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Pinggang Pinoy is a brand-new, simple-to-understand food guide that communicates the appropriate food group
proportions every meal using the well-known food plate concept. This will assist Filipinos in developing the good eating practices
required to achieve maximum nutrition. According to Food Nutrition and Research Institute (FNRI), every meal should compose
33% of rice, 33% of vegetables, 17% of meat, and 17% of fruit.

This Pinggang Pinoy version is appropriate for young adults (18-25) to follow. It consists of healthy meal that can be
usually found in Philippines setting. It is composed of a big portion of go food such as rice; grow foods like egg and fish; and
essentially, glow foods such as fried eggplant, banana, kangkong, and tomatoes. A cup of coffee and a shrimp paste (bagoong)
condiment is also present to make it even more a Filipino style concept plate.

It is important to monitor what kind of food is on the plate, because it will reflect in our wellness. Therefore, be
cautious with what and how much you should intake. Be creative, organized, and knowledgeable with your food diet. Just like
life, your plate should be full of things you essentially need.


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