

other regions of the country or the world.
Significance of the Problem: Copy the sentence/s from the article which establishes
that the study is significant to the field (nursing or allied health discipline).
 Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the number one leading cause of death globally
[1]. Unfortunately, it is also a significant cause of death in the UAE, contributing
to 28 percent of total deaths in the country.
 The UAE is experiencing an economic transition since the discovery of oil over
five decades ago, and as a consequence, there has been a change in lifestyle
among the UAE population that has resulted in an increase in CVD risk factors
and worsening outcomes. This research aims to assess the population’s
knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding CVD risk factors.
Feasibility of Addressing the Problem: Copy the sentence/s from the article which
presents the desired characteristics of the study participants.

 By assessing the population awareness, we hope that we will have accurate solid
data representing the UAE that will allow us to be able to develop strategies to
overcome the most significant risk factor in our region, aiming to reduce CVD
 The participants were selected using simple randomization approach in PHC.
The inclusion criteria mandated participants to be 30 years of age and above, not
to be a health care provider, willing to participate in the survey, sign informed
consent, have appropriate cognitive skills, and read and understand in English or
Arabic (e.g., the local language). Both UAE citizens nationals and expatriates
were included in the study.

Literature Search Strategy

Instruction: Use the ancestry approach literature search strategy. Enumerate the first 3
articles cited using the APA format.

Dicker, D., Nguyen, G., Abate, D., Abate, K. H., Abay, S. M., Abbafati, C.,
Abbasi, N., Abbastabar, H., Abd-Allah, F., Abdela, J., Abdelalim, A., Abdel-Rahman, O.,
Abdi, A., Abdollahpour, I., Abdulkader, R. S., Abdurahman, A. A., Abebe, H. T., Abebe,
M., Zegeye, A., . . . Aryal, K. K. (2018). Global, regional, and national age-sex-specific
mortality and life expectancy, 1950–2017: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden
of Disease Study 2017. The Lancet, 392(10159), 1684–
1735. https://doi.org/10.1016/s0140-6736(18)31891-9

Loney, T., Aw, T. C., Handysides, D., Ali, R., Blair, I., Grivna, M., Shah, S. M.,
Sheek-Hussein, M., El-Sadig, M., Sharif, A. A., & Elobaid, Y. (2013). An analysis of the
health status of the United Arab Emirates: the ‘Big 4’ public health issues. Global Health
Action, 6(1), 20100. https://doi.org/10.3402/gha.v6i0.20100

World Heart Federation. (2023, August 10). Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) |

World Heart Federation. https://world-heart-federation.org/what-is-cvd/

Theory-based Hypothesis

Instructions: Formulate a hypothesis based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) (Becker,
1976, 1978) to fit the study of the article downloaded. If a hypothesis was explicitly
provided by the article based on the HBM, you may copy it. The HBM is described
below and an example is given.

HBM description: The model postulates that health-seeking behavior is influenced by a

person’s perception of a threat posed by a health problem and the value associated with
actions aimed at reducing the threat.

Hypothesis: The frequency of women in performing breast self-exam is associated to

their perceived susceptibility to breast cancer. (Based from an article published by Kara
and Acikel in 2009)
 Hypothesis: Individuals who have higher knowledge scores regarding
cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk factors, perceive themselves to be more
susceptible to CVD, perceive the severity of CVD to be high, believe that
adopting preventive actions will be beneficial, and perceive fewer barriers to
adopting preventive actions will demonstrate better health behaviors and
practices related to CVD prevention.

Reference/study Used:

Kazim, M. N., AbouMoussa, T. H., Al-Hammadi, F. A., Ali, A., Abedini, F. M., Ahmad, F.
S. M., Bazdar, M. Y., Frederick, C., & Abdulrahman, M. (2021). Population awareness of
cardiovascular disease risk factors and health care seeking behavior in the UAE. American
Journal of Preventive Cardiology, 8, 100255. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ajpc.2021.100255

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